A camping board T Shirt?

Ok, we finished dd2's and dd3's shirts. We used Rog's rainbow design, but changed the letters on Long Live Musket Mickey to yellow fade to pink (the blue didn't show on the black background when printed, darn it!) Thanks to Rog for the designs....I hope to be sharing some Halloween designs in the next few months! :thumbsup2 DD2 was running around with her shirt saying "thats cool, thats cool, thats awesome":rotfl: ...she talks just like dd9! haha

Ok, we finished dd2's and dd3's shirts. We used Rog's rainbow design, but changed the letters on Long Live Musket Mickey to yellow fade to pink (the blue didn't show on the black background when printed, darn it!) Thanks to Rog for the designs....I hope to be sharing some Halloween designs in the next few months! :thumbsup2 DD2 was running around with her shirt saying "thats cool, thats cool, thats awesome":rotfl: ...she talks just like dd9! haha


The shirts look great! The colors are so vibrant. Great job.
Golf Carts.Beer.Kungaloosh.

ROG ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man this is what I wanted from the start (as you can tell from the second post in this thread) I guess a couple of southern boys thank alike. Now if I just could make one :confused3 I guess I will let the DW (aka TexasTink:)) make it she likes that crafty stuff.
ROG YOU ARE THE MAN!!! :worship::worship: I bought the iron ons yesterday and will do it this weekend!!

Those shirts look great.

Rog! That is awesome!! DH flipped when he saw that one!
Thanks ya'll!!! My original idea was to make it a tire with a chrome rim, kind of a "hot wheels" theme...but couldnt find a good enough picture of a wheel.......Im still lookin, though. Glad you guys like it......
I'm going to have to get that GIMP program.
Thanks ya'll!!! My original idea was to make it a tire with a chrome rim, kind of a "hot wheels" theme...but couldnt find a good enough picture of a wheel.......Im still lookin, though. Glad you guys like it......

ROG make it a mud tire for me.:)
That would be great my DD is 9. The quads are 7. When we were there in December the family in the site next to us left in less than 24 hours. We were the only ones around with kids, after the 2nd day we were the only ones around, and they were so bored at the camp site. I guess it was good we kept them sooo busy with the parks every day. This trip is much less park and more "camping" time. I'm hoping I can swing a few days in the parks though.
A few months back, I bought some transfer paper on the internet...dont remember if it was on ebay or not....but it was good quality transfer paper...I think because I bought like 50 sheets of it, I only paid like .90 a sheet.

I finally ran out of that paper tonight, ran to wally world and bought some AVERY TRANSFER PAPER for almost $2 a sheet.....and this junk is sooo crappy, the ink just bleeds all over it!!!! Unfortunately, I cant find any record of the purchase I made for the 50 sheets, because that paper held the ink very well.

If you guys can find something better than AVERY, buy it, even if it costs a little more....a good quality paper makes a big difference in how your transfers will look!!!

SOnya...I looked closely at your photos..and your transfers are very sharp...what transfer paper did YOU use?
I used June Tailor dark t-shirt transfer. Honestly it was the cheapest that I found at Wal-Mart. The designs did come out crisp though! I only had one very slight bleed on one letter out of the 5 shirts I made. It wasn't bad though and dh said it added character (it was his shirt, ha).
What is the difference between dark and light shirt transfer paper? I just bought some from Staples for Light shirts because I was going to put them on white T shirts, but is the dark better? I didn't think I could use it for a white shirt, but Sonya's are great. I haven't tried the paper yet, I was going to today. I have to do some for Shannone too, I want to make sure I use good paper.
The one for light shirts is very thin and clear...so it would just blend into a colored shirt, but its FINE for white shirts. The one for dark fabrics is opaque, and quite a bit thicker and looks great on white and colored shirts....just steer clear of the Avery brand. I've used Avery cd/dvd labels, photo paper, even TATTOO paper for the kids...and all of those products were satisfactory, but the transfer paper has REALLY disappointed me. Im going to see if they will let me return it with two of the sheets being printed on since its a quality issue, they MIGHT!!! If not, well, lesson learned. Either way, Im picking up the June Tailor stuff to get these done before we leave tonight.

The dark t-shirt transfer *is* quite thick. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that may be why the transfers came out so crisp? I also used a HEAVY Shark iron and made sure I didn't move the iron until I had pressed the entire transfer down.

I had tried doing iron-ons several years back and had the same issue with bleeding...so I gave up. Come to think of it...it may have been Avery brand paper too! :rolleyes:
Maybe I will go pick up the darker one today and have it just incase.

Have a safe trip guys!
Wow BDR- that looks great! Me and the DH have matching jackets that we wear at Disney when it's chilly, but I think we'll definitely be sportin' these matching shirts on our next trip!:banana:
We finished dh's shirt and dd9's shirt. We printed Rog's original design on a rust/orange colored shirt for dh and it looks great. We changed the letters on dd9's shirt to pink and she loves it. The contrast of blue and pink look good too. Here are a couple of pics.



Golf Carts.Beer.Kungaloosh.

These are AWESOME!! Great job! I'll have to pick up some transfer paper this w/e and get ironing!! :thumbsup2


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