A Cute Thing That Happened in Front of the Castle


It made Sunday Nights special
Jun 6, 2006
We were walking to Fantasyland just after the park opened last week, and there weren't very many people around yet. A little girl all dressed up as Cinderella was being pushed in a stroller, and as they crossed in front of the castle the little girl's "glass slipper" dropped off her foot, which went unnoticed by her parents. There it sat for a forlorn moment, all by itself on the ground in front of the castle, only to be quickly scooped up by a handsome male Cast Member, who then chased down the family, dropped to one knee and asked to try the slipper on the little girl to see if it fit. It was an adorable scene for those of us who witnessed it, and couldn't have been better if it was planned! Kudos to that "prince" of a CM!
Awwww, how adorable! I wish something like that would happen to me! jk--but it is nice to see something like that--it gives me a great feeling inside


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