Adult Disney costumes


<font color=#FF0066>Future Belle on Broadway<br><f
Aug 30, 1999 has an article on new merchandise at Disneyland. Apparently, Halloween stuff is already starting to come in, and it looks as if there's gonna be a pretty nice selection of adult sized costumes at Downtown Disney! Yay! They had a pic of an Aurora dress that is even better than the one I bought through the Disney catalogue last year! It resembles the character more. I loved the ones from last year! If only they'd make a Belle one...
That's great, AB, thanks for the heads up. I'm surprised they <b>don't</b> make an adult size Belle costume
I would love to go to a dress up Halloween party. It has been a long time since I went to one!
Any TINK ones?? I made my own about 9 years ago!!! AND had the gaul to wear it to work!!!!!!! AGHHH to young again!!! :D
hehe, thanks Trayletha, but I already have that version! It's not nearly as nice as the costumes they sell at the Disney Store. I have the Snow White one from that page too.


Here's a picture of me wearing it in Oct 98.


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