"40 By 40"


Still here, just been so busy!
And so much food everywhere you turn.
I don't think I gained back too much weight, but I know I didn't lose any, that's for sure.
Just have to make it through the weekend, and then back on the bandwagon.

Happy New Year!party:
Happy 39th Birthday, Sabine! {And hello Jennifer and Tarabra}.

I am turning 40 (in January) and though I don't have time to lose 40 by 40 I would love to join you all. I would love to lose 20 by 40 and have been rededicated to my health since early August. I lost 60# on WW starting 4 years ago, but life got in the way and I gained 24 pounds back. I have since lost 6# and I am working my way back to where I once was. Support is key to any weight loss effort so I am here to help support all our WISHers any way I can. :)

Wow, I checked back on my original post on this thread and it has been a long time. I guess life just gets busy. My goal was 20# by 40, so that gives me 5 days to lose 2-1/2 pounds! I weighed in the day after Christmas and I was down 17-1/2pounds since I started, so I guess I haven't done too bad. The holidays were hard, lots of temptations out there, but I am still chugging away. I weigh in Tuesday, the night before my 40th birthday, so we will see where I end up next week.

:tinker: Happy New Year everyone!!!
I am right there with you... we leave for Palm Beach in 26 days.

I am going through my pantry right now and getting rid of the junk, we have 3 teenage boys that live behind us they will gladly take any of my leftovers;)

And I am writing my pts on all my food. To get back on track I think I may do a point- core combo. Only eating Core food but still counting pts.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I did but I am so glad they are over... the foodpopcorn:: , the spending :upsidedow , the late hours:hourglass , the drinking:sick:

40 by 40 we are back on track.
Well, I didn't make my 40 by 40 (or my intended 20 by 40), but I came close. I weighed in tonight and I am down 18.8 pounds and I turn 40 in the morning. Although I didn't do it by 40 I am so pleased with my progress and I will continue on with the remaining 1.2 pounds plus a couple more (my goal is 5.6 more pounds). Keep up the great work everyone, with a little hard work we can all realize our goals!

Onward and downward!
Well, I didn't make my 40 by 40 (or my intended 20 by 40), but I came close. I weighed in tonight and I am down 18.8 pounds and I turn 40 in the morning. Although I didn't do it by 40 I am so pleased with my progress and I will continue on with the remaining 1.2 pounds plus a couple more (my goal is 5.6 more pounds). Keep up the great work everyone, with a little hard work we can all realize our goals!

Onward and downward!

WOW pretty impressive... you go girl.

And Happy Birthday:cheer2:
Hey everyone! Happy Holidays! I haven't checked this board in awhile. Great job Tiggerlover. That's amazing.

Well...I have a little obstacle standing in my way. We found out before Christmas that we are having another baby!!! Due Aug. 27. I'll be 41!! Didn't have my first until 38. Many years of infertility, then out of the blue got pregnant the first time and this time it was pretty easy. We are very excited and so is DD. Oddly enough, I am looking forward to getting back in shape. When I was preg. before, my legs were rock solid. Although I didn't eat the best I should have, I didn't eat a lot of junk food, but more Lucky Charms than I'd have liked. I also breastfed for 5 months which was good for the weightloss and am hoping to last longer this time around. I gained 45 lbs. the last time and lost all but those last nagging 5 lbs. I already seem to be showing at just 6 weeks, although I'm sure all that Christmas food has a little to do w/ it. Blah! I'm still trying to get my workouts in on FitTv, but just to stay toned. DH got me 5 lbs weights for Christmas since I only had 10 lbs ones before. I've been trying to catch up on work and the house since we got back from my parents over Christmas. Keep up the good work everyone.

Tara, that's great... :banana: Congrats, have you been feeling okay?

You are due Aug 27th, mine and Sabine's birthday is the 29th... so you don't mind waiting 2 days for your 40 by 40 friends :lmao:

Well that is great news. :cloud9:
Tara, congratulations!!! I spent 10 years with fertility issues so I know you must be over the moon. There is always time to lose weight after the bundle of love arrives.
Thanks everyone! Yes, I am feeling fine so far. I felt great the last time too, except for a few food "aversions." It was tough to go to the grocery store because nothing sounded good. I just had a can of mushroom soup. A serious comfort food type of thing. Yest. I ate a bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch and boy did I suffer the rest of the day! Serious bloating. I felt miserable. I guess the fiber was just overkill. I feel MUCH better today w/ eggs and turkey bacon. Although we are heading back to my parents this weekend where I probably won't see any fruits of veggies. Blah! This time I want to walk more and hop on the treadmill more often. Last time I was a little nervous about doing too much. Since it took 8.5 years just to get preg. I didn't want to take any chances. I just read where a girl ran a marathon at 8 mos. preg. Now that's insane, but it just shows that you can still keep active. As far as having the baby any later than the 27th...probably not gonna happen!! :goodvibes My DD came a week early and this time it will be a scheduled C-section.

Keep plugging away everyone!! Anyone hear from Sabine?
Congratulations, Tara, that's so exciting!

It's also great that your DD is excited. Attitude is so important with becoming a sibling. I remember when we told my DS, who was 7 yrs, that I was expecting he said "It's about time!" He was so proud to be a big brother, he had my mom get him a "I'm the big brother" t-shirt.

And tiggerlover, happy belated b-day, and :thumbsup2 on the good work.
Congratulations, Tara, that's so exciting!

It's also great that your DD is excited. Attitude is so important with becoming a sibling. I remember when we told my DS, who was 7 yrs, that I was expecting he said "It's about time!" He was so proud to be a big brother, he had my mom get him a "I'm the big brother" t-shirt.

And tiggerlover, happy belated b-day, and :thumbsup2 on the good work.

Yea, I jumped the gun and bought DD a "I'm the Big Sister" shirt. It's so funny, she wears and says, "I'm My Sister" shirt. :lmao: She keeps asking me if the new baby can play w/ this toy and that toy because I told her we had to put some toys aside for the new baby.

I already feel like some of the pudge is falling off. I know that sounds weird, but last time around, I lost 3 lbs. at the beginning. I'm basically eating the same as always, but you burn 300 more calories a day w/ the baby. And I'm trying to eat better. I just had my 3 o'clock snack of a granny Smith apple. Last time I wanted nothing to do w/ salads or fruits, etc. It was all about carbs! Blah! I also had a revolution yest. I felt my thighs and they we just jello. I really need to build those muscles back up because the large muscle groups increase metabolism. I'm going to start doing more squats and lunges w/ weights. Keep plugging away everyone.
How are we all doing... I am hanging in there... just hangin' though nothing great but not terrible:goodvibes
I stepped on the scale today and it was down 3 lbs!!! Huh? I stepped on it 3 times and it was at the same weight all 3 times. I lost 3 lbs. at the beginning of my last pregnancy too. I really am trying to watch what I eat this time around and have been consciously eating a piece of fresh fruit a day. I also finally did FitTv again yest. and felt great about doing it. I've been taking an afternoon nap due to that middle of the day crash that you get first tri-mester. So, that's been kind of a downer. I hate naps. It really takes away from my getting things done time that I usually have when DD naps. I've been trying to do squats or lunges w/ weights every day too. (at least for the last week) My legs are just too flabby. They've never been this bad. My saddlebags are outrageous! :rolleyes1 I also got back to reading Prevention and Shape mags. I got a few good books for Christmas and took time off from the mags. They are a HUGE inspiration. I get so many great ideas from them. I highly suggest getting a subscription to one or both.

Don't let the cold weather get ya down.

I have hit the fifteen pound mark today!:cool1: New Clippie time!
Dec 8th was 11 pounds, but the holidays slowed me down a bit.
I am back on track now, but it is too close to my bday to hope to make it to forty by then. Didn't one of the older posts say it was ok to shoot for 40 pounds while being 40? :rotfl: Because that I can do!
I've adjusted my goal, now I'm trying for 40 by Disney. I should be able to handle that. Eleven weeks from today.

Tara- I used to love reading SHAPE- had a seven year subscription at one point. But I haven't looked at one in years, I'd forgotten all about it. I'll have to pick one up again.

Stay well,
Great job Chris! 15 lbs. makes a difference. When I did South Beach a few years ago and lost 11 lbs., there was a noticeable difference. I don't know why I can't do that again. It's all about focusing. I mean I know I'm pregnant, and if I follow South Beach again, it is all healthy eating. I've gained those lost 3 lbs. back. It must've just been a 2 day fluke! One day I stepped on the scale and it said 113!!!! I about died, but I knew it was way wrong. I got off and error comes up! No fair! It was fun for a few minutes. Well, hang in there everyone. Oh...and I'll be 41 in a few weeks so don't worry about hitting 40 and not losing 40. Just keep heading in the direction you are heading and you'll be fine.

I am down 6 from Christmas time... just gotta keep plugging away.....:banana:
I'm very pleased w/ this pregnancy so far. I'm still at the exact same weight minus a few ounces (yes ounces) as I have been since Dec. I am able to eat the South BEach type of stuff this time that I couldn't stomach the last time. ie. turkey bacon and eggs, meats, etc. Last time I would have Kraft Mac and Cheese for lunch and spaghetti for dinner. Did someone say CARBS!!?? Plus I'm trying to work out more. I got Leslie Sansone's walking video from the library to check it out to see if I want to buy one. It seems pretty good although oddly enough her hips and thighs look bigger than mine.:confused3 She's from my hometown of New Castle, PA. Anyhow, it's not too difficult, but at least it gets me moving and I walked 2 miles w/ it. It's alot of marching in place and knee lifts etc. A little boring, but nice. After a few times, I can probably just listen to the radio and follow along.

Sabine...where are you??? Come back even if you've hit a slump!!! :goodvibes


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