A thread for The Winkler Family and the loss of there 16 mo. old, Levi :(

I was just thinking of my friend and what she did that helped her. She and I had babies the same age...at 16 mo her baby ran onto the road at dusk and was run down by a tractor trailer. After some time, she continued to write in his baby book, writing letters to him. Each birthday she would have a little party for him with her children. And he was always remembered in all of their family activities. I so admired her for her strength and how she dealt with her grief and loss. Perhaps this isn't a good idea for everyone, but it helped her to keep her son close, and to honor him. His name is Oliver and he would be 29.

God bless you,
Just stopping in to show some more love for your family. I did find the obituaries section you had mentioned and I am adding a link-- I know you wont mind as I am sure that you want to show Levi off to all the DIS....just as I would my own children.

Link to Obituary

I will see you tommrrow honey, I hope you are holding up okay. Dane said you sounded good when he spoke with you earlier today. Hugs for You, Matt and Isabelle!:hug:
I am so sorry for your loss. I have only my prayers and thoughts to give to all of you. Just know that even we who have never met you or only met you once feel such sympathy for you. Lean on your faith and your family and friends. Let your feeling out and don't hold it in. Be able to show that precious daughter of yours that it is ok to let your emotions show. That will help the healing start. God bless you and your family help you get to the point that remembering your lovely new angel doesn't make you cry, but smile.
just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss and I'll be praying for your family
I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through. I will have Masses said for the soul of your precious Levi. Know that EVERYONE is with you in thoughts and prayer.

Gail and family

I don't know you, and only found out about you through this tragedy, but I wanted you to know that I will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow. I know it will probably be one of the roughest days of your life. Please take some comfort in knowing that there are people out here praying for you and your family. :grouphug:

DH and I just returned home from Baby Levis "viewing"...I am happy to say that Matt and Alicia are holding up well. They are both still suffering some injuries, Alicia still has double vision, and Matt had a neck brace on and had to use a walker(didnt get alot of time to find out what was going on with him because it was soo busy). Seeing baby Levi in his casket had to be one of the sadest points so far in my life...I still just cant imagine the pain of loosing a child. There was a dvd playing of pictures of Levi....It started out with pics of him at birth and progressed up to the disney trip- definitly a tear jerker. She also had a DVD of video clips of Levi and that was sad to watch-- He was such a fun, happy little guy:sad1:

Anyhow, I delivered the YOMD Mickey, and after Alicia put it in the casket with him I just knew that was where Mickey belonged. I know Levi is in a better place where there are lots of fun "mickey mouse" things he can play with.:goodvibes

We also had a plaque made up for Alicia and Matt that had the poem that she liked on it--Im sure youv seen it on this thread,,,starts with "daddy please dont be so sad"...you know the one Im speaking of im sure. So we gave that to them and only stayed a little while cause I didnt want to take up to much of her time, she had a lot of family there....so we headed back home....It was about a 2 hour drive there and 2 hours back but I wouldnt have missed it for the world!

Alicia-- you are in my thoughts all the time and if you need anything just call....If you need to get away you guys are more than welcome to come up and vist anytime! Great job tonite for keeping it all together.....I dont know that I could have done as well as you did. ((HUGS)) XOXO
Farrah, Thank you so much for the update.... I continue to keep the winkler family in my prayers.... always
Farrah, I'm so glad you had a chance to be there. I'm sure it was a great comfort to them. Thanks for taking the time to go.
- GmaX
Alicia, I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you and Matt are going through. Your family has been in my prayers since this tragedy began, but Today I will be sending extra prayers your way, as I know this will be a very difficult day to get through. :grouphug:
I am so sorry about your loss!!! I will be praying for you and your family!
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for you and your family. I can't imagine the pain and heartache you are going through. May your baby angel watch over you forever.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the update Farrah. I'm glad you could be there for Alicia, Matt, and family. Please let us know if they setup any kind of fund in Levi's name or anything to go to head trauma research.
Farrah, you are such a special person to do that for Alicia and family. I am sure that it gave me a small measure of comfort, which is the most anyone could give at this terrible time.

I had so wished to be able to be there also.

Alicia and family, I hope that the services and the company of friends and family were comforting. Sharing happiness doubles it and sharing tragedy divides it, even a bit.

My heart aches. We had friends and neighbors who lost their child in a similar way and they have made it a mission to collect money for playgrounds in the area. I hope you can find something that will help you through this tragedy.

Much love and hugs, SG/Linda
Alicia- words can not posisibly tell you how sad I am for you and your family.
My prayers are with you. I am so fortunate that we were able to meet in September and share a little magic. Even if it was just going in and out of our rooms. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!
I certainly can't say anything any more than anyone else has, nor any better that kindakrazy did in that prayer. I only wanted to add my name to the list of those who are thinking of you at this most difficult time. You are in the prayers of so many good people, and you will continue to be in the days ahead. Let us know if there is anything we can do to lighten your load or to help in any way. Thanks, heath and javens mom, for keeping us posted and for being there for the family. You represent the many special people here in this Dis family.
I'm so sorry for your loss :sad1: , I can only imagine how much pain your family is in right now. this is just heartwrenching. You will all be in my thoughts & prayers.
Alicia, Your family is in my prayers. I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your son. May you and your husband have complete physical recoveries from your accident injuries. May time, love, and prayers all broken hearts!

Farah thank you for keeping us updated and for taking Mickey to this sweet angel. We were at the Pop too.


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