~ A 21 month old, a celebrity sighting, & a whole lotta food~2 week trip~ 2/28 update

Wow! Thanks for taking time to read the PTR too. How old is your daughter? Dylan will be 2 in mid-September. I clicked into your TR & saw the pics of your daughters and they are so cute!

We were so fortunate to go for 2 weeks. We got very lucky w/ our accomodations & our plane tickets and it allowed us to extend our trip. It was nice to give ourselves a slower pace. What position did you play in volleyball? It is Todd's first love :love: and I have really grown to love it myself through all of his coaching. Dylan is also very hooked on it, and is already practicing his "serve" and has started trying to pass the ball this week. We haven't even taught him, he just picks it up from watching! Crazy. So glad you stopped by!

Claire will be 21 months on Friday. Her birthday is October 10th. When is Dylan's birthday? Ally (my 4 1/2 year old) will be 5 on Sept. 19th.

You know, I really don't remember what position I played. In middle school it was just church league--but then I played Junior Varsity and Varsity in high school. I really miss playing, though. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!!
im in just to find out the celebrity..we were there the 17th and i think i saw someone, but want to see if it was the same person yall saw..
Hey, I just found your TR and I'm subbing. I haven't checked out your PTR yet, but I will do that soon! Can't wait to hear more!
Hi! I am subbing to your report:cheer2: I have a 20 month old and planning another trip in Jan. so I am anxious to see how yours did. Good job so far:goodvibes
Great report so far! :thumbsup2 We're taking our baby girl on her first trip in less than 4 weeks! She'll be just under 11 months on our trip - I'm SO not ready!! LOL :lmao: We can't wait! Looking forward to hearing about your trip with a little one!
Hi everyone! Your responses have all been so nice! I'm so sorry I am slow on my next update, but we have had a stream of visitors through our house since before 4th of July. I will try my best to get another one posted tomorrow.

Hey! I'm here too. GREAT start by the way! :thumbsup2

...I started taking my kids to Disney while they were still in utero. :rotfl2:

Hi Tammy! Thanks for coming over. I feel that way about my kids too. I think the Disney bug is transferred through the blood while your carrying them, right? I don't think Dylan is going to have a chance to be anything but a Disney fan. :)

Great Start. Your son is so cute!! :)

Aww, thank you so much! Welcome. :goodvibes

Great first post. I can't wait to read more!!

Hi Missy! I saw that you are back from your second trip. I was trying to get caught up on your TR yesterday. Thanks for coming over.

Thanks for following me over. :goodvibes

great start :goodvibes

Hi & welcome!

I'm here! I'm here!:yay: I can't wait to compare our days. You guys are adorable.:goodvibes

I've been trying to compare my notes to your days too. I know we haven't overlapped yet, but I am still looking at your pics to see if we are in them. :laughing: That would be cool, but it would be a bummer too... if we were that close and didn't see each other.
Claire will be 21 months on Friday. Her birthday is October 10th. When is Dylan's birthday? Ally (my 4 1/2 year old) will be 5 on Sept. 19th.

You know, I really don't remember what position I played. In middle school it was just church league--but then I played Junior Varsity and Varsity in high school. I really miss playing, though. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!!

Dylan will be 2 on Sept 13. It seems like there is a lot of Sept birthdays.

Joining in. Taking a 21 mo. old in Dec. so I can't wait to read more popcorn::

Welcome! The age that he is at right now is so fun. He does new things every day that I have no idea where it came from. That was a lot of the fun on this trip was seeing how he responded to all that was going on around him.

popcorn::waiting for more

Hopefully my next update will be coming soon! :goodvibes

Im in! Loving this so far!!

Thanks so much! Welcome.

im in just to find out the celebrity..we were there the 17th and i think i saw someone, but want to see if it was the same person yall saw..

Well, I'll tell you that it wasn't on the 17th, so it's probably not the same person that you are thinking of. Now I'm curious to know who you saw... Thanks for reading!

Hey, I just found your TR and I'm subbing. I haven't checked out your PTR yet, but I will do that soon! Can't wait to hear more!

Awww, thanks for reading the PTR too. :goodvibes So glad you stopped by.

Hi! I am subbing to your report:cheer2: I have a 20 month old and planning another trip in Jan. so I am anxious to see how yours did. Good job so far:goodvibes

Hi & welcome. Dylan did suprisingly well, considering it was very hot most of the time we were there and we had a 3 hour time difference. It's amazing what they can handle at that age.

Great report so far! :thumbsup2 We're taking our baby girl on her first trip in less than 4 weeks! She'll be just under 11 months on our trip - I'm SO not ready!! LOL :lmao: We can't wait! Looking forward to hearing about your trip with a little one!

Oh, you are going to have so much fun. We took Dylan to Disneyland for 2 days over Thanksgiving when he was 14 months and we had a great time. I know the feeling about not being ready to go. I made a lot of lists in the 2 weeks before we left. :rotfl: We would finish one list and I had 2 more ready to go. I think you can drive yourself crazy trying to anticipate everything that you will need.
I'm subbing in!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!! I really hope you able to make your connecting flight!
We were there the same time as you, though we didn't stay a whole 2 weeks. That's awesome:cool1: That's funny your DS learned the word no at the start of your trip. I'm sure you heard it plenty:rotfl: I hope that cross country flight went ok. I remember those days of 5 hour flights with toddlers too well:scared1: I don't miss 'em.
Looking forward to more:)
Hey! I'm joining in on this trip report! Our sons are the exact same age! We're going down to celebrate Jake's 2nd birthday in September! (He turns 2 on Sept 23!) So, this will definitely be a fun trip to read and see exactly how your son loved everything!

Can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes
I'm subbing in!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!! I really hope you able to make your connecting flight!

Thanks for stopping by!

We were there the same time as you, though we didn't stay a whole 2 weeks. That's awesome:cool1: That's funny your DS learned the word no at the start of your trip. I'm sure you heard it plenty:rotfl: I hope that cross country flight went ok. I remember those days of 5 hour flights with toddlers too well:scared1: I don't miss 'em.
Looking forward to more:)

Welcome! Yes, the flight was definitely the thing I was most stressing about. I get worried that he is going to bother everyone around us. That's cool we were there at the same time. I wonder if our schedules overlapped at all.

Hey! I'm joining in on this trip report! Our sons are the exact same age! We're going down to celebrate Jake's 2nd birthday in September! (He turns 2 on Sept 23!) So, this will definitely be a fun trip to read and see exactly how your son loved everything!

Can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes

Dylan's b-day is Sept 13. Wow, they are only 10 days apart. How cool! I'm glad you are joining in. I am going to try to give "baby details" when I can since it seems like there are some moms joining in. So glad you are here.
So when I last left you, we had just arrived at the San Francisco airport and we were checking the departure boards to see if we had missed our connecting flight. We were in luck! It was slightly delayed as well and would be boarding in about 40 minutes. So we decided to eat some lunch and found a food court.

It was packed so we just chose some place called Rosie’s Diner (or someone else’s diner, I can’t remember) and Todd got in line. It was my job to find a table, which was difficult considering I was hauling all of our stuff. Have I mentioned how much stuff we had with us? I swear we looked like an out of control travelling circus. Not a pretty picture. I finally found us a table and we quickly ate. We got a cheeseburger and a turkey sandwich with fries and split it between all of us. The food was not bad, not good, but pretty pricey for what we got. Dylan has learned that dipping his food in whatever sauce is available seems like a lot of fun, and today it was ketchup. It was everywhere by the end but he was happy.


We got to our gate and there were people everywhere. They were getting ready to board in 15 minutes, but they were making announcements that the flight was overbooked and that even though a lot of people had confirmed tickets, they were not guaranteed a seat. :scared1: I checked at the counter and they said we had our seats already confirmed so we were good to go. Thank goodness! But let me tell you that there were a lot of angry people and I don’t blame them.

We went looking for a seat and instead found a little playground inside the terminal. I have never seen this before in an airport but what a wonderful idea! They had all of these displays that talked about nature (tornados, erosion, lightning, etc) and turned them into play areas. There were about 10 kids running around and Dylan joined right in. It’s so fun watching him interact with other kids. He is going to be a social little guy because he just starts playing with no hesitation. I love that about him. He kept playing with these 2 adorable little girls and they looked out the windows at the planes together. :) If you are ever in the S.F. airport and need to let your kids run, this is the place to go. I believe the gate was 76A.




Then Dylan discovered the moving sidewalks, and he took a couple of laps on those as well.



It was finally time to board and we were in the 2nd group of people to get on. We got settled near the back of the plane and about 5 minutes later, one of the little girls from the playground comes with her family and sits across the aisle from us. Her dad sat next to me. It was great because she would come sit on her dad’s lap for parts of the flight and they would talk their baby talk at each other.

We are excited for our flight.


We gave Dylan his juice for his ears during take off and again he acted like it did not bother him. We thought for sure he would fall asleep, but no such luck. He was good for a while but does not like to be held on our laps for long periods of time. On top of that he is a pretty big kid for his age (he is already over 3 feet tall!) so all 3 of us sitting in 2 seats was definitely a challenge. His favorite preoccupation on this flight? The phone that was set into the seat in front of me. He would push the button so the phone popped out, then he would talk on it for a long time (saying “no” every 5th word :) ), then put it back.

We brought him a lot of small toys to keep him busy. LOTS of snacks. I also made him a peanut butter sandwich & brought it on the plane. That ended up being a good decision because it was a long flight w/ no food (other than those little snack box things that you could buy). Overall, these things kept him busy for a while but I had forgotten to pull stuff out before we took off. The person in front of me leaned their seat back, so every time we needed something new I had to dig it out of the bag by my feet. I swear I invented some new yoga positions during that flight. It got annoying pretty quickly, but it was my own fault for not setting it all up before we got crammed in there.

Our saving grace on this flight? Our PSP. We loaded some of Dylan’s shows from Playhouse Disney onto this and it is small enough for him to hold it by himself to watch it. He settled down and we had it running for about an hour. He finally dropped off to sleep around the 2 hour point of the flight.

He slept for about 2 hours, but he kept waking up and not knowing where he was. He had one of his worst melt downs during this time. He just sat straight up and started screaming. We hate to inconvenience everyone around us, so we were trying everything to get him to calm down. It was probably about 10 minutes but it felt like forever. I finally grabbed the camera and started showing him pictures on it of our dogs and his little friend from home and he finally stopped crying. Then about a minute later he dropped back into a deep sleep. That happened a couple of times, but none were as bad as the first time.

Once he fell asleep I realized that I had been so worried about keeping him entertained on the plane that I had not packed anything for myself to do. Todd fell asleep w/ Dylan on his lap. So I read the Sky Mall catalog and anything else I could get my hands on from the seat pocket. It was a very long 2 hours. When Dylan woke up we still had over an hour to go. I was the one thinking, “Are there yet? Are we there yet?” Dylan ate his sandwich and watched more PSP until we finally touched down in Orlando at 10:00 pm.

We had finally made it and as everyone was getting off the plane I heard people behind us commenting that all of the kids on the flight had done really well. So that made me feel good that we didn’t make the flight miserable for anyone. We walked out to find our way to baggage claim and that’s when we saw it.


The glowing blue rings. The sign that you are truly there. Yay!

Even though it is 10:00 at night, we are far from finished with this first day. It had already been a long day but there is more to come.
I think Dylan did great! He's so cute playing on those moving walkways. I can't wait to see how he acts at Disney! :goodvibes
It sounds like your flight went as well as could be expected. My DH is always concerned about disturbing the people around as well. I've noticed that other people's crying kids barely bother me at all. I'm just glad it's not my kid crying and I don't have to worry about it.:lmao: That's a mother of 3 for ya:goodvibes I hope you don't have too much more excitement this day. It's late, but at least you are on CA time.
Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine taking my little guy on a plane. He definately would not do good being confined to a seat that long with no where to go. :laughing: Glad it went good. :)
Dylan did great on the flight! I know what you mean about the Yoga positions. I think I have done a few of my own. I always get the seat behind the person that has their seat back the entire flight and I always have the bag at my feet. Oh well.

Good call on the PSP. I'll have to download some shows to our ITouch as well as bringing our DVD player. :)

Love those blue rings, the first monorail ride of the trip.
Awww....how sweet is Dylan! He is adorable:love: My daughter joined me the last 4 days of my trip at WDW in December with my then 14-mos old grandson and I flew back with them. Let's just say I'm glad he fell asleep in my lap the whole 2 hr flight back. He was so restless on the bus to the airport that we were worried we would disturb other passengers on the plane but the ones on the bus were great - trying to distract him (he was teething and was miserable).

I don't recall if you said how old Dylan is but guessing that he is under 2 since he shared seats with you. I hope the rest of the night ended up more peaceful and can't wait to hear all about the rest of the trip!


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