A Disney Honeymoon Looking for Fun & Furry Friends ~ May 6-13, 2014 UPDATED: 8-13

Following you over from my TR!! ;)

Looks like we were there at the same time! Our dates were May 5th-9th, and from your plans & dates, we were at Epcot & MK on the same days! (we probably secretly passed each other along the way and didn't know it..:lmao: )

Great parade pics, and can't wait to hear more about your trip!!

Have you started a thread for your May 2014 visit yet? I enjoy your photos so would love to see them from the current trip.
Before our first fastpass to The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, it was time for a snack! We decided to check out Gaston's Tavern and get Lefou's Brew. DH wanted us both to get it, but I was persistant that our snacks be different that way we could try more things and share it. I love the atmosphere and we were sure to pose in Gaston's chair. The brew was delicious with a mango flavored foam and apple like slush. It definitely hit the spot.

Posing Like Champs

Inside & Out

Since we made time for something sweet, we ventured to Pooh.

Although we were in the FP line, we did notice the interactive standby queue and it looked fun. The attraction was a typical dark ride which was fun and I enjoyed seeing all the scenes. It's definitely one of those rides you do during a short line or FP since it's so short.

A Blustery Day

Watch it Owl, your house is gonna come down!



There was time to kill so we headed over to Adventureland to check out the sights. We did Swiss Family Robinson's Treehouse. It was nothing really exciting, but I enjoyed the view of the park when I was up top.

Let's get out of this jungle and head to the castle!

We went into Country Bear Jamboree and caught a show. I love Disney animatronics and I thought it was a hoot they had some darker jokes only adults would pick up on. We loved the additional animal head trio off to the side and the racoon hat that came to life.

If these walls could talk...

Look! Here comes the band!

She's a heartbreaker.

Sing it!

It's alive!!

Big Finale

It was time for Peter Pan and to bypass the long standby line!

Like Pooh, it's a short dark ride that's fun for the family. Although it being an older movie and shorter ride, I wonder why it's one of the most popular among guests. The ride did get stuck a bit at the beginning. I would have loved to take photos during the process, but I was in between the nursey and viewing Nana in her doghouse. We loved being in a pirate ship and flying above everything. We wish we could have rode this later in the trip, but it didn't have a FP and standby was too long.

We had a FP for BOG lunch, but we still had time for that appointment. We decided to ride the carousel where people cannot handle the concept, "Please keep moving forward," when told by a CM multiple times. DH named his horse Pocahontas and I think I named mine Rapunzel for her flowing hair. Colors of the Wind played for the duration of the ride and we enjoyed ourselves. Sometimes you need those simple rides to wind down.

We ventured over to MTP again to check up on the status of the White Rabbit. The line was short, but that was because his set was wrapping up. His CM said he would be out about 45-50 minutes later. We said if we were out of BOG by that time, we would come back.

UP NEXT: Lunch at BOG and a very important date with the White Rabbit.
First off congrats!!!! I love the TR so far! My DH and I are going on our Disneymoon in October!!!
Following along ;)

We had to have been on safari at the same time too because we had to wait for a while because a giraffe had stopped in front of another vehicle. So it's awesome that we just ran across each other like that.

Nothing wrong with calling it a bit of an early night and great pictures so far. I can't wait to read more about it.
Following along ;)

We had to have been on safari at the same time too because we had to wait for a while because a giraffe had stopped in front of another vehicle. So it's awesome that we just ran across each other like that.

Nothing wrong with calling it a bit of an early night and great pictures so far. I can't wait to read more about it.

That is too funny! I was in the back row in that vehicle. I looked back and the giraffes were following us for a bit! On the first ride, they hadn't come out yet.
So if you go through my links by table of contents, then this will be in order!

Anyway, I forgot to share an amusing story about our first night in WDW. So there's no longer room keys and you just use your magic band. I was so excited to get to MK that I didn't think to grab the sheet that had our room number on it. So we got off the shuttle tired and lost. Where were we??? Actually some attempts, we had to walk to El Centro and ask about it. They told us our building and room number and sent us on our way.

The building number seemed off to be. I think they said we were in Ranchos 7A and we were really in Ranchos 7B. So after trying some rooms, we discovered that was off. And then the room number had numbers in the incorrect order.

We eventually found our way and made sure to always have the sheet with our room number on it.
So were were like 10 to 15 minutes early for our lunch FP at Be Our Guest. So we checked in and there seemed to be an issue. I got a little unnerved thinking there was a glitch and we would not have a reservation. I think it was only because we were early and they figured it out and we waited on the bridge. I appreciate that they have water and small cups for the line because it was a hot day. I thought it was a thoughtful touch.

We checked inside and they told us to pick a table and see the magic happen.

We were debating between the West Wing and the Ballroom. For dinner later in the trip, we knew they'd assign our seating. So this would be a good time to do West Wing, but what if we didn't get Ballroom for dinner? I'd be so sad. However, when we went to the West Wing it was pretty crowded and really no tables available. We found a table in the ballroom next to the windows. You mean I can watch it snow while I eat? Yes please! The first table we chose had stuff on it still and eventually on the other side of the room, still near the window, a table was cleaned off quicker. A CM took our receipt and our food would be out to us in a short time.

We both got the quiche. For dessert, I got the strawberry cupcake and Ryan got the mango puff. Both were delicious desserts, but that strawberry cupcake was to die for. We both enjoyed the quiches and side salads. It was a very relaxing lunch, a big step up from Peco Bills the day before!

When we were done, we explored the castle. We got, or attempted photos in the West Wing. Then we strolled in the Rose Garden and I took photos of the centerpiece and the portraits on the wall.

P1240677 by ak82984, on Flickr

P1240683 by ak82984, on Flickr

When we got out it was right before 1:50...White Rabbit's return time! No one was really in the area besides a family just sitting there for another reason.

I should have known the White Rabbit would be late for this very important date! I saw the building he went into after his last break so I kept looking over in that direction. Eventually he came out and people started to follow him. The CM asked them to form a line and I tried to back up in the designated start to be first in line. She remembered me, told me I was fine, and thanked me for returning.

I gave the White Rabbit a hug and told him I had been waiting for him all day! He seemed happy to see me and I believe he acknowledged my Happily Ever After button.

wr by ak82984, on Flickr

I asked to take some photos....some in the direction of the MM camera and some with our camera. DH mentioned I once dressed up like him for Halloween. He pointed to his clothes and I was like, "Yeah I did." I wanted to tell him it was actually more the suit and vest look, not the court costume, but it didn't matter. We said our goodbyes and I believe he blew me a kiss. I know they can't talk so it's always cute to hear a sound come from them when they blow a kiss.

wr2 by ak82984, on Flickr

Walking away we bumped into Pooh and Tigger coming back from break. I gave them high fives, Pooh kind of avoided me, but DH was taking a photo behind me so I think he was posing. Tigger gave me a high five though.

Up Next: Fastpasses and more FUN!
Be Our Guest is the best! We ate there too and like with you the West Wing was packed. Someday I shall eat in that West Wing and I will think it an excellent decision when it happens.

Such cute pictures with the White Rabbit. We had planned on meeting him and never got around to it, but I'm glad that you guys did.

And clearly Pooh was just in his posing mood. He's a diva that one, when he's not eating all of Tink's honey, he's just hamming it up for the cameras.
What a sweet greet with the White Rabbit!

Your pictures of Gaston's and Be Our Guest have me very excited for my June visit!
Congrats to you both! Sounds like a fun trip. I love all the fun "posing" pictures you take!

My wife would be very jealous of your DH as she loves Wegmans but there are none near where we live.

I love the fact that there are no bathrooms in Liberty Square - and even the bathrooms that are "in" Liberty Tree Tavern are actually (on the planning map of the park) technically across the line into Adventureland
Be Our Guest is the best! We ate there too and like with you the West Wing was packed. Someday I shall eat in that West Wing and I will think it an excellent decision when it happens.

Such cute pictures with the White Rabbit. We had planned on meeting him and never got around to it, but I'm glad that you guys did.

And clearly Pooh was just in his posing mood. He's a diva that one, when he's not eating all of Tink's honey, he's just hamming it up for the cameras.

Pooh at Crystal Palace seemed to be the sweetest. How he held our hands was just adorable. And to think if he didn't come over that very moment we would have left the restaurant since we already met him at 1900 PF. Although Pooh at 1900 PF was hilarious. DH mentioned a rumbly in his tumbly and Pooh grabbed his own belly and started shaking it about!

Also, I was thinking today and I don't think we were on the same safari truck. We did ours on Friday and I assume you did it that Monday you were in the park. We just had similar experiences!
My wife would be very jealous of your DH as she loves Wegmans but there are none near where we live.

Yay, someone knows what I am talking about. I grew up with the store and my Dad was a manager of a couple stores in the past. It is actually the reason we moved from Buffalo, NY down to Hagerstown, MD (store in Frederick, MD).
This is when things get hazy. What did we do between 2 PM and our last fastpass to Space Mountain at 3:30 PM? I am pretty sure we explored Tomorrowland and went to Stitch, Monster Inc. Comedy Show, Carousel of Progress, etc. I have a list of the order events written somewhere so I am going to have to find it. Unfortunately I did not take much photos during this time to help me document our steps!

So for now, to compile a list of things I remember:
  • Fourth FP to Pirate of the Caribbean (um we get wet on this ride??)
  • Tiki Tiki Room
  • Snack at Aloha Isle - Dole Whip Twist (one of the longest lines I waited in during our trip)
  • Fifth FP to Jungle Cruise (sassy, animated skipper)
  • Aladdin's Magic Carpet
  • Hall of Presidents (hey where did my Mickey ears go??)
  • Retrieved Mickey Ears at Hall of Presidents before next FP.
  • Sixth FP to Splash Mountain (per my request since it was closed when I was child)
  • Dinner at Columbia Harbor House (switched seats due to crying child)
  • In line for Mickey's Philharmonic (hey Ryan where are your Mickey ears??)
  • Ears found at Harbor House!
  • Take Two: Mickey's Philharmagic
  • Astro Orbiter
  • Front, but partial viewing of Wishes
  • Vagueness, ended the night at Princess Fairytale Hall
  • Snow White is worried her horse is not outside, DH thinks WTH she didn't have her own horse in the movie.
  • We asked Aurora if she's felt like a second fiddler to A & E. Answers with poise and praise.
  • Get in other line. Ask Cinderella about her stepfamily. Oh they're lovely and are cleaning her palace tomorrow. DH tells her in original story they get their eyes pecked out. Stunned, but still poise she brushes it off and says she'll assume we said they sing. Im beat red.
  • Chat with Rapunzel about her beautiful tower.
  • Watch the beginning of the Goodnight Kiss.
So we had some time before our Space Mountain FP so we decided to explore Tomorrowland. Wait times for all attractions in the area really were not that bad. I think one of the first rides we did was People Mover. It's quite simple, but I am still so glad they moved back the refurbishment period. It's relaxing and I love the music for the attraction. I do not think they ever found Mr. Tom Morrow...

Next up was probably Stitch. I know some people have a beef with this attraction, but I liked it. It's not my favorite, but it was still entertaining. I didn't mind the lights going out, or getting sprayed on, or the bars pushing down on my shoulders. I actually felt that happen before the attraction started so I was prepared for it.

We went across the pathway to Monsters Inc. Comedy Show. I was interested in this and we heard a snippet of it on the People Mover. The wait until the next show was under 10 minutes. I loved the live interaction and they kept signaling out the same old man in the audience. It was always, "Unless you're this guy..." The twin monster duo that was the most fun. And hooray, we filled our laugh canister in time!

I think at this point we hopped on over to the Carousel of Progress. The jingle is already replaying in my head as I type this out. I loved the whole thing, especially Rover. The only thing that confused me was the family through the time periods. They should have all ages drastically and Rover would have been dead the second round. I thought well maybe they are just showing if they lived at each of these periods, but they would refer to past periods and sometimes towards the end the kids aged and the father looked a tad older too. Loophole, Walt!

The time had come to ride Space Mountain, our second of the mountain rides. Would my motion sickness pill pass the test? It did! I also think we went on a day I did not take it, or maybe Ryan didn't, and we passed again. It was really fun and the fact that it's in complete darkness just adds to the thrill factor. I think I would be scarred if I ever saw it with the lights on. I think this was both our favorite out of the mountain rides.

UP NEXT: Productivity & Extra Fastpasses
When we were done with Space Mountain, we decided to see what we could get for our 4th fastpass. We didn't have a fastpass for Pirates of the Caribbean, so we thought we'd try that. Next time was 6 minutes away. Off to Adventureland we go!

This is one of the rides I vaguely remember as a child. However, I do not remember the drop and the possibility of getting wet! We were in the front row and wondered why the seats were wet. We would soon find out. The addition of Jack Sparrow was so well done. Honestly he looked like he could be real if you did not look real carefully and see lines in his neck. Yo ho, a pirates life for me!

I do not think we were able to find a FP kiosk in Adventureland, we found it later, so we went over to Liberty Square to use theirs. How come they can have this and not toliets??? :rotfl2: We had a fastpass for Jungle Cruise later in the week, but why not try it for now. The next time was about an hour away so we went back to Adventureland. We decided to catch the Enchanted Tiki Room.

"In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room!"

I'll just watch Tiki Room and Country Bear Jamboree all day, thank you!

It's time for a snack and why don't I get in one of the longest lines I experienced during the trip? Aloha Isle! Really the whole set up isn't correct. I was on the side where there was only one cashier. In between taking orders, he's making the treats. The poor guy can't do it all and fast! Anyway, I got the Dole Whip Twist with orange. Now it was really good, but when we got a Dole Whip float later on it confirmed that the orange overpowers the great original pineapple flavor.

We hopped on the Jungle Cruise and luckily had an awkward, sarcastic, and sassy skipper. The jokes were corny, but at least she did something with them. None were thrown away.

"Ever seen the Jungle Book? Well there it is..."

"I think he got the point."

At the end of the ride the skipper gave us the tip of watching the Electrical Parade in Frontierland because hardly anyone would be over there. Except she wasn't paying attention to what day it was as it was Wednesday, the only day that did not have the parade. Anyway, she said we were all like family and she was sick of us so we were kicked off the boat.

The next kiosk was right by Jungle Cruise so that made things a whole lot easier. There was one for Splash Mountain in about an hour so we decided to do that. We had a FP for later in the trip, but I thought perhaps we could do it twice. It was closed when I was a kid so I did not want to risk that again!

We walked through Adventureland and then we decided to take a magic carpet ride. And avoid the spit of camels.

He got wet...

Still no Aladdin or Jasmine in their meeting spot. Enough with private carpet rides already!

Up Next: Just Staple on Your Mickey Ears!
We ventured into the Hall of Presidents. I can't remember, as a kid, if I recall this or the American Adventure in Epcot. Both are similar. I liked the attraction, but it amazes me how people can be so political about it. I overheard a guest tell their African American friend, "I'm not going to watch this!" "Why?" "Because I DON'T like the current president." *Friend walks away* Who knew a Disney attraction could cause such a rift of tension?!

We had to do a potty break so where should you go while in the MK? I'll give you a hint...

It's just so purty!

I couldn't find the hidden Pasquels, but I did find this satchel!

I returned to this later on and it was more beautiful!

Alright, it's time to head for Splash Mountain. But wait, DH notices I don't have my Mickey Ears on the way there! I had these things glued on my head at all times. He was the one who insisted I take them off to inside shows to air out my head. But this time instead of putting it on my backpack, he put it on the seat next to me. Well, I completely forgot about it as I thought they were on my head. So we had to go back to the Hall of Presidents. The next show was going on but a CM checked to see if they were found. They were not, which isn't surprising as the group coming in goes into the room just as the previous crowd is exiting. But she told me she'd let us in a minute before everyone else to look for them. We found them, hooray!

Splash Mountain was wonderful. I wanted to take photos during it, but I knew we'd get wet so I decided against it. Well, DH advised against it. I believe we were in the second or third row and we did not have our ponchos on so we knew we'd get wet. Oh well! Well, my DH did not feel the same, but he dealt with it. I loved the story before the whole final drop. I had no idea the ride was so intricate. Towards the beginning I was thinking, "I know there's scenes somewhere..." and thought we were heading to the big drop, but it was just beginning of the trail! The drop at the end of was icing on the cake and hooray, B're Rabbit made it home safe!

We had to do casual dining tonight as we had two sit down restaurants the next day. We chose Columbia Harbor House. DH wanted me to get pure seafood, but no, I'm not doing that. I compromised and got the platter with chicken fingers and breaded fish! We both got the seasonal cobbler as well. We were seated upstairs in a nice section, but alas a child would not stop crying. We decided instead of being tense the whole time, we'd just get up and find another spot. Luckily there was one on the other side of the second floor. We both enjoyed our meals, but the cobblers were a little burnt on the bottom. But it was still a little change up from the normal Disney desserts.

With food in our bellies, we were ready to accomplished another attraction! We decided to do Mickey's Philharmagic as we knew the standby line would be short. So we go inside, get our 3D glasses and are waiting. Then I notice and say...."Ryan where's your Mickey Ears???" So back to Columbia Harbor House we go. I told him to just run without me and I'd catch up. A family near us spotted the ears and told a CM. Another CM went to retrieve them from the office and all was restored. We decided from this point on to do the triangle check. Check your head for Mickey ears, check your pocket for your cell phone, check your other pocket for your wallet.

We eventually made it back to MPM. We both loved the movie. I had fun watching Donald meet other Disney characters. I loved how he swooned for Ariel. I fell in love with Donald and his ways after the movie was done.

Up Next: Prepping for Wishes


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