A May Disney trip we're STILL paying off! A young couple's report! NEW 12/6!!!!!

Nice update ... love the Jessie hat ... as far as the practical sneakers ... well, sometimes you have to give up fashion for praticality! :cool2:
So, where were we?
Oh yeah!
We were leaving the Magic Kingdom and going to Downtown. Did you get my hint?? No?

Why, we were going to see Cirque du Soleil: La Nouba, of course!
I told you it was going to be INTENSE. Hahahah. Intense. Like IN-tents. Ya'll see what I did there? Because it's a circus show...in a tent.

Yep, there it is!

Alright, moving on! This particular show was a first for both of us and also a first ever Cirque show, in general.

BUT FIRST! We were starving! Yes, we do actually eat. I just didn't document it, so I forget. Remember again, these were before-Disboards days! Lol.

Miraculously enough, we found ourselves at Wolfgang Puck Express, the West Side one. Without ever having heard/read anything about the place, we ordered blindly. I got some pesto pita pocket thing that I'm like 100% sure was this...


And it's called the pesto chicken salad, with chips. And I could not tell you what Patrick got because I have absolutely no memory. I don't even have any memory of trying whatever it was so it was probably something I didn't like. Although I do feel like his came to our table much faster than mine and we were running a little behind of our show time. I had to take mine to go and eat it in the tent, that I remember!

We scurried to the Big Top and were directed to our seats. They were pretty high up, but centered so I wasn't upset. P wanted to spring for orchestra/ground level seating but I said it was too much. We had already spent a lot booking this trip so I'll take the cheaper seats, no big!

The show started off with the clowns, and they were so freaking entertaining. They definitely made me even more excited for the show!

I ate my sandwich as the show progressed. And yes, it was delicious. I even ate the chips, and I don't even really like chips.

As for the show itself....


Lemme just say that neither of us knew anything about Cirque du Soleil, so we didn't really know what to expect.
My overall opinion at the time? Umm, interesting. A couple of the acts really impressed me. The little Chinese girls stole the show. Everything else? Ehhh. I though that most of the acts just dragged out for too long. And I was confused the entire time.

My biggest problem? The seats! I think my uncomfort weighed on my negative opinion of the show a lot. I was having a severe case of restless leg syndrome pretty much the entire time and those seats provide no room to stretch out your legs. My knees were stuck at the 90 degree angle position for the hour and a half or whatever it was and I just could not take it. For almost the entire show, I was just praying for it's end so that I could get up and walk around. At one point, it was so bad that I just had to stand up for a second. I was so uncomfortable, I was almost in tears. Patrick wasn't crazy about the show or the seating either.

Finally, it ended and I praised the gods above. It felt so awesome to stretch my legs and move. Ugh, you don't even know. Unless you've ever experienced restless legs and then you totally know.

We walked out of the Big Top and saw this big ol' beetle just chillen. Here's a reference pic to get a look at the size of this bad boy. Yikes.


Annnnd here's a nice close up, just because.


Looking back, I would totally see the show again. I've actually become quite the Cirque fan and while I haven't gotten to another show, I've watched a few DVDs and even done some silk rope work myself! I also am completely in love with the soundtracks. So beautiful. Now that I actually know something about Cirque, I feel like I could watch La Nouba again and appreciate it a lot more.

And now day 8 was put to rest. Only one more day left in Disney. #tear

That's beetle is huge ... isn't that the same type of beetle from the Mummy?! Nice update ... I saw Cirque a few years ago and remembered it was long but remembered liking it ... actually going to see it again in December. Looking forward to your next update.
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the final day.

Thanks to you for reading along! :goodvibes

That's beetle is huge ... isn't that the same type of beetle from the Mummy?! Nice update ... I saw Cirque a few years ago and remembered it was long but remembered liking it ... actually going to see it again in December. Looking forward to your next update.

Have fun at Cirque! I'm actually dying to see it again! And just overall be in Disney...such bad withdrawl haha :sick:
Hi Michela, Thank you so much for positing over on my current TR. And since I'm a link clicker, I just found your TR. Wow I'm really late, like a year late, but it looks like there's a day or so left, so not TOO late. :)

And on the bright side, I didn't have to wait between posts!

Obviously because I'm so late, it would take a post of epic proportions to comment on everything I want to. So I will just say that your TR is simply fantastic! I just love your frankness, your humour, your commentary, all of it.
I found your Trip report earlier today and have now caught up! I loved it all, everything you did and how you explained it!! :thumbsup2
It is making me so excited for my upcoming trip.. Looking forward to reading the last parts.
So glad you commented on my TR, cause now I can read yours!
YAY! :woohoo:

I'm starting now! So excited! princess:

Omg yay I'm so excited! Glad to have you here! :rotfl:

Hi Michela, Thank you so much for positing over on my current TR. And since I'm a link clicker, I just found your TR. Wow I'm really late, like a year late, but it looks like there's a day or so left, so not TOO late. :)

And on the bright side, I didn't have to wait between posts!

Obviously because I'm so late, it would take a post of epic proportions to comment on everything I want to. So I will just say that your TR is simply fantastic! I just love your frankness, your humour, your commentary, all of it.

You can never be too late...thanks for joining in!
I understand how ya feel, but thank you SO much! :teeth:

I found your Trip report earlier today and have now caught up! I loved it all, everything you did and how you explained it!! :thumbsup2
It is making me so excited for my upcoming trip.. Looking forward to reading the last parts.

Yay! Glad you found me...and thank you! Reading about other crazed Disers trips before your own is literally the best! I hope you have a great trip! :wizard:
And here we are. After eight long days, we were finally on our 9th and last one.

I'm sure you're all familiar with the feeling of last-day-blues mixed with anxiety because you have to cram everything you missed/want to do again into less than a day.

So yes, I was SAD that we were leaving Disney, but this had been a LOOOOONG trip. Way longer than I'm used to doing. Granted, we did take up 2 of those days in Universal, but still...LONG. It was more of a "Hey, I'm sad...but I'll be OK." instead of a "OH GOD NO DON'T MAKE ME LEAVE PLEASE I'LL PROMISE I'LL GIVE UP MY FIRST BORN JUST PLEASE NO"

Then of course this all changed after I came home and discovered Disboards. About a week later, I was ready to go again! Lol. And now you don't even know the withdrawal I've been going through. Yes, I did get to Disneyland recently, but my World craving is still un-satiated. I need my World Showcase and my Animal Kingdom. Soon, plz. Soooon! #fingerscrossed

Anyway, back to the trip report!

We headed back to the Studios in the morning because I HAD to get this shirt I had saw previously in the week. I was unsure of buying it because of the $39 price tag, but I ended up seeing a girl walk by me wearing it and I knew I just had to have it! However, I had only seen said shirt in a certain store in Hollywood, so we buzzed over real quick only for shirt buying purposes.

And look! We stopped for a "couple" picture in front of the hat. Annnnnd, I ruined it with my closed eyes. Womp.


Ok, that's better. Yes, I rocked my sparkly Minnie ears. All day.


Oh! Right...
This is THE SHIRT!



And then it was back to the Magic Kingdom! Aaaaaagain. Seriously, I've never spent this much time in the MK before. It's actually always my least-visited park. But Sorcerer's...it changes you.

Chaaaaaaaaaaaanges. #whisper


We acquired our daily dose, and went to take a dip on Splash.


And then we rode Buzz, for God only knows what reason. Dat concentration, though. I'm sure I probably lost, as usual.


I like to "cheat" on this ride to give myself an edge by spinning our space ship thingy away from targets to distract my opponent. Lol. Is that even considered cheating?? It only works so much, though. Don't give up forever-losing Buzz players! ;)

Hang in there readers, we're almost done :cheer2:
I totally agree Michela, Disboards really makes staying away that much harder. A lot of people say it helps bridge the gap between trips, but it just makes me want to go MORE!! :mickeyjum

I have absolutely made a special trip just for a piece of merch so I completely get that. That IS a cute shirt. Haha, I've also found that the thinner the material, the higher the price.

That little girl on Splash right in front of you looks TERRIFIED!! :eek: I love ride photos.

Oh, you have a great sense of humor! :rotfl2:

If you're really concerned about having that perfect pic in front of Tower of Terror, I'd photoshop you face in the second picture onto your first picture. There are boards on reddit that do that thing all the time. It's actually pretty fun to see what the other people come up with when you give them permission to mess with your photo, there might be a couple of HM added. lol! :artist:

AH MAN! That shirt is awesome! I find if you HAVE to go back and get it, it's usually a shirt you can't live without! You probably did a good thing right there! :cheer2: :thumbsup2
What a great report! It's been a blast to read. You guys are too adorable.

Looking forward to the rest, even if it is the saddest part of any trip.
I totally agree Michela, Disboards really makes staying away that much harder. A lot of people say it helps bridge the gap between trips, but it just makes me want to go MORE!! :mickeyjum

I have absolutely made a special trip just for a piece of merch so I completely get that. That IS a cute shirt. Haha, I've also found that the thinner the material, the higher the price.

That little girl on Splash right in front of you looks TERRIFIED!! :eek: I love ride photos.

It definitely does a little of both!

THAT IS SO TRUE. The shirts that are basically tissue paper are always $40++++ I don't get it...
But people will keep buyin them, so that's marketing for ya!

Haha I know! I noticed that too!


Oh, you have a great sense of humor! :rotfl2:

If you're really concerned about having that perfect pic in front of Tower of Terror, I'd photoshop you face in the second picture onto your first picture. There are boards on reddit that do that thing all the time. It's actually pretty fun to see what the other people come up with when you give them permission to mess with your photo, there might be a couple of HM added. lol! :artist:

AH MAN! That shirt is awesome! I find if you HAVE to go back and get it, it's usually a shirt you can't live without! You probably did a good thing right there! :cheer2: :thumbsup2

Thank you so much!

That sounds like it could be fun! And...interesting haha! I'm an awful photoshopper...Microsoft Paint for me! :p

I did! I was definitely happy! :thumbsup2

What a great report! It's been a blast to read. You guys are too adorable.

Looking forward to the rest, even if it is the saddest part of any trip.

Awww thank you! So glad you're reading!
Ughh the ending is the worst, especially when you don't know when you'll ever get back!
I interrupt your current trip report viewing to bring a special announcement:
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I hope anyway! It's not a 100% definite, but I'd say its in the high 90s. We're currently working out the kinks! We're hoping to go 11/7-11/10 OF THIS YEAR!!!! For the freakin' FOOD AND WINE. If this actually works out it'll be a miracle and a half. We're gonna drive and just go for the F&W (and possibly a day at MK or Typhoon). BUT ONE DAY IN DISNEY IS BETTER THAN ONE! Especially since I didn't foresee a Disney trip anytime in my future.

So keep all your fingers crossed that we can get enough people committed ;)


And back to your regularly scheduled TR...

We continued our mission of quickrunwegottadoeverythingbeforeweleaveomgitsourlastdayahhhhhlsjdfksjf and we found ourselves at Tom Sawyer's Island. This is something we love and hadn't gotten to yet, so today it was a must!


It's my life's goal to someday find a paintbrush!



We explored every nook and cranny of the island, took photos at all of our favorite spots and I read every sign in my best Southern drawl (a tradition).



I miss my blonde hair!
I'm in this really awkward "in-between colors" stage that's like an awful mix of my previous blonde and recent dark brown and it's this terrible orangey-browny shade. Anyway, you'll see what I mean in my Disneyland trip report which I'll be getting to REAL SOON!!! Now if seeing my ugly hair doesn't get you all excited, I don't know what will!



Apparently, we really like guns.


I'm just really amused by the sound effects they make and the fact that you can pretend you're sniper-ing passengers on the ferry boat thing as it floats on by.





We were tired and hungry after all that huntin' and explorin' and spelunkin' so we decided to grab some grub.

ACTUALLY, quick and (kinda) funny story about spelunking. Yay for you guys!

So, in case you didn't know, spelunking is cave exploring. As I have previously mentioned, Patrick enjoys making up elaborate stories that are mostly used on his friends and parents when he doesn't want them to know something. Anyway, we were road tripping up in Vermont and P recently had a knee complication that put him on crutches. He had been telling random strangers that we met throughout the day that it was the result of a "spelunking accident" to make himself sound...well, more impressive and interesting than he actually was.

So, we're stopped on a side street by a young homeless guy who just emerges from an alley. (Your typical beginning-of-a-mugging scene, lol). He starts chatting us up and I instantly become suspicious so I'm immediately in defense mode, watching his every move and waiting to pounce. Lol. I mean, come on...empty side street, guy hobbling on crutches and his little defenseless looking girlfriend...

Long story short,
Guy asks what happens to his leg. P gives his quick spelunking accident spiel, and we try and make a quick getaway.
Turns out, the guy knew a whole lot about spelunking and was an avid spelunker himself, go figure.
He kept asking questions and trying to get P to go into detail about all the caves he's explored.
It was hilarious watching him scramble for words and actually try and sound like he knew what the heck he was talking about to this hobo who was all like "Yeaaaah man, spelunkings my thang. I've explored liiiike over 52 caves in the capital region, like what kind of gear you usin', bra?".


P was all sweaty and stuttering and stuff, it was great. Idk if it was because he was scared this guy was gonna kick out his crutches, grab his wallet and run or because he was being put on the spot about his lie, but it sure was fun to watch!

So yeah. If you're gonna pretend you're much cooler than you are to strangers, make sure you actually are familiar with the subject you are supposedly an expert in. Lol!

Oh, and we got away without being mugged, but I was so ready for a fight. NO ONE TRYS TO MUG MY CRIPPLE, MMK.

A N Y WAY...tune in next time for my next update which involves lunch and other shenanigans around the MK. Woo!

WOW that's exciting Michela. I really hope it works out for you. :goodvibes

Hmmm Tom Sawyer Island. I honestly can't think of a time that I ever went over there. Ever. And I've been to Disney A LOT!. But playing with the guns looks like fun... :scratchin

Bahaha, OMG that spelunking story is priceless. Good advice too, make sure you are familiar with whatever it is you're making up. :thumbsup2
Thanks for the update, and glad to hear you will be revisiting your Disneyland report.


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