A ($XX) Grand Tour of Europe - a great excuse for a day at DLP

You are making my job very easy to convince DH that our next holiday should be in Europe! Keep it coming.

I could easily spend 2 weeks at the farm and use it as a base to head round Tuscany.

I'm guessing that the Room with a View of the Ponte Rialto did not come cheap...but it seems so worth it from your pictures!

300 euro a night quad share. :eek: could have been a little cheaper without the view but eh. Had tea and coffee making in room with a good bit of space

With the farm the only complaint is that it isn't very soundproof between apartments. Could hear footsteps on the stairs we had few families around us but need to share good and bad. Good far outdated bad but if you got really loud neighbors it may distract. Nice pool there for summer to.
Thanks for that! We are very likely to go to Europe next year and we are tossing up between September school hols and December. As much as we like the cold, I would like to go to Italy in warmer weather. The plus of September is that we could tack on a Greek Islands cruise...:rotfl2: However, we have to take the children out of school again.

And how easy did you find the car rental process?

I forgot to comment on your great dedication to the Disney Stores. I love it!

We prebooked before we left. Prepaid fuel at pickup and we did not need to fill up delivered near empty to Pisa. Drop off easy. Paid the extra insurance due personal injury las in Italy overall with fuel cost about 100 aud a day
Have you done the sums yet on how much the trip was all up?

Or are you just choosing to be happy and sleep at night without knowing :lmao::lmao:.

It sounds like the trip of a lifetime so far.
About 35 all up with food and spending money, all the bangs and whistles. We didn't scrimp but were not extravagant. For every grand meal there was a cheap meal cooked in a kitchen. Finding rooms for four can be a challenge and I didn't get a eurail pass as I got all the trains individually cheaper. Worked out to be 9000 each for a month and have not come home going oh I wish we did this.
I have to say that I think 35k is amazing for the length of time you were away for and the things I've only briefly seen you experience.

I think you have really done so very well, definitely lots of bang for your buck. Congrats on that.

I'm trying to decide whether it would be worth just sitting tight and saving up for an April 2013 European trip and before Queenie jumps in and tells me how extravagant I can be :rotfl2:, I will say that my family don't generally like to scrimp but I too am happy to not have every meal be extraordinary, I would be prepared to make some culinary sacrifices in order to see all we had hoped. Food is the easiest way to save on a trip I guess. And your tip about the rail tickets is a good one.

Alternatively, we could perhaps do the US again, for 3-4 weeks over Christmas this year for around 20k max with extreme spending on my husband's behalf as he adores the shopping in the US :lmao:.

It's hard to know what to do really.
From Venice we said ciao to Italy.

We caught the train from Venice to Verona and then from Verona to Munich. The five hours on the train were breathtaking. Neither DH or I touched a book, slept, we did just not want to miss anything.

As we traveled north the typical villas of southern Italy turned into Alpine Chalets of Austria, the snow capped Alps loomed in the distance with fields full of spring flowers. It was like every Heidi or Sound of Music Movie you have ever seen but so much better. Another place to come and spend longer.:rotfl:

We all had must do's for the trip:

DD1: The Eiffel Tower, The Eiffel Tower and Ostia Antica
DD2: The London Eye, London
DH: The Catacombs and a Bavarian Beer Garden
Me: Everywhere, I planned it:laughing:

So off to the Bavarian Beer Garden. We arrived in Munich a little after four. We stayed at the Sofitel right near the Train Station as we would be in and out of there all holiday and they offer a great family deal that you can get a second room 50% off with children and they eat free for breakfast if the adults pay. They had a pool which the children thought was great so straight there we went. On check in I had asked about a good beer garden as this was the purpose of the visit. Instead of the touristy one's that I had heard of, the Augustiner was recommended to us for a bit more authenticity and family friendly environment. It is by now the Thursday night before Good Friday and backpacker heaven in Munich.

We walk back through the station to find the beer garden. Here we were in the middle of Munich but once inside you would have no idea. Already the self serve tables were full and a little orange ute was driven amongst the tables to collect the steins.


The canopy above our table in the Beer Garden


A litre Stein

We sat in the table service area and had the most amazing waiter. I had a little language lag and kept answering in Italian despite understanding his German. I found this for the rest of the trip. He bought pretzels and beer and sparkling apple cider for the girls.

The other three order Wiener Schnitzel and I had roast beef which was smeared with mustard and then gravy. After Italian for two weeks a good dose of meat was adored by all.

Feeling pretty happy with ourselves we continued to enjoy the atmosphere. Then our waiter flirted until we gave in to desert.

I was told about Bavarian Cream and decided that this would be for me to try.


Oh yum, and yes it is just lots of cream but what they do to it I do not know but OMG:lovestruc

The girls had traditional pancakes which were also magnificent, had to try to be sure.

Pancake photo in next post.

A wonderful fun night for us all.

Tomorrow - a Disney Castle (Not Paris)
When originally going to Munich we were going to spend the day wandering around the city. Whilst the Neuschwanstein Castle was something I wanted to see I didn't know if we were all up to it, then DH came home saying a heard about this castle.... change of plans, no wandering Munich to the Castle we go.

This castle is where Walt Disney got his inspiration for the wonderful castles that we love to visit around the world. It was also featured in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

So off we went, a two hour train ride to Fussen and then a short bus ride to the village. To go inside the castle you have to book a tour time but you can go up and walk around the outside. You can prebook online, however we did not know if we would go, when we would leave so decided to take a chance - Mistake One. Our tour time would have been 4pm which was a little late for our schedule considering we would then have an hour tour, get back down and then 2 and half hours back to Munich, so we decided to just go up and wander around.

This was a better decision. We first had lunch in a little beer garden with roasted chicken and more schnitzel. Then we caught the shuttle bus up to the castle which dropped us off a 15 minute walk away. By going this way we got to go out on a bridge for a beautiful view of the Castle. We came back down in a horse and carriage which was rather princessy and ticked the box of a horse and carriage ride which was added to DD2's list in Rome where they are everywhere.










Now to get to Paris for a real one...:laughing:
Awww...the castle of Mad King Ludwig (the 3rd?). We did exactly the same thing....walked around the castle and not inside :laughing:. It was the one thing I wished we had done (go inside) because now I have to go back.

It is interesting to note that there is a castle in the Loire Valley that also claims to be the inspiration for Walt....
We trained from Munich to Paris via Mannheim. We arrived in Paris an hour late and got a cab to our hotel.

We are only staying in Paris one night at this point before heading to Amiens for Anzac Day. Our DD1 has a fascination with Paris and has Eiffel Towers on her doona cover, she has cried each time her grandparents have gone. As an early birthday present we had made reservations to eat on the Eiffel Tower at Tour 58 on the first level for dinner but she had no idea.

We dressed up for the occasion. We told the girls we were going to dinner at a place that had been recommended and that we couldn't wear jeans. We were staying near Opera and decided to walk. First of all we wanted to find where our pickup point was for the tour the next day and then to head for the tower. Tour pick up found off we went.

The look on DD1's face when she had her first glimpse of the tower was priceless. As the tower got bigger on the horizon we added that the directions to the restaurant were head towards the tower and it's not far away.


Getting close


I had to check in at a kiosk near one of the pillars of the tower to get our express lift ticket. It dawned on DD1 what was happening and she smiled. :goodvibes She is quite serious, while DD1 would do cartwheels, this reaction from DD1 is as good as it gets.

Up we went and had time to look around the first level. We checked in for the second seating at 9pm. Champagne was served, the red wine bought to the table with evian and juice for the girls.

For entree DH had prawns, me a roasted chestnut soup with porcini mushrooms and the girls got the kids menu which was set. For entree they got cherry tomatoes and bocconcini with an olive oil, vinegar jus. YUM

Main course

DH & I had the veal


The girls


Chicken breast with mashed potato

Desert I am sorry I forgot to take photos of but we had profiteroles which were filled with custard flavoured ice cream and the girls got a chocolate fondant cake shaped like the Eiffel Tower which all the surrounding adults were most envious of.

A bit pricey yes, worth it, definitely. DD1's favourite things of the trip were eating on the Eiffel Tower, going to the top of the Eiffel Tower, watching the Eiffel Tower lights and the Metro.

Home by midnight to sleep in our special quad room with all four single beds pushed together. We felt like the Walton's but it was for one night only, thank goodness.
We booked a 2 night tour to do the Dawn Service for Anzac Day in Villers Bretennoux.

We visited the Peronne War Museum, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Division Memorials, Le Hamel and the town of Villers Bretennoux. It was very moving. The dawn service was spine tingling although I was more emotional walking through the Villers Bretennoux Memorial the day prior. We visited the school and its small museum which was so personal, simple and heartfelt. All that you hear of how loved Australia is there is plain to see. It was an honour to be a part of the memorial services, something I will never forget.







Now we hadn't told the girls about our plans for DLP. We gave them the tickets on Easter Sunday before we headed of on the tour. We decided to go on a Thursday.

We left Paris at 8am and caught the Metro and RER A Line out to DLP. This was really easy although the train was very full with cast members heading to work.


We headed towards the entrance under the Disneyland Hotel and it was cold. The coldest day of the whole trip. We had rugged up as we planned on staying as long as we could last and the park closed at 9. We figured we could leave layers in the lockers yet we resisted all day buying an additional layer.

We were in line by 9am and the park opened at 10. They allowed us into Main Street at 9.30am. Whilst their was a familiarity I really missed walking under the tunnels. Walked down Main Street to get our bearings.




They have scaffolding around the castle giving it a touch up before the big birthday celebrations next year. We decided to grab a coffee and headed back down Main Street. Our plan was to hit Fantasyland for Dumbo and then head to Discoveryland (Tomorrowland). The demographics of the crowd were quite different to what we are used to, there were lots of older teens even at this time of the day with beer although they certainly did not follow us to Fantasyland.

Through the castle which from the inside was a lot more spacious and onto Dumbo. Even at opening we waited 45 minutes as there is early morning entry for hotel guests. With Dumbo flown, we headed to the Labrinyth which was open :banana: as we were unsure before we left.


We decided to head for Autopia which was the girls favourite ride :confused: but I did learn that DD1's driving has not improved and I do not want to be her driving instructor. She even stalled the car.

After much laughing we decided to go to Space Mountain. First wait was an hour. It was great, a little bit rougher with heads being banged around but upside down and corkscrew in the dark was great.

Then off to Buzz. As the reigning family DL champion I want to be sure that I retained the title and retain it I did by a landslide. :cool1: Good to know that I still have it. We waited 45 minutes for this one.

Grabbed snacks on the go including brioche filled with nutella that was shaped like Mickey, potato chips and hot dogs in line for Buzz.

Headed back to the hub to head towards Frontierland and Adventureland. Big disappointment for the day was that Big Thunder was closed. I was so looking forward to it. DD2 was too short for Indy so we all gave it a miss, it was a one in all in day. Headed down to Phantom Manor, the wait time said 45 min but was way longer. In this line we encountered the rudest people, trying to push past us, then half their group past, half back. The wife and daughter ahead and dad and son behind. The dad kept telling the wife off. They were so close to you, we tried to wave them through but to no avail. The rubbish was overflowing in bins. The ride itself was good and it has gotten DD2 over being scared of the HM so we can have lots of fun with that at Christmas.



We grabbed some churros, they were good but not quite the same but the certainly warmed us all up. We decided to head back to Fantasyland to see what the wait was like for Peter Pan. It was not below 80 mins all day. We did get fastpasses but forgot that at DLP they have to be used in the window and we were turned away rudely.

So off to the tea cups. These were in an undercover tent which was just lovely.



We rode back to back twice. The parade was close to starting so the crowds had thinned out.

We headed over to catch a glimpse of the parade which was great. DD2 was loving it but DD1 was struggling to see so we decided to run onto Its A Small World which I just loved. DD2 and DH followed not far behind us.

At this stage the cold was catching up, the crowds were just getting rude and the very sad looking staff were killing the buzz so we decided one last ride. We headed to Autopia but line was massive and Space Mountain was saying a 20 min wait. It was more like 10 and so had one last ride.

We wandered through the Main Street shops on our way out. We headed to Disney Village for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe which is a favourite in DL. Again not quite the same. I think it is a cultural thing, there are some parts of Disney that just do not cross over.

Overall I felt like I was at Dreamworld with Disney rides, there were lots of bits that needed a coat of paint, the rubbish was everywhere and chewing gum stuck on walls into rides.

Would I go again, probably not. I would rather go to Disney or go to Europe. Not mix the two. I am glad I went though and we did have a great day together and it was a nice break from the sightseeing. We had lots of laughs and great conversations in line. On the train on the way home we all were just excited that we get to go back to DL for Christmas. Greedy we know.
Some of the photos are not appearing from DLP, I will wait and see if Photobucket wants to play or shall try posting them again later.
Photobucket is flaky for me right now too. Whilst I'm not happy about it, I'm at least comforted by the fact that it's not just me.
OMgoodness, that castle has me now wanting to go there too. My husband is not going to thank you for making me want to go to even more places and spend even more money bwahahaha.

I am truly enjoying your TR. Would love to hear a little more about your 2 day trip for the Anzac Day stuff. Also were you only in Munich for one night?

How many nights in total for Paris in the end?

I really am enjoying your story and trip.
OMgoodness, that castle has me now wanting to go there too. My husband is not going to thank you for making me want to go to even more places and spend even more money bwahahaha.

I am truly enjoying your TR. Would love to hear a little more about your 2 day trip for the Anzac Day stuff. Also were you only in Munich for one night?

How many nights in total for Paris in the end?

I really am enjoying your story and trip.

We stayed in Munich for two nights, should have made it three. The first night we did the beer garden, next day the castle, and the next day to Paris.

We had one night in Paris before the tour and then 5 nights after. I shall get to more of that tomorrow.

The tour for ANZAC Day was great for getting where we needed to go and reminded us of how much we hate spending time on tours at the beck and call of others, however driving on French roads in the middle of the night where they change roads to one way to assist traffic flow meant the idea of tour was better to get to the Dawn Service.

We went to Peronne where there is a WW1 Museum which gives a great overview of the region. We had a couple of hours here to explore and have lunch. I had lots of fun trying to speak French in a little bakery.

We then went out to Villers Bretonneux to the Memorial where the dawn service was to be held. We walked through the cemetery. It is built on a high point and you can see for miles. You can understand why it was fought for. Then we headed into the town nearby and visited the School and wandered the streets. There are kangaroos in gardens, toys in windows and streets have Australian names. We were made to feel very welcome.

We then headed to Amiens where we stayed. We went to the cathedral which was amazing. Had dinner at a lovely restaurant on the canal.

Got up early to go to Dawn Service which as I said was very moving. From there we went back to Villers Bretonneux for their small service. Anzac Day is also the date in 1918 that the Australians fought off the Germans in a major battle here which was integral to the end stages of the War.

After heading back to Amiens for breakfast we visited Le Hamel a small town nearby to Villers Bretonneux and the Adelaide Cemetery. The graves are so well kept and are all the same as all men are equal in death.

The final day we visit Pozieres before heading back to Paris.
Awww...the castle of Mad King Ludwig (the 3rd?). We did exactly the same thing....walked around the castle and not inside :laughing:. It was the one thing I wished we had done (go inside) because now I have to go back.

It is interesting to note that there is a castle in the Loire Valley that also claims to be the inspiration for Walt....
which one?

[I do apologise for butting in..but I went to 3 in the Loire but I don't recall any mentioned being a Disney inspiration??]

Right...back to reading ::yes::
LOVING the TR popcorn::
which one?

[I do apologise for butting in..but I went to 3 in the Loire but I don't recall any mentioned being a Disney inspiration??]

Right...back to reading ::yes::
LOVING the TR popcorn::

L'Chateau d'Usse. Sleeping Beauty Castle...supposedly used as a model for the Cinderella Castle.
There are things in Paris to do other than DLP.

We visited the Catacombs, we queued for longer than it tooks us to walk the 2km underground. DH and DD1 loved it, I am sure I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't have to keep a cracking pace following DD2 to the streets above. She was quite OK with the first lot of bones, but it became a bit of overkill. Truly remarkable though.



We wandered from the Catacombs back to our apartments opposite the Tuileries Gardens where the Louvre. From our apartment we looked over the gardens one way and Sacre Cour the other and conveniently located right opposite a Metro stop. :banana:




View of Sacre Couer from Apartment

On our meander through Paris we found a picture perfect sidewalk cafe on a street corner with the locals all walking up and kissing cheeks, and hugging. It was wonderful to people watch. There was a little language barrier but a kindly elder gentleman at the next table order for us asking our likes in English. We had no idea what we ordered and out came the most beautiful baguettes we have ever eaten in our lives.

We headed to the Jardin Luxumburg on a Wed afternoon. All the kids were off school and so parents and grandparents were everywhere. Dozens of swings in a row in action, tennis courts ablaze, sailing boats on lakes, soccer balls being kicked on the grass. It was the most amazing atmosphere. The girls hired pedal cars to do laps of the avenue.


We then walked towards Notre Dame, stopping at a supermarket to get supplies for the apartment. Tonight we cook, chicken, celeriac and vegetables.

We were in Paris for the royal wedding so we stayed inside out of the rain, one of the only rainy days to watch the event. We kept running downstairs to the patisserie for food, yum yum. The wedding finished up while we ate lunch and then we headed to the Louvre. We found the Mona Lisa, I found Marcus Aurelius' head which was missing from Arc Pacis in Rome. We loved the Egypt displays. Lots of fun all round really.



We went back to the Eiffel Tower and had purchased tickets to the third level. Just like eating there we skipped the lines and headed straight to the express elevator to the 2nd floor. There was a bit of a queue from here but you had to have a ticket. It moved pretty quickly and before we knew it were on the top level of the tower. And the wind was cold....

We had booked an 8pm timeslot which meant that we went up in the day, watched the sunset and came down at night which was just wonderful. The whole of Paris unfolds around you.


On our last full day in Paris we walked the Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe. We went quite early and walked under the road to stand under the Arc. We then head to Gare Lazare to take a train to Vernon and Giverny to visit Claude Monets Garden.


We missed a train just and had a wait for the next one. Once on our way we had a 40 minute trip. As we got to Vernon it started to rain. Instead of catching the bus to Giverny we jumped in a cab and as he pulled up out the front of the entrance the sun shone through. The garden was magnificent with water droplets on the flowers. Just beautiful. We walked through to the water garden and it was more beautiful than I could ever of imagined from the painting, yet I felt like I had just stepped into a canvas.







We were so glad we made the effort. We caught the bus back to the train and again it started raining at the train station. A perfectly time expedition.

We stopped at our patisserie and got quiches and pastries for dinner then we caught the metro to the Trocadero to watch the sunset on the Eiffel Tower and the light show when it gets dark. We sat and watched and talked about our time in Paris. We had 30 street hawkers try to sell us 5 Eiffel Tower keyrings for 1 Euro (this became a great game). We enjoyed an ice cream and the entertainment from local dancers. We watched in awe as the tower lit up and it was the perfect ending to our time in Paris.

Tomorrow we take the Eurostar to London for the last few days of our trip.




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