
CAnn I know first hand how fatigue you are going to be. Make sure you take some time for yourself, this is very important. When your dealing with 24 hour care it doesn't take long before you are so overtired you become sick too.

This kind of care can be very stressful, hopefully there are people to help.

So happy to hear DH is doing better. You are still in my prayers. This is not an easy situation I know, I'm praying you find the strength.

Remember DH comes first, but there will be times you need to put yourself first, and you should not feel guilty and do not let anyone else make you feel guilty. If you are to endure 24 hour care 7 days a week, you need to find time for CAnn.
I will be keeping you both in prayer. (((((((((( Hugs )))))))))))
Please keep us updated.
I agree that they handled that completely wrong. When a patient is being discharged, the person who will be left in charge should become the patient so that they can make sure that you understand everything you need to.

Make a doctor's appointment for Monday. I'd tell them on the phone that it's going to take a while. Then take all of his meds and a list of any question you may have and make sure you understand everything before you leave. Write down the answers. That won't just help you remember the answers; it will ensure that each question is answered.

{{{Hugs}}} I think that you can handle this. It will be a challenge, but you're up to it. Continued prayers for you and your family.
I am so sorry the VA gave you such awful treatment. Sometimes I questioned the care my daddy got too. Thank goodness there was one wonderful doctor who was always there for him. I hope you can find one of those to be his advocate. We used the VA in Gainesville, Fl. I hope you and your dh got some sleep last night and that being at home will help him feel better. Call and bug them to death about that bed and any other equipment you need. He deserves the best and they can make that happen. HUGS!
C. Ann, I am so glad to hear that dh is home! :) I am disgusted with the way he was discharged :mad: I believe you did the right thing by wheeling him out of there. I agree with others that said make an appointment with his doctor to go over everything with you. And keep bugging them about that bed! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
C. Ann, how are you this morning? How is your hubby?

I think you did great all around.
Good Morning C. Ann. I just read your post and hoping you and your Dh had a restful night. Just being home for both of you should be great medicine!
Please insist on the hospital bed and I hope you can get a visiting nurse. They are such physical and moral support. Do you have a close friend or family that could help out?
Hugs and prayers for you and your DH.
C. Ann, what you posted about the discharge plan (and I use that phrase loosely) wasn't any different than that of Medicare for our elders from our local hospital.

He (and you) will be better at home. It's a difficult reality to grasp that NOT having the suppport of hospital technology/staff isn't necessarily a bad thing. The one disadvantage you have is that you don't evidently have any medical background so try to get every service you can find; home health, and check with your Area Agency on Aging. Even though your DH may not be an elder, they may have advice to offer.

Try to organize family/friends/neighbors/churches to help you with meals. That makes such a difference.
Hugs to you and your husband. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
From your post it sounds like you are gaining control and are empowered. Prayers sent to you for continued strength!
I'm so sorry that you both have been treated so badly C. Ann. At least you know now that you will DH will be getting loving treatment if nothing else.

Praying for his recovery and for you to have strength. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Hang in there C.Ann! It sounds like you ARE strong enough to handle the situation. Sometimes, just knowing that you can do better than the "professionals" can give you a big boost! Do try and get some in-home help....and take care of YOU!
C. Ann, I hope you and dh had a restful night. I'm keeping both of you in my thoughts today.

C.Ann, I hope you had a restful night!!!

I will be heading Up North with my family for a few days but I will be thinking of you and sending lots of prayers for your DH while I'm gone!!

Oh My! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I can't believe they sent him home that quickly! That is just about the poorest discharge planning I have ever heard of. I used to work in a non VA hopsital. We never sent anyone home in that kind of a rush.

He probably is better off at home now! Take it one day at a time. I 'll keep you both in my prayers.
Continued good wishes for your hubby and you both, C.Ann. Hope today was a bit better than yesterday. :sunny:
C.Ann, I could have sworn I replied to this yesterday but noticed I did not. I am so sorry you went through this all and I am keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and prayers. I do hope you get a decent night's sleep tonight as well because I think you need it {{{hugs}}}


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