A Wishing Well Wish Come True~UPDATE 2/13/09{Questions!!!!!!!!!}


Mrs. Smee, My Heart Belongs to a Pirate.
Sep 8, 2006
Hi all~

I am posting below text from a post I posted last about getting engaged.

I wanted to give you a little background about us. I love making wishes in the wishing well at MK and in May 2007 I made a wish in the well that I meet the right guy, you know THE ONE. In late January 2008 I met my DF in a chat room sponsered by a dating site for folks who love all things Disney (unfortunetly it no longer exists)

We met in person in May of 2008, I made another wish in the well that he is THE ONE, and this one came true. In June of 2008, we went again with his daughter and yet again I made a wish in the well. This time I wished that he would tell me that he loved me...lol (yes I am such a girl) about 15min before I was to get on ME to head back to MCO, while I was distracted, he told me that he loved me. :lovestruc

Now to October 2008, I made yet another wish in the well. This time it was a wish that at some point he ask me to marry him. And HE DID!!! Before he planned, as you can see in the post below, it was totally unplanned.

He actually had a plan for a year from December to get one of my friends (Sha~I am sure you will see her post here) to invite me down for a girls weekend and when I headed to the wishing well to make my wish (as usual) he would be there on one knee when I opened my eyes after making the wish :lovestruc

So this is our story. I have just started doing some research on dresses and what not. All I know is that we want a Disney wedding, and right now I am hoping for SBP. We talked at first about doing an Escape Wedding, but I am hoping that if we wait a 1 1/2 to 2 years we can bump up to a wishes wedding, and have a few more people then we originally planned


I have posted a few times asking questions about Escape weddings (thanks again for all the answers)....at the time I was not Engaged. I just got back from a Birthday Trip to Disney with my then DBF now DF.

It was actually a very spur of the moment engagement. I am actually currently wearing a ring that was bought at Keystone Clothiers at HS. It will be replaced eventually with the real thing. Let me tell you the story....

We were in Disney with a few friends, to go to F&WF, and MNSSHP, and celebrate my B-day....a few of our friends both there and at home thought we were going to get Engaged....so he bought a ring, and said why don't we see how long it takes for them to notice...on noticed right away but didn't say anything....He sent a pic to his sister, and she immediatly called...lol...he had to admit that we are playing a little trick on everyone.

Later that day when we were back at POP, we were talking, about my not being able to find a new job and us wanting to be together (I live in Boston, and lives in Arkansas) so he told me he had made a command decision...lol that I was just going to go back to AR with him on Tuesday, which I told him wasn't practical, because all I had with me was summer clothes, and would have to come back here to get my cat and the rest of my things.

It was decided that I would move to AR in Jan when he came to Boston to Visit. I half jokingly tossed the ring that he had bought that morning to him, and said "want to ask me the question that goes with this ring"...LOL Fairly typical of us. He looked so serious and ernest when he asked me to marry him. I started shaking just a bit, but of course said yes.

At some point my cute ring from HS will be replaced, but for now I will wear this one, for sentimental reasons....LOL...I actually told him I really like the setting...hint hint...lol.

So that's my story....Oh I should also tell you, for just a little background. Bob and I met right here on the Boards. Over on the Adult Singles Boards. We are just one of the couples that met over there, so far I know about 3 or 4 marriages that have come out of the boards and a disney dating site ( which doesn't exist anymore).
I FOUND YOU! :lmao:

am looking forward to be a spectator to this journey you two are taking! And at times, being the fact finder with my trusty camera and/or car :) December is going to be fun :goodvibes
A few photo's to go along with my Intro.

The morning after we met, just before wishing in the well


A picture of the 2 of us from our October 2008 Trip


This is a pic taken by our friend Sha, this was the night of my Birthday, the night we got engaged. We were at MNSSHP!


Just thought I would share a few pics. I am sure there will be more to follow!
First off....thanks for all your congrats. :)


So we have decided to hold off of the wedding, until May/June 2011, so we can go up a level from and Escape to a Wishes Wedding.

I have also talked to 2 of the girls I want in the wedding...My best friend, as MOH and my cousin as BM. Going to wait till the spring when I go to AR to visit DF to ask his daughter in person to be a BM.

He has also decided on his Brother, Brother-in-Law and Cousin as BM and GM.

Pretty sure I have picked a color for BM dresses....A bluey green.

Couple of Questions for all of you:

1. How did you handle a Honeymoon at WDW with family potentially still there on vacation. Is it selfish of me to want to spend time with just DF/DH. Especially with his daughter still there? (she would be going home with his sister most likely)

2. How did you handle the guest list? I am an only child, and as far as I am concerned my immediate family is my Mom, Step-dad, Gram. But I grew up and lived with my Uncle. He and my Aunt and there 3 kids lived with us, one of them is going to be a BM. My Gram is pushing me to invite my other Aunt and Uncle and there 2 kids (my cousins) their SO's and kids, which adds another 8 people to the guest list. As of now we stand at 36. I wanted to keep it at 40 and no more.

3. Did you have a theme or not? I am trying to decide between Beauty and the Beast and Neverland. How did you go about finding things for the wedding to go with your theme.
Couple of Questions for all of you:

1. How did you handle a Honeymoon at WDW with family potentially still there on vacation. Is it selfish of me to want to spend time with just DF/DH. Especially with his daughter still there? (she would be going home with his sister most likely)

I am the last one with experience here :rotfl: as I am just your buddy to bounce ideas off and help keep you sane (at least I think that is what you told me). I think that it is NOT selfish in the least to want alone time. I think that his sister should would take control of care of DD once the evening is over. She is old enough to understand that IMHO

2. How did you handle the guest list? I am an only child, and as far as I am concerned my immediate family is my Mom, Step-dad, Gram. But I grew up and lived with my Uncle. He and my Aunt and there 3 kids lived with us, one of them is going to be a BM. My Gram is pushing me to invite my other Aunt and Uncle and there 2 kids (my cousins) their SO's and kids, which adds another 8 people to the guest list. As of now we stand at 36. I wanted to keep it at 40 and no more.

Definitely think someone who has been down this road should answer it. I would hold my ground myself. I understand Grams thoughts though*.

3. Did you have a theme or not? I am trying to decide between Beauty and the Beast and Neverland. How did you go about finding things for the wedding to go with your theme.

I was thinking more about this, and I had told you just a litte but am thinking why not go back and watch the movies and get a feel of the setting/theme they show. Especially in the parts you feel relate to you and what you are looking for.

* there is a IM that I said more on to you about this

Again, I am hoping someone who has planned can help you more with these questions as I know their experience will help you MUCH more than my random thoughts about it.
Thanks Sha....you are the bestest at keeping me sane!!!

So does anyone have any advice or answers to my questions???? Pretty please :)
I really don't have any answers to provide but I am sure someone else will help you out. good luck! I do think the idea of watching the movies,if you are looking at that type of theme is a good place to start. Either of the theme ideas you mentioned sound great...have fun with your planning:goodvibes

Couple of Questions for all of you:

1. How did you handle a Honeymoon at WDW with family potentially still there on vacation. Is it selfish of me to want to spend time with just DF/DH. Especially with his daughter still there? (she would be going home with his sister most likely)

We are inviting everyone to go tp breakfast with us the day after the wedding and know for a fact a few are going to stay longer but aren't worried about it!! They understand it is our "honeymoon" as well s o most people will give you time!

2. How did you handle the guest list? I am an only child, and as far as I am concerned my immediate family is my Mom, Step-dad, Gram. But I grew up and lived with my Uncle. He and my Aunt and there 3 kids lived with us, one of them is going to be a BM. My Gram is pushing me to invite my other Aunt and Uncle and there 2 kids (my cousins) their SO's and kids, which adds another 8 people to the guest list. As of now we stand at 36. I wanted to keep it at 40 and no more.

Remember- this is your wedding and your wedding only!!! It's all about who you and df want to invite and that's it! If you want to invite the other aunt/uncle then do so if not make sure your grams knows it is a destination wedding and it is limited for the number of guests you and your df would like to have there.

3. Did you have a theme or not? I am trying to decide between Beauty and the Beast and Neverland. How did you go about finding things for the wedding to go with your theme.

We actually don't have theme it is just a mixture of everything we want and like! Really its a disney wedding no matter how we look at it and thats really just what we went with. It's easy to just google things for themes though tons comes up!
In answer to your questions.

1, My family were with us for our whole two week trip we had one day officially on our own, the day after the wedding. I loved having them there but I felt like I had to look after everyone so I found it quite hard. They did give us time alone but I was always checking my phone as we would get together for dinners. You can read all about it in my TR :rotfl2:. We both felt that we didn't do what we wanted to in Disney and so booked to go back in May, we are calling this our official honeymoon.

2, we only had 10 guests at our WDW wedding. But we cancelled our British wedding as family members were getting to pushy as to who we should invite. This helped my parents give up their dream wedding for me and let me have the wedding I had always wanted. My aunt still isn't talking to my mum, her sister, because we changed our wedding plans!

3, We didn't have a them just lots of hidden Mickey's. I was just happy to be getting married at WDW.
1. How did you handle a Honeymoon at WDW with family potentially still there on vacation. Is it selfish of me to want to spend time with just DF/DH. Especially with his daughter still there? (she would be going home with his sister most likely)[/B]

A lot of people have specifically mentioned that it's their honeymoon on newsletters that they've sent out. In that way I don't think it would be too difficult to make sure everyone is aware that it's your "alone time" however, having said that, I'm not sure it's the same case for DF's daughter. :confused3 You will have just created a new family, and I'm sure the last thing you want to do, is to make his daughter feel that she's excluded from this family... You might need to whisper in your FSIL's ear about keeping her entertained, but be sure to organise a family dinner for all 3 of you, or maybe an activity for all 3 of you...

2. How did you handle the guest list? I am an only child, and as far as I am concerned my immediate family is my Mom, Step-dad, Gram. But I grew up and lived with my Uncle. He and my Aunt and there 3 kids lived with us, one of them is going to be a BM. My Gram is pushing me to invite my other Aunt and Uncle and there 2 kids (my cousins) their SO's and kids, which adds another 8 people to the guest list. As of now we stand at 36. I wanted to keep it at 40 and no more.[/B]

Yeah, this could be difficult. But you could always try what we're trying and have a large engagement party, which includes everyone, even distant family members, and spread the word around a bit there, that you're having a small wedding, just close family members only. And see how that goes down.

I'm not too concerned about inviting a lot of people to my wedding, mainly because it's such a distance to go, that I know the majority of people, will have to sadly decline my invite...

3. Did you have a theme or not? I am trying to decide between Beauty and the Beast and Neverland. How did you go about finding things for the wedding to go with your theme.

I'm not having a theme, mainly because I think having the wedding at Disney, I don't want to go over the top with Disney madness. I'm having the precious memories "Happily Ever After" cake topper, and a bunch of hidden mickeys, but that's probably where the theming stops...

Can't wait to hear more though. We got engaged about the same time! DF proposed on the 29th of October.
I really don't have any answers to provide but I am sure someone else will help you out. good luck! I do think the idea of watching the movies,if you are looking at that type of theme is a good place to start. Either of the theme ideas you mentioned sound great...have fun with your planning:goodvibes

Watching the movies is today's project. I love he idea of a Beauty and the Beast theme, but then a general Fairy Tale Theme appeals to me as well. I suppose I have plenty of time

We actually don't have theme it is just a mixture of everything we want and like! Really its a disney wedding no matter how we look at it and thats really just what we went with. It's easy to just google things for themes though tons comes up!

I love Google...oh yeah...and Ebay!!!

In answer to your questions.

1, My family were with us for our whole two week trip we had one day officially on our own, the day after the wedding. I loved having them there but I felt like I had to look after everyone so I found it quite hard. They did give us time alone but I was always checking my phone as we would get together for dinners. You can read all about it in my TR :rotfl2:. We both felt that we didn't do what we wanted to in Disney and so booked to go back in May, we are calling this our official honeymoon.

I'll check out your TR. This is what my worry is, not really getting any time alone. I am not which parts of our family will stay after the wedding. I do know that his daughter will be with us for the week before the wedding. And she is part of the wedding party. She may onely be there for a day or 2 after the wedding, (will most likely be going home with my FSIL, as she lives with her Mom)

2, we only had 10 guests at our WDW wedding. But we cancelled our British wedding as family members were getting to pushy as to who we should invite. This helped my parents give up their dream wedding for me and let me have the wedding I had always wanted. My aunt still isn't talking to my mum, her sister, because we changed our wedding plans!

I am so sorry you had to do that. I get the family pressures, my wedding isn't for a little over 2 years and am feeling it. Deep breaths and vanilla latte should help...well for now anyway..lol

3, We didn't have a them just lots of hidden Mickey's. I was just happy to be getting married at WDW.

If you don't mind me asking...what kind of Hidden Mickey's did you have?

A lot of people have specifically mentioned that it's their honeymoon on newsletters that they've sent out. In that way I don't think it would be too difficult to make sure everyone is aware that it's your "alone time" however, having said that, I'm not sure it's the same case for DF's daughter. :confused3 You will have just created a new family, and I'm sure the last thing you want to do, is to make his daughter feel that she's excluded from this family... You might need to whisper in your FSIL's ear about keeping her entertained, but be sure to organise a family dinner for all 3 of you, or maybe an activity for all 3 of you...

Well our current plan is to have her with us for the week before the wedding, up through a day or 2 after that. Pretty sure my FSIL and FBIL wont be staying more then a few days after that, and as DF daughter lives with her mother, they will be taking her back with them. Its not really DF daughter I am worried about as she is part of the wedding, and already knows that she wont be going on our Honeymoon with us....lol

Its actually my extended family I am more worried about....those I am not sure I want to ivite to the wedding.

Yeah, this could be difficult. But you could always try what we're trying and have a large engagement party, which includes everyone, even distant family members, and spread the word around a bit there, that you're having a small wedding, just close family members only. And see how that goes down.

I thought of this, but I guess I worry that it will cause some problems with in the family and there will be hurt feelings. I know its my wedding but everyone seems to have an opinion.

I'm not too concerned about inviting a lot of people to my wedding, mainly because it's such a distance to go, that I know the majority of people, will have to sadly decline my invite...

I forgot to look at your post to see where you are from? Where are you from?

I'm not having a theme, mainly because I think having the wedding at Disney, I don't want to go over the top with Disney madness. I'm having the precious memories "Happily Ever After" cake topper, and a bunch of hidden mickeys, but that's probably where the theming stops...

Can't wait to hear more though. We got engaged about the same time! DF proposed on the 29th of October.

We got engaged on the 25th of October at Disney....were you there then as well?

Ladies thanks for all your advice. Hope you stick with me durning all this planning...and I will be sure to take a look at your PJ's and TR. The ladies on this board ROCK!!
Just noticed some of your concerns and thought I would offer some advice since we encountered some of the same issues.

For the guest count, both DH and I are only children too and wanted a small wedding, but once we started planning everyone including all of our cousins wanted to come to it.

We decided that we wanted to have a small wedding with our closest family and friends, so we decided to have an at-home reception that would allow everyone who couldn't make it to the wedding to still be including in our big day. We waited until we had our video back and played it on two screens in the hall and we had displays with all of our mementos and photos on it.

Some people were a little disappointed at first, but in the end people had a great time at the at-home reception and soon forgot about their hurt feelings.

For the honeymoon part, we were fortunate to have a separate honeymoon to Hawaii a month after our disneymoon, but I can understand your concerns. We had a lot of group meals, etc. and it was amazing spending time in the World with our family and friends which is really a once in a lifetime experience. We did go over to the Florida coast a few days after the wedding to spend some time alone before coming home.
If you don't mind me asking...what kind of Hidden Mickey's did you have?

I had a few in my flowers and the girls had one on the wand of their flowers. My DH also had one in his. Our Unity candle was the one with the Mickey's on it. The cake had them on and the favors where the Mickey lollies. Not very hidden but lots of Mickey :cool1:

Also Mickey turned up at the reception.
Just noticed some of your concerns and thought I would offer some advice since we encountered some of the same issues.

For the guest count, both DH and I are only children too and wanted a small wedding, but once we started planning everyone including all of our cousins wanted to come to it.

We decided that we wanted to have a small wedding with our closest family and friends, so we decided to have an at-home reception that would allow everyone who couldn't make it to the wedding to still be including in our big day. We waited until we had our video back and played it on two screens in the hall and we had displays with all of our mementos and photos on it.

Some people were a little disappointed at first, but in the end people had a great time at the at-home reception and soon forgot about their hurt feelings.

For the honeymoon part, we were fortunate to have a separate honeymoon to Hawaii a month after our disneymoon, but I can understand your concerns. We had a lot of group meals, etc. and it was amazing spending time in the World with our family and friends which is really a once in a lifetime experience. We did go over to the Florida coast a few days after the wedding to spend some time alone before coming home.

Not sure about an at home reception. As by the time we get married I will be living in AR and the family is in Boston. But after having talked to my DF we decided to just add the family that my Gram wants us to invite.:)

I had a few in my flowers and the girls had one on the wand of their flowers. My DH also had one in his. Our Unity candle was the one with the Mickey's on it. The cake had them on and the favors where the Mickey lollies. Not very hidden but lots of Mickey :cool1:

Also Mickey turned up at the reception.

I love the idea of adding Hidden Mickey's :) I know my DF would think that this would be fun. He loves Hidden Mickey's
You know what I love about these boards....being able to share our planning with each other, getting opinions and suggestions, and just sharing the joy of the process and the eventual marriage :) Thanks Ladies

So I just thought I would share some of my ideas with you.

I have decided on a color...Teal...not my signature color...which is Pink. I figure everyone would expect it...and well the Teal kinda speaks to me :)

These are the 2 dresses I love. And all three of my girls would look great in them. My cousin and I are going to look at them over christmas break. I am figuing if they don't have these, they will have something similar as they are both fairly classic.



Both are Alfed Angelo in Tealness. I LOVE the color.

I've also been looking at flowers, and am thinking a creamy yellow and pale pink for the girls and darker shades for me.. This are the one I like the best.


I'm not going to post pictures of the wedding dresses I like, as my DF is on the boards. If you would like to see them, PM me and I will send you the link to my SmugMug and the password to the gallery.

I have given some thought to ceremony and reception locations and am still trying to decide on a Desert Party. I am leaning towards either France or SBP for the ceremony and am hoping for the Attic for the reception. I would really like a Brunch. (stealing this idea from Lurklyloo)
I have decided on a color...Teal...not my signature color...which is Pink. I figure everyone would expect it...and well the Teal kinda speaks to me :)

Never would have guessed being you have been posting here is a teal like color... LOL
I really like the first dress with the sparkles on it too! If you haven't- sign up for alfred angelo online I receive discounts and info on sales on the time!


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