All Our Wishes Will Come True-A May 2010 PTR!-Trip Report is Started 7/14

Thats so sad about your mom :sad2: I'm deffinetly hoping for the best for you guys!!!
And it's so great that you're still going on your trip, you guys really deserve it!
And only 24 (now its 22 i guess) days?!?! woow haha im so jealous!!!:laughing:

I remember when I was that far away from our trip-time flies!

OMG that sucks about your mom! :sad2:

Yay for the financial aid and getting closer to your trip. :cool1:

Now only 20 days!

20 more days! And I'm STILL not caught up yet! >_<

I hope your mom is able to find work soon. Times have been hard for a lot of people lately

I'm sure you'll catch up soon!

Thanks for your well wishes. Because of what she does, her field is in high demand. Not a lot of folks want to work with the disabled. She's looking at BOCES for nursing or the local community college for Occupational Therapy Assistant. The other night was very funny because I was telling her about the financial aid forms, but that she needs to apply to the school first. I think she forgot about that part. :rotfl:
Mom: "I get so into these things and then I don't want to wait."
Me: There's a whole process. You need to apply and then be accepted. And you need to do it soon if you want to get in for fall, otherwise you might have to wait until next spring.
Mom: But I don't want to wait that long.
Me: Do you not remember me applying to schools way in advance?
Mom: Yeah, but I thought that's just because you were anal.
Me: No, it's because schools have deadlines. But your program is still open. Call ECC and ask what you need to do (we're not sure if she needs her transcripts/SAT scores from 35 years ago).


Oh parents.

Anyway, we're only 20 days away now and this time next month we'll be eating dinner at Sunshine Seasons, before I ride the TAME version of Mission Space, and then stake out our place for IllumiNations. It will be our last night in Disney. :sad:

I realized today that one week from now is my last day of classes, two weeks from now is my last final/the day I go home, and three weeks from now I will be in the Magic Kingdom heading towards the Tiki Room, according to my RideMax plan!
My first year of college will be over a week from tomorrow! :scared1: Where did the year go?!

I've taken on the task of updating the categorized food picture thread. The woman who was doing it updated it last in July, then said it became too much of a chore and was no longer fun. Understandable, because it does take a lot of time. I'm nowhere near done, but I've gotten through a good chunk of it. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

I made a packing list the other day. We're taking two carry-ons: My backpack with things we'll need on the plane (laptop, iPod, ME stuff, cell phones) and a small suitcase with things we'll need at the hotel before the luggage gets delivered. We're also bringing 1 suitcase each, and mixing our stuff in each one, so if (heaven forbid) one gets lost, we won't be completely out of luck. :thumbsup2 Mom bought me a princess word search book that I plan to do while waiting at the airport, and I am bringing coloring books for the plane. We also plan to watch either a few episodes of GLEE or the first Pirates of the Caribbean.

Every year Geneseo has a day for undergrads to present their research they've done. Flute Choir got to perform as part of the event, and we got awesome lanyards with the pouches on the end that have a clear pocket, and several zip pockets on the inside. I'm so excited about this because I was thinking about how handy one of those would be for our IDs, credit cards, KTTW cards, FPs, and GAD FP cards. :goodvibes I've also purchased a waterproof camera, a 2GB memory card, and ponchos from WalMart.

I went home this past weekend and finally got to see our ME booklet. How many times do they need to say the Welcome Center is located on Level 1, Side B? I think it says it on every page, plus the front & back covers. And then there's the map, where the location is circled in bright red. But, as my roommate pointed out, there's always that one person who will still ask. :sad2:

I decided to rent a bunch of Disney movies to keep me occupied until I'm done with finals. I got Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland (the original), The Rescuers, The Aristocats, The Lion King (1 & 2), Angels in the Outfield, Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, and Monsters, Inc. So far I've watched Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland, and the Lion King 1, as well as part of the Aristocats. Dumbo was such a racist movie I couldn't even finish it. I don't know how many of you have seen it, but at one point, the black men and the elephants are working to put up the Big Tent. The men are singing about how they didn't go to school and never learned to read or write, but are okay with being "roustabouts" for the rest of their lives. :eek: I also disliked the whipping of the elephants, and how mean everyone was to poor Dumbo. He was so cute, I just wanted to hug him. :hug: Katie and I watched The Lion King last week (a favorite of both of us) and Alice last night. Now, two funny quotes came from us last night. My mom said I last saw Alice when I was about 3 and actually understood what was going on, so last night, this came out of my mouth:

"Three year old me must have been a genius because I don't understand any of this right now. " :rotfl:

Then at one point the DVD was skipping, so Katie says: "They're speaking gibberish...You got the french version!" :laughing:

Oh, the antics of two bored college girls.

I also got the Unofficial Guide again, to do some last minute reading on how to beat the crowds leaving the parades/fireworks. They also upped the crowd levels on three of our days-first AK day and both Epcot days. Disney also added a second Fantasmic! show the night we're supposed to see it, but mom said she'd rather go to the earlier one, so that's what we're doing.

Finally, she had a job interview last week and thinks it went very well. They also couldn't believe why she was fired and have called all her references, who have given her glowing recommendations, of course! So we're keeping our fingers crossed!

I think I've decided that I will put next year's refund away, and then we can go again in 2012. I'd love to go for Food & Wine after seeing some of the fantastic pics, but it's not a practical time, as I'd have to take off college and that's a bad idea. We'll see thought!

Only 14 days! I can use online check in this Friday!! :banana:This time in two weeks we'll be at AKV, swimming and eating dinner at the Mara-looking forward to the African Stew and Zebra Domes! :cloud9:
My student centre on campus gave out some of those lanyards with clear pouches and zipped pockets too! I was able to snatch a few for me and Andrew before they ran out. It'll be so perfect for all the little cards when we're in the parks.

Oh my gosh, you're so clooose!!!! I'm so excited for you! I watched Alice recently too and it was so confusing! I could barely follow it! When I was a kid, the part with the walrus and clams TERRIFIED me.
My student centre on campus gave out some of those lanyards with clear pouches and zipped pockets too! I was able to snatch a few for me and Andrew before they ran out. It'll be so perfect for all the little cards when we're in the parks.

Oh my gosh, you're so clooose!!!! I'm so excited for you! I watched Alice recently too and it was so confusing! I could barely follow it! When I was a kid, the part with the walrus and clams TERRIFIED me.

Yes, those little pouches are so awesome. I could have bought one from Passporter, but why do that when I can get one for free? We also have a yellow plastic box type thing that goes around your neck. I need to make sure it's water proof, but if it is, we'll take that to the water parks with us!

Yeah, throughout the whole movie I was just thinking "What the heck is going on?" Apparently the walrus/carpenter/clam poem is one of Katie's favorites. :confused3
Really? I found it so morbid! How he gets them to like and follow him, but he just eats them in the end. Those clams are so cute!

EDIT: OKAAAAY! I'm finally ALL caught up! I was looking at the templates you have for your autographs. That first one with a star with a Mickey in the middle, I have that! As in, that's a Swarovksi pendant that my mom got me to congratulate me on getting my G license! I'll have pics up on my PTR soon. It's one of the pendants I'm wearing to the World
Ahh, my sister is done with school in a couple weeks too. Crazy! College went by way too fast for me. There are times I wish I was still in school because then I wouldn't have to worry about finding a "real" job (the teaching market sucks here!).

YAY for 2 weeks! So jealous. Save a zebra dome for me! ;) Those things are so good.
Really? I found it so morbid! How he gets them to like and follow him, but he just eats them in the end. Those clams are so cute!

EDIT: OKAAAAY! I'm finally ALL caught up! I was looking at the templates you have for your autographs. That first one with a star with a Mickey in the middle, I have that! As in, that's a Swarovksi pendant that my mom got me to congratulate me on getting my G license! I'll have pics up on my PTR soon. It's one of the pendants I'm wearing to the World

Yeah, I don't think she likes the sequence itself, just the poem.

Yay for being caught up! My autograph binder has gotten a little out of control. :rolleyes1 I've printed out a page for any character that we might possibly meet, plus 6 generics for characters that I don't have a page for. :lmao: I also know there's no possible way we'll meet all of them!

Is a G license an adult drivers license? In the US it's D, so I'm not sure. Looking forward to the pics.

Ahh, my sister is done with school in a couple weeks too. Crazy! College went by way too fast for me. There are times I wish I was still in school because then I wouldn't have to worry about finding a "real" job (the teaching market sucks here!).

YAY for 2 weeks! So jealous. Save a zebra dome for me! ;) Those things are so good.

I'm thinking this year went by waaaay fast. I'm kind of glad it's over though. Too many "friends" acting like they're still in high school. What do you teach? (Or have your degree in?) Hey, you just got back! And you're going again in 7+ months! Who knows when I'll get back for sure. :confused3 We might end of actually saving a zebra dome for you-I was telling my mom what was in them and she said "Woah, that sounds really, really rich". We'll try our best to finish them though!
Is a G license an adult drivers license? In the US it's D, so I'm not sure. Looking forward to the pics.

Well...kind of. The license system is 3-tiered in Ontario. At 16, you can take a written exam to get your G1 (essentially a driver's permit). You can only drive with someone that has driven for at least 5 years with a G license and you can't drive on highways or after midnight....

After a year, you can take a road test to get your G2, which allows you to drive by yourself, no time restrictions, and on the highways.

Within 3 years of getting your G1, you have to pass the highway exam to get your G. If you don't, you'll have to re-take the G1 and G2 exams.

It's complicated, I know. It used to be 2-tiered, but I guess Canada just wants to delay teenagers on the road? We recently just passed a bylaw that people have to be at least 18 to get their G1 now! It starts for people born in 1993 and younger.
Oh Gretchen--I'm so sorry to hear that your mom lost her job--I pray that she finds another one quickly!! :hug: Happy Belated 19th Birthday!! (catching up on your PTR) Your trip is not far now!!! :goodvibes
Well...kind of. The license system is 3-tiered in Ontario. At 16, you can take a written exam to get your G1 (essentially a driver's permit). You can only drive with someone that has driven for at least 5 years with a G license and you can't drive on highways or after midnight....

After a year, you can take a road test to get your G2, which allows you to drive by yourself, no time restrictions, and on the highways.

Within 3 years of getting your G1, you have to pass the highway exam to get your G. If you don't, you'll have to re-take the G1 and G2 exams.

It's complicated, I know. It used to be 2-tiered, but I guess Canada just wants to delay teenagers on the road? We recently just passed a bylaw that people have to be at least 18 to get their G1 now! It starts for people born in 1993 and younger.

OK, we have a similar system here. You must be 16 to take your written test and get your permit, which allows you to drive with a licensed driver over age 21. You then have to have either Drivers Education or 25 (I think) hours of practice + a 5 hour course (basically a video). Then you can take your road test. If you took Drivers Ed and are age 17, you get a full adult license. If you've only taken the 5 hour course plus your practice hours at age 17, you can only drive between the hours of 5am-9pm, unless you have school or work, which you need a form signed for. Then at 18, it automatically becomes a full license.

Oh Gretchen--I'm so sorry to hear that your mom lost her job--I pray that she finds another one quickly!! :hug: Happy Belated 19th Birthday!! (catching up on your PTR) Your trip is not far now!!! :goodvibes

Mom says if she didn't hear back from the place she applied by today, she would start applying elsewhere tomorrow. I'll be sure to post as soon as I find out! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Only 12 days left-I'm so excited! And I can do online check in this Friday. :thumbsup2
Wow, an automatic license. That would be so much easier for people here to get their license. That way, we don't have that stupid expiry date. What if life gets in the way and you just don't have time to take that test? Also, the exams get more and more expensive every year.
ONLY 9 DAYS!!! Excuse me while I do the single digit dance.

:cool1::worship::banana::woohoo::yay::cheer2: :dancer:

Yesterday I did online check in. It was very easy. Because we are renting DVC points, I wasn't sure if we'd be able to do it; wasn't sure if we'd need a membership number. I added in one credit card, which will be used for souvenirs, we'll do a different one for food. (I'm paying souvenirs, mom's paying food). The only thing there was an issue with: room requests. I clicked on the link to add them, and a box popped up saying something like "We can accept up to two room requests, but they are not guaranteed unless specified below." Except there were no boxes to check off. Well, our requests are on our reservation already (high floor, near lobby) so we'll hope for the best!

Wooooo SINGLE DIGITS!!!! :cool1:

I found the room requests to not work for me either when I did online check-in. They only give you two options: Ground Floor and something else.... However, if you booked room requests with the reservation agent or have it noted on your reservation, the resort will still see it when they assign your room. If all else fails, they can usually accommodate you when you check-in. Just ask :goodvibes
:donald:Yay single digits!!!:mickeyjum:goofy::tigger::sulley::dumbo::ccat::maleficen:hmghost:
one more day and im double digits!! thats gotta count for something right?:rotfl:
Its kinda funny how you were saying you just made your packing list cause ive had mine done since before the 315 day mark!!!
And I completely forgot your staying at Kidani!!! You'll have to tell me all about it when you come back so I know what to expect!
Still hoping for the best for you and your mom.
Hopefully Ill get to post one more time before you leave!!! But if I dont have an ABSOLUTLY AMAZING TIME!!!:banana:party:
:donald:Yay single digits!!!:mickeyjum:goofy::tigger::sulley::dumbo::ccat::maleficen:hmghost:
one more day and im double digits!! thats gotta count for something right?:rotfl:
Its kinda funny how you were saying you just made your packing list cause ive had mine done since before the 315 day mark!!!
And I completely forgot your staying at Kidani!!! You'll have to tell me all about it when you come back so I know what to expect!
Still hoping for the best for you and your mom.
Hopefully Ill get to post one more time before you leave!!! But if I dont have an ABSOLUTLY AMAZING TIME!!!:banana:party:

Seven days!!! Haha im so excited for you!!!

Yes, I'm so excited we're one week away! Normally I wold have had my packing list done way before this, but I think I was procrastinating because of all the packing/unpacking/packing/unpacking/packing I have to do over the next month:

Tomorrow: Finish packing up my room here at school to go home.
Tomorrow/Wednesday: Unpack at home
Wednesday-Monday morning: Pack for Florida
Friday (28)-Sunday (30):Unpack from Florida
June 6-7: Pack to go back to Geneseo.


I'll definitely be sure to post all about Kidani-I also plan on taking a zillion photos of the studio and the resort!

Mom said she's calling tomorrow to see if she got the job; apparently the HR lady was out last week.
Mom heard back from Community Services (the agency she applied to) and guess what? They want to hire her-and possibly for a lead position!! :banana: She'll find out more during/after the vacation.

On a slightly sad note, I'm leaving school today-all packed and ready to go, just waiting for Katie to get back so I can go sell our books back, and mom will be here around 2. Here's some picture of the packed up-ness.





Only 6 more days!! This time next week we'll be on our way back to the hotel for some rest after a morning of fun at MK, and in two weeks we'll be finishing up lunch at 50's Prime Time Cafe at DHS!!


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