2018 Princess Half Marathon

I carry my phone, 2 GUs (one taken in corrals) and 2 Clif Blok packages in my SPI belt. Remember that runDisney considers this a bag and you have to go through bag check with your belt (at least always in my case). I carry my 12 oz handheld. I will put my ID and a credit card in the zipped pocket of my shorts, I've had a bib rip off in nasty wind and get ruined (chip still worked though!), so the information was no longer legible on the back.

@GBBTomorrow I wear lululemon running shorts under my sparkle skirt. They're great!
Thanks for the hill info. Exactly what I was looking for! I'm much less worried now as I train in a pretty hilly area so this shouldn't be too bad.

As for what I carry- chapstick, tissues, fruit snacks and I'll wear my magic band. I'd like to carry my phone, but I think it's too big and I don't have an armband or anything. I will probably check it in my checked bag inside a make up case so you can't see it. It's looking like rather warm weather so while I'd feel better with some ID, credit card and cash I just don't think I'll have room in the tiny pockets of my warm weather gear.
Funny that so much of us bring $20 cash when we race!
Anyone else looking at the weather? It's looking HOT! At least for this Minnesota girl :) Thankfully I have a week there before the race to get somewhat acclimated to the heat.

Are you kidding? It's looking glorious. Says this Jersey girl who doesn't run outside unless the temperature is greater than 55 degrees Fahrenheit outside.:)
They started out in corral f, ran a 17:45, and never even saw the balloon ladies

I, too, wonder how F at marathon corresponds to Princess corrals. F at Princess has about 10k people in it.

Thanks! I think that's what I wanted to hear that even after resting you were able to complete your race. I figure I could run about 6 miles then hobble through about 7 miles to complete my half. I just feel guilty for not running.

Look into kinesiology tape. If you think it’s worth a shot, Rock and Kt tape companies will be there and will tape you. (Kt for a cost)

If I'm not too fussed about my corral placement, meaning I don't care if I'm at the back of my corral, do I need to start walking to corrals as soon as they make the announcement? Or can I wait a bit?

Corrals do close. It’s about a mile walk to get out there. I see no point in hanging out pre-corrals, really.

I'm just curious if there comes a point where you actually can't get in the corral due to crowding or something.


I missed my corral and the next for my first Disney race, TOT 2013, because of heading to the portopotties too late and not switching lines when it became apparent I was behind the slowest people in the universe.

Should I bring my ID and health insurance card in case of emergency?

I do.

Dh will be at home across the country sleeping when we start. And while emergency rooms will treat without proof of insurance, they are pains in the rear until they get that info. Id rather have it on me.

What about a granola bar, or are there enough refreshments on course

They will have sports beans as we near the racetrak gas station *which will be CLOSED for Princess*.

I am not fast enough to reliably get there while they have them. I have fully missed the Gus before, with them closing it up and folding tables as I went by. Thankfully I bring my own stuff as Gu doesn’t agree with me.

I love sports beans but am bringing my own in case the same thing happens.

If granola bars work for you, bring it.

Nike pro shorts!

I’ve only seen those at a 3” length. That doesn’t seem very long!

Are you kidding? It's looking glorious. Says this Jersey girl who doesn't run outside unless the temperature is greater than 55 degrees Fahrenheit outside.:)

A 55 start means a 75 finish for me. Ugh.
I bring on me:

Magic band for room access and this year charging post run champagne or beer. Maybe money. Sports beans and shot bloks. Maybe water bottle if I don’t go all out and bring my water pack. ID. Insurance card. Phone and earbuds *and connector for my iphone7!!*. Hat.

I leave in gear bag:

Vega one post-run bar. Maybe chocolate milk in tetrapak. Crocs. Arnica. This year maybe wintergreen blend essential oils, too. Maybe. Sunscreen.

I think I’m missing things.

Oh yeah this year wet wipe those of things bc I’m just so sweaty and gross, and I don’t like sitting near me lol. So maybe I’ll at least make myself smell different?

And this year post half it’s the monorail for me, so maybe the monorail bandair smell will be worse than I feel.

Yuck I’m grossed out by myself now.
I am looking for black "bike style" shorts to wear under my Sparkle skirt. Can anybody recommend ones that you like? I don't usually run in tight shorts, but in regular running shorts (the kind with the underwear built in), so I'm not really sure what to get. I want something comfortable, that won't give me a pinchy muffin top, and that will be long enough to cover the inner thighs but not long enough to hang out under the skirt.

Do any of you have a favorite?

I just wear my regular running shorts (with the underwear built in) under sparkle skirts and think it works OK.
This will be my 9th PHM and 4th GSC.

Here is some “off the wall” advice and tips. Other PMH veterans, please feel free to add your own!

1. When wearing your medals to the Parks, be sure to take them off prior to going thru the metal detectors. Took me 3 trips thru before I realized I was wearing my medals, which are made of metal. The security guards just shook their heads...

2. You will not see all of the race photographers before they see you. Expect some “interesting” facial expressions in the photos that catch you unaware.

3. Read the spectators’ signs. Some are quite amusing.

4. When the bus arrives at your resort after the race, it will hurt to go down the steps to exit the bus. Hold on to the handrails!

5. Enjoy the experience!!! While you are on the course, it will seem like time is standing still. When you finish, it will seem like the race went by in a blur.
I live 40 minutes east of WDW. I have been out early running over the past two weeks. Temps have been in the mid 60's around 5-6am which isn't bad, but the dew point has been in the 60's too which means the air is saturated with water (in other words....cool & HUMID & foggy). I'm having to hydrate more than normal for this time of year so if this trend keeps up....hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!

I was at Kohls today and they had Nike Pro compression shorts with a 5" inseam. I think they might have been on sale.

They ran out of sport beans during last month's WDW half marathon.

I can't believe PHM weekend is almost here. I'm really looking forward to running the 5K with my daughter more than anything else.
[QUOTE="DIS-OH, post: 58816328, member: 155523"
2. You will not see all of the race photographers before they see you. Expect some “interesting” facial expressions in the photos that catch you unaware.

3. Read the spectators’ signs. Some are quite amusing.

I have some really bad photos LOL!!! I just don't post those ones on social media. The ones I do post make it look like running 13.1 is a piece of cake LOL!

I can't remember any signs from last year, but I know there were some good ones!
I wrap my driver's licence, health insurance card, a credit card, and $20 cash in a hair tie and put it in either my Sparkle Skirt zipper pocket or my Spibelt. I also carry my albuterol in this pocket.

I also carry a Camelback water bottle that has a cloth attachment to carry it with and a zipper cell phone pocket.

I also carry Clif Shots (Mocha flavor) because it's what I train with. I might also have a small pouch of pretzels or Gardettos if it's warm and humid at race time for the salt.

When the weather is warm and humid, I'll also carry some sort of absorbent cloth such as a small microfiber towel. (My Sparkle Skirt has a lot of pockets!

I'll probably also have my iPod Shuffle hooked to my collar. I trained with it and it's nice to have in the dull parts of the race. I wear my Garmin for the data and interval buzzes, but I also have a Fitbit that I wear daily. Along with the Magic Band, most of my arm will be covered with tan lines. :rotfl:
I live 40 minutes east of WDW. I have been out early running over the past two weeks. Temps have been in the mid 60's around 5-6am which isn't bad, but the dew point has been in the 60's too which means the air is saturated with water (in other words....cool & HUMID & foggy). I'm having to hydrate more than normal for this time of year so if this trend keeps up....hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!

This sounds almost identical to the conditions at the Wine & Dine this past November. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great, either. Avengers was about 10 degrees cooler and much drier, and far more pleasant.

I'm hoping temps at race start are in the 40s or 50s, but it's looking like it's going to be much warmer. Sigh.

Who else is coming from the West Coast? I've been moving up my wake-up time by 30 minutes each week for a few weeks now. I'm up to 3:30 (6:30 eastern) and I'm rolling it back to 3:00 next week. I will be so much better acclimated to the time zone (I'm a night owl), but it's really starting to be a drag to be operating in a time zone that isn't where you live. People want to go do something that starts at 7p, and my body is thinking that's 10p and nobody understands!
I'm sorry. I don't know.

No biggie! I was just curious!

I am looking for black "bike style" shorts to wear under my Sparkle skirt. Can anybody recommend ones that you like? I don't usually run in tight shorts, but in regular running shorts (the kind with the underwear built in), so I'm not really sure what to get. I want something comfortable, that won't give me a pinchy muffin top, and that will be long enough to cover the inner thighs but not long enough to hang out under the skirt.

Do any of you have a favorite?

I like Old Navy compression shorts. I don't know how short they come, because I like the long ones.

They will have sports beans as we near the racetrak gas station *which will be CLOSED for Princess*.

I am not fast enough to reliably get there while they have them. I have fully missed the Gus before, with them closing it up and folding tables as I went by. Thankfully I bring my own stuff as Gu doesn’t agree with me.

I love sports beans but am bringing my own in case the same thing happens.

I'm bringing my own Sport Beans too. I am paranoid about them running out, plus I eat a few every so often, so I need them more than once.

This will be my 9th PHM and 4th GSC.

4. When the bus arrives at your resort after the race, it will hurt to go down the steps to exit the bus. Hold on to the handrails!

Fact. After my last half, the bus driver pulled right up to the curb and lowered the whole bus, so that we didn't have to step down as far. She was awesome!

Who else is coming from the West Coast? I've been moving up my wake-up time by 30 minutes each week for a few weeks now. I'm up to 3:30 (6:30 eastern) and I'm rolling it back to 3:00 next week. I will be so much better acclimated to the time zone (I'm a night owl), but it's really starting to be a drag to be operating in a time zone that isn't where you live. People want to go do something that starts at 7p, and my body is thinking that's 10p and nobody understands!

That's a great idea! I'm not sure I could make it through the work day though!
3. Read the spectators’ signs. Some are quite amusing.

So true.

4. When the bus arrives at your resort after the race, it will hurt to go down the steps to exit the bus. Hold on to the handrails!


I was at Kohls today and they had Nike Pro compression shorts with a 5" inseam. I think they might have been on sale

Ooh, thanks for that!

might also have a small pouch of pretzels or Gardettos if it's warm and humid at race time for the salt.

Great idea.

Who else is coming from the West Coast? I've been moving up my wake-up time by 30 minutes each week for a few weeks now. I'm up to 3:30 (6:30 eastern) and I'm rolling it back to 3:00 next week. I will be so much better acclimated to the time zone (I'm a night owl), but it's really starting to be a drag to be operating in a time zone that isn't where you live.

I’m on the west coast too, but I’ve never done that. Impressive.
I live 40 minutes east of WDW. I have been out early running over the past two weeks. Temps have been in the mid 60's around 5-6am which isn't bad, but the dew point has been in the 60's too which means the air is saturated with water (in other words....cool & HUMID & foggy). I'm having to hydrate more than normal for this time of year so if this trend keeps up....hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!

I was at Kohls today and they had Nike Pro compression shorts with a 5" inseam. I think they might have been on sale.

They ran out of sport beans during last month's WDW half marathon.

I can't believe PHM weekend is almost here. I'm really looking forward to running the 5K with my daughter more than anything else.

Thanks for the info on recent weather! For those of us who have trained in the bitter cold and little to no humidity, I highly advise pushing water the day before the HM. I used to live in SoFL, and this was one of the best tips my running friend gave me before my first PHM.

They hadn't run out of Sport Beans by the time I got to the tables for W&D, but there were also fewer runners than PHM, so maybe I'll bring some of my own. I had already packed some for pre-race, so I'll be sure to have some in my armpocket just in case. I love that they're resealable so I can pop one or two in my mouth, rather than having to either eat all of them at once or toss them.
I live 40 minutes east of WDW. I have been out early running over the past two weeks. Temps have been in the mid 60's around 5-6am which isn't bad, but the dew point has been in the 60's too which means the air is saturated with water (in other words....cool & HUMID & foggy). I'm having to hydrate more than normal for this time of year so if this trend keeps up....hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!

Echoing the hydration advice. Also, if time allows, I would recommend doing a short jog when you arrive so that race day isn’t your first time in the humidity. We had 70s and high humidity in VA last weekend, so I took advantage of that to train for FL’s weather. It was hard! So crazy that just a few months ago W&D had similar weather and I loved it! Just not used to it anymore.
I have a question for Princess veterans, particularly those who may have started in a lower corral for one of the races. I'm starting in corral C, but have family in H. Their plan is to run as fast as they can to catch up to me (they can manage an 8:15/8:30 mm). My question is, based on reports I've heard of course congestion in the lower corrals, do you think it's possible for them to run that fast? I'm trying to manage expectations, and not have disappointment on race day. Any help is greatly appreciated!


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