A note my son wrote me or getting my priorities straight...


DIS Veteran
Sep 7, 1999
Yes, it's been quite a month for me.

Until today I didn't realize how much it affected Michael.

This morning, rushing because of a meeting with our new "boss" about being on time.... not directed at me but to everyone...calling to see if my parents had a good night...checking my balance because I have to take care of my parents' expenses for now.... packing for the weekly trip to Tennessee tonight...checking my emails because of a problem I had with a irate poster yesterday...all the while trying to forget the anniversaries and birthdays that came and went this week while walking around with a SMILE on my face...

I yelled at Michael for watching TV because he was supposed to be doing his summer work (he was watching Amen). I told him to write a story about what he intended to do with the rest of his summer NOW. I wanted it neat and spelled correctly or he would HAVE to do it over. NOW.

This is what he wrote... (remember he's 9) :)

Going to Scitrek.(his camp)
Haveing fun.
Not being yelled at.
Not gettin my hart broken
I think she is under aLot of stres so has to tack it out on someone.
I forgive you.

BAD Mommy... :(

I have to remember that whatever I'm going through, his joy and his "hart" gets me through it.
I think you both are pretty special. {{{hugs}}} :D
{{{HUGS}}} Robin. You will both get through this.
Oh Robin, I've been there. It's so hard when you're under stress and you have to scream at somebody and unfortunately our kids are usually right there. Give Michael lots of hugs and make sure you tell him it's not HIS fault; he's just right there in the fallout zone, poor kid. {{hugs}} to you, too; hope easier times are ahead.
(((hugs))) for you both. I think you're doing a great job raising a very sweet young man.
Leave it to a child to put things into perspective! Hugs for Michael and for you too, Robin........this, too, shall pass.......and hopefully soon!
I didn't know your ds and my dd were the same age.:)

{{hugs}} You're not a bad mommy. Quit beating yourself up. Michael knows you love him and he sees you are very busy right now. {{hugs}}
{{{{HUGS}}}} to both of you!! And no you're not a BAD Mommy, you're just a little stressed!! It's amazing how children can remind us about priorities, tho!!:D He sounds a lot like my son, Michael!!!:D
Hugs and positive thoughts to get you through this. You're not a bad mommy...obviously...as his note attests to...you're doing something right.....hang in there...I've been there too...
My new perspective is this:

In the Grand Scheme of things, how important is this?

Many times I’ve had a fight with my daughter who is now 23. I KNOW I’m right but in the Grand Scheme of Things (GSOT) is it worth losing her being right?

Your parents are important, your job is important but your son is the MOST important. In the GSOT, you are the one he needs the most and I think, he is the one YOU need the most. No matter what, he is #1. Some where in there you have to find time for yourself too.

Years ago, my world was falling apart, my father was in a nursing home dying, my daughter had hooked up with a guy on the internet and was sending him $$ he had come to visit from West Virginia – here to NH – I think to either get her or her $$. Suffice to say, I was a complete basket case. I did things and said things I shouldn’t and about had a breakdown. Then I sat down and thought, I am right but in the end if I lose my daughter, what will it get me??? I managed to swallow and reach out to her and got her back. We still have our moments but she knows, no matter what I love her. I’m sure Michael, knows you love him, it’s just hard right now.

Don’t beat yourself up, take a breath, hug your son and move on. Saying a prayer for you because, I know you need it and since I’ve been there, I also know what you are going through.

Take care.

OmG, Denise!

Yes, in the GSOT .....

Wow, what a story.

I guess I just needed to be reminded of how blessed I really am. Yes, I lost my first son, I miss him, but I HAVE Michael, and he is, the GSOT, a treasure beyond belief.

In fact, the biggest problem I have with him is that he's always soooo happy! It sometimes drives me insane!

Some problem, huh?
Aww Robin!! Michael is the sweetest boy I know!! Hugs to you both!!! :)
Things do get difficult at times and unfortunately our kids do suffer at times. I try my best to talk with my DDs, even though they are young, and I am never ashamed to ask them as well as God for forgiveness.

Being a parent is tough, stop beating yourself up. Today is a new day!
I can't begin to count the number of times that my son has said "Don't be a bad dad". Usually when he doesn't get his way.

You've got a lot on your plate. You are blessed with a happy child through all of the crud that you are dealing with right now. Take comfort in that. And I know deep down in my heart that you are a GREAT mom. I don't know how single parents manage. You're in my prayers for sure.
My 9 year old has told me I'm a bad mommy because we don't play enough! They do have ways of letting us know, don't they.
Oh that sweet darling! Robin you have raised a very very special and insightful young man. {{{HUGS}}} to both of you.
{{{HUGS}}} sweetie, sometimes life can be overwhelming. Michael is a wonderful young man (he tolerates my hugs even) and he knows you have a lot to deal with right now. He found a way to remind you that you have to think of yourself too and I think that's great.
Having raised such a sweet and understanding son (how many kids would realize their parents are under so much stress and forgive them??), there is no way I can agree with your assessment that you're a "bad mommy".

You're a fantastic mommy!

Sending some hugs, P&PD heading your way Robin!
That reminds me of our first mini-vaca this summer. I took DS10 to a place to hike.
At one time he wasnt keeping up so I had what he called an "episode". Boy was I close to shaking him. Bad mommy-this is something I do NOT do often.
Then a few days later something wasnt going the way I wanted again and I was holding my head. DS says "Oh no, watch out. Mom's having an episode!" Well, so far I havent had anymore "episodes".


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