A Tipsy Tenth Dining Adventure - Completed 9/28

Yep, this is on my list. I got through Polite Pig and Blaze Pizza, so Deluxe Burger is next. I'm thinking about taking Matt and Tim there in August...I'm glad your meal was good and everyone enjoyed it.
We haven't done either one of those. Jason loves a good burger, so it will be hard to ever drag him away from D-Luxe.

Jason rocked that jacket. Now, he needs that Mickey Tommy!!!!!
Can you imagine the Mickey Tommy under the jacket! Now there is a look for the ages.

Yummy burgers! Glad you had enough for all at this meal :rotfl:

I have that gigantic Minnie emoji pillow, so cute!
Casey so wanted that pillow but after the giant dole whip and minnie gloves I was having serious concerns about getting all this stuff home. We thought we'd actually have to buy a suit case online and have it shipped to the hotel, but thankfully we made it

Mom always knows best. My 18 year old is starting to figure it out finally! We love D Luxe burger too and now I’m craving it.
Casey largely has it figured out, but I fully expect she'll forget again in another 2 or 3 years.

I know I could so go for D-Luxe right about now. We had burgers for the 4th last night and they were nowhere near as good.

Phew - a restaurant capable of putting out an acceptable amount of food! Sounds like a great meal - I've never been to D-Luxe, and likely won't for a while as I don't make it to DS very often, but I am intrigued because I do love me a good burger.
We don't normally go to DS much either but the food is so dang good these days I think we ended up there 3 times this trip. If you do go, its a great option. As is Homecomin and Morimoto and Jock Lindseys and and and and

And about mothers knowing best? Yeah... hopefully Casey will beat me to my understanding of this concept... in my 30s :headache:
I'm not sure I ever figured it out, but mother clearly didn't know as much as me :earboy2:

I remember Andy mentioning that. As we have the same mantra! And ironic that we ended up doing the same thing today, just opposite. We swam first and then went to DS for dinner.
Too funny!!!! I had no idea our plans were the opposite this day.

Andy did not give that an a burger option when we were there!!! (I had taken the girls across the way to get Blaze Pizza to eat)
That looks amazing!
I'm thinking we mobile ordered and maybe it was an option on there. It was so long ago I really don't remember

I have that same argument with my girls, they are always trying to buy shoes that are too small.

Glad you all enjoyed D-Luxe burgers, sad that it was more satisfying than Cali Grill.
What is it with girls insisting too small shoes fit fine??? If they are too big she has no problem calling that out but too small and she'll stuff that foot right on in there
Sadly this looked and sounded much better than it tasted. The actual pears and prosciutto (from Virginia woot woot) were delicious but this had so much garlic and asiago on it their strong flavors just overpowered everything else.
That did sound yummy sorry it was dissappointing as was the size of your fish.
I ended up talking to a couple for a while and it turns out he works for my same Agency just in a different location. It was funny that we knew a lot of the same people, just had never met.
Small world
Somehow I still haven't tried D-Luxe and I am a burger and fries kinda gal. I need to fix this pronto! Jason is really getting into these reports... his expressions crack me up! The shoes are so cute - I hope she's able to wear them!
We eventually got back to the hotel and in our traditional form Jason napped while I took Casey to the pool. I ended up talking to a couple for a while and it turns out he works for my same Agency just in a different location. It was funny that we knew a lot of the same people, just had never met.
My husband always took a nap while I took the kids to the pool. Sometimes I wished that I was the one who got to take the nap but I knew that wasn't going to happen. ;)

It is funny how many people you meet at Disney that have a connection to you. Most often it is someone who lives in the same area as we do. It is also nice to keep running into the same people. It is almost like having friends. ;)

What is it with girls insisting too small shoes fit fine??? If they are too big she has no problem calling that out but too small and she'll stuff that foot right on in there
Cinderella's step-sisters had the same problem. :)
I got the Bacon and Blue Burger with blue cheese, bacon, onion jam, lettuce and tomato.

I was a bit disappointed that medium was the lowest temperature they will cook a burger (my mantra is the bloodier the better) but the paddy was juicy and delicious. The blue cheese went great with the onion jam, which added some nice sweetness. It was however missing a little bit of moisture so I ended up adding some ketchup. Blasphemy with blue cheese but it made it perfect.

This sounds AMAZING! Annoying that some places do that with the medium, i have heard that before or a place that wont make things well done (which i agree with) but if i am paying let me get it how i want!

I love thee naked in all your gloriousness. I love thee just the right amount of salt. I love thee perfect boardwalk flavor. I love thee amazing dipping choices.

But I love thee dipped in garlic ranch the most!

YUM! I love fries, and i usually stick to just mustard with them, but i also will not turn down trying new sauces!

For his lunch Jason went with a special they were running - the Caribbean Burger -with chayote slaw, Scotch Bonnet Pepper Aioli, fried plantain, lettuce, and tomato.

He was in love.

This sounds great too, but i totally could see it being to many flavors... also love this video (is this a video?) haha

Overall we were very happy with our meal. D-Luxe has great burgers and fries and is the perfect spot for lunch. And what do you know our entire meal didn’t cost much more than my paltry entrée the night before (still bitter).

You should be bitter!

And we eventually succumbed to Casey’s desire to shop.

I was waiting for this! SHOP AWAY GIRL SHOP AWAY

But ultimately decided upon a dress and these shoes.

You will be shocked to know that despite me encouraging her to get a bigger size she declared these fit perfectly. By the time she put them on back at the hotel, you guessed it, she complained they were too small. #MotherKnowsBest

These shoes are amazing! So did you exchange them or did you just take the loss? casue I would be WAY annoyed

Cause what grown man doesn’t want a Disney letterman jacket :confused3

I mean everyone of course...
That did sound yummy sorry it was dissappointing as was the size of your fish.
It was good, just ridiculously sized

Small world

Somehow I still haven't tried D-Luxe and I am a burger and fries kinda gal. I need to fix this pronto! Jason is really getting into these reports... his expressions crack me up! The shoes are so cute - I hope she's able to wear them!
Yes you must fix it right away. But only after you go to Takumi-Tei so I can droll all over that first.

Jason is a total ham. He does stuff like that report or not, I'm just usually not quick enough on the draw to catch them.

Shoes were not able to be worn and in fact just got packed up to go to her cousin.

My husband always took a nap while I took the kids to the pool. Sometimes I wished that I was the one who got to take the nap but I knew that wasn't going to happen. ;)
Yes this is my lot in life too. Unfortunately unless I am sick I cannot nap, so it makes sense, but just an hour by myself and some netflix would be appreciated.

It is funny how many people you meet at Disney that have a connection to you. Most often it is someone who lives in the same area as we do. It is also nice to keep running into the same people. It is almost like having friends. ;)
That is definitely true. We are always striking up conversations with someone and can almost always find a connection, even if it is just Disney :D

Cinderella's step-sisters had the same problem. :)

This sounds AMAZING! Annoying that some places do that with the medium, i have heard that before or a place that wont make things well done (which i agree with) but if i am paying let me get it how i want!
I so agree!!! Of course well done should just be outlawed, but beyond that if I'm paying I should be dictating the temperature.

This sounds great too, but i totally could see it being to many flavors... also love this video (is this a video?) haha
Its just live photo on the iPhone reformatted as a gif

These shoes are amazing! So did you exchange them or did you just take the loss? casue I would be WAY annoyed
We meant to take them back later in the week and exchange them but forgot. So they came home with us and I swear not less than 10 minutes ago Casey came downstairs with them to pack them for our beach trip tomorrow so she can give them to her cousin.
As we waited for our uber we stopped for some “nice” family pictures.

Clearly “nice” means something a little different to each of us.


He didn’t care for the squash as it was billed as butternut squash but actually was acorn and way overcooked.

How dare they!? Sub acorn squash and think you wouldn't notice? Really!?

Seriously, there were about 5 bites of fish here. Jason’s steak cost $5 more than ours and it must have been ten times as much food.

That's so ridiculous. And good for us to know since we'll be going for the first time next month.

You will never guess which 2 know where the camera is :confused3


I was a bit disappointed that medium was the lowest temperature they will cook a burger (my mantra is the bloodier the better)

I'm surprised by this. I'm more of a medium-well kinda girl when it comes to ground beef, but it surprises me that they won't go rarer.

Overall we were very happy with our meal. D-Luxe has great burgers and fries and is the perfect spot for lunch. And what do you know our entire meal didn’t cost much more than my paltry entrée the night before (still bitter).

Yum! Great spot for a tasty burger! Now I'm craving one...and their fries...nom...
I feel like I haven't been over to this area on disboards in a while! Just read through a few pages of your dining. Your food at Jiko looked delicious. I really like that restaurant and have ordered similar dishes. I had a terrible experience at California Grill for dinner so won't be back. That fish picture was the whole fish? It looked so tiny I can't imagine them charging a lot for such a small portion. And a shame about the pizza not being that great.
I must get to D-Luxe. I love Blue Cheese Bacon burgers & those fries look yummy. They just need some Malt Vinegar( my Scottish side coming out). Will have to plan better for the next trip. I usually think about it the day we are going to YSH for dinner :confused3.
Hi Kari! So, once upon a time you started another tipsy dining report. And I somehow completely missed the fact that you started it. When I finally found it, life was crazy busy for me and it took me this long to catch up. I’ve read it all and enjoyed it as always, especially your tipsy notes. Life continues to be busier than usual for me so I hope to keep up with your posts and drop a comment when I can.
By the time we got there Casey and I were starving (which makes no sense since our dinner the night before had been so “huge”)

Gee, right. I can't imagine why you were hungry :confused3

I got the Bacon and Blue Burger with blue cheese, bacon, onion jam, lettuce and tomato.

Yum 😋 That's what I always get.

It was however missing a little bit of moisture so I ended up adding some ketchup. Blasphemy with blue cheese but it made it perfect.

Really? I always put extra ketchup on.

I love thee naked in all your gloriousness. I love thee just the right amount of salt. I love thee perfect boardwalk flavor. I love thee amazing dipping choices.

I didn't even know this was a thing. I'll have to try it next time. Do you ask for the sauces?

For his lunch Jason went with a special they were running - the Caribbean Burger -with chayote slaw, Scotch Bonnet Pepper Aioli, fried plantain, lettuce, and tomato.

He was in love.

:rotfl: His crazy eyes are cracking me up!

And what do you know our entire meal didn’t cost much more than my paltry entrée the night before (still bitter).

And I bet you didn't leave hungry either.

And contemplated this gargantuan head for a while.

But ultimately decided upon a dress and these shoes.
You will be shocked to know that despite me encouraging her to get a bigger size she declared these fit perfectly. By the time she put them on back at the hotel, you guessed it, she complained they were too small. #MotherKnowsBest

Oh, no. They don't even look comfortable in the picture. I hope you returned them.

I ended up talking to a couple for a while and it turns out he works for my same Agency just in a different location. It was funny that we knew a lot of the same people, just had never met.

Cue the music...

How dare they!? Sub acorn squash and think you wouldn't notice? Really!?
I know right? Clearly they did not know who they were dealing with :P

I'm surprised by this. I'm more of a medium-well kinda girl when it comes to ground beef, but it surprises me that they won't go rarer.
It surprised me too since you can get medium rare steak at least on property. We've yet to find someplace that will do a medium rare burger though and I have no clue why

Yum! Great spot for a tasty burger! Now I'm craving one...and their fries...nom...
You and me both. It may be 8am but I could totally devour one

I feel like I haven't been over to this area on disboards in a while! Just read through a few pages of your dining. Your food at Jiko looked delicious. I really like that restaurant and have ordered similar dishes. I had a terrible experience at California Grill for dinner so won't be back. That fish picture was the whole fish? It looked so tiny I can't imagine them charging a lot for such a small portion. And a shame about the pizza not being that great.
Hi stranger!!!! Jiko is definitely one of our favorites too and currently our number one seed.

Yes, that was our entire fish we were served. We still like CG and plan on going back next month but will be sure to get a full portion of food this time!

I must get to D-Luxe. I love Blue Cheese Bacon burgers & those fries look yummy. They just need some Malt Vinegar( my Scottish side coming out). Will have to plan better for the next trip. I usually think about it the day we are going to YSH for dinner :confused3.
They do have malt vinegar. I'm a huge fan of vinegar on fries too, but their dipping sauces are so good I cannot resist them.

I can totally see why you may not want deluxe burger any day that you are going anywhere near Yachtsman or any steakhouse for that matter. But any other day they definitely hit the spot.

Hi Kari! So, once upon a time you started another tipsy dining report. And I somehow completely missed the fact that you started it. When I finally found it, life was crazy busy for me and it took me this long to catch up. I’ve read it all and enjoyed it as always, especially your tipsy notes. Life continues to be busier than usual for me so I hope to keep up with your posts and drop a comment when I can.
Hi Jeff! I'm totally with you on life being crazy. I was away from here for a while but thankfully work isn't quite as insane lately so I have some breathing room (and am also currently on vacation). Hope all is well with you and the family.

Yum 😋 That's what I always get.
I think I like the southern burger better but this one is a very close second.

I didn't even know this was a thing. I'll have to try it next time. Do you ask for the sauces?
No, they have them out right by the ketchup and stuff. There are 4 or 5 different options that they have.

:rotfl: His crazy eyes are cracking me up!
What can I say, that man goes crazy for a good burger.

And I bet you didn't leave hungry either.
We most certainly did not. And in fact we were so not hungry we barely eat anything later for dinner.

Oh, no. They don't even look comfortable in the picture. I hope you returned them.
I was going to but then forgot. Good news is we are at the beach and Casey brought them along to give to her cousin
Your cinnamon roll for breakfast at the MK, and fried lunch sound just about perfect to me! I've been dying to try one of those eggrolls, but it never seems to be open, or it's just bad timing every time we're in the MK. Please tell me you're kidding that they got rid of the shooting scene in the HM. For real? This is just ridiculous!!! Ugh. Love Casey's churro modeling! That bites about your CG dinner. Nothing irks me more than paying good money for not a great meal. That flatbread sounded so good, and it's sad that it didn't live up to the expectation. We've only eaten at D-Luxe Burger once, but it was heavenly!
It surprised me too since you can get medium rare steak at least on property. We've yet to find someplace that will do a medium rare burger though and I have no clue why

So strange. I love a medium rare steak, but won't go near a medium rare burger. Not sure why. Probably because it was drilled into me by my family growing up that it's not safe with ground beef because all the gross germy food-poisoning-y stuff from the outside of the cut of meat gets ground up inside the burger and would make me sick or something. Sounds very silly when I say it that way, but I feel like that's why I don't eat my burgers pink to this day. Maybe the Disney restaurant folks have the same aversion! :laughing:
've been dying to try one of those eggrolls, but it never seems to be open, or it's just bad timing every time we're in the MK.
I think I was more excited to see it open and serving than I ended up being with the actual egg roll. But it was certainly fun to try something new.

Please tell me you're kidding that they got rid of the shooting scene in the HM. For real? This is just ridiculous!!! Ugh.
It was gone in May. Not sure if it was temporary or not, but I'd heard it was permanent.

We've only eaten at D-Luxe Burger once, but it was heavenly!
Heavenly is a great word for it! Nothing like a perfect burger and fries.

So strange. I love a medium rare steak, but won't go near a medium rare burger. Not sure why. Probably because it was drilled into me by my family growing up that it's not safe with ground beef because all the gross germy food-poisoning-y stuff from the outside of the cut of meat gets ground up inside the burger and would make me sick or something. Sounds very silly when I say it that way, but I feel like that's why I don't eat my burgers pink to this day. Maybe the Disney restaurant folks have the same aversion! :laughing:
Oh I can totally see that. Ground beef certainly goes through more processing than say a steak. Though I'm not sure if an entire theme park would have that aversion :earboy2: But I'll continue to take my chances because it is oh so good!!!!
The Manchurian Candidate

This evening we were headed back to my mostest favoritest park – Animal Kingdom. Jason had requested we do FPs at night in one park so AK was a no brainer.

First up we did a little shopping at you’ll never guess whose request, but thankfully she was wearing her “gift” of the day that she’d picked out earlier so it was just shopping of the window varietal for us.

With thankfully nothing in hand we hit Flight of Passage where we got stuck in line with a guy who was obsessed with telling us he’d only waited 45 minute even though the sign had said 90. Well guess what buddy, we only waited 5 :earboy2: And then of course I got stuck next to him on the ride where he insisted on yelling “whhhhooooo whhhhooooo” every 10 seconds.

We couldn’t have exited any faster to get away from this dude, but happened upon some rain as soon as we left. So what is one to do when it's raining in Pandora? Hit up Satuli Canteen for some beers and dessert of course.

Jason got an I4 IPA and I went with the “green” one. I don’t recall anything specific about them but they were beer so what's not to like :confused3

We also got Casey the Blueberry Cream Cheese dessert.

This was not only beautiful but had great berry flavor, though she did of course limit Jason and I to one bite each.

While we were waiting for the rain to stop we saw a woman change her kids diaper right on the table in the restaurant with no changing pad or anything :scared1: I mean it was bad enough we saw a kid peeing in this park a few days ago, but inside a restaurant this was downright disgusting.

Moving along we eventually started making our way towards the Safari. Along the way Casey was all too happy to recreate the pose of a bird we saw.

But asking her to take a picture with her father was apparently too much of a chore.

We ended up on the best safari we have ever taken. There were animals all over the road in the elephant area so we ended up taking another route through the savanna to try and get around it. Instead we found ourselves right in the middle of the action and I don’t think we’ve ever been this close to the animals before.

I think the safari ended up being like 45 minutes long due to the animal crossing delays, but it was so worth it.

Last up we had a FP for Everest but bellies rumbling we elected to skip it in favor of our most favorite place in AK – Nomads Lounge of course.

We found a nearly empty lounge and helped ourselves to a table outside so we could enjoy the amazing weather. This would have been perfect had we not encountered the rudest waiter ever.

He came by and threw some menus down and didn’t say anything. Then when he returned to take our order he literally just said “Decide?” and when we apparently didn’t respond quick enough for him he said “well is someone going to say it.” Disney customer service at its best :earboy2:

We didn’t let his rudeness effect our night though and I had a couple of glasses of Spice Route 'Chakalaka' Red Blend which is primarily Shriaz, my most favorite grape.

I’d had this before and on this slightly cool winter evening the dark and spicy wine did a great job of warming me up.

Jason started with the Mustang Coffee which is Crown Royal, Brown Sugar, and Butter with hot Coffee.

I promise this was full when we got it, though with our waiter I wouldn't have been surprised if this was what we were served. While this is not my cup of tea, or should I say coffee, he enjoyed it.

And then got his favorite the Tempting Tigress with Russell's Reserve 10yr Bourbon, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, Tamarind Syrup, and Lime Juice

No sexy tiger posses this time but this is definitely his favorite drink not only on property, but ever.

After D-Luxe burger we weren’t all that hungry and decided to share a few appetizers for dinner. We of course had to get the Gobi Manchurian from Tiffins that is Crispy-fried Cauliflower, Manchurian Sauce, and Green Onion.

For those that don’t recall that we’d eaten this earlier in the week and it was unquestionably the best thing we ate on the trip. Fried crunchy, slightly spicy, tender cauliflower. I’d venture to say even cauliflower haters would love this dish! I have no idea what actually happened in the Manchurian Candidate movie, but this cauliflower candidate was definitely gonna win the race.

We also ordered the Tiffins Signature Bread Service with several breads and Tadka, Spiced Coriander Yogurt, and Fig Tapenade sauces, which I apparently didn't get a photo of.

While no where near as good as the Sanaa bread service, this is tasty and really who doesn’t need more carbs in their life :confused3

Branching out ever so slightly from our usual choices, we also got both the cheese and charcuterie plates. You’ll be shocked to know that our waiter didn’t tell us what any of them were and presented us with no sheets describing them but instead just threw them down on our table without a word.

I’m pretty sure there was a duck pate of some sort on the charcuterie plate that we enjoyed. And some ham and salami of some sort? Beyond that I’ve got nothing so we’ll just stick to the menu and say we ate the Chef's selection of Cured and Smoked Meats.

Again with the cheese we didn’t know what we were eating but there was definitely a brie and goat cheese on there that we liked, as well as other cheeses of the cheese variety and accompaniments of the accompanying variety.

Both plates also came with some anise bread on the side which we absolutely loved!!! They definitely need to be including this in the bread platter.

Jason and I were content to drink our dessert, but Casey ordered the churros.

Theses are definitely the best churros on property. They are sweet and light and go great with the vanilla and chili-strawberry dipping sauces.

We eventually surmised that the waiter was so ticked off because the table next to us was seated when we got there, still there when we left, and they just seemed to be ordering sparkling water and using this as a place for their kid to run around and play. I get we all have bad days at work, but don’t let those idiots ruin the dining experience of amazing, world-famous patrons like us :earboy2:

No chance the table next to us could make gems anywhere near as entertaining as this.

Waiter aside we did enjoy ourselves and had a nice time sitting outside and enjoying the night. We saved $23.85 with our tables in wonderland card, though this was one of the rare times when I hated the automatic 18% tip.

We ended up ubering back to the hotel so we didn’t have to stop at MGM (the Shades of Green busses for AK/MGM share). Jason and I continued the trend of outdoor drinking and sat outside with some wine for me and whiskey for him before finally calling it a day.

Up next, we get channel our inner revolutionists
So what is one to do when it's raining in Pandora? Hit up Satuli Canteen for some beers and dessert of course.
Ummm, DUH! You're my kind of girl!

While we were waiting for the rain to stop we saw a woman change her kids diaper right on the table in the restaurant with no changing pad or anything :scared1: I mean it was bad enough we saw a kid peeing in this park a few days ago, but inside a restaurant this was downright disgusting.
Are you kidding me? For real?

I think the safari ended up being like 45 minutes long due to the animal crossing delays, but it was so worth it.

I get we all have bad days at work, but don’t let those idiots ruin the dining experience of amazing, world-famous patrons like us :earboy2:
I agree 100%. :P

No chance the table next to us could make gems anywhere near as entertaining as this.
There are simply no words. This was obviously the best entertainment in Disney at the time...Maybe you could do a repeat performance in a few weeks????
So sorry you got a rude waiter! It would have certainly been helpful to know what charcuterie and cheeses you were eating, but it seems like it wasn't meant to be with his bad attitude!


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