About Julie...

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for the support, prayers and kind words. Ok, I am already in tears.

Bob was a great friend and basically our Orlando Dad/Uncle. He took care of us in any way that he could and even helped us move into our house 4 years ago.

His loss has hit all of us hard.

Last Friday was a year since my young cousin died and the anniversary of the death of my best friend, Paula, is fast approaching. Needless to say, this has only added to my sadness.

I'll share some of my Bawb memories at a later time. Thanks for the hugs and love.

I was thinking of you also. (((hugs))) Julie.
Thanks for posting Julie...we've all been worried about you!

Hugs right back to you, (all of you really)...

I wish there was something more we could do...:hug:
Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for the support, prayers and kind words. Ok, I am already in tears.

Bob was a great friend and basically our Orlando Dad/Uncle. He took care of us in any way that he could and even helped us move into our house 4 years ago.

His loss has hit all of us hard.

Last Friday was a year since my young cousin died and the anniversary of the death of my best friend, Paula, is fast approaching. Needless to say, this has only added to my sadness.

I'll share some of my Bawb memories at a later time. Thanks for the hugs and love.

We love you Julie! Thanks for writing! hugs and love
Take care of yourself Julie....we all understand that you need time. :hug:

There is no rush for anything. It is very difficult for all of us and most of us never met Bob, so I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is for you to come to terms with. Big hugs to you and Corey.
Take care of yourself Julie :hug: It is lovely to hear from you and tell Corey to take extra special care of you - I know he will :hug:
Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for the support, prayers and kind words. Ok, I am already in tears.

Bob was a great friend and basically our Orlando Dad/Uncle. He took care of us in any way that he could and even helped us move into our house 4 years ago.

His loss has hit all of us hard.

Last Friday was a year since my young cousin died and the anniversary of the death of my best friend, Paula, is fast approaching. Needless to say, this has only added to my sadness.

I'll share some of my Bawb memories at a later time. Thanks for the hugs and love.

I was thinking about you today in school. I have been praying for all of you. Feel Better. :sad1: :hug:
So Good to hear from you Julie. I am so sorry for your loss, and glad that we can be any comfort at to both of Bob's families at this time. Take care and our thoughts are with you all!:grouphug:
It's great to hear from you Julie. I'm so sorry about Bob, I feel heartbroken and never met the man. I can't even fathom how you feel. Keep thinking of the magical memories. I hope you can take some solace in all the wonderful thoughts and prayer coming to you guys from the Dis! Bob will truly be missed.:grouphug:
Good to hear from you Julie. I couldnt begin to imagine what its like for you guys. Hang in there and know you have all of us thinking about you and the whole podcast family. My heart goes out to you.


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