"7 in 7" on iTunes?


It's nice to know you are real, too
Jun 3, 2004
The week started out great with new episodes available on Monday & Tuesday, but since then I've seen nothing on the DIS iTunes feed? Is it showing up for anyone else who listens to the podcast via iTunes?
was coming to check the same thing. Also checked the podcast via Google Play and nothing. Looks like their youtube channel is getting updates though.
Same thing here! I use Podcast Addict on Android but I'm having the same issue. Hopefully someone with the power to upload them will see this
Not really relevant but I just get on the disunplugged site and watch them. I saw CR and Saratoga, and yesterday, they had Pop on. Haven't checked today yet. Hope you find it.
Still nothing from my iTunes feed either. And I can’t watch them so I need them in podcast form. Wonder why they aren’t loading??? :sad1:
Still nothing from my iTunes feed either. And I can’t watch them so I need them in podcast form. Wonder why they aren’t loading??? :sad1:
The team is still in Italy so they aren’t able to fix the issues quite yet I’m assuming.

As something in the mean time you could just play the video and listen and not actually watch it.
I'm not seeing any of the newer 7 in 7s on my podcast app either (Overcast).
The audio is available for download on disunplugged.com. My guess is something broke in the connection to the iTunes feed where the files are stored and the team is in Italy right now.
The audio is available for download on disunplugged.com. My guess is something broke in the connection to the iTunes feed where the files are stored and the team is in Italy right now.

I know this is going to come across as pedantic, but there isn't really such a thing as a "iTunes feed", even though that is what Pete and others call it.

iTunes just uses an RSS feed for the show, the same RSS feed that any and all podcast apps/programs/software use. iTunes does not host podcasts, iTunes is simply a directory for podcasts. When you use iTunes or the Apple Podcast app, you are downloading/streaming the content from where ever the podcast maker hosts the files. Podcast apps such as Overcast or Pocket Casts use those very same RSS feeds as well.
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The team is still in Italy so they aren’t able to fix the issues quite yet I’m assuming.

As something in the mean time you could just play the video and listen and not actually watch it.

I’ve thought of doing that in the past when the audio hasn’t been available for one reason or another. But unfortunately that would eat up a lot of data on my commute. Guess we will just have to wait. :worried:
I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble. I finished Saratoga Springs today and that's all there was. Just Coronado and Saratoga. I guess they'll put the rest up when they get home.
Well its nice to know it isn't just me. Thanks for all the replies!

I know they are available on YouTube, but I think most of us who listen are doing so in our cars. Even "listening" to YouTube is going to use mobile data where pre-downloading a podcast while on WiFi and then listening on the go doesn't use any. Also, I don't always have a strong data connection when driving around (depends where I am) which makes listening to something streaming very frustrating.

Downloading the audio and listening to it is an option, just much less convenient than using a podcast app. I assume most work like iTunes and you can pre-download via the app, you can start/stop as needed and when you are finished listening it automatically deletes the downloaded file so you aren't using up storage with a bunch of old episodes you have already heard.

Hopefully, the team will be back from Italy soon and will be able to fix the problem. I just hope it isn't so low priority that it takes another week - I've run out of listening material! LOL
I noticed last night when I tried to add the shows after SSR and CSR through iTunes that I got a message stating there was an error in downloading. Guess we'll just have to wait until after they get back. :sad:
Another point about pulling up YT and listening... I listen on the subway and don't always have access to data or wifi to load the podcasts.
If the shows still aren't on iTunes by tonight, I'll just rip the audio from YouTube and put it on my iPod. I just hate having to resort to that.
Oh well. I guess that's just the way things go sometimes.
Another point about pulling up YT and listening... I listen on the subway and don't always have access to data or wifi to load the podcasts.
If the shows still aren't on iTunes by tonight, I'll just rip the audio from YouTube and put it on my iPod. I just hate having to resort to that.
Oh well. I guess that's just the way things go sometimes.
You can download the audio in mp3 format from disunplugged.com.
My iTunes feed just showed the rest of last weeks plus today’s 7in7s available. I downloaded the one for all star movies and it downloaded.
My iTunes feed just showed the rest of last weeks plus today’s 7in7s available. I downloaded the one for all star movies and it downloaded.

Yay! Thanks for the heads up! It didn't work a couple hours ago when I checked it, but just now it downloaded 4 new podcasts (ASM, Pop, POFQ, and AoA)


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