Airplane Advice


Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2003
We have never flown with the kids (in fact, I've never flowen either). My question is this...How do you handle getting everything checked in and handle 2 little ones (2 & 4). Dh will of course be with me so maybe I am worrying over nothing. However, we will be taking a double stroller, 2 car seats, 2 suitcases, and a backpack. How are we supposed to get everything through the airport to check in? Do they have dolly things to help with that sort of thing? Oh yeah, I should also add that we are taking off right at bedtime.

Any help is appreciated.


:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsgirl:

101 days until our first WDW trip
When we traveled in April (DH, DS 14 months & myself), we had three suitcases, stroller, car seat, laptop & two carry-on bags.

The suitcases were checked at the curb, DS stayed in his stroller (more or less) until it was time to board, then we gate checked it. I stored one of the carry-ons under the stroller while we waited to baord & carried the other. DH was responsible for the car seat & laptop. When we went to board DH went in first & installed the car seat. You can gate check the seats if you wanted to, but for me I thought DS would like the familiarity of his car seat. We are going again in about a week and again we will keep him in his seat.

Do they have curb-side check in for your suitcases at your airport?

If not, can you call and inquire about the luggage dolly things (how you get one, where they are, etc).

Can your children initially stay in the stroller until you get everything inside & situated (yes I know easier said than done)?

I don't think it will that bad, but I've never done it with two!!! So I guess I can't really say that with 100% surety. Hopefully some other parent's will have some good experiences to share.
I will look into all the things you mentioned. Since I have never flown I have no idea what services are at the airport. I will definately call and check though.

I've flown alone with 2 kids, double stroller and carseats for each. We brought the carseats on the plane and it worked great for us. Our only disasterous trip was when we didn't bring the carseat on board. They knew that carseats were for staying strapped in and they didn't clamor to get down. Your 4 year old probably won't need a carseat on the plane - they won't allow boosters in the airline seats anyway (no shoulder belts).

To help with lugging everything - experiment at home. I found that I could use a bungee cord to attach the carseat to the back of the stroller so it didn't have to be carried. I but the bungee cord through the back of the carseat (where the auto seatbelt would go) and I hooked the ends to the stroller handle. For us it worked best to have the carseat upside down-facing the stroller. It sort of nested in that way and didn't stick out too far. Just be careful that your stroller doesn't tip backwards when you lift your child out. They will allow you to "gate check" the stroller. Get a gate check tag when you check in. This allows you to roll your stroller right onto the jetway. With Northwest, I left the stroller at the door to the plane (in the jetway arm) and they stowed it in the luggage compartment. When we arrived they brought the stroller back up to the jetway and it was waiting for us when we got off the plane. If your stoller is little (like an umbrella) you can carry it on.

Hope this helps!
We flew to disney twice this past year while my daughter was 2. We left the car seat in the car and put her in the seat by herself. She did fine and it made it much easier than lugging around those car seats everywhere. Tiffany towncar picked us up at MCO and they provide carseats if you need them. We stayed onsite and used the Disney transportation.
The stroller is a wonderful tool in the airport. The part that stinks is going through the security check. The child has to come out of the stroller and the stroller folded up and run thru the scanner.
If the flight is overbooked and loading take advantage of the early board with kids and get in your seat. If it isn't full you can have one of you board and stow carry-ons and prepare seats and then the other board with child at last minute. Less time confined on the plane the better I think. We did this when our daughter was only a year and we used her carseat.
Have a fun trip
Actually My son (4 yrs) still uses the harness in the carseat instead of the seatbelt. He will not still still unless in the harness. Here in VA they are required to be in a carseat until age 6 so I am holding off as long as possible until I move him to the booster part of his seat. I am hoping they have curbside check at BWI. Anyone flown out of BWI recently?

Thanks for the advice.


100 days until our First Trip to WDW!!!
O.k., first of all, curb-side check-in
is a godsend. Keep the children in
the stroller until you get to the
security checkpoint. They will have
to get out then and usually a security
person will take care getting your
stroller through, some airports want
you to fold it and it actually fits on
the security belt. They'll tell you what
to do.
I would check the 4 year old's car
seat but carry-on the seat for the
2 yr old. Car seats have to go in the
window seat so unless you have two
window seats make sure your 4 year
old knows that for security purposes
the two year old gets the window.
When you get to your gate tell
them there that you want to gate-
check the stroller as a previous
poster said. When you come off the
plane don't panic if your stroller isn't
in the jetway yet, sometimes it takes
them a few minutes to get it up there.
If you have a stopover and have to
change planes you'll have your stroller.
You just gate-check it again at your
next gate.
I recommend taking juice cups for
your children. I usually carry an extra
bottle of apple juice, plus I hand the
flight attendants the kid's cups and
they are happy to fill them up with
apple juice. My DS uses "Ear Planes"
the plugs for the ears. He wants them
in on take-offs and landings but takes
them out in-flight. You can get them
at Wal-Mart. He always has ear trouble
but these help him immensely. My DD
has never complained about her ears,
she just drinks her juice.
My kids are fairly frequent flyers,
they are 7 and 4. I have always given
my DS7 benadryl. He usually sleeps on
the plane. My DD gets advil. These are
personal decisions and not advice. It
works for my children, but your children's
pediatrician can give you advice. Also,
as you may know, benadryl has been
known to make some children hyper
and you wouldn't want that on your
first plane ride. :eek:
You'll be fine at the airport. When
you get to orlando you can get a
dolly to use for all your luggage.
One last tip, as I'm sure you have
read, is the surprises to hand the
kids on the plane. My children each
have their own "travelling" backpack.
I buy little things to go in them, such
as sticker and activity books. They
are only allowed to use these back-
packs when we are travelling.
Hope I helped at least a little,
Have a wonderful trip!
Thanks for all the info you've shared. Hopefully I will remember all of this good advice when I go on our trip. We got our plane tickets today by Fedex. HOw do I know if I have 2 window seats?

I just checked out
and according to the website, curb-
side check-in is available. I would
check with your airline if you are
travelling at a very late or early
hour, such as after 8pm or before
I forgot to mention in my last post that our fight is direct to MCO both ways. We are flying at 7:50pm the first day and 5:37pm coming home. Well that's when the flight is suppose to leave. I read on their site that you should allow 1 -2 hours for check-ins. Plus we have 2 hours of driving time to get there. We will be there at like 5pm to check-in. Hopefully the curbside check is going on then.

I have found so much good advice on these boards that I should probably be writing it all down. We still have 100 days before our trip, I am sure to forget something.

If you get to the airport by 5,
you'll have more than enough
time. You'll even be able to get
some dinner. They might even
have an area where you can
can eat and relax and your
little ones can watch the planes
come and go. Plus you'll have
time to let the kids walk around
the gate area and burn off
some energy before you get
on the plane.
If you are parking your car in
a "long-term" lot the shuttle
should drop you off right in
front of the curb-side check-
in for your airline.
These boards are the best!
Yes, We are planning on long-term parking and I read on their site that a shuttle comes by every 5 mins.

This board is awesome. Lots of GREAT advice. LOVE IT!!!!


100 Days until our First WDW Trip!!!
We've flown delta from Newark to MCO for our last trip & the upcoming trip. The plane is/was a 737, which is three seats an aisle then three seats. We were allowed to put DS in between us rather than at the window. The stewardess said that as long as someone in our party was at the window then it was OK to put DS in the middle.

Other airlines may be different so check with yours.

I know Delta & Continental's web sites show what type of plane will be used for the flight. Then from there you can find a seat map of that type of plane. So check your airlines web site - you should be able to find out where you are sitting.

You're right - these boards are great!
There are SkyCaps at every major airport around the world who's sole purpose is to assist passengers getting to the check-in counter. You may also be able to check-in with SkyCaps curbside, departure level, of your outbound airport. It is a very simple process, and tipping is about $2 a bag. Some people scoff at tipping, but they are a BIG help and do provide good customer service.

First time flying????? WOW!! Flying is my life, so when I encounter First-Timers, it take me back!!

Hope you have a great flight and a great trip!!


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