A Disney Honeymoon Looking for Fun & Furry Friends ~ May 6-13, 2014 UPDATED: 8-13

Our room was not far from the main pool so we ventured over there. They have Disney movie playing each night near the pool so we heard Frozen. We swam as we sang “Let it Go”. The Coronado Springs has a big pool and a beautiful temple feature with a waterfall down the middle.

We also discovered they had a slide. It’s actually hidden and you have to climb up some stairs to get to the top. You can only see the opening from the pool area. But it was a windy slide that was a lot of fun. We may have been the only adults to use it, but that did not stop us! We decided to use the local pool right next to our room another night. Soon it was time for bed to wake up to another day at Disney.

UP NEXT: A visit to Animal Kingdom.

I think we did not get to this park as early as when we did Magic Kingdom. We might have gotten there a half hour before opening. However, even with the big crowds already lined up, we found a kiosk on the right hand side that just opened up. So we weren’t too far from one when the park would open. They opened the park either 10 or 15 minutes early and off we went to explore.

We rushed through the Oasis and headed straight back to Africa to go on the Kilimanjaro Safari. We did have a FP for it to make sure we were one of the first visitors on, but it was not needed right away. We really go to Africa a lot quicker than I thought and we followed the CMs through the queue. We decided we go check out the rest of Africa after this ride and then come back again and use our FP.

KS is wonderful and something all guests must do when visiting AK. We enjoyed being so close to the animals and to see lush, naturalistic exhibits. The only downfall to this attraction is if you’re a photographer. If you have been on it before, I am sure you have picked up some tricks. But to be novice, it’s quite hard to capture some good pictures. You want to steady the camera and to have enough time. You do stop in some spots, but it seems it is never enough time. However, the first time around was meant more to experience it opposed to trying to capture great moments.

One of the first animals we saw was the Black Rhino.

Our first time seeing a wildebeest!

What a view...

Active elephants.

Wrapping up the trip with a White Rhino.

We went on the Pangani Forest Trail. We were able to see elusive okapi up close, a hippo swimming underwater, and a gorilla troop in their lush exhibit.

Hello gorgeous.

Yellow-backed duiker

This is when my nightmare happened. Going to zoos regularly, I often have dreams I have forgotten my camera or it is not functioning right. Well, each night I was doing well with charging the camera battery, but I had yet uploaded any photos on the computer. So now, in this beautiful environment, I was getting an error saying my memory card was full. WHAT?! I had not gone through my photos yet anyway to delete some bad photos so I did that real quickly. Of course there would be no way to go through them all in a short period of time. I remember having another memory card from my old point and shoot camera so I inserted that. With my old camera, I could get over 100 photos with it. With my new camera with a better zoom, I got maybe 10 photos.

During the second run at KS I went between my old memory card and just using my regular camera with no memory card. Half way into the ride, I got the error and I had to suck it up and just enjoy the attraction without my camera. I could always go on my second day at AK. That was my logic for the whole day. Wait to take scenic photos another day. I mean, we still had HS that night and characterpalooza!

I was still able to take some additional photos and that was a good thing as the giraffes came out for the morning right in front of us. They went around our truck and being in the back seat, there was one point where they started to follow us for a bit. That was one of the magical moments during the attraction.

Had enough of giraffes?

Bull elephant.

UP NEXT: A thrill in Asia.
With camera malfunctions and a second time on KS, it was time to head over to Asia for our next FP: Expedition Everest. EE has to be one of the best roller coasters at WDW. At first it’s a bit mild, but after you go backwards, that’s when all the thrills happen. The backwards drop was a bit lackluster for us as we got stuck there longer than planned. If we were in the front row, we could admire the view, but being in the middle you’re just waiting for the drop. This was definitely the most exciting attraction in AK.

We went on the Maharajah Trail, but we went quickly through it since I was reserving photo space. Oh well, the tigers were sleeping anyways.

Sarus Crane

Komodo Dragon

We decided to go into some shops and DH was looking for a snack for one of us. I was a hyper hippo and needed to do some photo deleting to free up some space. We finally sat down in front of Pizzafari. I spent a good 20 minutes deleting over 200 photos. There, that should last me for the day.

Apparently my anxiety did not leave right away and I got short with DH when we were trying to find Pocahontas on Discovery Trails. But we eventually did find her and all was well. I did want to see her, but did not have the strongest desire to interact with her. I knew DH did so I wanted to stand back and take photos of their interaction. Before us, there was a family who met her and a boy terrified to meet her. She would get closer to him and say hello and he would scream. She was very sweet, but he never came around. But we admired her so we had a nice interaction.

Admiring the pins

I love both their awkward expressions.

Nice pose!

Since we were by the Tree of Life, we made sure to get some photos of it. We ended up on the trail that leads to the exit of It’s Tough to be a Bug so we were really up close to it.







Giant Anteater

I want to say we ate next because we had a good chuck of time in between fastpasses. We ate at the Yak & Yeti cafes. DH got the honey chicken and I got the Asian styled sandwich. For dessert I think this is where I got the banana pudding and DH got the key lime pie pudding. Both were delicious.
It was now time to go on Kali River Rapids. We changed into our Old Navy flip flops and put on our ponchos. We were both very unimpressed with this ride. Maybe we got lucky and didn’t get that wet, but we were expecting to do that! The ride was also very short. I have been on wet rides similar to this one and they were much better. I would never wait in standby line for this attraction if the wait was long, even on a hot day!

Since we were still in the Asia area, I asked my DH if we could meet Baloo and King Louie. Now when we first got in line, both characters were very animated! Baloo would also stare down at people in line to see if they would notice.

Hello friends!

They had a group of visitors who were dancing and laughing with them. We were getting close to the end of their shift so we thought it would be okay if they switched out. That way we would get an energetic pair. Unfortunately the pair that came out was not as animated. King Louie was good, but I felt awkward around Baloo. Like it was a guy in costume who was like, “Oh why are you visiting us?” I want hugs, not handshakes! But we ended getting some nice photos with them.

King Louie was still fun.
kl by ak82984, on Flickr

balkl by ak82984, on Flickr

It was still early in the afternoon, but we decided to head out and go to HS early. It was quite crowded at AK that day, and that was one of the most recommended parks! So we thought we break away from the crowd. We still had another day here. Little did we know the school groups we were trying to avoid were too getting on the bus for HS. To be there until closing! Oh joy...

UP NEXT: Hollywood Studios & Characterpalooza
Hollywood Studios may not have a lot of rides, but I love the theming in this park. It's just cool walking down the street with all the building facades. We quickly tried to find a FP kiosk to get another FP. We finally found the main one right behind the hat. We wanted to try one for Fantasmic, but they said none were available tonight since there was only one show. If there was two, that's when they usually offer them. We tried to look at other attractions, but I would mention it conflicted with characterpalooza (no response from CM). Eventually we found a FP for Star Tours that would work after we did that.

We had some time to kill so we decided to do an attraction that did not have a long standby line - Muppets Vision. The next showing was in about 10 minutes so we watched the video clips in the lobby. Constantine the Frog interjected at one point, uh oh! The movie is how I remember it and I loved it. I love the hecklers in the box seat and their commentary. We went to the gift shop afterwards and I was not impressed with their collection.

I believe we went to One Man's Dream next. We were checking out the museum section, then noticed the film room at the end. What a nice film narrated by the delightful Julie Andrews.

We checked out the Animation Studios next, but I had us on a leash and said we could not watch the film because Characterpalooza was coming up! We eventually went to the Streets of America and noticed a few people sitting down across from the door the characters sometimes depart. We kind of looked them over and it was all hush hush like, "You here for Characterpalooza?" They were indeed. It was a young woman with her parents and friend. She had experienced it during March so she was trying to prove to them that it in fact existed. I think we sort of debated over some facts, but I kind of just let things slide, lol. I showed her Kenny the Pirate's website to prove that it would happen and basic information about the event.

The characters did not come out the door, but further back where the Stunt show is located. Most went down the main street of the meet and greets, but Mulan went the back way down another street. DH followed her since he wanted to meet her. I felt a little bad almost stalking her, but she didn't seem to notice. She was really sweet and asked my DH what he was good at. She told him how he could help out with the army.

They did a pose and I ask to do one as well. Ready to copy the same pose she actually continued with the interaction and asked what I was good at. She then told me how I could help out as well. We did a different pose and I liked she had varied moves up her sleeve!

After we were done with her interaction, we decided to hit up a villain.

We were very excited that the Evil Queen was out so we got in her line. I loved how she interacted with children like she was disgusted with them. She was a bit cold towards us, as expected, and I think that vibe rubbed off on DH and he didn't think she was very good in the role. I agree she could have been more engaging in some form, but I think she had the attitude down. We flattered her and were rewarded with her presence.

I was told by a former college program CM that sometimes they dress a guy up as the Evil Queen. Can anyone confirm this?

Next, we got in the line for the Genie. He wasn't that engaging. I think DH tried to tell him he had three wishes and the Genie just blew him off. Anyway, he brought it up again and said his last wish was to free him and he sort of just shook his head. Okay, well it was nice seeing you anyway!

The next character we met was Minnie Mouse. We hadn't met her at all yet so why not do it some place where the line isn't long? This Minnie Mouse was awesome. When a big booming noise came from the stunt show she jerked her body, looked in the air like, "What the..." Her attendant said something like, "Poor Minnie, that always happens to us around this time." We were able to do a kissing cheek pose and she blew us a kiss as we said goodbye.

Next we got in Captain Hook's line! We told him we met Mr. Smee the other day and we were surprised he let him out. He acted surprise like he had no idea about this situation.

We said Mr. Smee seemed like he doesn't take orders from him, which the Captain did not like to hear!

We did some fun poses where we displayed our awesome hooks. Arrrrrrrrrr.

Oops my hook was the wrong way...

The only characters we did not meet was Belle and the Green Army Man. We felt bad for the Army Man because he did not have a line. I would have probably went over there, but I wanted to make sure I hit up the other characters first. Belle's line was long so we did not meet her either.

In between sets, we explored the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground. We had a little fun when no one was watching.

When we returned, some people were still waiting for the second set. I told the group before I believed they had a different set the second time around so I think everyone was waiting to see who would come out. Two girls were hoping for Pocahontas and we told them they could try at Animal Kingdom and her line wasn't that long. We noticed one of the management CM on the street again and everyone stalked his every move. There was a delay for the second set because the stunt show let out and that crowd kept coming! Once that cleared out, he got on his radio and eventually the characters came back out. When he saw us earlier he was like, "I have no idea what is about to happen. This is just a normal day here..." The same characters came out and I felt bad I fibbed to other people. Alas, I would not meet Meeko or Poppin's Penguin, but we did have a good set of characters!

We did go back so I could meet Belle, but the line was long again. I wanted to also check if new characters popped up, but it was the same characters. We used our FP for Star Tours and I believe I remember this ride too. I think we always said my mom finally volunteered to go on a ride and we chose Space Mountain. Obviously she got sick. But looking at the inside, I think it actually may have been Star Tours or Mission Space. Bless her heart for spending most of the vacation on a bench.

We also grabbed a FP for the Great Movie Ride before dinner. Once again, it was as I remembered it and a fun attraction. Yes, they could definitely upgrade it and add some new movies, but there are some classics that are fun to experience over again. And rest assure, the mob guy got off our boat and we got our original tour guide back! I was getting so worried!!

Up Next: Enjoying an Evening at Hollywood Studios
The pool at Coronado looks so awesome! That's a reason to stay there someday ;)

Oh no for the camera! That would be so terrible. I keep close tabs on how many pictures I have left so that I don't have that problem but I'm still afraid that it'll happen to me someday. But I'm glad that you got it sorted out.

Nothing wrong with doing a bit of playing around either on the playground ;)

And I definitely want to know about the Evil Queen if it's true.

Also you didn't lie, you just were misinformed. You said that you thought they were different characters but you didn't say they were for sure. So it's okay :)
I always looked forward to having dinner at Sci Fi Diner. I know it's gotten mixed reviews, especially about its food, but I don't mind the basic greasy American cuisine. I was there more for the atmosphere. We were seated in the back of the car, as the hitchhikers, with a small family in front of us. You still have privacy so it's not like you feel uncomfortable talking to anyone in your party. One perk was they allowed milkshakes to be your beverage on the meal plan. Thank you...I can steer away from the basic Coke products! And I heard their milkshakes were great so I was excited. I got the Oreo milkshake, but I cannot remember DH's kind of milkshake. I think we both got the Angus chuck burger and desserts were warm glazed donut and turtle cheesecake. I may have finished DH's dessert for him, woot woot!

As for the atmosphere, it was fun! I enjoyed the old, cheesy movie clips and commercials. Our waitress was fun and she gave us a speeding ticket at the end of the meal. But my clean record!! I would definitely come here again.

Here are some photos:

The back of the room

The classic commercial

Dinner was scheduled later in the day so I think we may have headed straight to Fantasmic.

That's when we noticed people in the FP line going in. So DH asked one of the CM why they had FP when we were told that there was none today. The CM got annoyed and gave him an attitude. Perhaps the CMs from before meant they had none left for the day, but the CM didn't have to be rude about it. I am sure it's a common question, "Where can I get a FP?" but manners, please!

They may have got to seat in the center, but DH went all the way down a row and we found a spot big enough for two people in the second row. Score! Now we would have to wait and put up with the obnoxious pre-show. Bless your hearts Disney CMs, but I can't take your extra perk right now. Time to play on the phone. No really we don't need to end in the wave....well I didn't anyway.

On to the show! This has to be my favorite closing show. The theme, the story, and seeing all those characters! That's really what sealed the deal. And the dragon and other special effects. Wonderful!

Shall We Dance?

Oh Ariel, you sassy!

Oh no, the villians!


Let's see how snake like I can be!

Favorite shot from the show

Get em, Mickey!

Here comes the boat! B & W Mickey as the Captain!

There you are, Meeko! Um where's John Smith's other arm??

Now Bert...


Whoo the exit out seemed to take forever and I thought we were out in the entrance, but we just got back on Sunset Blvd. But we got out safe and sound! Now it was time to go and upload those photos!!!

Some left over photos...

I'm typing it up and it's coming soon! The day of amazing meet and greets. Such as:
  • Piglet
  • Eeyore
  • Pooh
  • Goofini
  • Donaldo
  • Daisy Fortuna
  • Magnificent Minnie
  • Anna & Elsa
  • Narcoleptic Aurora
  • Tremaine Family!
We did so much at Magic Kingdom earlier in the week and we were wrapping up with it the next day. So I honestly didn’t expect so much wonderful things to happen while we were there on this day. I knew it would still be somewhat special since I would meet Eeyore at Crystal Palace!

They let us into the park and I guess we were a little far back in the line. Because of that I didn’t get that image I expected when having an early ADR. I thought a completely empty Main Street. But it was more crowded with people than I anticipated. So I took a few photos of the castle and was on my way to Crystal Palace.

Crystal Palace

We checked in early and around 8 AM they started calling families in. As I mentioned before, the pace seemed quicker at 1900 Park Fare. I was getting anxious waiting outside to go in at CP. But eventually we got in a little before our scheduled 8:10 AM appointment. We were seated right underneath the Friendship Banner. The characters were not out yet so we got our food. Some highlights were the poof puffed toast and the berry casserole. I never wanted to overstuff and I always wanted to make sure I was available when the characters were out, but I still wish I ate more! Well I did get seconds so I really cannot complain.

Piglet and Tigger started on our side of the restaurant. Piglet had a really nice attendant and she asked me who I was looking forward to see. I told her Eeyore and she said he was on the other side, but he was already making his rounds and would be over soon. When Piglet finally got to me I was panicking because DH was taking his time at the buffet and I was like you’re missing Piglet!

His attendant was nice and took some photos of us and then I think I mentioned I was waiting for someone else in my party. I yelled at DH to come over before Piglet left us! Piglet was very sweet as you can tell in the photos.

I had time after Piglet to get more food at wait to Eeyore. I think I may have been at the buffet another time when I saw him come over so I ran back to my table to be ready.


Of course it was wonderful to meet him. As I have heard, his fur was soft and he was of course adorable! It’s funny because I used to be a Pooh guy when I was a kid and it was my older sister who loved Eeyore. Actually when we went in 2000 so got in line I believe at Hollywood Studios to meet him. She was about 20 at the time and he shook his head like, “What is this woman doing in my line?” Anyway, maybe it’s the actually fur character at Disney that has me enamored. And luckily this one didn’t shun me for wanting to meet him. I told him I booked this meal just to meet him.

For me?

At this time it was around 8:40 AM and we thought maybe we should head out before the big crowd comes into the park. We mentioned maybe we could figure out how far we could go before blocked off to get to Fantasyland. We could attempt to meet Anna and Elsa! We already met Pooh and Tigger earlier in the trip so we didn’t need see them again. I did mention Tigger was on my side, but he was on the right side of my section and then went over to the other side of the restaurant. We tracked down our waiter and asked for the check. As we were about to leave Pooh was coming over. Oh why not! We have time for a bear hug. This Pooh was adorable and look how he holds on to us in this picture.

Thanks for noticing me...

UP NEXT: Who really needs a FP for Anna & Elsa?
Oh no! I am running out of storage room on photobucket and I don't want to spend money to upgrade! I have flickr and have been trying to figure out all afternoon to link it properly here. Can someone tell me the steps or give me the HTML code? Thanks!
you got some great pictures on the safari! I think the girraffes are the best part - they always seem to come close to the trucks and make interesting faces!

Speaking of interesting faces, your DH sure loves hamming it up for photos - they are great!:lmao:
We were on our way and we got through the castle and met a rope right before Sir Mickey’s.

Cinderella's Castle by ak82984, on Flickr

We had some CMs there who told us we would have to wait until the rest of the crowd got into the park and were behind us. The management leading them into the park had to be in place when they took down this rope to prevent chaos. We were told though we would have to go around the carousel and please walk in an orderly fashion so we weren’t asked to leave due to foul play. We mentioned we thought it was a good idea they were doing this and one of the CMs said there were issues the week before and some injuries. DH and I decided to stay to the right of the rope because that would put us on the inside track around the carousel.

Fantasyland by ak82984, on Flickr

When the crowd came up behind us and we started moving forward, we walked in a normal fashion and ended up 5th or 6th in line to meet Anna and Elsa. We were willing to wait an hour for them since we didn’t have much planned in the morning, but it only took us 10 minutes. Now we had something to brag about to our niece!

While in line, we said hello to Aurora because we did not want her to feel left out. Anna came to get us and I stood by her while DH was by Elsa. I think we did the lame intro in, “Do you want to build a snowman?” But that lead to Anna saying her and Elsa were talking about building a whole snow family.

P1250198 by ak82984, on Flickr

I mentioned they should have snow dogs and cats too. Then Anna said, “Oh that’d be so cute. Little snow kittens!”

Little Snow Kitties... by ak82984, on Flickr

We then got our picture taken together and Anna told us to say a magic word when we smiled, maybe snow. We didn’t do it the first time so she said in between her teeth, “You didn’t say it…” They were both delightful to meet.

Anna & Elsa by ak82984, on Flickr

Say SNOW! by ak82984, on Flickr

anel by ak82984, on Flickr

Don't be Scared of her Touch by ak82984, on Flickr

In between Princesses...

Snow White's Story by ak82984, on Flickr

We said hello to Aurora and mentioned we met her earlier in the week. But we said it was late so she probably didn’t remember. She joined in and was like, “Oh yes, I was probably almost asleep…” I think we also reassured this one that we loved her, but I don’t think we asked how she felt about her roommates as they were right there!

Don't Fall Asleep! by ak82984, on Flickr

Chatting with Aurora by ak82984, on Flickr

We did bring up the topic of a movie coming out about Maleficent. We said it was her side of the story. She said, “It does not sound too interesting. I would probably fall asleep during it.”

aurora2 by ak82984, on Flickr

Briar Rose by ak82984, on Flickr

Aurora by ak82984, on Flickr

We went over to the Big Top Circus and we planned to meet the gang. We then discovered that they would not be out until 9:45 AM so we had some time still to wait. So we decided to ride Dumbo again because the stand by line was not long. At this point they were allowing standby to go to the FP set of Dumbos too so it made the line very quick!

Dumbo Ride by ak82984, on Flickr

Dumbo Ride by ak82984, on Flickr

Dumbo Ride by ak82984, on Flickr

Dumbo Ride by ak82984, on Flickr

We walked back to Fantasyland to see if we could find the Tremaine family. Not out by the wall so I suggested right behind the castle, but it was the Fairy Godmother. We would have to come back.

Time to take some photos...

Ariel's Castle by ak82984, on Flickr


Prince Eric's Castle by ak82984, on Flickr

UP NEXT: Goofy, Donald, Daisy, & Minnie!
We waited in line for the fantastic four and good thing because the line started to form behind us ten minutes later! When the doors opened, all the characters popped out to say hello. We were guided in by Donaldo. He tried to bypass the line to get to his spot, but those blasted velvet ropes were in the way!


Get out of Donald's Way! by ak82984, on Flickr

He kept trying to move forward and CM eventually helped him out. At this point Goofy was right behind us and I wish I had my camera ready to take a photo of him up close. We met Goofy first and DH kept flattering him so he got some extra hugs.

goof3 by ak82984, on Flickr

He acknowledged all of our pins and was very lively!
goof1 by ak82984, on Flickr

goof2 by ak82984, on Flickr

goof4 by ak82984, on Flickr

Next was Donaldo and he recognized our Mickey hats….

donaldo by ak82984, on Flickr

We said he was still #1 and one of the CMs, “Don’t flatter him! His head is already too big.” He forgave us and we got our photo taken.

donaldo2 by ak82984, on Flickr

As we left he stuck out his finger for us to confirm again, yes #1!

We scurried through the candy shop to come back to meet the ladies. I loved Daisy’s costume and meeting area. We did not take a photo near her fortune telling globe, but we did get a photo of us kissing her. Oh Daisy, you melt my heart!

We're in love...
We <3 Daisy! by ak82984, on Flickr

daisyfortuna by ak82984, on Flickr

We <3 Daisy! by ak82984, on Flickr

Daisy by ak82984, on Flickr

Minnie was just as sweet and we had a nice time interacting with her. Loved her puddles in the background!

Magnificent Minnie by ak82984, on Flickr

minniemag by ak82984, on Flickr

For the ladies, we asked the CMs to take photos with our camera. We did not do that with the boys as you can tell with the camera around my neck. But we wanted photos with our camera so we got back in line! Goofy was happy to see DH again and this time we posed all together like we were on motorcycles.

The Great Goofini by ak82984, on Flickr

The Great Goofini by ak82984, on Flickr

The second time we met Donald we took off our Mickey hats out of respect!

OMG those ears took off all my hair!

Donaldo by ak82984, on Flickr

UP NEXT: In love with the Tremaine Family
So back to the Castle walls we went to meet the Tremaines! Darn it, they still were not out. Well, DH had to use the bathroom so I waited in the area until he was done.

Castle wall, no Tremaines.

Castle Walls by ak82984, on Flickr

Hello Pinocchio!

I got No Strings! by ak82984, on Flickr

Pinocchio Village Haus by ak82984, on Flickr

And long and behold, the Tremaine family were heading back over to our way! I made sure to get us a spot in line. However, they formed it where I was not situated so I had to hop over there and was a few people back. It took a little bit since they really interact with the guests, but it was worth it. DH suggested we follow our original plan and propose to the sisters. I said we could say we did not think we’d ever meet them so we settled for each other. But now since we were here, *get down on a knee*. But who would take our photo? We asked the young woman behind us and she obliged. And she took amazing candid photos too. I wish she was on this board because I would say THANK YOU FOR BEING AWESOME AND CAPTURING THIS MOMENT!

While waiting, Peter and Wendy came out and I took their photo quickly.

Wendy Darling & Peter Pan by ak82984, on Flickr

Off to Neverland! by ak82984, on Flickr

Waiting in line... by ak82984, on Flickr

When we met the ladies, we had to ask them how they liked cleaning the palace. They said they don’t clean the palace and we said Cinderella told us they were coming over to do just that. Anastasia said, “That’s a lie! She likes to live in her own fairytale!”

So we spoke to Cinderella... by ak82984, on Flickr

She said you were cleaning her palace! by ak82984, on Flickr

Telling the lies from Cinderella by ak82984, on Flickr

Not Impressed... by ak82984, on Flickr

After praising them and downgrading Cinderella, we had to do what we came to do. So we started the speech and got down on our knees.

We thought we found happily ever after... by ak82984, on Flickr

Is it happening? by ak82984, on Flickr

I always thought I’d be the one to propose to Anastasia, but DH went to her so I got Drizella. But I wouldn’t have changed it! This Drizella was great.

When I held her hand she said, “Oh this one is nervous, he’s shaking!”

This one is shaking... by ak82984, on Flickr

Christmas Card Photo! by ak82984, on Flickr

My hands slightly shake always, but I found the comment funny. They of course said yes and then we told them the great news. My last name was King so Drizella was marrying a KING!

Listen, his last name is King... by ak82984, on Flickr

She was overjoyed, which is something coming from her!

I get to marry a KING! by ak82984, on Flickr

DH said Ryan mean’s little King so Anastasia was marrying a king too.

He's a King too! by ak82984, on Flickr

And then this photo happened….

We're all overjoyed! by ak82984, on Flickr

The best photo of the whole trip!

We did not want Lady Tremaine to feel left out so DH told her my father was also a King and perhaps she could marry him. Drizella had to get down to business and insisted that I get her a big crown.

Hold it! I want a BIG Crown! by ak82984, on Flickr

I said of course I would, along with a ring. She said we had to come back with those items.

WHAT?! by ak82984, on Flickr

This is when Lady Tremaine noticed our photographer and said, “Do you always take her with you to get pictures?”

All in the Family by ak82984, on Flickr

Family Portrait by ak82984, on Flickr

For a day I expected to be casual, we had an amazing time already with meet and greets! I was just on cloud nine.

UP NEXT: Leaving Fantasyland...
you got some great pictures on the safari! I think the girraffes are the best part - they always seem to come close to the trucks and make interesting faces!

Speaking of interesting faces, your DH sure loves hamming it up for photos - they are great!:lmao:

Well I am not doing things right if it doesn't look like I am hamming it up for photos too!
It was time to scoot out of Fantasyland and enjoy other parts of the park. We had a FP to Big Thunder Mountain so we headed over there.

Time to admire Splash Mountain...

Splash Mountain by ak82984, on Flickr

How do you do?

The Brers by ak82984, on Flickr

I think we changed all of our fastpasses for this day since we did everything earlier in the week. We selected attractions we wanted to do again.

Pictures (taken later on the train):

Big Thunder Mountain by ak82984, on Flickr

Big Thunder Mountain by ak82984, on Flickr

After we got our thrill on, we went to Tom Sawyer’s Island. It was not that exciting, similar to Swiss Family Robinson’s Treehouse. However, it’s a good way to kill time and enjoy the scenery. We ventured into Liberty Square and checked out the wait time for Haunted Mansion. It was about 15 minutes so we decided to wait. And this time the graveyard queue was open so we got to interact with everything.

Haunted Mansion Queue by ak82984, on Flickr

Haunted Mansion Queue by ak82984, on Flickr

Haunted Mansion Queue by ak82984, on Flickr

I think the ride got stuck again, those darn spirits! The hitchhiker ghosts did the same head switch trick they did the last time. I was not able to get a photo of it.

Before we leave...

Haunted Mansion Buggy by ak82984, on Flickr

UP NEXT: Under the Sea
We visited the ghosts, now it’s time to visit the fish! Under the sea!

Oh this castle...

Ariel/Eric's Castle by ak82984, on Flickr

DH may have took this one

Under the Sea Queue by ak82984, on Flickr

I told myself this time around I would not take photos so I could enjoy it this time. But I ended up doing it. I wanted more photos of a better quality!

Under the Sea Ride by ak82984, on Flickr

We descend down below...

Looking Up by ak82984, on Flickr

Ariel by ak82984, on Flickr

She's a horder...

Ariel by ak82984, on Flickr

Horder, Party of One! by ak82984, on Flickr

Tavern by ak82984, on Flickr

This fish is hard to capture! Along with the spinning purple creatures.

Under the Sea by ak82984, on Flickr

Flirt! by ak82984, on Flickr


Impossible Photo; Failed by ak82984, on Flickr

Under the Sea by ak82984, on Flickr

Kiss the Girl by ak82984, on Flickr

Kiss the Girl by ak82984, on Flickr

Your Voice by ak82984, on Flickr

Baby you're a firework! by ak82984, on Flickr

Married at 16... by ak82984, on Flickr

We walked by the Tea Cups to spy on the White Rabbit.

Alice in Wonderland Topiaries by ak82984, on Flickr

Then we went to see the wait time for Pooh, but it was too long. Sorry Pooh! Looking at photos, I am not sure what lead us back to Frontierland, but we did head over that way and took the train around the park. We went 3/4th around the park and ending at the Main Street Station.

UP NEXT: Wrapping it up on Main Street
Wow, so many awesome character meets in one morning. And you got in and out of Anna and Elsa in ten minutes? We had a FP+ and still the whole process probably took us around 25 or 30 minutes, so I'm very impressed.

Oh you must have made the day of those Tremaine sisters. Think how heartbroken they must have been when you didn't come back with the crown and the ring ;)

HM is a great use of time whenever you get to do it. I approve.

And Ariel is a hoarder. Honestly, I'd hate to see what Eric's castle looked like after she moved in and started keeping things in there.

But boo for skipping Winnie the Pooh! :p


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