"All Alone in the World...Whatever did I do?" - A Solo Trip Report

I think Disney just pays a lot more attention to detail than any other amusement park. Although I do think Universal did come close with the WWoHP. I remember walking in and seeing the snow on the roofs and getting a little chill even though it was July and around 95 degrees out.
I think Disney just pays a lot more attention to detail than any other amusement park. Although I do think Universal did come close with the WWoHP. I remember walking in and seeing the snow on the roofs and getting a little chill even though it was July and around 95 degrees out.

I agree - they definitely did WWoHP right. I also got that feeling when looking up at the snow - you truly felt immersed in the theme.
I have always loved disaster too...though it's been about 10 or more years since I've been there. Fun day! I really want to get over there someday
The return bus ride home, included one....not sure if "gentleman" is the right word here, but sure - we'll go with gentleman...who was very concerned with making it to the Luau. Sample dialogue: "Ma, ma!! Ma!! MAA!!! This bus has gotta hurry up - we're not gonna make it! Ma - seriously - the luau. We gotta get to the luau!!" (BTW - this was a guy in his mid to late 30s...not a 5 year old.) My stress level was going up listening to him....though I'm not sure if was because I was worried they wouldn't make the luau, or if it was because I was one "Ma...MAA!!!" away from turning to him and going "Dude...relax about the stupid luau!!"

We did pass through my first ever Disney resort, which helped with my stress.


POR - I'll be back just as soon as I visit a few other resorts first!

I got back to the room at around 6:30 or so, and flipped on the television. I don't think I've mentioned how jealous I am that you guys get Soapnet down in the States...I would kill to have mid/late afternoon access to the vintage Beverly Hills, 90210 episodes. I probably watched to the end of the current episode (for those who remember vintage BH90210, the episodes that week were right at about the "OMG - Dylan's 'family' is going to rob him blind!" part of the series) while fixing my hair to head out that evening for Epcot's EMH.

About 7:00 I headed down to the bus stop. There was another family from Ottawa on the bus, and they spotted my ever-present Canadian Flag Mickey Ears pin, so we started up a conversation. I gave them some tips for the week, including that Wishes was a must-do, and we had a nice chat.

Once I got to Epcot, I made a beeline for Morocco. I did take some time to take a few pics, even though there was a rumbly in my tumbly.




Needed this pic, since I was staying in the Tramp section at Pop.

I had set a challenge for myself to try all sorts of new CS restaurants, and to steer clear of the standard burger and fries fare. Tonight I was trying out Tangierine Cafe. For those not from here, I must tell you that Ottawa has got to be Canada's (maybe even North America's) shawarma capital. You can barely walk two city blocks without seeing a shawarma place. All this to say, I know from good shawarma - so I was interested to see what Tangierine Cafe could serve up.


I went with the Chicken and Lamb combo with Tabouleh salad. I had ordered a Diet Coke, but when the CM went to hand it to me, the cup slipped out of his hand and it spilled everywhere! He quickly poured me a large (what he thought was) Diet Coke, but when I took at sip at the table it turned out to be Coke Zero. Anyhow - this is why I have two cups on my tray.

All in all, not bad! The humous and tabouleh were very good, as were the meats. My only suggestion for improvement would be to give more garlic sauce. Shawarma is not shawarma without good garlic sauce. I would definitely eat here again :thumbsup2

After my meal (and being slightly entertained by a group of three gay guys who were hilarious - one kept refusing to try the lamb, while the other two kept insisting that he should! It was hard to keep my giggling to myself, and in hindsight I should have introduced myself and gotten on the "Try the lamb!" bandwagon), I headed over to Soarin'. The wait was about the 20 mins as predicted, but I asked to wait for B1. I absolutely love this ride! I timed it well, since the wait time grew after I left.

I then went on Living with the Land, which had been closed the last time I was there. Part of my reason for going on is because my dad's a farmer, so I always like to try things that relate to what he does. Some of the things they had going on there were really cool!

I then went over to The Seas with Nemo and Friends. By now it was after 9:00, so EMH had kicked in, meaning I had to dig for my KTTW card to prove I was allowed to go on the ride. I grabbed a few pics too, but I bet they'd be better during the day.




After riding along with Marvin trying to find Nemo, I decided to head over to Test Track. I hadn't done it the last time I was WDW and really wanted to check it out again. On the way, I passed through the opening by the Character Spot and spotted this:


Dancin' Donald!! :rotfl:

Obviously Donald had a bit of a lull while people were meeting Mickey and Minnie, so he decided to entertain himself (and me!) by doing a little dance. His handlers were laughing their behinds off!! I later bought a CD that had "Ducks Dance Too" on it, and it makes me think of this every time I hear it.

Once Donald finished up his jig, I kept on going over to Test Track. I decided to go with the Single Riders line, since the wait time posted was something like 45 minutes. I'm not sure that being single this time paid off.

This was also my first encounter with the many grad trips happening that week. There was a group ahead of me that kept telling their friends to "just cut through". I would have been annoyed, but one of the guys had severely torn his shorts to the point where you could see the cutesy boxers he had on underneath, and listening to him trying to tell the story was hilarious. I'm pretty sure he said he cut them on the ride in Mexico, but for the life of me I can't figure out how he could have done it. His explanation was no help either...

After I helped test the car to make sure it could withstand all it would need to withstand, I headed over to Spaceship Earth. I've kind of created a not-on-purpose tradition of having this be my last ride of any Epcot visit. I think it's a nice way to end a visit in that park. I tried to snap a few pics of my favourite parts.


This is supposed to be the sleeping monk, but it's really blurry.


Printing Press


Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel


Telephone Operators


Watching the Moon landing


Her outfit gets me every time!!


What a beautiful sight...

I left the park at around 11:45 and headed back to Pop. This is when I noticed the one thing that Pop's missing...a hot tub. After my very long day, it would have been nice to have a quick 15 soak with a jet right at my shoulders. Instead, I settled for a nice hot bath before jumping into bed. I didn't set a specific alarm for the next day, figuring I would just go with the flow. I didn't want to burn out too early on my trip!

Up next: Day 2 (finally)!! Which park would I visit? Would it be just one, or more? And most importantly, would I find the yummiest drink I've ever had at WDW??
Wait, this was all Day 1? :rotfl:

You had quite the busy day! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Great evening. You did quite a bit too. It was a long day...my kind of day! :thumbsup2
Nice Day 1! I visiting Universal last November during my trip specifically for WWoHP. I was bummed though because FJ was broke down all day. They did still let us walk thru Hogwarts though so at least I get to see inside and get pictures.

Can't wait for Day 2!
Wait, this was all Day 1? :rotfl:

You had quite the busy day! Can't wait to see what happens next.

Yep - this was my first full day in Orlando (I originally typed "at Disney", but technically, I really didn't spend the full day there). I guess I like to keep busy!! :goodvibes

Great evening. You did quite a bit too. It was a long day...my kind of day! :thumbsup2

It didn't feel like it at the time, but in writing this I realized just how long my day was!!

Nice Day 1! I visiting Universal last November during my trip specifically for WWoHP. I was bummed though because FJ was broke down all day. They did still let us walk thru Hogwarts though so at least I get to see inside and get pictures.

Can't wait for Day 2!

That sucks about FJ :sad2: Although the Hogwarts tour is really cool - I'm really glad I was able to find a way to do it without waiting for eons....
I've been a negligent follower :rolleyes1

Congrats on the new place! We bought in 2007 and actually signed the offer letter the evening before we were heading on our first WDW trip together. I still remember taking a call from the appraiser right in front of Small World. :goodvibes

Awesome trip so far...can't wait to read more :thumbsup2
Hey all! I've been neglecting my TR again, which is a bad thing. Update to come today (hopefully, so long as work cooperates), but first I wanted to share the pumpkin I carved for a Halloween raffle at work.


Jack Skellington
Epcot EMH looks like fun! Twenty minutes for Soarin' is awesome. I don't think I've ever seen it that low, even during EMH. Of course, it's been a few years since we've stayed late at Epcot.

I love your Jack o lantern! That turned out great! :)
I am not a big fan about reallity shows, I don't really care about juicy details about other people lifes, but your story cought me. We seem to have some things in commun, we live close by, I live 45 min. from Ottawa in Québec. I work for the gov. as well ,but for Québec. But our biggest thing in commun is Disney I totaly love it and since a couple of years stay at Pop. I never thought of doing a solo trip to the World, but from what I can see it is something very interesting.
Thank you for the inspiration!!! :) ;)

1990 to 1992, off site with DB+ friends/ 1994 off site with DB+ family/
1995 off site DB, DS (2) and DD on the way/ 1998 off site DB, DS DD/
1999 off site DB, DS, DD, + family/2000 to 2003 DB, DS, DD All star Sports
2004 to 2008 Pop Century with DB (after 20 years, I can say DH), DS, DD and family
2008 to 2009 Pop Century DH, DS, DD/2010 and 2011 Pop DH, DD and her friend
September 2012 DH and me alone for the 1st time. Can’t wait to check inn at the POP!!!



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