A Cancellation, A Proposal and A Lot of Food - Marathon Weekend 2017 COMPLETE!

Luke and I were comparing pictures last night, and I realized I completely forgot that we went to Club Cool after riding Spaceship Earth, that we had time to kill before our reservation at Garden Grill. Here's the photos Luke took of himself trying the Beverly haha:

Can't wait to read the rest of your trip. My mom is an avid race Walker and I'm thinking of paying her way to a walk soon. She's never been to Disney so that trip is coming up in 2018. But I think if she's up to it. I'll get her a spot in one of the races the next year.

Congrats on the engagement t.
Smart! I may have to do the same.

It worked out really well! It's a hack I highly recommend!

Of course! It's classic Epcot, right?

It's a classic from what I've read. Our first time at Epcot was in 2016, so everything is still new to us haha!

You had to? What would happen if you didn't?

The world would have shifted on it's axis.

Nice score!

We had great luck with day-of Fastpasses on this trip!

Really! Wow! That's a lot of visits to miss it.

Trip #4 was finally the one!

Rode orange once.


Felt like crap for about half an hour afterwards.

I hear that a lot. No thanks!
I've never been on the original either! (Or this one yet). Josh went on the original on our first trip though.

You need to get on that! It's an awesome ride!

I don't think you look like a dork at all in your hat. I think you look cute! :flower3: I love that character spot meet but have only done it once because the FP line was sooooo long.

Yeah, the FP line was really long that night too! It felt like we didn't even move an inch for like 20 minutes, ugh.

Never been on Mission Space since I get motion sickness. I am too chicken to even do green! I won't tell you what you're missing with the original Soarin' over California but suffice to say I miss it very much. And those smells. :sad:

You're not missing much with Mission Space. That ride could be replaced and I wouldn't be sad about it at all.

Great job Luke on the rolling FP+ refresh :thumbsup2 it seems like if you are patient and diligent you can get what you want. That's sort of how we did all of our fastpasses for this last trip I went on. Wait until the night before... see nothing available. Refresh MDE about 8,574,221 times and then POOF a primo FP at a primo time pops up. And repeat.

We had really great luck with FP's this trip! We had pre-selected our 3/day and then most days we ended up with at least 4 or 5.

Don't sweat the time between updates. It lets me catch up! :wave:

That reminds me, I'm behind again on your latest dining report!

Wow, you guys scored some great day-of FP+. Great job, Luke!

I don't think I rode Soarin' until my 5th or 6th trip to Disney. It wasn't open yet on my first trip (way back in the olden days) and the next few trips the line was just too long. I liked the Soarin' over California video, but I haven't seen the new one yet, so I can't compare it.

I really liked the new Soarin' (but I can't relate it to the old one). There's some beautiful scenery and I love the smells!

I am subbing this report. i cannot wait to hear more. I am sorry to hear about your Grandma's passing.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for the condolences.

See how far behind I was? I just now saw your reply to my comments on March 20th!
After I saw on FB that you lost your Grandmother I kept meaning to message you and I apologize for not doing that. I'm very sorry for your loss, I knew you were close to her as I was to my Grandmother :hug: I hope you've been comforted by happy memories.
I think you look adorable in your hat! I am not a person who is able to wear hats lol, regardless of what kind.

Thank you Ariane :hug:

I used to wear all kinds of hats back in the day, now I mostly stick to baseball hats. Bucket hats like my Mickey one from that last update remind me of my days as a Girl Guide (Girl Scout for the American readers haha).

I thought it was too funny not to share!

Can't wait to read the rest of your trip. My mom is an avid race Walker and I'm thinking of paying her way to a walk soon. She's never been to Disney so that trip is coming up in 2018. But I think if she's up to it. I'll get her a spot in one of the races the next year.

Congrats on the engagement t.

When are you going to Disney in 2018? The runDisney events are incredible, everyone should do one at some point in their lives!
January 5, 2017 - My First 5K!

Our alarm went on this morning at some ungodly hour - I think Luke got up around 3am but I insisted on sleeping an extra half hour and didn't get up until 3:30am (which is still gross). Luke always eats breakfast - like every single morning. I do not, I need to be fully awake and functioning for a few hours before I feel the need to eat anything - this is why I slept extra :)

Luke told me he ate some Frosted Flakes (which are apparently different in the States?) and an apple - both of which we had ordered from Garden Grocer.

Eventually, I dragged myself out of bed and put on my favourite pair of Lulu Lemon's and a Nike shirt. But, it was also fairly cold out so I also put on my jacket. Luke and I went out and had to walk allll the way across the street to catch an internal bus (the bus stop was so close to our room, I LOVED it!). The internal shuttle dropped us off at the main building at Old Key West, where we boarded a runDisney bus to take us to the starting line.

The bus dropped us off at Epcot, and then you walk the 37,000km to the security line for the race before entering a large pre-race area. Once we reached this area, we realized we still had over an hour before the race even started, and we were in Corral D so we knew we'd be even longer than that.

Luke kept asking what I wanted to do, but all I wanted to do was sit on the ground and be a grumpypants. I don't do well with early mornings, and I was not happy about being up. I took a grumpy-face selfie and posted it on my Instagram haha.


Initially, back when I signed up for the 5km, the plan was to be up to running intervals of 10 minutes at a time, then walking for 1 minute. That did not happen - last summer was a bit rough with my Crohn's disease, and I ended up being switched to a new medication at the end of August. That worked great, so I started training with Luke in September. Then, in November, I started getting sick again (it's when my psoriasis first appeared), and I ended up with double eye infections at one point, which lasted for weeks. So, no training for that month. I got back to it a little bit in December, but I wasn't even doing 5 minutes at a time of running by the time we left for Florida (which is actually still impressive for me haha). So, even though I wasn't where I wanted to be with running, and I was not happy about being up so early - I was still really excited about my first ever 5k!

I had to take some pictures of some of the screens to prove I was there:


Eventually, I was fully awake. We both went to use the lovely port-a-potties, Luke filled his armband waterbottle and then we headed off to our corral. When we signed up, we both put the same expected time, hoping we would be placed into the same corral, and it worked! We were both in corral D, which was fine by us.

In the past, they would start each corral in 10 minute intervals, but they decided to do things a little differently this year. They sectioned off each corral into smaller sections, and then had a new group of runners start every 2 minutes. This new method definitely sped things up - with the old method, corral D would not have started the race until 6:30am (Corral A - 6am, B - 6:10, C - 6:20, etc). According to the time stamp on my pictures, we received the "Go!" at 6:22am, so 8 minutes faster than it would have been in previous years.


The first stretch is boring, and goes around some Epcot parking lots. It was also still completely dark at this point, but the path is very well lit!

When we started, I was actually feeling pretty good, so we immediately started a slow jog. We actually didn't have to go very far before we came upon the first character meet of the race - Thumper and Miss Bunny! (I didn't know her name at the time, I had to google that). We joined the line, since it wasn't too terrible, and it moved along quite well. RunDisney events now use normal Disney photopass, so you just have to make sure your bib number is clearly visible and then you can just link all your photos later. It was very easy, and we ended up with a lot of pictures throughout the race!

Just as the people in front of us were about to go up and get a picture, Thumper stepped away and went on break, so we only ended up with Miss Bunny.


After that, since we had been stopped and resting for 5-10 minutes, we started jogging again. I was surprised at how good I was feeling, I think I had a little adrenaline from the excitement of the race.


Before too long, we hit the Mile 1 marker (but I didn't take pictures of any of those). This was around the same time we were in the backstage area of Epcot, running underneath the Test Track tracks (from the speed part of the ride).

Soon enough, we were entering the World Showcase at Epcot! Right after entering, we noticed the Vikings were out in Norway so we stopped for another picture. This line was super short, and it only took a few minutes before we were continuing on our way.


Of course we had to stop for a selfie with Spaceship Earth in the background!


As we ran past Italy, we saw Minnie Mouse out for a character meet, but her line was huge! So we made the decision to skip that one. Somewhere around here, one of the race photographers snapped some pictures of me looking like I'm off in my own little world hahaha...


As we approached Morocco, Chip and Dale were out, and their line wasn't terrible, so we stopped :)


How cute are their little outfits?!

The character meeting in Canada had a CRAZY long line, but we said screw it and waited in it. We were probably 25 minutes at least before we reached the front of the line, but I just had to meet Canadian Donald Duck!


I've never seen this character costume before, but I love it! Plaid jackets are pretty popular in my hometown, and I've owned a few myself so this was awesome.

After this, we left the World Showcase and ran out the International Gateway, where we hit mile #2. We then re-entered Epcot, running past the Seas With Nemo and Friends. At some point, we saw another character meet, this time for Goofy, but we decided to skip it and just keep going. I did slow down enough to snap a picture of Goofy's outfit though :)


It was a pretty exciting moment to be running up to this:


Once you ran past Spaceship Earth, you leave the park where you hit mile #3, and the final stretch to the finish line. I was pretty gassed by this point, but I promised Luke I would run the last stretch with him, so I pushed through.



And then we were finished! We were both handed our race medals and a snack box.


And we stopped for a photopass picture with our medals :)


Here is a picture of the race map I found online:


And that was it, I was finished my first ever 5k! It was slow, since we did stop and wait in character lines, and I didn't run as much as I originally wanted to, but I did it! I think we did end up running/jogging for about 60% of the race - so now I just have something to work towards beating on my next runDisney 5k!

The early wakeup (and subsequent waiting around for an hour for the race to start) is definitely the worst part of any runDisney race.

You guys got some great pictures from the race! I love that you waited in the super long line for Canadian Donald. If only you had been wearing one of your plaid jackets ... (although I'm guessing they're not so comfortable for running)

Congrats on finishing your first 5k!!!
The character meeting in Canada had a CRAZY long line, but we said screw it and waited in it. We were probably 25 minutes at least before we reached the front of the line, but I just had to meet Canadian Donald Duck!


I've never seen this character costume before, but I love it! Plaid jackets are pretty popular in my hometown, and I've owned a few myself so this was awesome.

Of course you had to meet Canadian Donald! His jacket is so cute.

Once you ran past Spaceship Earth, you leave the park where you hit mile #3, and the final stretch to the finish line. I was pretty gassed by this point, but I promised Luke I would run the last stretch with him, so I pushed through.



Congrats to you on finishing the race!!! Something to be super proud of :thumbsup2 I'm with you on the early wake up part because I am completely not a morning person, but when it's for a fun reason I quickly get over it.
Now as proud as I am of you I will never be doing a RunDisney race! Nope, not for me. However I've read a few TR's about the races and the coolest thing are definitely the character meets! Love Canadian Donald and Moroccan Chip & Dale :goodvibes Glad you guys had fun.
I need to be fully awake and functioning for a few hours before I feel the need to eat anything -
UGH! Me, too!!! I just can't eat before I run either, which is bad because I know my body needs fuel, but I feel icky running with food in me!! Hopefully this won't be an issue when I do the 10K in January.

Question--did you have to buy your race photos or are they included if you buy Memory Maker??
January 5, 2017 - My First 5K!

You're first! Way to go!

Our alarm went on this morning at some ungodly hour - I think Luke got up around 3am but I insisted on sleeping an extra half hour and didn't get up until 3:30am

Ugh. Toooooo early.
Tell them to start the race later.

Luke always eats breakfast - like every single morning. I do not, I need to be fully awake and functioning for a few hours before I feel the need to eat anything - this is why I slept extra :)

I eat depending on my mood.
I mostly don't...
but the last few days I have.

Luke told me he ate some Frosted Flakes (which are apparently different in the States?)

I love Frosted Flakes.
What's different about them?

put on my favourite pair of Lulu Lemon's and a Nike shirt.

No shoes! Barefoot running. Impressive.

The bus dropped us off at Epcot, and then you walk the 37,000km to the security line

I love how you're complaining about walking to the security line when you're there for a 5K race.

Once we reached this area, we realized we still had over an hour before the race even started, and we were in Corral D so we knew we'd be even longer than that.

Coulda slept til 4:30!

I took a grumpy-face selfie and posted it on my Instagram haha.


Awwww.... sooo sleeeepy.

Initially, back when I signed up for the 5km, the plan was to be up to running intervals of 10 minutes at a time, then walking for 1 minute. That did not happen - last summer was a bit rough with my Crohn's disease, and I ended up being switched to a new medication at the end of August. That worked great, so I started training with Luke in September. Then, in November, I started getting sick again (it's when my psoriasis first appeared), and I ended up with double eye infections at one point, which lasted for weeks. So, no training for that month. I got back to it a little bit in December, but I wasn't even doing 5 minutes at a time of running by the time we left for Florida (which is actually still impressive for me haha). So, even though I wasn't where I wanted to be with running, and I was not happy about being up so early - I was still really excited about my first ever 5k!

:hug: for all your troubles. But I must say I am thoroughly impressed that you stuck with it as much as you did and raced anyway.

I had to take some pictures of some of the screens to prove I was there:


Nah. You scraped that off the internet.
I'm not buying it.

We both went to use the lovely port-a-potties, Luke filled his armband waterbottle

OMG! Don't fill your water bottle from a port-a-potty!!!

The first stretch is boring, and goes around some Epcot parking lots.

I saw the map at the end. Yikes! Dullsville.

RunDisney events now use normal Disney photopass, so you just have to make sure your bib number is clearly visible and then you can just link all your photos later.

Huh. Nice.

Just as the people in front of us were about to go up and get a picture, Thumper stepped away and went on break, so we only ended up with Miss Bunny.

What? Geez. You guys are running a race. The least the bunny could do is stick around for it.

I was surprised at how good I was feeling, I think I had a little adrenaline from the excitement of the race.

Good for you!

Love that shot.

Aww... look at those smiles.
Very different from Ms. Grumpypants earlier.

one of the race photographers snapped some pictures of me looking like I'm off in my own little world hahaha...


Lookin' good!

How cute are their little outfits?!


We were probably 25 minutes at least before we reached the front of the line, but I just had to meet Canadian Donald Duck!

Well of course you had to!

I was pretty gassed by this point, but I promised Luke I would run the last stretch with him, so I pushed through.

Good for you!

And then we were finished! We were both handed our race medals and a snack box.

And we stopped for a photopass picture with our medals :)

Way to go! Congratulations!

It was slow, since we did stop and wait in character lines, and I didn't run as much as I originally wanted to, but I did it!

Yes you did!
January 5, 2017 - My First 5K!
Exciting! I would like to do a runDisney race sometime.

Luke always eats breakfast - like every single morning.
I have breakfast every morning too. I don't feel right if I don't.

Initially, back when I signed up for the 5km, the plan was to be up to running intervals of 10 minutes at a time, then walking for 1 minute.
I am far from an expert runner, so I have no idea what a "good" interval is. When I do any jogging, I'm pretty gassed after 5 minutes and I have to walk for a couple minutes. I have no idea if that's good or not. Probably not, but at least I try to get out there sometimes.

The character meeting in Canada had a CRAZY long line, but we said screw it and waited in it. We were probably 25 minutes at least before we reached the front of the line, but I just had to meet Canadian Donald Duck!


I've never seen this character costume before, but I love it! Plaid jackets are pretty popular in my hometown, and I've owned a few myself so this was awesome.
Of course! I would wait that long and more for Canadian Donald. Should I confess to having a shirt exactly like that when I was in university? I still have a dark blue and white one. I guess I'm not helping the stereotype!:laughing:

And that was it, I was finished my first ever 5k! It was slow, since we did stop and wait in character lines, and I didn't run as much as I originally wanted to, but I did it! I think we did end up running/jogging for about 60% of the race - so now I just have something to work towards beating on my next runDisney 5k!
Congrats on doing the run. I may not ever make it to a runDisney event, but I'm thinking about getting myself in shape enough to enter a 10k run in my hometown. They do it every July, so maybe not this year, but hopefully next.
Hi Fallon! I'm joining in for my first of your TRs. We seem to follow/be followed by some of the same Dis-ers, so I'm not sure how I only just found your reports now. It's freaky to me how many things we seem to have in common! I'm also Canadian, originally from NB. I currently live in NS though, though I have been to Edmonton once a couple summers ago when I went to sing in a music festival. I'm also planning to do my first 5K for Marathon weekend 2018 (maybe we'll see you there!). I got engaged at Disney in December, and we're also planning an Escape wedding at Disney (Epcot) for this coming August. (I'm heading over to your wedding trip PTR now...) I'm also the kind of person who doesn't have all that much interest in a "traditional" wedding, and can't see the importance of a particular napkin fold or table cloth, etc, so I totally related to you there. I loved reading your update here on the 5k to get an idea of what to expect. :) I don't have Crohn's or psoriasis, so I won't pretend I know what dealing like that is like, but I do have a brain condition that causes me to have some nausea and digestive issues, among other symptoms, so I sometimes deal with flare ups on our trips. I'm so looking forward to hearing more about your trip and following along with your wedding plans. :)
Hi Fallon! I'm joining in for my first of your TRs. We seem to follow/be followed by some of the same Dis-ers, so I'm not sure how I only just found your reports now. It's freaky to me how many things we seem to have in common! I'm also Canadian, originally from NB. I currently live in NS though, though I have been to Edmonton once a couple summers ago when I went to sing in a music festival. I'm also planning to do my first 5K for Marathon weekend 2018 (maybe we'll see you there!). I got engaged at Disney in December, and we're also planning an Escape wedding at Disney (Epcot) for this coming August. (I'm heading over to your wedding trip PTR now...) I'm also the kind of person who doesn't have all that much interest in a "traditional" wedding, and can't see the importance of a particular napkin fold or table cloth, etc, so I totally related to you there. I loved reading your update here on the 5k to get an idea of what to expect. :) I don't have Crohn's or psoriasis, so I won't pretend I know what dealing like that is like, but I do have a brain condition that causes me to have some nausea and digestive issues, among other symptoms, so I sometimes deal with flare ups on our trips. I'm so looking forward to hearing more about your trip and following along with your wedding plans. :)

Whoa! We do have so many things in common! What part of NB are you originally from? What part of NS do you live in now? I wouldn't be surprised if we know some of the same people haha (the Maritimes really aren't that big, and I met so many people in University there).

How exciting that you are planning your own Escape wedding! I've been terrible at keeping up with everyone's reports lately, but I'll have to jump over and read your planning report!
Whoa! We do have so many things in common! What part of NB are you originally from? What part of NS do you live in now? I wouldn't be surprised if we know some of the same people haha (the Maritimes really aren't that big, and I met so many people in University there).

How exciting that you are planning your own Escape wedding! I've been terrible at keeping up with everyone's reports lately, but I'll have to jump over and read your planning report!

I used to live in a border town with Maine about an hour from Fredericton (I went to school at MTA in Sackville), and now I live near Halifax. We probably have some common acquaintances for sure!
The early wakeup (and subsequent waiting around for an hour for the race to start) is definitely the worst part of any runDisney race.

Ugh, I agree! I'm hoping it won't be as terrible when we go to race weekend in Disneyland, since our hotel is within walking distance...

You guys got some great pictures from the race! I love that you waited in the super long line for Canadian Donald. If only you had been wearing one of your plaid jackets ... (although I'm guessing they're not so comfortable for running)

I rarely agree to wait in long lines for anything, but I just thought Donald's outfit was so cute!

Haha, I actually did wear plaid later that day :)

Congrats on finishing your first 5k!!!

Thanks Sarah!

Of course you had to meet Canadian Donald! His jacket is so cute.

Isn't it though?! I just loved it!


Thanks Raeven!

Congrats to you on finishing the race!!! Something to be super proud of :thumbsup2

Thanks Ariane!

I'm with you on the early wake up part because I am completely not a morning person, but when it's for a fun reason I quickly get over it.

I hate mornings so much haha. I was so grumpy the morning of the race, I was not happy about being awake that early, but once the race actually started it was so much fun!

Now as proud as I am of you I will never be doing a RunDisney race! Nope, not for me. However I've read a few TR's about the races and the coolest thing are definitely the character meets! Love Canadian Donald and Moroccan Chip & Dale :goodvibes Glad you guys had fun.

There were tons of people walking the 5k, and even I only jogged about 60% of the time haha - you could absolutely do it! It's really awesome to enter Epcot that early, when the only people there are other race participants :)

UGH! Me, too!!! I just can't eat before I run either, which is bad because I know my body needs fuel, but I feel icky running with food in me!! Hopefully this won't be an issue when I do the 10K in January.

You could always pack a little snack with you to eat during the 10k? At the end of the race, they do give you a little snack box filled with cookies, tortilla chips, plastic cheese, protein bars, etc - so there is food waiting for you at the finish line too!

Question--did you have to buy your race photos or are they included if you buy Memory Maker??

In previous years, you had to purchase your runDisney pictures, but I believe the 5k we did was the first one where they switched to using their own Disney Photopass Photographers and all pictures were included with Memory Maker! It really made that $150 even more worth it!
You're first! Way to go!

Thank you Mr. Pkondz haha.

Ugh. Toooooo early.
Tell them to start the race later.

Agreed. A 9am start time sounds much better.

I eat depending on my mood.
I mostly don't...
but the last few days I have.

Breakfast for me most days is about an hour after I get to work, when I eat chips/chocolate/candy.

I love Frosted Flakes.
What's different about them?

I can't remember, I just know Luke said our Frosted Flakes in Canada are better?

No shoes! Barefoot running. Impressive.

Sigh. I also put on a pair of my Asics.

I love how you're complaining about walking to the security line when you're there for a 5K race.

I don't like doing more exercise than necessary.

Coulda slept til 4:30!

I know :(

Awwww.... sooo sleeeepy.

I'm not a morning person haha. Even as a kid, my parents would have to wake me up on Christmas morning because I loved sleep that much.

:hug: for all your troubles. But I must say I am thoroughly impressed that you stuck with it as much as you did and raced anyway.

Thanks! Since that race I've had a skin infection and double ear infections - I'm pretty much the poster child for health.

Nah. You scraped that off the internet.
I'm not buying it.

I guess next time I need to take a selfie in front of it for you?

OMG! Don't fill your water bottle from a port-a-potty!!!

Doesn't everyone do that?

I saw the map at the end. Yikes! Dullsville.

It's a good time to just admire all of the costumes around you. I believe it was around this point when a group dressed as the monorail ran past me.

Huh. Nice.

We ended up with so many pictures from this!

What? Geez. You guys are running a race. The least the bunny could do is stick around for it.

I know! We didn't even know the name of the bunny we got a picture with, but we figured we were already in line, so might as well.

Love that shot.

Most people were running past the Viking guys, so I forced Luke into stopping for a picture with them haha.

Aww... look at those smiles.
Very different from Ms. Grumpypants earlier.

I was finally awake by this point! Hahah

Well of course you had to!

I know, right! I wish Canadian Donald Duck made more appearances!

Good for you!

Thanks. I felt like I was dying those last few hundred feet. And 5k really isn't even that far!

Way to go! Congratulations!

Thank you! Now to start training again for the Super Heros 5k I signed up for at Disneyland in November...

Great job on the race! Love this report, excited for the proposal part!!

Thanks for joining in!
Exciting! I would like to do a runDisney race sometime.

You should try for a runDisney event sometime! They are so well-organized and the rare character meets are awesome!

I have breakfast every morning too. I don't feel right if I don't.

Ketchup chips count as a perfectly balanced breakfast, right? It's just like hashbrowns...

I am far from an expert runner, so I have no idea what a "good" interval is. When I do any jogging, I'm pretty gassed after 5 minutes and I have to walk for a couple minutes. I have no idea if that's good or not. Probably not, but at least I try to get out there sometimes.

My fiance has gone through a bunch of the Running Room programs (Learn to Run, some 5k clinics, 10k clinics and a half marathon clinic), and he always told me to aim for an interval of run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute. I've only gone out with him once for a run since we did the 5k in Florida, and I made him scale back to run 1 minute, walk for 2 minutes haha - that's my favourite interval.

Of course! I would wait that long and more for Canadian Donald. Should I confess to having a shirt exactly like that when I was in university? I still have a dark blue and white one. I guess I'm not helping the stereotype!:laughing:

Haha, I own so many plaid shirts! I grew up in a small town in a forestry family, everyone I know owns plaid!

Congrats on doing the run. I may not ever make it to a runDisney event, but I'm thinking about getting myself in shape enough to enter a 10k run in my hometown. They do it every July, so maybe not this year, but hopefully next.

Good for you for setting a goal! RunDisney events are much easier than normal races though, since you get to stop for character meets haha.

joining in. More will power than me to run a 5 k at Disney. Way to go.

Thanks for reading! There were lots of people simply walking the 5k, and I only jogged about 60% of it! I believe anyone is capable of completing a Disney 5k!

I used to live in a border town with Maine about an hour from Fredericton (I went to school at MTA in Sackville), and now I live near Halifax. We probably have some common acquaintances for sure!

Ahh, so I assume Woodstock area. I grew up about an hour and 20 minutes outside Fredericton heading in the opposite direction (just outside Miramichi). Whenever we went to Maine we would typically cross by Perth Andover.

I love Sackville, such a strange, cute little town. I also figured out based on your age that most of my university friends would have been seniors the year you were a frosh. So probably not a lot of cross-over there, although it is a small school!


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