4 year old and stroller


DIS Veteran
Feb 23, 2002
My son will be 4 (but tall for his age) when we go to Disney. My husband was shocked when I said that I was going to buy a cheap umbrella stroller to use there. My son has not been in a stroller for about a a year now . Don't you think it would be a good idea to take one for him? I heard that they rent them there but thought maybe it would be cheaper to buy one.:bounce:
I absolutely think a stroller is a good idea. We didn't use one the first day with our 4 year old daughter, and by the end of the day she wanted to be carried everywhere. From then on we rented one each morning, and it was a real trip saver. It kept her from getting too tuckered out and it saved my husband's shoulders from getting used too much as a taxi:).
We used one when our son was 5. It was a lifesaver. There was no way he was going to make it through all of MK without one. Also it provides great storage area. The cost to rent one in the park is $6 I think.
Definitely plan to use a stroller while you're there. The new strollers at the Magic Kingdom and MGM are a lot comfier than a cheap umbrella stroller, but you can't take them out of the parks to get to parking, etc.

Your 4-year-old will be able to enjoy a lot more if he doesn't exhaust himself trying to keep up with you all day.

I'm going to have strollers for my 4-year-old and my 6-year-old next month.
We took an umbrella stroller for my nephew when he was 4 and again when he was 5. We used it in airports (you can valet check it just before you get on the plane) and it was great to have it at the resort too.
At 4 esp since you say he is tall an umbrella would be a tight fit and difficult to push. Why not rent when you need one and then not have to deal with the hassle of getting it on/off the bus etc.

At 4 my dd didn't need one at MK or MGM but it was a must for Epcot and AK. Its $6 per day but save your receipt if you go from park to park and you don't have to pay again.

Check out www.wdwig.com to see a picture of the strollers. They are fairly large and very easy to push and manuver - esp MK, Epcot and AK - I am not as fond of the MGM ones.

Have a fun time.
My son was never much into strollers, and the last time he ever used one was at Epcot when he was 4. It was nice for us because we didn't have to carry him when he tired, but it made him feel like a baby and he was very upset with us.

If your son hasn't used a stroller in a year and has an independent streak, I would advise against one. Like someone already said, you can rent one if you decide you need it while you are there.
My DD is almost 8, and I would not even dream of having her walk the parks at the pace we keep, especially when it is hot outside. We tried before, and she was a limp noodle by noon, and not much fun to be around. The stoller is an excellent idea. Also tell your DH it will save his back, in the long run, as he will either be carrying an overtired cranky child, or a stuffed back pack, or both. The stroller can take care of both problems!
I think the price went up...we paid $13.00 in feb for a DOUBLE stroller. (i'm pretty sure)
My 5 & 7 year old use it still. We love having the stroller because its also a place for our stuff. I always know where my kids are too! We have brought our own stroller before & its a major pain on the bus!
We have brought a stroller untill my daughter was 7. It was a life saver. When she wasn't using it (in the AM) It was great for the backpack and camera bag. When you go buy the stroller bring your son with you. This way you will know if he is too big. Some are higher off the ground then others.

Have a great trip.
Sometimes having your own stroller is nice so that a sleeping child can stay sleeping longer. And sometimes it's a long walk from the monorail, ferry, bus, etc. to your room. Just some more to take into consideration. :)

I'll be taking an umbrella stroller that has a shade cover for our 4 year old in April. :)
DS 4yo did not use a stroller during our trip earlier this month. He is an active kid who has a good PE program at school and spends lots of time playing outside (bike, scooter, playscape, etc.). DS has not been in a stroller at home since he turned 2. We did rent a stroller at WDW last year when he was 3. I decided to try not having a stroller this year, and it was great. DS weighs about 35 pounds, and it is easy for DH or me to pick him up, however, we only carried him when we had a long distance to walk (from parking lot to admission gate, from back of a park to front to leave) a couple of times per day.
My ds who is 4-1/2, also tall for his age barely fits in an umbrella stroller. I will definitely rent a stroller for him, there is no way I'm going to carry him around the park when he gets tired. We are driving so, I'll still bring my stroller from home for my ds who is 20 month old.

Leah :)
my daughter used her stroller loads at WDW last year (age 3.5) and at Disneyland Paris (age 4) - She rarely uses a stroller at home, but I wouldn't consider a trip to WDW without one - not only is it a lot more walking than she is used to, but the heat is another factor - we found that she frequently slept in her stroller in Florida and she hasn't taken a daytime nap at home for about 2 years.

if we hadn't taken the stroller we would have had a very tired grumpy girl on our hands and I think it would have had a detrimental affect on our holiday.

I won't even consider renting a stroller -those things are expensive and they look so uncomfortable -I wouldn't want to sit in one. We bought an inexpensive umbrella stroller and it is brilliant - no hassle on buses etc, gives us a place to store stuff and keeps Katie happy.

also, we bought an inexpensive sunshade which clips onto our stroller so that if she was resting, she could get out of the sun.

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I'm having the "what stroller to bring, if any" dilema for our upcoming trip in October (I know I have time to decide!)

Anyway, we had a double umbrella stroller for the last 2 trips but had to throw it away at the end of our last trip because our 5 year old's side started to break. She's about 45lbs. Our other DD is only 2 years old so she fits fine; it's the 5 year old I'm having a hard time with. She'll be 6 on our next trip!

Anyway, I did see a jogging stroller at Babies R Us. It was double and the weight (which is a rare thing) was 50lbs per side. It was $169. My 5 year old fit in it too! I could actually put the canopy up and not have it bump her head. But is it worth it when my older daughter will only use it at WDW?

Or do I rent a double stroller every day down there, which I've never done before because of the cost, waiting in a line for it, and not having a stroller at the end of the day or at Downtown Disney. Or I could buy another double stroller of some kind. Or I could bring a single one for the 2 year old and rent as needed for the then 6 year old???

I have no clue what will be best. I'm used to bringing my own down and don't really like the idea of renting but I'm afraid my 5/6 year old will be too heavy/tall for any other.

What do you all do when you have a toddler or baby and then also have a 5 or 6 year old too??
I would bring an umbrella (or whatever you have) stroller for the little one and then just plan to rent one for the older child at EPCOT and maybe AK. A 5yo does not HAVE to have one at MK or MGM, IMO. At those parks the attractions are so close together it's almost more trouble to load and unload, park and find the stroller.
We just returned a few weeks ago from WDW and brought along our 4yr old's stroller, even though we no longer really use it on outings. In fact my DH went to Babies 'R Us to buy a new one the morning of the day we left. He wanted one of those one-handed opening strollers. Very neat.
The stroller came in handy especially since it rained mildly for 2 days while we where there. She just hopped in and we threw a rain poncho over the canopy of it. And she voluntered several times on her own to get in the stroller for a ride. It saved her little legs.


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