A trip report.. sort of in the form of a video? We're so rollin' with this! Sept 2014

What a wonderful video!! I'm (selfishly) sad you didn't do a TR because I love reading about your adventures, but this extra-special trip video is amazing! The joy really shows on your faces (all of you!) and you can't help but smile while watching. I had a big grin while watching all the dancing - wonderful song choice too! I can't imagine the time and effort that went into making this, but I'm also someone who can barely take photos with their iPhone. Did you/do you find that taking photos distracts you from being 'in the moment' on your trip, or was 15 days enough to balance all the photos you wanted plus really enjoying your time? Some shots and videos are so perfectly positioned, I would imagine that takes a bit of time to set up!

I think you mentioned you're going back to Disneyland next month (and I think from your Twitter that you're there now...?) - I hope more videos are coming!! Thank you for sharing! This will definitely be a video I re-watch when I need some Disney magic!
I was so excited when I discovered that the trip report I had clicked on was one of yours! I'm a bit bummed that there won't be a full report but the video was great!:thumbsup2
So lately I rarely venture outside of my subscription list but I was sooo glad I did. Pretty sure you posted about this on twitter but I only use twitter on my phone and rarely watch videos on it so that's a bad combo for me.

Before I get to telling you how much I loved it I have to say I watched it last night right before I went to bed and guess what....I dreamt about Disney! Pretty sure you guys were in it too (not in a creepy way...). It was great. Thinking I might try it again tonight. :rotfl:

Now on to the video it's self. You did a fantastic job. Not only capturing your trip but really just capturing the spirit of Disney. I loved it and want to be there right now. The dancing was seriously the best. <3 Music was spot on perfect.

Yay! I hope you return to writing reports but glad to have this substitute.
Thank you for sharing your video! I don't normally like to watch videos, I'm more a fan of reading transcripts (I know, I'm a weirdo!). But yours really made me feel like I was right there along with you guys! I loved all the clips of places I recognized (and some I didn't!), and just seeing how much FUN you guys had! We leave for our trip in 4 days and I'm just so ready to BE THERE and this really made me feel like I was there already! Thanks again for sharing your memories with us :)
This video was amazing! It made me cry!! It was just so much fun to watch and you captured such gorgeous video of the parks and your love of Disney definitely shines through :goodvibes

I lurked on your last couple of TR's and I follow you on IG (now I kinda sound like a stalker...) and I love to see how much fun you and your husband have at WDW! I too have a great love for Beach Club. I'm not DVC but my parents are and I've been lucky enough to stay there several times.

Also, I LOVE your dance button and how you got so many characters and CM's involved for the video! What a fun idea!

I love you TR's and hope you write another one someday but this video was definitely super awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us!
Love the video!! Looks like you had a ton of fun. I am so wowed by the quality. Do you do a lot of editing on the color etc or is it out of the camera like that (specifically the Go Pro stuff)? Making me think I need a GoPro. Honestly one of the best videos I've seen, and I'm a total nerd who's watched a lot.
Another semi-trip report stalker (I do try to post a bit) although I miss your regular reports, this video- wow!! Thanks so much for sharing your memories with us! Although we have only actually been to WDW once (well we did do one day at MK this summer due- long story as we were suppose to be in hawaii but had to rebook our trip last minute due to flights cancelled and going on a cruise last minute out of Florida and squeezing in one WDW day) your trip video brought back so many amazing memories and is really motivating us to get our bums in gear and get back.

Some Favorite moments from the vid:

The mine train gems- love those so much, soo pretty!!

The part from 1240-1350 I don't know it just made me SO SO SO happy- can't put my finger on it, the pictures, the timing, it was just so perfect!

The Beverly part was too funny, we didn't get to try it when we were there as it was out

Your water in your mouth reaction cracked me up for two reasons; your awesome faces, and Matts face behind you- "la la la" in WDW.." Is what's popped into my head! pixiedust:

Thanks again for this, totally brightened my day! Yay Mariners!
DANI!! I started watching your video the day you posted it on FB, but I was at work and didn't have time to finish. Something made me think to check if you had started a thread for your September trip, and I ended up here. THANK GOODNESS, because your video was EPIC!! Yet again, another amazing video, that made me laugh and cry and get the full on Disney feels! Although I loved all of it, hands down my favorite part was the F&W CM's dancing with you. :rotfl: Brilliant!!!

While I'm sad we don't get the full Dani TR experience this time, it's totally understandable. I will be on the lookout for your future TR endeavors! :lovestruc
I'm "jennmarie008" on IG :goodvibes

Okay, I am definitely following you on there! :goodvibes

Great job! I absolutely loved it.

Thank you SO much, seriously, that means a lot!

This is exactly what I wanted to hear lol

I have a gopro (the silver) and I'm always debating on using it for my disney trips but after seeing your video I'm taking it for sure!

What hand pole do you use for it? And did you keep the waterproof casing on it the entire time? (Sorry for all the geek tech questions I just love documenting trips via video and your shots were amazing!)

Haha I'm glad that helped! Definitely bring your GoPro ti Disney, you will not regret it one bit!!

I have the Xshot 2.0, and it's pretty decent! If you put it in water, definitely dry it off immediately, otherwise it can get hard to extend or put away. I kept the waterproof case on it at all times, mainly because that's how it attached to my pole. Definitely nice to also know it's protected just in general! Ask as many questions as you want, I love talking tech stuff!!

YAY! I'll watch it tonight with my oldest. he's loved your videos in the past :)

I totally understand not doing a TR. I'm sure this video is great.

Miss you on here and I'll be in touch on Insta and Twitter :thumbsup2

I hope you guys loved it!! Sorry I'm responding so late, I kind of went to Disneyland and then work has been crazy since I got back, wompwomp.

I was just thinking to myself how it's been a while since I've seen a new Dani report, lol. What an awesome video. Thanks for sharing :)

Aww, I'm sorry I'm not writing a new one, but I hope this kind of makes up for it!! But thank you for watching it!! :goodvibes


I am a total lurker on this board. I followed, however never subscribed, to one of your TR where you and your husband went to the MNSSHP. He was Ralph from Wreck it Ralph and you were the Haunted Mansion wallpaper I think? Anyway, me and my 27 yo daughter were in HS on Sunday 9/14. We were leaving the Animation Courtyard and I almost ran over your husband. He was looking over our heads, which is not hard to do as we are only 5'4", like he was looking for you. I didn't say anything to him because I didn't want to freak him out. If I had seen you I would have spoken. Anyway, I have been "looking" for you here on the Dis since then hoping you would do a TR. I will check out your video tonight as I am at work right now. Shhhh.....

We are going back next year. Our dates are 9/4 - 9/12/15. Maybe our dates will overlap and we can have a Dis meet.

I enjoy reading your TR and am glad you continue to share your trips with us regardless of the format.

Hahaha, that is so funny you saw Matt! He was actually on his own that day in Hollywood Studios trying to find a friend. I was actually at MNSSHP by myself, so that's why he was alone, haha. I hope you enjoyed the video by the way!! And I think we may be taking a year off from September... but we're still figuring that out. The heat this year was just so insane for us, especially for a longer trip... but I do love the low crowds!

I totally missed the ride photo! Oh well, guess I'll just have to watch it again ;)

Yeah, January is definitely our jam and the only time we go. But since that is the only time we're down there, that means we've never been to F&W or MNSSHP. I know, shocking. Every year I read the menus for all the different food booths out loud to my husband and we always say we'll make it one day!

Hahahaha I hope you were able to spot it and pause the video riiiight at the perfect spot. :rotfl:

I love that you said it's your "jam" because I say that ALL THE TIME!! Seriously, but yeah, January is sounding like it'd be nice to go back to again. I really do love that time of year in terms of the weather and crowds... though no Splash Mountain is a little sad for me. :sad:

Dani: it is so good to see an update from you. the last bit of news I got from you was not good and I hope things have returned to normal since the break in.
I can't wait watch the new video and I managed a lil quick peak here at work. Can't go wrong when you start out with Marcus and friends.

Thanks for posting another video and I look forward to the next report you do.

I'm sorry I disappeared. It's been a little tough since that whole thing happened for us, but slowly time has helped us kind of get past that. It's kind of interesting how much something like that can affect you. But anyway! I hope you got a chance to watch the video and enjoyed it, especially with my favorite band in the world!!

Hoping to have another report again soon... If not Disneyland here in a few weeks, our next trip to WDW!

Oh my goodness!! I **LOVED** your video!! It was so much fun to watch! We also went in Sept. 2014 and your video made me remember soooo much from our trip! I loved the quality of the picture and editing! Nice job!!

Ahh I am so glad you loved it!! Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments, it means a lot to me. I put a lot of time into my videos, so I'm just happy you enjoyed it!
Okay, I am definitely following you on there! :goodvibes


I'm sorry I disappeared. It's been a little tough since that whole thing happened for us, but slowly time has helped us kind of get past that. It's kind of interesting how much something like that can affect you.

I had to comment on this - I also read about what happened, and I can totally sympathize. I was robbed at gunpoint 9 1/2 years ago (the week before my wedding!!), and it STILL affects me. Every day. I was in a parking garage, at night, by myself, when it happened, and I get EXTREME anxiety if I have to be outside at night by myself now. I thought time would help, but it just hasn't. Thankfully that scenario doesn't come up much, and I have some awesome family and friends that understand and make sure I'm never alone. :)

I wish that people who commit these crimes could realize the emotional toll it takes on their victims. For a few hundred/thousand bucks, they affect their victims in such a profound way.

Anyway - sorry for the serious note, but I wanted to tell you that I hope you guys recover from it better than I have!!! :goodvibes

Yes I very much enjoyed your video. Very well done. I totally understand about the heat. It was hard to deal with.

Evidently I missed something traumatic that happened. I'm so sorry and hope you can feel safe once again.

FloridaNative8, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm sure something this traumatic affects/effects (never sure which one to use) you your entire life. So glad that you have friends and family who are conscious of this and are willing to be there for you.
What a wonderful video!! I'm (selfishly) sad you didn't do a TR because I love reading about your adventures, but this extra-special trip video is amazing! The joy really shows on your faces (all of you!) and you can't help but smile while watching. I had a big grin while watching all the dancing - wonderful song choice too! I can't imagine the time and effort that went into making this, but I'm also someone who can barely take photos with their iPhone. Did you/do you find that taking photos distracts you from being 'in the moment' on your trip, or was 15 days enough to balance all the photos you wanted plus really enjoying your time? Some shots and videos are so perfectly positioned, I would imagine that takes a bit of time to set up!

I think you mentioned you're going back to Disneyland next month (and I think from your Twitter that you're there now...?) - I hope more videos are coming!! Thank you for sharing! This will definitely be a video I re-watch when I need some Disney magic!

Thank you so much!! I totally had the BEST time filming a lot of the dancing stuff. Everyone, CMs, friends, characters, just seemed to enjoy being a part of it, so it was definitely magical. It just made me really happy in general, and I had to use that song since it's THE song from Guardians of the Galaxy, haha.

Honestly, this trip was easier in terms of taking lots of video because of the GoPro. I usually just carried it around and put it on whenever I wanted to, but it was WAY less invasive than in the past when I wrote TRs and I'd make us stop every 2 seconds for photos. Plus, having the long trip helped because there were times where I just didn't want to take any photo or video and it worked out well! A shorter trip is a lot more difficult to manage in terms of videos and photos for sure.

I was in Disneyland a few weekends ago! I actually went down alone to see some of my friends and I had an AMAZING time. Seriously, it was a whirlwind 2-day trip but I just had a great time. We'll be back again, this time with Matt's parents, in less than 2 weeks! I am hoping to make a little video of our trip, but we'll see. It depends on how things go with them for sure since it's our first time going with them.

Thank you again for the compliments, I'm so glad you loved the video. It makes me happy. :)

I was so excited when I discovered that the trip report I had clicked on was one of yours! I'm a bit bummed that there won't be a full report but the video was great!:thumbsup2

I'm sorry for the lack of a trip report. This trip just ended up going in a totally different direction than I had thought it would, and so yeah, writing one would have been REALLY hard. I may pop back in though with some highlights and some photos, so don't count me out yet!

But I'm glad you enjoyed the video!!

I laughed, I cried, I learned some new dance moves. The video is perfect.

Aww, those 3 things were totally my intention with the video, too hahaha. Thanks so much, I loved making it and I love the memories it captured.

So lately I rarely venture outside of my subscription list but I was sooo glad I did. Pretty sure you posted about this on twitter but I only use twitter on my phone and rarely watch videos on it so that's a bad combo for me.

Before I get to telling you how much I loved it I have to say I watched it last night right before I went to bed and guess what....I dreamt about Disney! Pretty sure you guys were in it too (not in a creepy way...). It was great. Thinking I might try it again tonight. :rotfl:

Now on to the video it's self. You did a fantastic job. Not only capturing your trip but really just capturing the spirit of Disney. I loved it and want to be there right now. The dancing was seriously the best. <3 Music was spot on perfect.

Yay! I hope you return to writing reports but glad to have this substitute.

Aww I'm super glad you did and that you enjoyed the video. But I also love that I made an appearance in your dream, hahaha. That's so funny!!

I love capturing the things we love about Disney, so when we re-watch it I feel like I'm there. I mean, it's fun to show our vacation and what we did, but also look at the best parts of Disney, too. Anyway, thank you again! I hope to return to writing again soon, I really do... because I miss it!

Thank you for sharing your video! I don't normally like to watch videos, I'm more a fan of reading transcripts (I know, I'm a weirdo!). But yours really made me feel like I was right there along with you guys! I loved all the clips of places I recognized (and some I didn't!), and just seeing how much FUN you guys had! We leave for our trip in 4 days and I'm just so ready to BE THERE and this really made me feel like I was there already! Thanks again for sharing your memories with us :)

Haha you're not weird at all, I'm actually very similar to you... which is why I was a little nervous about posting the video because I thought people wouldn't watch. But I'm so glad you loved it and that you took the time to watch it!! I hope you are having an amazing trip!

This video was amazing! It made me cry!! It was just so much fun to watch and you captured such gorgeous video of the parks and your love of Disney definitely shines through :goodvibes

I lurked on your last couple of TR's and I follow you on IG (now I kinda sound like a stalker...) and I love to see how much fun you and your husband have at WDW! I too have a great love for Beach Club. I'm not DVC but my parents are and I've been lucky enough to stay there several times.

Also, I LOVE your dance button and how you got so many characters and CM's involved for the video! What a fun idea!

I love you TR's and hope you write another one someday but this video was definitely super awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us!

Thank you SO much! I really do adore WDW; it's definitely my happy place... and I try to convey that in my videos!

You don't sound like a stalker at all, I promise. Beach Club is an AMAZING resort, and it's hard to stray away from there... though we really enjoyed our stay at Old Key West for a few days this time!

Thank you, I had the BEST time dancing with people with that button. It was so hysterical how CMs and characters would see the button and just start dancing. Made the video way too much fun to put together, hahaha.

I definitely hope to be back again with another trip report, just not sure when yet.. :goodvibes

Love the video!! Looks like you had a ton of fun. I am so wowed by the quality. Do you do a lot of editing on the color etc or is it out of the camera like that (specifically the Go Pro stuff)? Making me think I need a GoPro. Honestly one of the best videos I've seen, and I'm a total nerd who's watched a lot.

Thank you so much! I did a little bit of editing on the color for the darker stuff because it really needed to be lightened (like the one of us drinking beer in Germany), and I tinkered a little bit with the saturation in iMovie, but not very much. The GoPro takes great quality video (and photos)! I did also use my Fujifilm X-T1 for some shots (Country Bears, all of the Boo to You parade).. But thank you so much, seriously, that's a HUGE compliment. :goodvibes

Another semi-trip report stalker (I do try to post a bit) although I miss your regular reports, this video- wow!! Thanks so much for sharing your memories with us! Although we have only actually been to WDW once (well we did do one day at MK this summer due- long story as we were suppose to be in hawaii but had to rebook our trip last minute due to flights cancelled and going on a cruise last minute out of Florida and squeezing in one WDW day) your trip video brought back so many amazing memories and is really motivating us to get our bums in gear and get back.

Some Favorite moments from the vid:

The mine train gems- love those so much, soo pretty!!

The part from 1240-1350 I don't know it just made me SO SO SO happy- can't put my finger on it, the pictures, the timing, it was just so perfect!

The Beverly part was too funny, we didn't get to try it when we were there as it was out

Your water in your mouth reaction cracked me up for two reasons; your awesome faces, and Matts face behind you- "la la la" in WDW.." Is what's popped into my head! pixiedust:

Thanks again for this, totally brightened my day! Yay Mariners!

Haha you're not a stalker at all!! I swear I hope to be back with a trip report at some point again... I'm glad you loved that video though and I hope you guys get back there soon!!

The Mine Train gems! I loved those, too, I'm glad you noticed them. They're so SPARKLY.

I'm also glad you loved that section because it's seriously one of my favorite parts of the video. I love that song and that part makes me tear up.

Ugh Beverly. I know it's bad but it's just such a part of the experience!

Matt totally had no idea what was going on, hahahaha.

Admittedly, I'm more of a Red Sox fan but I will show the Mariners some love, too.

DANI!! I started watching your video the day you posted it on FB, but I was at work and didn't have time to finish. Something made me think to check if you had started a thread for your September trip, and I ended up here. THANK GOODNESS, because your video was EPIC!! Yet again, another amazing video, that made me laugh and cry and get the full on Disney feels! Although I loved all of it, hands down my favorite part was the F&W CM's dancing with you. :rotfl: Brilliant!!!

While I'm sad we don't get the full Dani TR experience this time, it's totally understandable. I will be on the lookout for your future TR endeavors! :lovestruc

Aww I'm glad you totally watched it and loved it!! Those F&W CMs were SO funny and SO into it! I seriously loved them and wanted to just hang out with them, hahaha.

I shall return one day with a TR, and it will be EPIC.

Okay, I am definitely following you on there! :goodvibes


I'm sorry I disappeared. It's been a little tough since that whole thing happened for us, but slowly time has helped us kind of get past that. It's kind of interesting how much something like that can affect you.

I had to comment on this - I also read about what happened, and I can totally sympathize. I was robbed at gunpoint 9 1/2 years ago (the week before my wedding!!), and it STILL affects me. Every day. I was in a parking garage, at night, by myself, when it happened, and I get EXTREME anxiety if I have to be outside at night by myself now. I thought time would help, but it just hasn't. Thankfully that scenario doesn't come up much, and I have some awesome family and friends that understand and make sure I'm never alone. :)

I wish that people who commit these crimes could realize the emotional toll it takes on their victims. For a few hundred/thousand bucks, they affect their victims in such a profound way.

Anyway - sorry for the serious note, but I wanted to tell you that I hope you guys recover from it better than I have!!! :goodvibes

Ugh that sounds AWFUL. I'm so sorry you went through that. It really is difficult to deal with that kind of stuff. Like, I thought I was pretty okay but I stopped trusting people and any time strangers lurked near our house, I definitely got scared. It took a lot out of me and I don't know, but things are slowly going back to normal... and even still, the trial like just happened (or is happening soon) and that brings up scary moments of like "What if they come back to our house to retaliate for getting caught?" I don't know, it's just not a good feeling, but we've been working hard to move on.

Thank you for sharing that, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. We've got each other and amazing friends there for us, and that definitely helps. :goodvibes


Yes I very much enjoyed your video. Very well done. I totally understand about the heat. It was hard to deal with.

Evidently I missed something traumatic that happened. I'm so sorry and hope you can feel safe once again.

FloridaNative8, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm sure something this traumatic affects/effects (never sure which one to use) you your entire life. So glad that you have friends and family who are conscious of this and are willing to be there for you.

Unfortunately right after we got back from our trip to Disneyland in May, our house was robbed while we were at work. :( They stole EVERYTHING, aside from furniture, but all electronics, etc. were taken... Including all of the videos and photos I'd just taken while we were in DL.

That was what I was saddest about. But the good news is they did minimal damage to our house and our dogs weren't harmed. But it was extremely violating and obviously awful to go through. We've been recovering over the past few months but it's still a process, that's for sure.

It helps to have security cameras/a security system installed now, definitely eases our nerves a bit. But yeah, I don't ever want to go through that again.
Excellent video, Dani! Took me a while to sit down and watch it. Great idea, by the way! I had taken notes and had planned on doing a trip report, but I just have had no time to commit to it the way I would like, so I've let it slip. Maybe next time!
Hi Dani :flower3:

I have been absent from the disboards for a bit, and I was glad to come across your latest update. I haven't watched the video because I want to watch uninterupted which means when everyone else in the house is asleep! :) I know it will be awesome and can't wait to watch!

Hope all is well your way and thanks for sharing this video!
Your video put a much needed smile on my face today, thank you for taking the time to make it!!!!
So, I totally couldn't wait until everyone went to bed to watch your video....AMAZING!!!!!! Loved it!! Will watch it many times again...I'm sure.
I was looking for September trip reports-so that I could see crowd pics-and stumbled upon this treasure!

OMG! This is just such a perfect video for a September trip! I will be sharing this with my family this weekend to help pump them up even more for our upcoming September trip.

Thank you for sharing your video!


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