A poll: How much hush money did it take?

How expensive is Mr. Show’s Silence?

  • $0.00 to $50.00

  • $51.00 to $100.00

  • $101.00 to $500.00

  • $501.00 to $1000.00

  • AV is really the most beautiful babe ever and… well… ah… You know!!

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What Would Walt Do?
Jul 21, 2000
OK, I know I sent a PM. And if I’m any judge of character at all, I’m betting Scoop sent more than one. There have been references in many posts as to why Mr. Show won’t spill the beans. So I’m offering a little poll: How much? What did it take to buy off Mr. Show? (Humph! And I thought CMs did take tips!!)
As to what he knows, I don't, so DVC, could you fill me in here?
I think AV brought Luca Brasi with him and made Show an offer he couldn't refuse...

Show originally told AV "he ain't no bandleader", but changed his mind when he found the severed head of his stuffed Bullseye in his bed one morning. Show has no desire to sleep with the fishes at the bottom of the Paradise Pier lagoon, so he pledged his eternal friendship to AV on the day of his daughter's wedding.
Sorry Testtrack321. I thought everyone knew. Mr. OnWithTheShow, our friendly neighborhood Cast Member extraordinaire, actually, honest to God (cross my heart and hope to die) met our resident sage and wise man from the West, Another Voice.


If he don't start squealin' soon, "Then it's all out war, we go to the mattresses!!!!"
Dont think I will sit idlely around and take your pathetic threats! Now that I am in the 'familia' with Voice I no longer fear you. Next time you ride Great Movie Ride watch out for the gangster, he may not be an actor, and he may be out for you!
DVC, I did know he was going to meet our Sage (but that brings tears to my eyes, ToN). I thought something else was going on. It seems he knows a lot. Show, could you atleast tell us just a little about JII with Figment?
Oh I am so lost. I guess checking these boards twice (or more) a day still doesn't mean you catch everything.
This maybe the blind leading the blind, but I'll take a shot...

Onwiththeshow (Show), is a frequenter of this board, and also a CM at Disney Studios I believe.

Another Voice (AV), is also a frquenter of this board, and works for Disney somewhere in Southern California. An ongoing storyline around here (mostly in jest) has been trying to ascertain AV's true identity.

Show recently took a trip out west and visited DL and DCA. He and AV arranged to meet each other.

Upon his return, Show gave us write-ups for DCA and DL, and had promised one for AV, however, now he's not talking.

Hence, Baron's post speculating about hush money AV may have paid Show.

I'm sure I will be corrected if I screwed anything up...
Originally posted by thedscoop
...although, now that I think of it...hey, wasn't Sara also at that meet with RunKMC...so, let's break this down like a (gasp!) lawyer...

OTWS & Voice

RenDMC & Sara

A trick? An inter-marital hoax (FYI, Sara & RenDTX are married)?

Here's the verdict:

Sara is the Voice.
RenkMPG is the Show.

...sorry to out your little trickey folks but until I see the four of you at the same time...well, the jury's out...

Like a bad marksman dscoop, you have missed the target yet again. I can confirm that Sara and I (RENKNT) are married and She is not AV and I am not OWTS.

While I can neither confirm nor deny that the meet ever took place. If one had taken place the non-disclosure agreement I was asked to sign(The niceman in the suit said it was for my protection) would preclude me from giving any details.
Unfortunately some cronie of Voice's snatched my camera away from me and exposed all the film when i snapped a picture. I am having my friends at the lab attempt some reconstruction and I should have some sort of image in a few days.
I've met OWTS. We did an AIDS walk a few year back with other DIS members. (Hi! remember me?) :D :D Anyone want to know what he looks like?? ;) :D :D
Ok, heading back to the dicussion of secret identities: I must let you know my "MikePezz" / college student cover is all a hoax. I am actually somewhat of an industry insider. I don't want to reveal too much, but you can call me G.L.

I have some inside information on the Star Tours Update. It FINALLY has been greenlighted for the Studios first, Disneyland to follow. The buildings will complete gutted and all motion simulators removed. After all, they are very "old hat". We have decided to bring in a very NEW AND EXCITING mechanism. It is called the TX-Spin-thing-3000. Each of the 12 cars sits on an arm attached to a central pivot. The cars are themed to racing pods as in the episode one and take riders on a "circular race course" for an entire 30 seconds. Originally, the interior of the building was to be made to look like the "Desert Raceway" as in the movie, but Eisner had a great idea. He thought it would be a great idea to pretend the guests were taking part in a race, in the desert, AT NIGHT! So everything will be pitch black (and absolutely no theming will be necessary). I expect it to be a great success! 3 hour waits, here we come!

:-)-) Sorry, I couldnt' help myself.)


To: Sir Baron
From: Elvis Cole

This investigator is filing the requested report upon completion of the surveillance you ordered. All events were personally witnessed by either this investigator, or his partner, whose identity and brand of sunglasses cannot be divulged for continued future retention.

Surveillance began on Saturday, March 9. This investigator attempted to park in the old Pluto parking lot, but it apparently has been leased to the Six Flags Company for a combination Thrill Park and tasting grounds for new tortilla products. Seeing no crowds inside the new park, Investigator drove past the unmanned turnstiles and parked in front of an empty attraction with a Limo in its name.

Investigator arrived at Disneyland at 4:38 pm, and set up surveillance. At 5:28 pm, Investigator identified Subject, hereinafter referred to as such or as "Barnum", wearing a matching outfit to the description given; namely, a white t-shirt with "Baron Rocks!" emblazened on the front.

Investigator followed Subject to the designated rendezvous point ("Alpha point"), at a discreet distance, with standard double evasion techniques. At 5:38 pm, Investigator confirmed with "Joe" that necessary tools were in place and "Joe" had safely left Alpha without cover exposure.

At 5:57 pm, Subject arrived at Alpha, "Coke Corner," and sat down. Subject appeared nervous, glancing in each direction numerous times, and appeared to review a laminated card over and over. Investigator's 50X Canon revealed card to be a placard with "Approved Questions List & Talking Points" in 14 point Times New Roman font on top.

At 6:02 pm, Subject 2, heretofore referred to as "Vox Disneyana," approached the "Coke Corner," carrying large white cardboard box of undeterminable origin. Investigator checked for visual affirmation, using Roetheir's Test cross-indexed with descriptions from the DOD download. Investigator confirmed that Vox Disneyana is The Suspect. He is a middle-sized male in his thirties, with dark hair, and a goatee beard. He was wearing a sweatshirt with "UC-SB Gauchos" on the front, and was singing "Jungle Boogie" as he approached Alpha point. His jacket had a "Fox Sports" logo.

At 6:03 pm, Vox Disneyana joined Barnum at small table with four chairs. Investigator initiated eavesdropping equipment at a parkbench within visual range of 50X viewfinder.

At 6:04 pm, Vox Disneyana placed first finger to lips, and unscrewed salt shaker on small table, crushing Investigator's eavesdropping equipment.

At 6:06 pm, Investigator initiated back-up eavesdropping equipment located on tile next to chair of Vox Disneyana, and began recording.

At 6:07 pm, Vox Disneyana dropped large white box on tile, crushing eavesdropping equipment. 50X viewfinder revealed white box to be a script treatment for "Pinocchio 2: Electric Bug-a-Boo (Jiminy's Cricket's Revenge)."

At 6:08 pm, Investigator initiated digital long-range taping of scene, with computer enhanced lip-synchronized sentence analyzer.

Investigator recorded following output:

Barnum: Why the secrecy?

Vox Disneyana: There are <inaudible> with plans to destroy me. I can only count on The Baron, <inaudible> and I am sure that the Captain will <inaudible> if he finds out my true identity. And sir, that question is not on The Approved List of Questions.

Barnum: I'm sorry. Let's begin.

Vox Disneyana nods.

At 6:14 pm, Vox Disneyana pulled out large umbrella with an embrodiered caricature of "Shrek" and motioned Barnum underneath the umbrella, shielding Investigator from the view of the conversation.

At 6:28 pm, two unidentified people, a couple perhaps, arrived at Alpha and sat down.

At 7:02 pm, all four individuals left by different routes, and Investigator attempted surveillance of Vox Disneyana. At 7:07 pm, Vox Disneyana slipped behind the Blue Bayou restaurant and disappeared behind an unnoticed door leading to a second floor private area. Surveillance terminated.


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