ABD Greece 2016 Trip Report

Your trip report has bumped this trip way up to the top for me - it looks amazing. What do you think are the ideal ages for kids? Teens/late teens? If too far off for my boys, this might just have to be a Mom & Dad only trip.
Your trip report has bumped this trip way up to the top for me - it looks amazing. What do you think are the ideal ages for kids? Teens/late teens? If too far off for my boys, this might just have to be a Mom & Dad only trip.
It has been a really great trip and the kids have both really enjoyed it. I asked DD16 and she thought kids around her age would get the most out of it, but I wouldn't hesitate to do it with younger kids--10 and up maybe? We had a 10 year old who was great and I think had a really fun time. He was pretty mature though. If your boys happen to be into Percy Jackson or mythology they would probably like it even more. BUT ... if you could do it as an adult only in the shoulder season when it's not so hot, I might recommend that. The heat was really difficult at times, and I was wishing we'd come in May :)
This ABD is a little different than others I've done, and we really liked it. There were 5 restaurants we could choose from and ABD picked up the bill for whatever one we chose.

We had this as well on the SE Asia ABD in Hanoi. I really wish ABD would move toward this model in more places on more nights. It was the best meal paid for by ABD I've had.

It has what is thought to be the first paved road and first theater in the world.

Heraklion was amazing. We were fortunate to do it on a DCL cruise that hit a number of the Greek isles. I have an art history & archaeology minor (that goes pretty much unused) but I was very excited to see this and Mycenae on the same trip first hand. I wasn't aware it had the first paved road or theater, and we had a private guide showing us around. Go ABD!

You're pictures look absolutely gorgeous. I would love to go back to Greece.
We had this as well on the SE Asia ABD in Hanoi. I really wish ABD would move toward this model in more places on more nights. It was the best meal paid for by ABD I've had.

Heraklion was amazing. We were fortunate to do it on a DCL cruise that hit a number of the Greek isles. I have an art history & archaeology minor (that goes pretty much unused) but I was very excited to see this and Mycenae on the same trip first hand. I wasn't aware it had the first paved road or theater, and we had a private guide showing us around. Go ABD!

You're pictures look absolutely gorgeous. I would love to go back to Greece.

We enjoyed our meal, and it would be great if they did this for every trip, but we had some excellent paid for meals by ABD this trip. Everyone who has written about this ABD Greece is right: the food is exceptional. It's clean cooking at its best--fresh food prepared simply and with tons of flavor. I love all the grilled meats and fruit. The only thing that seems out of the plan is the omnipresent french fries, LOL. Think Ireland. It took me a few days to get into the groove, but once we hit Santorini I was loving it. A new favorite dessert is the yogurt with honey.

Said no one on an ABD :D

That's more like it :)

LOL, glad it isn't just us :)
A couple more questions from me - how is the AC in the hotels? We live in Georgia and are pretty acclimated to heat for outdoor activities in the summertime, so I don't think that part would bother us so much, but we definitely need a cool room for sleeping.

Also, did you book as 2 doubles, or as a quad? Any recommendations there? We are booked as 2 doubles for Alaska - I like to have enough space and real beds.

(As you can see, good sleep is important to me when I travel!)

We were all set to book this for 2017 after reading your review, but our first choice week is already wait listed. So we may do 2018 - our kids would be 10 and 13 by that point, and it sounds from your report like those would be good ages. That would also give us more time to accumulate airline points...
Day #10 (ABD Day #9):

The last full day seemed to come very quickly on this trip. Once we left Athens, it felt like the trip flew by. After breakfast we (minus part of one family who decided to stay back) boarded the bus and returned to the Heraklion area to visit a traditional Greek village in the countryside. This was where we also met the famous "mayor" Mr. Manolis. He lived up to his reputation as a true original—what a funny, nice man!

This was one of those days that really sets ABD apart. The village seems in the middle of nowhere, and it makes you wonder how they found it, but it was a lovely glimpse into a rural world so different from our own. It really rounds out the outdoor experiences, the archeological sites, and the more traditional tourist stops.

It was a relaxing, mellow day walking around the village of Bizariano, getting a chance to see a slice of rural Crete. It was one of those days that kind of creeps up on you. There isn’t anything exciting or spectacular, but by the end of the day you realize what a fun day you had. Oh yes, and most of the day was spent eating along the way. ABD calls this day "Shepherds Path," but I think it should be renamed Shepherds Grazing :)

Starting out our short walk through the village:

The teens and kids taking advantage of the shade, but it was actually very nice weather this morning.

The countryside.

The very lovely gardens of the villagers. I think Mary said they compete with each other to have the best--it was beautiful.

Mr. Manolis giving us some information about Raki (and another tasting). It did not improve on the second or third attempt, BTW :)

Mr. Manolis with the donkey. The kids (including both my teens who were within the weight limit) had a chance to sit on him for pics. The donkey was quite a good sport :)

Among the things we learned about were making honey (there were tons of beehives on the hillsides) and making cheese. Anyone who wanted to stir could try it out.

One of our two large meals while at the village. We had a ton of appetizers at the first seating that we were warned not to fill up on--right--and then sat down to a lunch a short while later. We also learned how to make Greek Coffee. DON'T CALL IT TURKISH COFFEE, LOL. You can't really see from this picture, but there are a ton of grounds left in the bottom of the cup. It was good but a little too sweet for me.

We had a traditional (and delicious) lunch of roast meats, salad, and potatoes cooked in the drippings--yum--while watching the lady of the house demonstrate how to make cheese pie. They were basically very delicious cheese ravioli with a touch of mint, baked, and served with honey. Another new favorite dessert.

After our day in the countryside, we returned to the resort (with a heated trivia game on the way back). I think most of the families spent a few hours at the pool before our farewell dinner meet time of 7:30. I decided to work off part of the grazing by heading to the very warm gym.

One thing that has been difficult to get used to in Europe—Greece included—is the AC. It's not what we are used to in the US, where you can turn it down to icebox cold. As a woman of 48 years old, you'll understand how that might be an issue. Some of the hotels had a limit on how low you could turn it--my guess is in the 70s. It wasn't until we reached Porta Elounda that I actually had a cold room. But it seemed to be a room by room luck of the draw--our second room at PE wasn't so cool and others reported hot rooms. It wasn't just hotels. Restaurants, shops, museums, etc ... the AC wasn't great. It took the edge off, but it depending on where you stood. I suspect it's hard to keep it cold in such hot weather and most places have space AC units, which probably explains the difference. As Dusty from our ABD last year liked to say, it's not bad, it's not good, it's just ... different. But be prepared if you decide to come in the heat of the summer.

We met at 7:30 and headed down to our farewell dinner. I don't want to say anything about it, and I'm not going to post any pics since I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Suffice it to say it was a great night and a perfect ending to our trip with great food, music, and dancing. There was something the guides did for the first time on our trip that was a highlight, and I don’t want to ruin it for future Adventurers. It was a really lovely night—probably my favorite farewell dinner of our five ABDs.

One exciting new development that didn’t work out for our group but sounds like it might be a new thing. After asking for copies of the slideshow on every feedback form I’ve ever filled out, ABD seems to have finally listened. They are trying out “Air Drop” of the slideshow for those who have apple products. Chris has used it before, and it apparently works, but for ours it was glitchy. So if you are heading to the farewell dinner bring your recent IOS device (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.). We asked Chris to try Dropbox, so I’m crossing my fingers that we will eventually get it. But a move in the right direction!

Day #11 (ABD day #10):

The trip ended on kind of an annoying note. I was informed by Mary the day before that we would have to leave on the 9 am shuttle to the airport even though our flight wasn’t until 3 pm. The guide book says to get a flight before noon, but there weren’t any flights to EDI leaving before 3 pm. There were two other families with flight times of 2:30 and 3 pm (that is 1/3 of our group). Waiting for five hours at a small airport was not going to happen, so I had to get a private shuttle for 175 euros. Eventually that went down by about 40 euros when one of the other two families joined us. It makes absolutely no sense to me why ABD wouldn’t organize a shuttle for the three of us, especially when they pay for airport transfers to and from to those who stay in Athens overnight after the tour at the group hotel. And I can’t get a transfer paid for to leave from the ABD hotel the day the trip ends that doesn’t require me sitting in an airport for 5 hours? Doesn’t make any sense. Crete isn't exactly a major airport, not all destinations are going to be available before noon.

Anyway, I was very happy after not getting to bed until midnight to not have to get up to catch a 3 am shuttle like one family did (or even the 6 am shuttle). We slept in and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast before boarding our shuttle (actually a bus) at noon with the same great driver we’d had for our time in Crete. One unexpectedly nice note was that we were met a the bus by one of the ABD representatives in Crete—I think they must act as their liaisons. She got us through the lines and waived goodbye as we entered security.

One more thing… if you need to eat lunch at the airport beware that there are very limited offerings, but I recommend the spinach pie. It was pretty good for airport food. They also had a couple pre-made sandwiches and hotdogs, but when in Rome …

Stay tuned for some final thoughts…
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A couple more questions from me - how is the AC in the hotels? We live in Georgia and are pretty acclimated to heat for outdoor activities in the summertime, so I don't think that part would bother us so much, but we definitely need a cool room for sleeping.

Also, did you book as 2 doubles, or as a quad? Any recommendations there? We are booked as 2 doubles for Alaska - I like to have enough space and real beds.

(As you can see, good sleep is important to me when I travel!)

We were all set to book this for 2017 after reading your review, but our first choice week is already wait listed. So we may do 2018 - our kids would be 10 and 13 by that point, and it sounds from your report like those would be good ages. That would also give us more time to accumulate airline points...

You actually anticipated my post, LOL. I just posted about the AC. We have done two doubles since the second trip after we realized in the first trip that booking as a quad doesn't save any money. The two bathrooms and real beds are huge. LOL on the airline points--I'm right there with you.
One exciting new development that didn’t work out for our group but sounds like it might be a new thing. After asking for copies of the slideshow on every feedback form I’ve ever filled out, ABD seems to have finally listened. They are trying out “Air Drop” of the slideshow for those who have apple products. Chris has used it before, and it apparently works, but for ours it was glitchy. So if you are heading to the farewell dinner bring your recent IOS device (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.). We asked Chris to try Dropbox, so I’m crossing my fingers that we will eventually get it. But a move in the right direction!
Oh, that's great!! I was SO VERY sad when they stopped giving us the slideshows! I've been begging them to start providing them to us again! I love having the DVDs of the slideshows, and I actually *DO* watch them from time to time when I'm feeling nostalgic about the ABDs I've taken. In fact, after reading your report, I went back and watched the slideshow from my Greece trip night before last. That was the first trip where they announced we wouldn't be getting the slideshow. :( Fortunately, one of the folks on the trip had a video camera with him, and taped it, and then sent out a DVD of it for everyone. For Scotland, I video'd it, and put it out on dropbox for everyone. The quality is not that great on either one, but it's so much better than not having it at all. Only problem with this solution is, my phone & tablet are Androids, and my iPod is probably too old for Air Drop. :(

Thank you for sharing your trip report. I really enjoyed reading it and am glad you all had a great time. Greece looks like a really nice adventure!
Thank you for your trip report - I just cant wait :) I leave in 4 days to London, then Paris and then we join the Greece ABD in just under 2 weeks. I had originally signed up to do England, France ABD and then the Greece back to back but they changed the dates for the first trip after I had made all my flight arrangements so now we are doing it on our own. I'm originally from the Caribbean islands so I figure that I'm pretty acclimatized to heat but I am worried about the a/c as we crank them on high in the summer here LOL. Fingers crossed we don't melt :D

Thanks to say hello for the beautiful sunset shot at Sounion.... definitely making the trip now :) and I have made arrangements with the hotel. Yes i realized it was a typo LOL

This ABD does sound like it has the perfect mix of history and outdoor activities - my DD is a waterbaby so I know she will be in heaven - shes 12 and totally into Percy, Goddess girls and mythology. Funny thing - I couldn't get a flight out on the last day - so I ended up adding a post night in Crete - which now makes me very happy as I won't need to skip any activities to get a nice full day at the hotel. I wasn't happy before but now it seems like a lucky happenstance.

I really just want to say Thank you again - this trip report has been amazing - I was searching for a trip report when I was booking and didn't find one with this much detail - I'm totally excited thanks to you - and now I have an idea of just how awesome it will be especially after having to put so much work into the first part of my trip, I will totally enjoy relaxing once I hit Athens.

Travel safely home!
I also love when you choose a restaurant and the tour company pays the check. Other companies "do that" and it is refreshing to hear ABD follows suit. Thanks so much for your wonderful review. The pictures were great.
Oh, that's great!! I was SO VERY sad when they stopped giving us the slideshows! I've been begging them to start providing them to us again! I love having the DVDs of the slideshows, and I actually *DO* watch them from time to time when I'm feeling nostalgic about the ABDs I've taken. In fact, after reading your report, I went back and watched the slideshow from my Greece trip night before last. That was the first trip where they announced we wouldn't be getting the slideshow. :( Fortunately, one of the folks on the trip had a video camera with him, and taped it, and then sent out a DVD of it for everyone. For Scotland, I video'd it, and put it out on dropbox for everyone. The quality is not that great on either one, but it's so much better than not having it at all. Only problem with this solution is, my phone & tablet are Androids, and my iPod is probably too old for Air Drop. :(

That's funny. We've never had the slideshow option. We did an ABD in 2007, but then didn't do another until 2013 so we must have missed that. Good idea on taping. I never thought of that! I hope they work out the bugs. Chris said it had worked on his previous trip.

Thank you for sharing your trip report. I really enjoyed reading it and am glad you all had a great time. Greece looks like a really nice adventure!

Thanks so much for following along! It was a really fun trip, and a very solid ABD offering.

Thank you for your trip report - I just cant wait :) I leave in 4 days to London, then Paris and then we join the Greece ABD in just under 2 weeks. I had originally signed up to do England, France ABD and then the Greece back to back but they changed the dates for the first trip after I had made all my flight arrangements so now we are doing it on our own. I'm originally from the Caribbean islands so I figure that I'm pretty acclimatized to heat but I am worried about the a/c as we crank them on high in the summer here LOL. Fingers crossed we don't melt :D

Thanks to say hello for the beautiful sunset shot at Sounion.... definitely making the trip now :) and I have made arrangements with the hotel. Yes i realized it was a typo LOL

This ABD does sound like it has the perfect mix of history and outdoor activities - my DD is a waterbaby so I know she will be in heaven - shes 12 and totally into Percy, Goddess girls and mythology. Funny thing - I couldn't get a flight out on the last day - so I ended up adding a post night in Crete - which now makes me very happy as I won't need to skip any activities to get a nice full day at the hotel. I wasn't happy before but now it seems like a lucky happenstance.

I really just want to say Thank you again - this trip report has been amazing - I was searching for a trip report when I was booking and didn't find one with this much detail - I'm totally excited thanks to you - and now I have an idea of just how awesome it will be especially after having to put so much work into the first part of my trip, I will totally enjoy relaxing once I hit Athens.

Travel safely home!

Thanks so much for reading, and you are vey welcome! You guys are going to have a blast. I hope you will post a trip report and we can compare notes! Sounds like a great idea to stay at the resort at the end for an extra day. There is a ton to do there, and we barely even touched the beach, LOL. Safe travels to you and have a great time!

I also love when you choose a restaurant and the tour company pays the check. Other companies "do that" and it is refreshing to hear ABD follows suit. Thanks so much for your wonderful review. The pictures were great.

I loved it, too. I would love to see them do this more. Thanks for following along and glad you enjoyed the pics :)
That's funny. We've never had the slideshow option. We did an ABD in 2007, but then didn't do another until 2013 so we must have missed that. Good idea on taping. I never thought of that! I hope they work out the bugs. Chris said it had worked on his previous trip.
Ah, I did my first ABD in 2008, so they must have started that year. Then they stopped in 2013. There you go! :)

Thanks for a great trip report! After finishing your Greek coffee, did you flip the cup over and back to read your fortune? My family does this with Turkish coffee, and all I see are grinds.
Thanks for a great trip report! After finishing your Greek coffee, did you flip the cup over and back to read your fortune? My family does this with Turkish coffee, and all I see are grinds.
So funny that you mentioned that! I did, but it was because of a fellow Adventurer who grew up with Turkish Coffee and said her mother or grandmother used to read the grounds. Mine were a blob.
Final Thoughts:

I've had a few days now to reflect on the trip and wanted to put my thoughts in some kind of order. Overall I think Greece is a very solid ABD offering, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves history, mythology, beautiful beaches, lots of sunshine, and mediterranean food. We all had a great time—even special needs DS19, which was wonderful. It is probably my second favorite ABD. The first year Scotland itinerary that we took in 2013 I suspect is going to be hard to beat. We did Ireland in 2007 so I don’t remember it well enough to compare, but I think Greece edges ahead of it because of the food.

Chris and Mary were both exceptional, which seems almost axiomatic with ABD guides. But I suspect they are among the elite in rankings from surveys. Our tour did have a slightly different tone/feel than the other ABDs we’ve been on, and I think that’s because neither of them were/are cast members. On every trip we’ve taken before one or both of the guides were cast members, and the tone was definitely more rah rah. Not in a bad way at all, but the difference at least for me was noticeable. I liked it toned down—more real, if you like—although the Disney feel was distinctly missing. ABDs in general have a very muted Disney feel, but this one was even more so. We could easily have been with Tauck.

I think the muted Disney aspect of the tour also might have something to do with the location of our particular tour. In Europe, I suspect, because of the anti-American sentiments in some areas, they probably don’t want to do anything to draw attention to the “Disney” part of the equation. The guides didn’t hold the paddle one time—Mary usually held up an orange umbrella or her blue clipboard. I think I saw an ABD sign on our bus once. They wore their badges, but no one—including the kids—wore the lanyards or pins at any time. The first night we weren’t exactly told not to but it was not so subtly suggested. Except for the pins that quickly went into our suitcase and a couple Disney movies we watched on the bus rides, there wasn’t anything Disney at all about the trip. Whether this would be disappointing to anyone with younger children, I’m not sure, but I thought I’d mention it.

What I liked:
—The archeological sites we stopped at were all must sees. There wasn’t anything that I would remove, and I had quite a few unexpected surprises. I expected to love the Parthenon—and I did—but I didn’t expect Knossos and Akrotiri to be so incredible.
—The balance in the itinerary between “whisperer time” (aka museums and archeological sites) and activities. I personally would have liked less on my own lunch and shopping time (and maybe a few more walks/hikes/kayaking/donkey rides or something), but I thought overall the mix was good.
—The food. If you like roasted meats, incredible cheeses, the best pita bread I’ve ever had, farm fresh fruits and vegetables, olives, honey, and yogurt, you are in for a treat. Some of the best meals we had were at the seaside on your own restaurants, recommended by the guides, but pretty much all our meals were terrific.
—The cultural activities. This ABD had a lot of them, and I really think they add so much to the overall richness of the experience. My kids loved the dancing and music, and I love how they incorporated the rural village, cheese-making, etc, and worry bead making. Some of these arts and crafts things seem silly when you are reading the itinerary, but I’ve learned from experience that those are often the things that stick out when you look back.
--The hotels were all nice or very nice. They also gave us connected rooms at all locations, which was really nice. I think I mentioned before that as it's the same cost either way, we always book our family of 4 as two reservations to get the two bathrooms.

What I didn’t like:
—The heat.
—I thought there were maybe too many shopping visits and on your own lunches. It felt like we had too many of these in a row. There were too many on your own meals in general for me.
—Not being able to use a credit card in many eateries in Athens
—Having to put toilet paper in the wastebasket. Sometimes being from a “new” country with good pipes is not a bad thing, LOL.
—The transition day. I wasn’t alone in feeling as if this were an awkward day. Given the need to catch the ferry to Crete, I’m not sure how it could be changed, but it felt like a wasted day. A late check out would have made all the difference.
—I was surprised by the number of families that skipped a day to stay at the resort in Crete. I’m not sure if this was just our group, but it’s something Disney should think about. I suspect people were craving more beach/resort/water time. I, too, would have preferred maybe one more physical outdoor type of activity. The ones we had were all my highlights: the hike to the top of the volcano, jumping from the boat into the sea, and the sea kayaking.
—I wanted to ride the Donkeys up the hill. I wish they would put it back on the itinerary or make it an option.

—This is always hard to qualify, but given the nice hotels, the interior transportation involved, the paid for by Disney meal at the restaurant of our choice, and the great meals, this felt like a decent value to me (at least not a total rip off like the ABD add-on felt like last year). We didn’t really have any VIP/special access type of experiences like we did on our Scotland or Backstage Magic trips, which made those stick out value/worth it wise, but the overall quality and balance of the tour made paying the Disney premium feel more worth it. I do prefer the way Nat Geo does it with paying for all the meals—it’s easier to budget for, and we were often too tired to think about food. A handful of “on you own” meals may not seem like a big deal, but they add up. Those six or seven meals ended up adding quite a bit to our overall vacation budget.

—These were one of the things that really stuck out for me with my early ABD trips, and Disney seems to be moving away from them. I wish they would put some more back in.

Group Size:
—35 worked out well. I really think ABD should go back to limiting the groups to 35 or at the VERY max 40. The 49 we had last year on the Baltic’s Add-on really negatively impacted the enjoyment of our trip. An extra 14 people makes a huge—huge—difference. The ideal group size to me is for a family trip is 30-35. That is enough to hopefully give a good age mix for the kids, and yet not too many people to get to know. The really nice thing about this trip was that we pretty much sat with every family at least once.

Extra costs:
—Since I was keeping track of it for this trip, I thought it might be useful to give you an idea of our actual extra costs for this trip (not including airlines which I used miles for).
—Note that the cost of meals is not for super fancy dinners, and it doesn't include alcohol so adjust accordingly.
—The “extras” include: Hotel pre-night (one family room), guide gratuities, airport transfer at end of ABD (grrr), misc. food while on tour (i.e. stopping for coffee), all the “on our own” meals, and room service breakfast for our first night. The grand total was an extra $2091 for the four of us. We also bought insurance that covered our extended trip for about $640 (not through Disney).

Thanks to everyone for reading along. Hope you enjoyed :)
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Thank you so much for your review of your Greece trip for all of us to savor. I especially enjoy your wrap up observations pro / cons. It is great to get an honest contrast on what the trip offered and comparison to other travel companies that offer family trips. I sit here hoping for a P.S. or P.S.S. to your trip report so I can continue to enjoy.
I, too, liked the pros/cons. I thought it was a very real take on the trip and what you liked and what you think could have been better/different. Great report! Thanks for sharing. Greece is definitely on my list, but a little bit further down than some other destinations.


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