
Trust me - as long as she is petite enough - no one will even notice her in the stroller.

Another way (if you're not sure) is about 2 months before going, 'walks' (of about an hour in length) several times a week with mom ('mum' if you're Brit - lol) is a very good idea. You'd be amazed at how much their stamina improves and it might completely render the stroller question a moot point.

Have a wonderful vacation:)
Isabella had her "4 1/2 day" at WDW in December. She needed the stroller a lot. We took the advice of many here and bought an inexpensive umbrella type stroller that could be folded and taken on the bus easily. If we had rented in the parks we wouldn't have been able to wheel her to the bus or from the bus to the room when she was exhausted. She loved being able to sit down when she needed too as well. It was a lifesaver! We're going back this summer and will definitely take it again. And it gave me somewhere to hang the backpack while she was riding which saved my shoulders.

In addition carrying a tired girl made us extra- tired too so the stroller was a godsend to Grandpa and me as well.

Enjoy your trip!

Isabella's GrandMary Alice
We plan on using a stroller again this year with our DD who is 6! I have seen a lot of posts about this being lazy and I beg to differ. My DD takes dance class, swims, plays soccer, and is always active. However, DH is 6'5" and I am tall as well - we walk very fast to fit everything in that we possibly can. We do stop to take breaks as well but we find that by late morning/early afternoon having the stroller with us saves the day for our DD. When she is not in the stroller, it is a perfect place to hold the backpack we take into the park. I would have never even thought twice about a stroller for her until I started reading some of the posts here. Even after reading them I know that a stroller is the best solution for our family and my DD is thankful to get some time to just relax while we push across the parks.
I don't think 5 is to old at all. My 7 yr old was in one this January. I was happy too since the high was only 45:D We usually put the 7 &4 yr old in a double stroller in the summer because it is so hot and it really drains them. We live in a dry climate so the humidity is quite a shock to them. If we go this summer we won't rent a double stroller. My 4 yr old can handle the walk better than his big sister and she can do the walk now. We will bring our stroller from home for my 2yr old. Listen if your 5 yr old granddaughter needs a stroller I would care less about what others think. I think there are too many people concerned about what others do. I have seen bigger kids in strollers and I could care less:p In fact there are many times when I would like to be pushed around in a stroller:cool:
it all depends on the child. Do an all day test run at your local mall without a stroller. If she can make it then you can probably get away without one and just rent one on occassion when she needs it. if she doesnt do well at the mall, then bring her one to wdw.
You may want to consider renting one at the "walking parks" - particularly Epcot, and not bothering with them at a park like the MK.

But every kid is different. My son will walk forever. My daughter walks too slow for the rest of the family and wants someone to pick her up all the time. I expect she will be in a stroller as long as we let her get away with it, and he could have walked the parks at three (but was in the stroller with her).
No, 5 is definitely not too old. My Dds were 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 on our last trip, and they stayed in the (double rental) stroller the entire time without complaint. AND, neither one had ridden in a stroller since they were 2. I am praying that they will go in one again, they will be 7 and 5 this time. It isn't a matter of your child being able to walk, adults can just walk much faster than kids. I would rather bring them along at my pace than have to slow myself down to theirs. Plus (and this is a big plus), you always know where they are. There is so much that you want to look at at the parks, you can't possibly keep your eyes on them 24/7. Here's a tip: Don't call it a stroller. I told my girls as we entered the first park the first day that, as they were guests of honor, they got to ride in the "carriage". Throughout the entire trip we continued to call it the carriage, and so did they!


You will definately not be the only one with a 5 year old, a stroller, and a whole load of stuff to cart around with you!!! (LOL)

I have a VERY INDEPENDENT 4 1/2 year old DD. We are set to leave for WDW in 13 days. She never wants to ride in the stroller at the malls and such, but sometimes I just need her to. To prepare her for WDW and the walking (she said she only wanted to walk-Ha!) we have been taking daily mile walks around the neighborhood. The first couple of walks she did okay, but complained at abou 3/4 mile that she was tired and wanted us to carry her. I told her no dice she would have to walk like at WDW. AFter only 2 walks she has now decided that the stroller is her friend and wont go unless she can ride (which is great with me- my plan worked and she is now enjoying her stroller). I feel it is a must to have a stroller for her at WDW. It is much easier to navigate the parks when I know exactly where she is and she isnt using all her energy walking and can rest in between rides/shows. Tired feet lead to very irritable kids and lots of whining. I know she will want to walk some, but what a great relief to have that stroller there when at 3/4 mile she states "carry me now". :) :) :) :) :)
I still have my stroller, just for wdw trips. I find I NEED it in the airport as much or more than the parks. On our last trip, with flight delays, we landed at 11:30 pm. Since it's just me and my almost 6yo dd, I LOVED my stroller. She just wasn't capable of walking and I wasn't capable of carrying.
If it makes you feel better, my 5 yo dd will be in a stroller with her 3 yo sister this May!!! I bought a cheap double umbrella. She is a little bit big for it, but trust me, I KNOW after a little while of walking and seeing her sister in a stroller she is going to be begging to be pushed around as well!! I see this already and have prepared for it. I don't think she will be the only 5+ in a stroller - I just have a feeling about this. Don't feel bad at all. My girls could NEVER keep up my pace, anyway (they sure can't at the mall!!! ;) )
Hi! We are heading back to disney this june, went last october also. We used a double stroller for our children ages 8,7,5 and it was wonderful. I wouldn't worry about the age. We saw big children, small children, etc in the strollers. It helped with the "whining" when they got tired and gave us a place to store things also. Go, use a stroller and have fun!!!!!


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