A Hop, NO Skip, and Many Mishaps to a Disney Dream!

My son is 22. He just moved out of town and we haven't heard too much from him. He moved with 2 other friends and none of them had jobs when they left. I am hoping he finds something soon. My Mom did talk to him recently and he said he had a fast food interview for now to keep him going till he found something better. I haven't heard if he got it though. I hope this straightens him out though. Being completely on his own and away from family might be a good thing for him.

I know your son is a few years older than mine, but they seem alike in many ways. I really do hope that being out on his own makes a difference for your son. Sometimes that is a rude awakening and can be just what a kid needs to turn to corner. My son knows that if he doesn't keep the grades up in college then he can't come back here to live. It's just way too disruptive. So we'll see how he's doing at the end of this semester.
I think your next cruise should be Dec 15-22, 2012 on the Fantasy so I can read your trip report for the cruise I am on:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Actually I think you would be fun to be on the same cruise with!!
First, thanks for not starting your new TR yet. :laughing:

I "borrowed" your note idea, and Kadence recieved all her surprises this way!

Claire's bathroom issues sound like Kadence's bathroom issues, and yes we had one night of issues...............right when we didn't need them:sad2:

Your trip was awesome, I hope ypu have many more in the future......with no mishaps!:thumbsup2
I hate that your report is over. You had such a fun time with Claire & did so much together. Hope that you can get Skip to go on a cruise soon! Maybe tell him that they will have an ondeck tractor pull!:cool1:
Jen - I hate that your trip report is over, I started my work day with coffee and your trip report - I'll have to switch over to your other one! And since I doubt I'll be doing a cruise for at least a year or two, I think you need to go on another one, with or without Skip, so I have something to read about!:lmao:
Great report Jen! Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us :goodvibes

thanks so much for reading along. It was a lot of fun.

Wow, what a trip! I can't belive it's over finally! I'm glad you found your phone. I've had a meltdown or two before as well. DH always says that I haven't dripped in a while, so am due for a good cry!

Claire is an awesome little traveler! Anthony is pretty good too, planes and such don't even phase him. His motto should be "have DS, will travel". :rotfl:

I hope you get another trip planned soon!

I am so glad it was found. I probably would've not been the nicest person on the plane. LOL! Claire is a good traveler too. She now has a DSXLi, so that will be going on future trips with us. She also has a cyber pocket and leapster which have kept her very busy on the last couple of flights.

I know your son is a few years older than mine, but they seem alike in many ways. I really do hope that being out on his own makes a difference for your son. Sometimes that is a rude awakening and can be just what a kid needs to turn to corner. My son knows that if he doesn't keep the grades up in college then he can't come back here to live. It's just way too disruptive. So we'll see how he's doing at the end of this semester.

I do hope he opens his eyes and gets life going. He did get a job at a fast food place for now, and I am happy he realizes he needs to take anything at this point just to make some money till something better comes along.

I think your next cruise should be Dec 15-22, 2012 on the Fantasy so I can read your trip report for the cruise I am on:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Actually I think you would be fun to be on the same cruise with!!

That would be awesome. But I don't see the Fantasy in my future. ...Unless is is an AEP trip, which would be awesome. I do have a "possible" cruise next fall though.

First, thanks for not starting your new TR yet. :laughing:

I "borrowed" your note idea, and Kadence recieved all her surprises this way!

Claire's bathroom issues sound like Kadence's bathroom issues, and yes we had one night of issues...............right when we didn't need them:sad2:

Your trip was awesome, I hope ypu have many more in the future......with no mishaps!:thumbsup2

OH NO! You were supposed to have a perfect trip...but it will make for some interstering story telling.
Glad the note idea worked for you. I really should start picking up knickknacks and such for any future trip.

I just caught up to find out, it's all over. :sad1:

But you still have another one to do :woohoo: and then ....... as a TA, don't you have to go there once a year to stay on top of things? ;)

Um, may I just propose some possible cruise dates for next year ....

Feb 19 - 23 - wonderful time to cruise
Aug 24 - 29 - wonderful time to cruise
Aug 29 - Sept 2 - wonderful time to cruise (and you would have fellow cruisers you'd know :rotfl2:)

Thanks for taking us along - it was wonderful meeting you this summer - hoping to see you again SOON!!! (in person)

Now I really wish those dates would work! I think if we go with Skip, it would most likely be march or april. He's being very resistant right now. Summer won't work for him, especially august as thats the "big" tractor pulling month. Even if he's not pulling, he will go to a lot of those as they are pretty local. BUT...I "might" be going in Oct or Nov of next year. :rolleyes1

It was wonderful meeting you too. I felt like we were old friends who have known each other forever.

I hate that your report is over. You had such a fun time with Claire & did so much together. Hope that you can get Skip to go on a cruise soon! Maybe tell him that they will have an ondeck tractor pull!:cool1:

I am glad that is over, only because I have another to write yet. But if I didn't, it may still be lingering on. LOL!
If there was a tractorpulling event there, it would be a geat way to convince him to go. I should write the NTPA and tell them to do something on a Disney ship. :thumbsup2

Ok, there are no future trips planned yet....But I have some family who are wanting to go on the Dream next fall.. late Oct or early Nov. This would be some cousins, who want to travel...but only if my Mom and Dad and Autn and Uncle go. They actually decided they would like this...if Claire and my neice go as well. I told Mom I couldn;t afford it most likely. Skip has already said no, he wouldn't go. Not a good time of year for farmers. Mom mentioned she may just take me anyways. Last night Mom mentioned to my sister that they would like to take her DD who is Claire's age. My sister said no way could she go without her. And I don't blame her. I would want to be there for my childs 1st time as well. Well Mom mentioned that her and my Aunt were thinking of just paying for all of us to go. (they did get an inheritance recently) I just smiled, but said nothing. Again my sister said no, she wasn't going as she has a baby (who would be 3 at the time of sailing). The discussion ended as my sister wasn't really being very cooperative about it.
Later my Aunt came in and asked before we all left (It was little neices 2nd b-day party) if we could talk about the cruise. My Mom said no, not now, I already mentioned it and we have time to work on her. LOL! Sister DH was standing in there then and he looked like he would LOVE to do this, so I'm sure after we all left he probably asked what was going on.
Nothing is set in stone yet. It's all talk right now, so until something is booked, I won't know anything, but I just wanted to let you know that there is a possible trip next fall. The cousins also would like to go to WDW after the cruise (or before depending how it works out), but my family arleady said no to that. My Aunt and Uncle are not really park people, so it would be a short trip, but still lots of fun...and of course with so many people, some drama. Another totally different type of experience. So it may be awhile before I know, but I thought I would mention it. Only time will tell.

I did tell Mom that Skip said he would npt be able to come, and her reply...we don't care if he comes or not, we just want you and the girls. :rotfl2:
Jen - I hate that your trip report is over, I started my work day with coffee and your trip report - I'll have to switch over to your other one! And since I doubt I'll be doing a cruise for at least a year or two, I think you need to go on another one, with or without Skip, so I have something to read about!:lmao:

Oh, thats so nice. I will be getting my next one started....eventually. And I do tour the Dream one of those days, for a slight cruise fix.
I also just posted about a "possible" trip next fall. Still over a year away, but one can "Dream".
Just wanted to thank you for a wonderful TR! I loved how you captured all your memories in words and (fantastic) pictures and shared them with everybody!! Also, thanks for reliving my Sea World days... Can't wait to read your next reports!
Just wanted to thank you for a wonderful TR! I loved how you captured all your memories in words and (fantastic) pictures and shared them with everybody!! Also, thanks for reliving my Sea World days... Can't wait to read your next reports!

Thank you! I keep trying to fugre a way to get to Sea World again in Olrando. I guess it depends on where we goe next year, but Claire keeps asking to go back.
Your sister is turning down a free cruise?! :eek: I'll be your sister that week....... :rolleyes1

I know. My other sister did too. She's single and my Mom told her she could come, but she said she didn't think she could get away from work (she works for my other Uncle...I bet she could...since my Mom is going to invite them along too if they want to come. LOL) But she's a winer and deosn't think it would be fun. She doesn't care for Disney. She went with them a few years ago and Mom said she sat on a bench most of the day (she's also very heavy and hates al lthe walking).
I talked to Mom this morning and she said they will for sure pay for all the kids to go. And help us with us adults out too, but I know she really doesn't want to pay for all of us. I can say that Claire will most likely going for sure, and I' hope to be going as well. ;)
First off, I am so sad your TR is over. :sad1: I will really miss reading it and seeing your fantastic pictures. BUT, I am very encouraged that you might have another trip in the works! That's awesome! And if it's free, that's even better! ;) Do you have any idea which cruise everyone is interested in?
First off, I am so sad your TR is over. :sad1: I will really miss reading it and seeing your fantastic pictures. BUT, I am very encouraged that you might have another trip in the works! That's awesome! And if it's free, that's even better! ;) Do you have any idea which cruise everyone is interested in?

Yes, there are 3. All 4 nighters. Eithr Oct. 28th, Nove 4 or nov 11. Most likely we'll go with one of the Nov. ones because my Dad mows lawn in the summer and he keeps busy right up till about then. I kind of think the Oct one would be neat, but then we would miss Halloween at home.
A little update about the cruise for next year.
It looks like it's a go.(with my fmaily and some cousins) We still have to decide on a date, but most likely Nov.4 or Nov.11, 2012.
Mom talked to BIL today and he said yes, they want to go (well he does at least)and that he would talk to my sister. Mom told him that they would like to use their inheritance money from thier Uncle to do a family trip and he was all for it. Basically we only have to pay for our ship expenses. I did tell Skip he should at least pay for my flight, and I got a wrinkled nose. Nice guy. :rolleyes1 I told him it wouldn't be soon as the flights are not even released yet for that time of year. I tried to coax him into going and he said no way again. He does not want to hang with my family for several days. I tried to explain that we could go on our seperate ways most of the day and just meet up for dinner, but he is set in his mind.
I am very excited. I know it's more than a year away, but at least we are pretty sure we will be going again on that beautiful ship. Of course, anything can happen between now and then, but I do have a little hope! :banana:
Yes, I did write about in on my PTR.
Oh no. I hope your knee heals fast!

I thought so! Sometimes I think I am losing my mind though lol.

Thank you. It has been coming for a while. I have severely bough-legged knees and flat feet to boot! The PT told me I have arthritis in my feet as well, and is shocked I have never torn my ACL! I'll be 30 in Feb and my body will be 72! Fortunately I am in great shape, and resilient so I will rehab it for about a year, then Ill be running road races again! I can't help find a cure for Alzheimer's disease if my knees are out of whack!
A little update about the cruise for next year.
It looks like it's a go.(with my fmaily and some cousins) We still have to decide on a date, but most likely Nov.4 or Nov.11, 2012.
Mom talked to BIL today and he said yes, they want to go (well he does at least)and that he would talk to my sister. Mom told him that they would like to use their inheritance money from thier Uncle to do a family trip and he was all for it. Basically we only have to pay for our ship expenses. I did tell Skip he should at least pay for my flight, and I got a wrinkled nose. Nice guy. :rolleyes1 I told him it wouldn't be soon as the flights are not even released yet for that time of year. I tried to coax him into going and he said no way again. He does not want to hang with my family for several days. I tried to explain that we could go on our seperate ways most of the day and just meet up for dinner, but he is set in his mind.
I am very excited. I know it's more than a year away, but at least we are pretty sure we will be going again on that beautiful ship. Of course, anything can happen between now and then, but I do have a little hope! :banana:

Yeah!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Whatever DREAM cruise you take - it will be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jen, how great is that, another cruise! Too bad Skip refuses to go, well it's his choice to miss out on great times!
WOOO-HOOOO!!!!!!!!! Another trip. I really do think you need to go seeing how it for work related research and all;)

Does this mean we get a new ptr soon?


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