A minor rant about parents and carpooling


<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=navy>
May 30, 2000
When my child needs to be some place on time, I have them there. If I need to pick up someone elses kid I make sure to leave enough time so we still arrive where we need to be on time.

Whenever DD carpools with my neighbors, they are constantly late. She needed to be at Girl Scouts at 4, they havent moved out of the driveway yet and its after 4.
I volunteer to drive there so the girls make it on time but it makes no difference since their child is never ready on time. I end up sitting out in front of the house waiting and waiting.
Ok Im done now.
Yeha my friend is like that too we always say there is the regular time and Marina time ;)

Marina time is anywhere from 1/2 hour to 2 hours later than what everyone else in the area is using.


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