A Disney-addicted mom plans a trip in August, 2010! *New pics #574*

That stroller is really going to be waiting for you, huh? Lucky stroller, starting vacation this early! Glad you found one you liked though, it sounds like it will work well!

And glad you got your shoes ordered too, even though I know spending that much money at one time is never fun. When DH and I went to WDW on our honeymoon we did not bring good shoes, and my feet have never been in so much pain in my entire life, so good shoes are totally worth the money!

Sounds like you're getting all these last minute details hammered out!
Glad you got the stroller/shoes issues sorted! I'll bet the peace of mind from children not complaining that their feet hurt will be WELL worth the money spent!
That stroller is really going to be waiting for you, huh? Lucky stroller, starting vacation this early! Glad you found one you liked though, it sounds like it will work well!

And glad you got your shoes ordered too, even though I know spending that much money at one time is never fun. When DH and I went to WDW on our honeymoon we did not bring good shoes, and my feet have never been in so much pain in my entire life, so good shoes are totally worth the money!

Sounds like you're getting all these last minute details hammered out!

Sadly we'll have to pick up the stroller from the package center. Which means we might not get it until early Sunday morning. Sad but true!
I really wanted shoes that are good wet or dry. And I've heard these are washable which is another selling point!!!

Glad you got the stroller/shoes issues sorted! I'll bet the peace of mind from children not complaining that their feet hurt will be WELL worth the money spent!

Shoes are super-important. I felt so bad for my son on Friday night because his feet were a mess!

So many of you have been following this trip planning for months. And now we're down to the wire. Suddenly I'm feeling a little panicky! Y'all are going to think I'm really, really nuts!!!
I have ADRs made. I have a basic plan for which park on which day - at least for the 1st half of the trip. Tom likes the flexibility to be "in charge" once we're there so I like flexibility. We have plane tickets. I've basically purchased everything I need to purchase (except I'm buying each child one new game or movie for the trip and I'm waiting for this week's paycheck so I can debit it). And I've already put the new purchases in my shopping cart on Amazon so I can one-click the order as so as I see the $$$ in the bank account.
All that's left is packing and going. I've started packing a bit. Although it may be a little more haphazard than is smart. And yet I'm feeling totally stressed! I'm stressed about packing (I hate that I can't pack the kids' clothes yet because they are still wearing them every day). I'm stressed about getting to the airport. I'm stressed about the flight. I'm stressed about getting to the resort. I'm stressed about feeding the kids dinner that first night and getting them to bed (we may not have the air mattress by bedtime so Jessica and Nathaniel might have to share a queen sofa bed for one night - I'll threaten them with going home if they dare fight! :thumbsup2 ) I'm stressed about picking up the stroller in the morning. And mostly I'm stressed about everyone having fun. The kids have been taking turns being super tired and crabby recently and I'm a little worried about that carrying over to the trip. Tom was also a bit tired and crabby this week. I do not want tired and crabby people on this trip! :scared1:
Am I totally nuts? I'm excited about the trip, don't get me wrong, but now I'm almost more stressed than excited. This will get better once we're on our way, right???

Take a deep breath and try to relax! I'm feeling a little stressed as my trip approaches (and I'm sure it will be even more so when I'm as close as you are) but I'm trying to remember that this supposed to be fun- for me too, not just everyone else! I'm sure there will be bumps along the way because we've traveled a lot and there are usually bumps but they don't matter now. They're either hazy memories or funny stories and no trips have been ruined- we always have a good time overall. :thumbsup2
Take a DEEP breath! I can understand the panic....I have 1mo,2wk, 3days (123!) and I am starting to FREAk out! There is so much I have to do/buy/pack and little is done! You will have a great time! It's Disney, right!

You'll have to let me know how you like the stroller. Our boys are 5 and 6, and while it would be SO great to not deal wit ha stroller, I also don't wan to deal with the "i'm tired, my feet hurt, please carry me" I looked at the Jeep stroller, but the boys are too big for it. The Graco seems like a better fit for my kids anyway! Now just to convince DH...he wants to go without a stroller this time....esp since we are flying. I may have to fight this on out with him!!!!
I understand the stress! Just try to remember that once all the packing and traveling is over you will be at your happy place! And that will make it all worth it:goodvibes
I am with you!

If it helps you feel like you are in a better place, I am on week 7 at the Cape which is one hour from our home so I feel like I have been away a lifetime.

The girls finish with camp on Friday the 2oth, I return home the 21st and we leave on the 22nd. The flip side of Disney has us returning the 30th and they start school on the 31st so.......I am simultaneously preparing for school and Disney while away!

This means many emails to DH having him look for things I think of around the house. In the end will do the best I can and enjoy the trip, after all it is WDW not a safari in a foreign country!
Take a deep breath and try to relax! I'm feeling a little stressed as my trip approaches (and I'm sure it will be even more so when I'm as close as you are) but I'm trying to remember that this supposed to be fun- for me too, not just everyone else! I'm sure there will be bumps along the way because we've traveled a lot and there are usually bumps but they don't matter now. They're either hazy memories or funny stories and no trips have been ruined- we always have a good time overall. :thumbsup2

True, true. I guess I'm extra stressed because I'll have the 3 kids by myself.

Take a DEEP breath! I can understand the panic....I have 1mo,2wk, 3days (123!) and I am starting to FREAk out! There is so much I have to do/buy/pack and little is done! You will have a great time! It's Disney, right!

You'll have to let me know how you like the stroller. Our boys are 5 and 6, and while it would be SO great to not deal wit ha stroller, I also don't wan to deal with the "i'm tired, my feet hurt, please carry me" I looked at the Jeep stroller, but the boys are too big for it. The Graco seems like a better fit for my kids anyway! Now just to convince DH...he wants to go without a stroller this time....esp since we are flying. I may have to fight this on out with him!!!!

I'm a big fan of having a seat for each child at the parks. Nothing is worse than a tired, crabby child who has to walk. My 6 year old would walk at a snail pace and drive us all crazy!

I understand the stress! Just try to remember that once all the packing and traveling is over you will be at your happy place! And that will make it all worth it:goodvibes

That's the only thought that gets me through the day!!!

I am with you!

If it helps you feel like you are in a better place, I am on week 7 at the Cape which is one hour from our home so I feel like I have been away a lifetime.

The girls finish with camp on Friday the 2oth, I return home the 21st and we leave on the 22nd. The flip side of Disney has us returning the 30th and they start school on the 31st so.......I am simultaneously preparing for school and Disney while away!

This means many emails to DH having him look for things I think of around the house. In the end will do the best I can and enjoy the trip, after all it is WDW not a safari in a foreign country!

I always joke around that Florida is part of a 1st world country where they speak English and take American dollars! :lmao:

I'm glad you added the celebrations to the ADRs. I think it will add another magical not to your trip.

party: two weeks party:

Hang in there Amanda!! I can only imagine I am going to be stressed too. I will be heating that point soon. We all have been there so vent as needed! :thumbsup2

I'm torn on the whole swimsuit thing too. I think we are just going to pack an extra set of clothes.

I sure hope you like the Keens!! My whole family just loves them. Lilian lives in them during the warmer weather. :goodvibes

Breathe Amanda!!!!! Everyone will have a good time down in Disney as long as you let them break and run off energy as needed. Lilian has been crabby too lately but I think it is because of her growing spurt she is in now. You'll get to the airport and checked in fine. Perhaps you can assigned the two older kids to watch out for each other (making sure they stay close to you) and then you can focus on Zachary. Make it game, say don't let go of each others hand while we are walking to the gate and maybe you'll have a surprise for the plane. Try to stay positive and upbeat! I think the kids will feed off of your nerves/stress and start getting worried/scared too.
Aww, it can all become so overwhelming. More so because you have the kids to yourself the first day. But it will end up okay. It's disney. As long as you get there in one piece (which you will) everything is fine. I know we all spend forever planning and doing all these extras, but the truth is that you could throw some clothes in a suitcase and have a great time without all the plans.

Oh, and must be the time of year, because J.J. has been whiney and crazy and miserable the past week or so. I mean, so completely terrible. I've been blaming it on the fact that I've been stressed about Sydney and he really does feed off my stress, but hearing that everyone else's kids have been crazy, I'll just blame it on the weather or something!
If you are stressed, the kids are going to pick up on that, and you won't have a good time. You've done Disney before. You know what to expect, where to go. You'll be fine.

And R & O fight like cats and dogs all the time, but for some reason, when we are traveling and they have to share a bed, they think it's a big adventure, especially if they are tired. I bet Jessica and Nathaniel will be fine
I'm glad you added the celebrations to the ADRs. I think it will add another magical not to your trip.

party: two weeks party:

Hang in there Amanda!! I can only imagine I am going to be stressed too. I will be heating that point soon. We all have been there so vent as needed! :thumbsup2

I'm torn on the whole swimsuit thing too. I think we are just going to pack an extra set of clothes.

I sure hope you like the Keens!! My whole family just loves them. Lilian lives in them during the warmer weather. :goodvibes

Breathe Amanda!!!!! Everyone will have a good time down in Disney as long as you let them break and run off energy as needed. Lilian has been crabby too lately but I think it is because of her growing spurt she is in now. You'll get to the airport and checked in fine. Perhaps you can assigned the two older kids to watch out for each other (making sure they stay close to you) and then you can focus on Zachary. Make it game, say don't let go of each others hand while we are walking to the gate and maybe you'll have a surprise for the plane. Try to stay positive and upbeat! I think the kids will feed off of your nerves/stress and start getting worried/scared too.

Thanks! I think the big kids will help me when all is said and done. It's just the little nagging voices of worry that get me! ;)

That's completely understandable! I know you'll do fine and once you're there it will all be worth it. :hug:

Thank you!!!

Aww, it can all become so overwhelming. More so because you have the kids to yourself the first day. But it will end up okay. It's disney. As long as you get there in one piece (which you will) everything is fine. I know we all spend forever planning and doing all these extras, but the truth is that you could throw some clothes in a suitcase and have a great time without all the plans.

Oh, and must be the time of year, because J.J. has been whiney and crazy and miserable the past week or so. I mean, so completely terrible. I've been blaming it on the fact that I've been stressed about Sydney and he really does feed off my stress, but hearing that everyone else's kids have been crazy, I'll just blame it on the weather or something!

Glad my kids aren't the only whiney ones!!! I'm mostly worried about the getting there part....

If you are stressed, the kids are going to pick up on that, and you won't have a good time. You've done Disney before. You know what to expect, where to go. You'll be fine.

And R & O fight like cats and dogs all the time, but for some reason, when we are traveling and they have to share a bed, they think it's a big adventure, especially if they are tired. I bet Jessica and Nathaniel will be fine

We'll be fine once I get there. It's the travel part that is stressful for me! In February we went to Rocking Horse Ranch (about 90 minutes from home). We had 2 queen beds and a pack n play. Nathaniel and Jessica fought so much in bed that Tom and I each had to sleep with one child! This time I'm bringing an air mattress - just in case. :scared1:

Thanks all! I'm very excited about the trip. And I'm having such an insanely busy week at work that I don't really have time to worry. Only time to think about how much I need a vacation! :cool1: There are benefits to being busy. :rotfl2:

You're so close!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
NINE days!!!

I did online check-in this morning and paid off the balance on our room-only reservation. The APs are purchased. Gardengrocer is paid already so all that's left is meals out and incidentals.
Zazzle t-shirts arrived yesterday but I didn't have time to take pics yet. They turned out well!
Still waiting for the Keens to arrive but it should be any day now.

Hooray for 9 days!

It turns out I'm travelling alone with my kids the first two days of my trip now, so I will be taking notes and asking you lots if questions! I'm terrified!
Hooray for 9 days!

It turns out I'm travelling alone with my kids the first two days of my trip now, so I will be taking notes and asking you lots if questions! I'm terrified!

You'll be fine. Your parent to child ratio is a little bit better than mine! :lmao:

On line check in:woohoo: That's how you know you're getting close:goodvibes

I love online check-in. Not because it really changes anything but it makes it feel so REAL!

I'm am definitely earning my vacation this week! Super stressful week. I've already worked over 40 hours this week and I still have a full day tomorrow. This happens every time I have a vacation planned. At least that means less time to stress about the details! ;)
Our Keens arrived today. I'm wearing mine right now to try to break them in. I bought them a little big for the kids but they seem ok. Zachary's fit a little funny but that's because his feet are shaped a little weird. :confused3 I think it'll be ok. He wore them around the house and seemed fine. It's just a little hard to get on and off (which may not be a bad thing for him! ;) ). After I took them off, he carried them around announcing, "My shoes! My shoes!" Very cute.



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