~ All My Children Fans ~ What's new in Pine Valley? *Rebecca returning as Greenlee*

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I'm a teacher, so I only watch AMC during vacations. We don't have Soapnet. What evil is Jonathon up to? I can pretty much catch up during vacation but I couldn't figure out what Jonathon is up to.
mallcat said:
I wish they would get someone for Brook.

It has been quite a while for Brooke :blush:

Pam66--- first Welcome!!! It looks like Jonathan is the one that drugged Greenlee and we think he is the one that shot Ryan. We don't really know exactly why yet but think it has something to do with Ryan leaving him with their abusive parents.
Pam66 - He also just belted Maggie across the face. We're "supposed to" feel sorry for him (I think) because they mentioned right before about how his father was saying the kinds of things Maggie was yelling at him...for not telling her Bianca was in the hospital.

I'm sorry, but that soooooo offended me! Did it anyone else? I sincerely hope that they aren't trying to rehabilitate his character to keep him around. It may be "realistic" but I find it to be a lame excuse at best. :mad: Maybe it just hits a little too close to home for me.
Thanks for the welcome and the info. I can see this is the place to be to keep up with the residents of Pine Valley. :cool1:
Jillpie said:
Does anyone know Phoebe's age now? Is she in her 90's? I'd love to see her in an episode...when was the last time she was on?

I am not sure how old they have Pheobe at, but the actress that playes her (Ruth Warrick) will be 90 this year according to the IMDB. They say she was born in 1915.

Ruth Warrick on IMDB

The show has been good the last few weeks. The only think that kind of ticks me off is how pompous Tad is acting. He is all over David and Krystal for lying to Bianca and keeping her child from her but he is doing the same thing! He is keeping his own 'son' from his child to save his other son. Tad better move out of that glass house he is living in lately. I agree with everyone else here about Jonathan. He is a big creep and I can't wait until they write off his nasty character.
OK, after today's episode I am convinced more than ever that Jonathan is a creep! Run Maggie! I loved how Reggie tried to come to her rescue.

Best part today was Kendall and Greenlee realizing that they really do care about one another.

I did fast forward thru the Maria/Zach stuff-too boring for me.

Can't wait till Wednesday's anniversary episode!

What happened with Reggie? I missed it! :eek:

I was coughing so hard just before AMC came on I had to take cough medicine with codeine & I fell asleep! :(
piratesmate said:
Pam66 - He also just belted Maggie across the face. We're "supposed to" feel sorry for him (I think) because they mentioned right before about how his father was saying the kinds of things Maggie was yelling at him...for not telling her Bianca was in the hospital.

I'm sorry, but that soooooo offended me! Did it anyone else? I sincerely hope that they aren't trying to rehabilitate his character to keep him around. It may be "realistic" but I find it to be a lame excuse at best. :mad: Maybe it just hits a little too close to home for me.

I don't think they are trying to make us feel sympathy for Jonathon. I think they are trying to make the story real. Maggie is definitely the victim, not Jonathon. At least thats the way I see it. Time will tell.
deadheadbelle said:
I don't think they are trying to make us feel sympathy for Jonathon. I think they are trying to make the story real. Maggie is definitely the victim, not Jonathon. At least thats the way I see it. Time will tell.

I guess...but then what's the point? Why even bother to try to give him an "excuse"....even in his own warped mind? I'm just not "getting it" I guess.
This whole Jonathan makes me sick. I honestly wish they would have had Maggie leave when he slapped her, but I realize they need a story line. My DD's were watching with me that day & I looked at them & said, "You never, ever let anyone treat you like that & if they do, you either walk out the door or kick them out, lock the door behind them & call the police."

That guy just gives me the heebie geebies. He is gross!! :crazy2:
piratesmate said:
What happened with Reggie? I missed it! :eek:

I was coughing so hard just before AMC came on I had to take cough medicine with codeine & I fell asleep! :(

Oh no! Hope you feel better.

Reggie confronted Jonathan about his lying to Maggie and Jonathan was an obnoxious creep back to Reggie. Telling him that he was just a kid and that he better never try to make trouble between Maggie and him again. Reggie told J he knew he was trying to make him mad so he'd do something but Reggie kept control even though he was fuming.

Maggie's face turned into a giant bruise which Anita saw in the ladies room. She asked Maggie about it but Maggie gave the standard victim excuses about hitting a locker door at the gym. Anita knows something's up and told Maggie to come to her at the ER whenever she needed help.

Reggie also arranged a very romantic setting in a room at the Pine Valley Inn at told his girlfriend (can't remember her name) how he wanted to spend the night with her. I got the feeling the answer is going to be no.
Thanks for the update Pam! I just love Reggie's character! (And the actors a cutie, too!) :teeth:

And I am feeling better this AM...hopefully that will continue. ;)
I loved the scenes with Greenlee and Kendall. When Greens kicked Kendall you just knew that everything was going to be OK between them! LOL I thought that was just the funniest thing!
I also loved the scenes with Kendall and Greenlee (and Ryan and Ethan had some pretty good lines, too)! I just hated the pompous way that Ryan was acting before he realized that Greenlee was absolutely serious and sure that Kendall had not tried to hurt her. He always jumps to conclusions - especially where Kendall is concerned. He did it with Zach and Ethan, too........wait until he finds out that the "villain" is his own, jerky brother!

I agree that they are not trying to gather fan sympathy for Jonathan. They probably just wanted to remind us of his "backstory" to sort of "explain" why he would be violent with another person (not just slapping Maggie, but shooting Ryan and trying to poison Greenlee, too), and also to contrast that with Ryan's childhood experiences (ie: why Ryan "didn't turn out the way" that Jonathan apparently has). I'm sure that he will be carted off to jail, as soon as the truth about everything comes out. I loved Reggie's trying to protect Maggie, though! But Jonathan's creepy responses about Maggie's waking up, going to sleep, and doing everything in between with HIM, and how Reggie and her friends can "see her sometimes", but she's "moved on" and only exists for HIM, etc., were very telling - and probably indicative of the sort of controlling / abusive behavior that happens in real abuse and battery situations.

On a happier note, as much as I used to be an Edmund and Maria fan, I have to say that I agreed with what Zach was saying - about her honoring her marriage more than her marriage was honoring her, at this point. Every time Ed-dumb sees Maria, he berates her, insults her, and otherwise thwarts her attempts at reconciliation - what is it going to take for her to leave that smug, self-satisfied, feeling-sorry-for-himself, jerk and just take the kids an run off with Zach, already???? (I was afraid - the other day when Zach proposed to Erica that the 2 of them team up to find Babe and Jamie - that they were hinting at starting a romance between the 2 of THEM, thus ruining Erica and Jack's chances for happiness YET AGAIN! But hopefully Maria will come to her senses and get together with Zach, so that won't happen!)

And Anita and Aidan were very cute..........I wonder if it's weird for Aidan to be courting the sister of his former lover, though????

And Reggie and Danielle were very cute, too........I agree that she will probably say "no" to spending the night with him, though. Or she will and nothing will "happen", but Livia and Derek will think that something DID "happen", then she'll be grounded and not allowed to see Reggie any more.....and they'll have a "Romeo and Juliet"-type situation again, where they have to sneak off to see one another.......

It would just be nice to see everyone happy at the same time, for just a few episodes, anyway!
IASW Rider said:
It would just be nice to see everyone happy at the same time, for just a few episodes, anyway!

Does that happen in soap life???? :rolleyes:

Does the whole Jonathan things remind anyone of Ryan's other evi brother Braeden?
SgtDisney..thanks so much for finding that link for me about Phoebe! That was so nice. It said that she'll be on the Jan. 5th episode, so we'll see how she is then.
Jillpie said:
SgtDisney..thanks so much for finding that link for me about Phoebe! That was so nice. It said that she'll be on the Jan. 5th episode, so we'll see how she is then.

It was my pleasure. It will be nice to see her today.
IASW Rider said:
And Anita and Aidan were very cute..........I wonder if it's weird for Aidan to be courting the sister of his former lover, though????

I agree that it's a little odd how they basically ignore the love affair Aidan had with Maria. It makes the storyline pretty complicated so I guess they are hoping if they don't bring it up, we won't remember. ;)

I also can't imagine how Maria and Edmund are playing out this storyline which seems as it may be kind of close to their real life situation. Eva sounds like it wasn't her idea to get divorced.
PamOKW said:
IASW Rider said:
And Anita and Aidan were very cute..........I wonder if it's weird for Aidan to be courting the sister of his former lover, though????

Eva sounds like it wasn't her idea to get divorced.

When I saw her a few months ago on Good Day Live, I got the impression he did something to mess things up and she wasn't having any part of it. But, you never can tell. It must be weird for them at work though. Everytime I see them, I wonder if the writers are hoping they will work things out in real life.
4DisneyfansinNC said:
When I saw her a few months ago on Good Day Live, I got the impression he did something to mess things up and she wasn't having any part of it. But, you never can tell. It must be weird for them at work though. Everytime I see them, I wonder if the writers are hoping they will work things out in real life.

I've heard nothing about Eva & John's RL except what I've heard here. But I've thought the same thing about the writers. I mean they could have just hit Edmund on the head, have him get amnesia & end their on-screen relationship in about 2 days. ;)
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