ABC's of Trip Planning (Oct 10-20), Vol. 2- Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great trip Liesa!! And I guess I better do some guessing now before it is too late! Is there a hard deadline?

I'd say by Monday afternoon. By then I may be posting a photo or two on social media that may give some answers away. :)

THANKS! I am slowly checking off the list of last minute to-do items. Most of which only serve to fill the time and are fluff. Like creating a photo cheat sheet with camera settings for various scenarios.
I'd say by Monday afternoon. By then I may be posting a photo or two on social media that may give some answers away. :)

THANKS! I am slowly checking off the list of last minute to-do items. Most of which only serve to fill the time and are fluff. Like creating a photo cheat sheet with camera settings for various scenarios.

Wow, you are over prepared if you have time for stuff like this!!

I am spending a rainy afternoon trying to organize my pictures from my Panama Canal cruise to start making a photo book out of them. Just 2.5 years later...
Wow, you are over prepared if you have time for stuff like this!!

I am spending a rainy afternoon trying to organize my pictures from my Panama Canal cruise to start making a photo book out of them. Just 2.5 years later...

Yeah, probably so. But that's ok, I have loved every single minute of my trip planning as it's almost made the trip last that much longer for me in some ways. And of course, the TR to follow will only extend it even more. Which, actually, I am writing the first "real" chapter right now. ;)

It's raining here too (surprise, surprise), and I can't think of a better way than to relive the memories of a past trip! WAY TO GO!
I'm glad you're all set. I'm starting to worry about my packing. Well not mine. We are just about to start an extra band rehearsal this morning and afterwards one of my friends is coming by for pool time and dinner. I told Fran that starting tomorrow she better start picking her clothes!

Have a safe trip to Seattle and I hope you get some sleep on the plane, although I don't remember what my answers to your contest were!
The final zipping happens tomorrow night.

As a man, I can say that I prefer un-zipping.

That sounds like a story...


I wrote about it in my very first TR.
We were going to Hawaii and had just dropped off the checked bags. Elle then informs me that she has a large bottle of shampoo (or maybe it was conditioner) in her carry-on. "What part of 'no liquids' did you not understand?" Somehow, I think she thought 'liquids' meant 'stuff you drink' or non-viscousy liquids. Whatever. There was an open topped garbage bin and we tossed it in there. Long story short, the flight was canceled, we had to retrieve our checked bags and then re-book on later flights. We did all that, and re-dumped off the checked bags. There they go! It was right about then that I realized I could've retrieved the shampoo and put it in the checked bag. Once again... too late.

But they are round.

And they roll, too.
Be safe. Have fun.... And run the alphabet!
If you don't come back like this...


...You did it wrong!
I guess you are about to get on your plane now! Have a safe flight, enjoy your mini bottle drink and then of course have the time of your life at WDW! I hope this trip we will be all you hoped and wished for and more!
Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You didn't really think I'd wrap this up before getting to Z, did you?)​

TODAY IS THE DAY! I've been wishing and dreaming for this day for 2 long years. I've been planning and purchasing (Oh, crap yes, I've been purchasing), and it's finally here. My stomach is in knots; could be because I'm headed to the airport by way of my SIL's house in Olympia on my way to WDW, or the fact that Zach is driving most of the way on the freeway- his first time ever on one. Shoot me now. (Remember that small bottle?)

To keep my mind off of the waiting and waiting and waaaaaaaaaaaaaiting to finally be able to leave, I gave myself a little pre-trip treat to enjoy while I'm away:

FullSizeRender (41).jpg

Both hands. And it came with a cool story... but that's for the TR, where you'll see this again with the paste gone. Look closely too. ;)

Anyway, all the hoping this day would come, all the hard work it took to get here, and coming out on the other end with a way to finance more trips in the future, makes me a little verklempt this morning. But nonetheless, it IS here and we're more than ready. I have already begun to write the first chapter or 2 of the TR, and I am VERY much looking forward to sharing with you all the wonderful things in store for us over the next 2 weeks.

In the meantime, I want to send a heartfelt thank you to the many, many who have me along with the way with your kind words, your dedicated enthusiasm for seeing me through, keeping me company late at night, and for just being my friends. I treasure each of you.


OFF TO DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but first breakfast with my Nursing School Squad.

Yes it is!! Woot!!!!

I've been wishing and dreaming for this day for 2 long years.

There must have been times when you thought this day would never arrive, on many different levels.

My stomach is in knots


or the fact that Zach is driving most of the way on the freeway- his first time ever on one.

That'll do it!

Shoot me now. (Remember that small bottle?)

Wait did you say to shoot you now or to give you a shot now?

Nice. Love the flower.

Look closely too. ;)

Of course I saw it! :laughing: I thought that game was only on my TR!

all the hard work it took to get here,

No kidding. I don't know anyone who's worked as hard as you have for a Disney vacation.

makes me a little verklempt this morning

Again... understandable.

I have already begun to write the first chapter or 2 of the TR

Holy smokes! At this rate, you'll be done before you get back!

and I am VERY much looking forward to sharing with you all the wonderful things in store for us over the next 2 weeks.

Me too!

OFF TO DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesss!!!!! Have fun!!
I don't remember your flight times, but I hope everything was on time, your room was clean and ready when you arrived, you all got a nice nap in and are ready to go tackle the day!!

The magic is definitely not fading. The magic is there if you let it be there and let yourself accept it.
The magic isn't in getting a night's stay in the castle suite (although it'd certainly be nice! :laughing:) but in the CM who gives you a smile and says "Have a magical day."
I've seen far too many posts from people who basically say "My vacation was ruined because _________" and then post something relatively minor. A lack of towel animals didn't change my enjoyment of my last trips one iota. And it's like so many things. One person gets some pixie dust. They mention it. Now everyone wants that "once in a lifetime" thing and if they don't get it.... why didn't they? "You got an anytime FP? Why didn't I? Trip ruined!" "You were the family of the day and we weren't! Trip ruined!" I think the magic is in the unexpected. When we got towel animals when we first went with the DDs, it was magic because it wasn't really widely known yet. And I appreciated it and the kids loved it. But then... everyone insisted that they get towel animals too! And every day! And they better be elaborate or else! Where's the magic in that? It's no longer magic, it's an expected (demanded!) service.
I much, much prefer to go in with no expectations other than to enjoy myself and if/when something happens... then it's truly magical as opposed to expected.
So when I got a little rolled up towel with my toothbrush stuck in it; I didn't say "That's it? Where's my towel animal?" instead I thought "Cool! They'd never do that anywhere else!"

The magic is alive and well.
You just have to let it find you.

I totally agree with you on this. The magic is still there, you just have to be open to it.

Well, Ok, I was more referring to things like the onslaught of upcharge hard ticket events, and even more sad (to me at least) the shift in focus to Disney product theming rather than the classic Disney style of NON-character themed stuff like PoTC, HM, COP. I"m truly sad they took out ALL of Future World stuff, the Making of Me, and are now going to desecrate ToT. IMHO. I know there are plenty of people who disagree.

I agree with you 100% about letting the little pieces of magic find you and revel in those. I don't consider myself to have the Spirit of Entitlement and won't be disappointed if I don't get a towel animal. What I do see, in a lot of areas though is the tyranny of the corporation profits overriding some of the special touches that used to be there (lack of dump shops for one). Does that make sense? Can we find common ground here?

Ok, and I also agree with you as well. :-(

See you on Friday !!! Will try to save seats, but you know how crowded that is !! Remember o text Carol also !! She is better with texts than me , just ask Marv .I had to add my experience of a WET WDW . It was the WETTEST May in 50 years !! Myself and the few who braved the rain had a GREAT experience with rides . IASW walk on, Peter Pan same thing was AWESOME !!!
Thank you so very much for sharing this with me. You just can't imagine (or maybe you can!) how just knowing I am not alone in this helps settle the nerves. I know no one who has / are dealing with this (thank goodness for that!) so I don't have anyone who truly understands what I am going through or that can give me information.

I (well while I still have a job anyway) have very good insurance so that is no worry. For medications I have no deductible and for generics I pay $12 and for non-generics or newer medications I pay $45. All preventive procedures and mental/addiction issues are covered 100% and all other stuff is 90/10 coverage with no deductible. Yes there are expenses but not much. This insurance is why I am fighting so hard to stay working.

A lot of the medications they use to treat this stuff is off limits to me because of having gastric bypass surgery. I am still currently on plaquenel along with the methotrexate. In the past we have tried Celebrex. I was started on a low dose and did ok with it. I started to see some relief, but when they increased my dosage the next day I broke out in hives. They said it took the higher dose to put enough into my system to have an allergic reaction. Next was Symbalta. I took my first dose of this before I went to bed... When I woke up the next morning I was a mess. I couldn't take 2 steps without completely falling over. My husband would say something to me and I could hear him talking but the medication messed my mind up so bad I couldn't process what he was saying to me. They lowered my dose and it became tolerable but I was still having memory problems. I would lose complete conversations within moments of having them. After 1 week I decided the potential benefits just weren't worth the side effects. I have had many Injections of dexamethasone and kenalog. Those at first seemed to help on a short term basis but the past 2 I have had really had no benefits. I was on long term prednisone and again at first it seemed to help, but has gradually become non effective. They just switched me to medrol and I have been taking that for 1 week but not seeing much from it either. I also have Ultram for pain. I have taken it long enough now that it is starting to become less effective as well. I hate to look at stronger pain meds because they don't just make me tired... They knock me out. Ultram has been the only pain med that hasn't caused me to fall right to sleep. It has never completely taken the pain away but it has made it tolerable. l think a lot of my fear for infusion is that it will work for a short time but then become ineffective like your spouse. Is the outpatient surgery to have a port put in worth a short period of relief? With as difficult as it is to start an IV on me... There is no way I can do this with out a cath.
I have moderate RA and am on Plaquenil and naproxen, methotrexate did nothing and Arava made me so bad they had to put me on high dose steroids for six weeks to get me back to normal, when I have a flare up I actually take Midol Complete, I asked my pharmacist why that worked so well and she said it was because one of the ingredients is actually an anti inflammatory.


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