Amanda & Joe December 2014


Earning My Ears
Oct 9, 2013
I don't know how to start this thing... it feels kinda awkward. I guess I should start from the beginning and tell you how we met and became a couple. Here goes nothing...

I saw Joe for the first time in 1999. We were in 5th grade! We had an awesome teacher! That's not important, but she really was awesome. Joe was new to the area. I thought he was cute. He was one of my very first crushes. But he rarely spoke! I later learned that he was upset that he had to move and go to a new school, so his way of rebelling was to not make friends. Poor kid. By the end of the school year, he had finally opened up and starting talking more. He was so funny!! We spoke occasionally throughout the year, though I wouldn't have considered us "friends".

The next year we moved on to middle school. We didn't see each other much throughout those three years, but if we did, I always said "hi"! And I still thought he was cute.

Then came high school! Yes, I still had a crush on Joe. But, I didn't think I had a chance with him. We were so completely different. He was the bad boy. I was the honor student. Still, if I passed him the hallway, I made sure to say "hey" and get a hug!! :hug: Eventually I started going out of my way to see him. He says I stalked him. I say I took the scenic route. Our senior year (2007) finally came around. We had phys ed together. It was our last class of the day. Afterwards, I'd quickly get dressed so we could walk out to the buses together. More hugs! :) After some time of this, we eventually exchanged number, which led to texting and late night chatting. I'll never forget how we would text each other late into the night. Falling asleep mid conversation. Then pick it back up first thing in the morning. Our first date soon followed. It was early spring. We saw a movie. I wish I remembered which one. I do remember two things about that night though.... he didn't buy my ticket! And our first kiss. The movie, whatever it was, had just started. He made little kissy noises. I felt my cheeks get hot. I just looked at the movie screen and smiled. Another kissy noise. I giggled. Then a louder kissy noise. I looked at him. He grabbed my face and kissed me. :love:

Our senior prom was later that spring. We both hated it and had a horrible time. Which is funny because our prom is famous! He went with his ex-girlfriend since they already planned on going together before they broke up. I went with some random guy who worked at the gym I attended. At one point, we ended up near each other. He looked annoyed. I gave him a "is this over yet?" look. We graduated a month later! Woo hoo!!!

For the next two years, we continued to casually date. I wanted so badly for him to be my boyfriend. But he wasn't ready to make the commitment yet. Whatever!!! If he wasn't going to be committed and exclusive then neither was I! I hung out with some other guys too. I really wish I hadn't and saved myself the heartache. Some of them were terrible! After one particularly bad date, I called Joe and I was quite upset. He stayed the night with me and made everything better. It was very soon after that, that he was ready for us to be exclusive! From that point on, we were inseparable.

I'm not going to say that everything has been perfect. There were times I thought we were done. But when you know in your heart that its right and meant to be, you FIGHT for it! You do NOT give up! And through each struggle we have been through, we always come out stronger! And that's how I know we are going to be okay. Joe works so hard to make my every wish become reality. He has shown me that dreams really CAN come true! I appreciate him so very much! I just didn't know it was possible to love someone this much!

So.... that's us! Hope you'll come along on this journey with us. We are planning an escape wedding at sea breeze point on December 8, 2014. With an illuminations dessert party to follow. I also plan to use this to track my weight loss. I've struggled with my weight my entire life. My highest weight was a real all time low in my life. Especially when Joe struggles to gain weight. I hate him. But since this past April, I have lost 30 pounds!! I would still like to lose another 60. If I can lose 5 pounds a month up until the wedding, that will be perfect!!!

My next post will probably be about his proposal. Looking forward to chatting with you guys!
I am excited to read your planning journal! My weight has always been a struggle for me, too. When I finally hit 275 I said I needed to make a change in my life and talked to a doctor. But the idea of surgery terrifies me and I figured if I was going to starve to lose weight because of surgery I could starve on my own and do it myself. I've lost 35 lbs since the end of June and I'm doing GREAT. I'm going to lose 100 and then reassess where I want to be. I know how hard it is and I'm happy for you!! Good for you!
Sorry I haven't been on here much. I have been crazy busy. But thats normal for a Disney Bride To Be, right? haha

OK, here we go....

When Joe and I first started dating, he had never been to Disney and just didn't understand my love for it. I was worried. I couldn't see myself with someone who didn't also love being there. So two years into our relationship, I was finally able to convince him to take a trip with me. We planned a visit early December, 2011. It was going to be our first vacation! Yay! After we planned our vacation and made all of our meal reservations, etc. my whole family decided they wanted to go too! We spent some time with them, but we tried to spend most of our time alone. Anyway... I had always told Joe about my dream of being proposed to in Disney. So, I assumed he was going to propose while we were there! I over packed big time! I wanted to look my best every day, so I would be ready for those "just engaged" pictures. It was ridiculous. I never care what I look like. Sweats for life! The proposal never happened. I was a little bummed. But then I told myself that it was because it was his first time there. He just wanted to get a feel of the place and NEXT TIME he would pop the question. We still had a great time! I was able to share with him all of my favorite childhood memories. And we got to make our own(Mickey ice cream bars every day!) Joe finally understood my obsession! Thank God! He was speechless when he saw the castle. Didn't think it was actually that big. He was so excited to see all his favorite characters, especially Buzz. He got all the signatures and happily wore his Mickey ears! I was such a happy girl!

Soon after we got home, he said he wanted to go back next year! Oy vey.... could we afford that?? We've been living on our own for a while now. We were doing well for ourselves, but we are not rich! But this was it! He wanted to propose to me! He wants me to be his wife! We don't have a choice. We HAVE to afford this. So, we booked another trip. Almost exactly one year after our last one. But this time(December 2012), we took my two little sisters (12 and 13). They had never been there before and we promised them we would take them.

Again, over packed and looked great every day! I was ready. My tummy went nuts when we went to our favorite places and especially during fireworks! I even told my little sisters to always have their cameras ready in case he got down on one knee. It, again, didn't happen. This time I was super disappointed. I was worried a part of me would hate WDW now. I tried to tell myself that it will happen someday. Don't force it. Just enjoy each other. Christmas passed. Then New Years, Joe's birthday, Valentine's day.... I started thinking "hey! its Tuesday! Maybe it will happen today!" haha But soon I let it go. I already have my man. He's not going anywhere. It will happen. Live for today.

This past summer, my grandparents offered to let us use their timeshare in New York City. We live in Philadelphia, Pa so NYC is just a quick train ride away. That sounded perfect! We were in desperate need of a vacation! We work A LOT! We both take any overtime offered to us. I work two jobs and do photography in my spare time. You'll see how much we work as you get to know us more. And this trip happened to be perfect timing! We were each starting new jobs and had a few days off in between, so we planned for a long weekend. On August 17, 2013, we dropped our pup, Daisy, off at doggie daycare and headed to the train station. We arrived at about lunch time, dropped our stuff off in the penthouse suite at the Manhattan Club, and headed to Soho. I needed some new shoes. I found this vegan shoe store online and was so excited to go there! Its called Moo Shoes. We each got a pair of shoes. I also got a cute tote bag. It says "what kind of A**hole eats a lamb?". Then we headed to an Asian vegan restaurant. YUM! Its called Wild Ginger. We were stuffed when we left. Joe said he wanted to spend the rest of the evening in Times Square, just a few blocks from our hotel. So we stopped back in to get changed into something more comfortable. I was not happy at all with my outfit choice, but Joe was bugging me to go! Off we went. When we got to Times Square, Joe just stood there, looking around. Right in the center of all the action. It felt like we were standing there FOREVER. I remember saying to Joe, "I've never just stood here like this before. Its pretty." We continued to stand there.... Finally, Joe said he was ready. But he didn't go anywhere. He turned to me, took my hands in his, told me he loved me and couldn't imagine spending his life without me. He kissed me. Then he kissed me again. I started giggling, as it became clear what was happening. Joe then took a step back, dropped to one knee, pulled out a small box, opened it up, and asked me to marry him. YES! I said yes and started crying like a baby. Joe stood up and held me in his arms. For a moment, I forgot where we were. Then I heard the sound of people clapping and I was pulled back to Earth. Thousands of people all around us, clapping, whistling, and coming over to congratulate us.

Then we went to Ruby Tuesday and got some FREE shots! Woo hoo!!!! The rest of our trip was absolutely pure bliss. I beamed with happiness! And every time I look down and see that beautiful ring on my finger, I get excited all over again! I get to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams!

I always thought I wanted a Disney proposal, but I was wrong! This night was perfect! As always, I couldn't ask for anything more. I was not expecting this at all. For one, Joe has never been able to surprise me. I always figure him out. And for the past like two years, we've had a shared bank account! I took charge of the finances and making sure everything got paid. And his paycheck is directly deposited into the account! I would have noticed the missing money. Whatever! You got me, Joe.
I am going CRAZY!!! Last Friday(October 18th) was so much fun for us! It was like we were reliving our engagement day. Here's what happened...

I love love love my engagement ring! (I'll have to upload a photo soon) But here's the thing- on either side of the main stone is a curve. Each side curving either up or down with small stones on the curve. It has been impossible to find a band to match it because of the curve! We have stopped in every jewelry store we pass. You'd think the store that made it, would have also designed a band for it. Nope! Everything I have tried, leaves an annoying gap on one side. So a great friend of mine suggested we go see their friend who owns a small jewelry store in New York City! He can custom make me something to fit perfectly with my ring! YAY! I was excited to have something one of a kind, made just for me. Joe was super nervous about the price of that, but we were assured by my friend that we'd get a much better deal than if we went with one of those big name, chain stores. I also reminded him that this was his fault for buying that engagement ring and we now had to do what we have to do! hehe!! Good thing he loves me and treats me like a princess.

So we planned another trip to NYC. It just so happened that the jewelry store was just a few blocks from the restaurant and shoe store we visited on the day we got engaged! We met with the jeweler and we fell absolutely in love with him. He never asked me what I envisioned, but when he told me his plan it was exactly what I had in mind! He's one of those people that make you feel like family right away. We talked about our Disney wedding and so many other things. He told me I would have to leave my ring with him for a few days so he could design it. He'd call me so we can meet up and I could get my ring. We left in a great mood!

We didn't have much time to spend in the city. The plan was to stop at the jeweler, grab lunch, and head home. But we weren't quite ready for lunch when we left the store. So we decided to stop at the shoe store again. It was like our engagement day all over again, except this time we were picking out a ring together! We didn't plan on buying anything at the shoe store. Just needed to waste some time and build up an appetite before we stopped at our restaurant again. So we walked around. I spotted these super cute sandals! They were turquoise, the exact color of Jasmine's dress. Our wedding colors are gray and turquoise with some yellow touches. I tried them on and fell in love! They were just absolutely perfect for my wedding shoes! I begged my prince to let me get them and of course he said yes! WOO HOO!!!!

Then we walked a few blocks to Wild Ginger and had the same meals we had on our special day. Our tummies were quite happy! It was so nice relaxing together and talking. We don't get much time to just sit and talk. After lunch, we started back toward the train station. We stopped at a brewery and had some delicious drinks! Then home we went to see our puppy!

Here's why I am going CRAZY! Its October 27th and I still haven't heard from the jeweler. I think I'll call him tomorrow. I really miss my ring....

Up next.... engagement pictures!
So here's a funny story.... As we were on the train, headed home from the jeweler, poor Joe was taking a nap, and I suddenly freaked out and yelled "OH MY GOD!!!" Joe jumped and asked me what was wrong. We had our engagement pictures in TWO days! And I didn't have my engagement ring! HAHAHAHAHA So dumb. I sent a quick email to our photographer and told her not to plan any close up hand or ring shots.

Our photo session was so much fun! We went to a local park. And the trees were beautiful Fall colors. We were so giggly and just had a blast! Joe is so bad taking pictures and never smiles. I had to threaten him our whole ride there. Told him I'd keep paying for more sessions until he did it right. He loved it and told the photographer to let him know if he ever needs a model. HAHAHA what a goof! You can see our pictures here- engagement-amanda-and-joe-tyler-state-park

AND.... I heard from the jeweler yesterday! YAY! He said he sent out the mold for the ring and it is being made now! AHHH! I am so excited! A little nervous that I didn't get to see any type of design or anything, but I trust him. Its just going to be a band with diamonds around it that fits exactly to my ring.... how could that be bad? hehe

I have these boots that I just love love love. I think I've had them about 3 years now. They look like the woven uggs. They are from Old Navy. And there are a few buttons up the side. I have never been able to have them pulled up all the way (mid calf) and buttoned... big calves -ugh. I always keep the top one undone and scrunch them down. But this morning, I was putting them on and what do you know???? They are buttoned and pulled up onto my calf!!!! I did a little happy dance! hehe I love every time I hit these little milestones and I get super excited, when I glance over to Joe, I can see this cute little gleam in his eye. Like he's really happy for me. He's so stinkin skinny and he knows how much I struggle with this. So in love with him!
I love your ring, it's beautiful!!

Congrats on your weight loss success!! That is so cool that your boots fit now!!

I think we have chosen our videographer! I have fallen in LOVE with Trinity!!! And I immediately clicked with them. I spend most of my day just watching their videos hahaha! I am so excited to be working with them. I haven't officially booked them or put down a deposit. Joe had to get a new car. One day while he was driving home from the dog park with our Daisy, his exhaust literally fell off the car!!! grrrr! He's a mechanic and could fix it, but he doesn't have the time. And I am so over him having these "project" cars. We had to dip into the wedding money to get him a new car, but we found a great one!! Its in great shape and its a 4 door and automatic! WOO-HOO! Someone is almost ready for a family. hehe! Anywho... once he sells his old car, we'll be able to replace just about all of the money we had to borrow.

Also..... I think I am going to be able to go to Disney in February!!!!! I really didn't think I'd make it there any time before the wedding. But I have the chance to go for work. Unfortunately, Joe probably won't be able to go with me... But, it will be awesome to be able to have an actual site visit and hopefully meet with Trinity! Maybe we'll be able to choose a photographer before then and I can meet with them too. Right now we are deciding between Thirteenth Moon Photography and Jason Angelini. I do photography as a hobby, so choosing someone to trust with my most special day has been so hard! But their work is very similar to my style. Just want to see which one I make a better connection with. Trinity has suggested Jason Angelini as he is a good friend of his and they have worked together before.

Who wants to see my wedding shoes????
Congrats on the weight loss and your engagement. I like that he threw you off by not proposing in Disney. Those shoes are great :)
Finally heard from the jeweler again.... my wedding band is "gorgeous and ready for pick up"! EEK!! I am so excited to go see it! He's had my engagement ring since mid October. I think we will go pick it up next Friday. But I am a little nervous. We have been having some financial issues and I have been so so so depressed about it...

Remember we had to borrow money from our wedding fund to get Joe a new car? Well we still haven't sold his old one, so that money is still missing. Since then I was able to save a few hundred more. Yay! Enough for one of our deposits. Or not.... Joe called to pay a bill October 19th and it wasn't processed until November 6th. I didn't realize it and assumed we had the money available in our account. We used it to pay a few other bills and also a few lunches and stuff. So our account was negative.... And there a bazillion penalty fees!!! In just a week and a half, we had almost $400 in penalty fees. I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I have been so busy and wasn't really paying attention to the account like I usually do. So the additional money I had saved for the wedding had to go to those stupid fees. I promised Trinity we would pay our deposit tomorrow and we will have the money! But now we may not have the full amount for the ring by next week. And I am so nervous that we will lose out on our photographer if we don't pay our deposit soon. And of course.... in just a few weeks, we need to order our invitations! Joe has been working so hard trying to sell his car. I feel bad... Hoping we can sell it by early next week at the latest! Then we will have all our money back and ready and be back on track!! Send some pixie dust this way please...
Its been a while since I've updated this thing... So much has been going on! And I have mostly been keeping in touch with Disney brides through Facebook. This may be a lengthy post-

I was a bit depressed about DF's car for a few weeks. So many people were interested in it and would come to see it. Some even made an acceptable offer on it. But then something would always go wrong. They would ask us to just sign over the title and they'll "take care of it at their friends tag place". Umm NO! One guy honestly sounded interested, but when we were supposed to go meet with him to sign it over, he called to say he sliced his hand open at work and was at the hospital. He had to pass on the car because it was his right hand that got cut, so he wouldn't be able to shift it for at least a month... UGH! Some people just literally dropped off the face of the earth! Like 2 weeks ago, Joe told me someone was interested and was coming to look at it. I didn't get my hopes up. However, this was just 2 days after I heard a story on the news about a craigslist meet up that turned into an attempted robbery and lead to a murder. At this point, I was just done and wanted to take the car to a junk yard! I was so nervous and insisted on accompanying him and bringing a "weapon" aka a wrench. My Joe is so sweet. He just shakes his head and lets me have my way. So the guy comes and we had no hope that he'd take it. Did not seem like a "honda guy" at all! Then he told us he had a honda tattoo!! A little hope! Then he said he was also interested in another car. Hope gone... BUT- the other guy couldn't find the title to the car. YAY for us! He said he'd call in two days and let us know. And he did! He said he'd take it! I did not get excited until we got to the auto tags place and we signed our names. Oh my goodness, it was the absolute best day EVER!!!

AND!!!! I finally picked up my wedding band!!! It is stunning! Much better than I even imagined. It was a little different than what I expected, but its perfect. He did a great job! I carried it around in my purse for like 2 weeks and showed everyone! haha.

We have put down our deposit for Trinity for video and our deposit for Thirteenth Moon for photo. I am so excited to have those two amazing companies capture our day on film! I spend all of my free time on their websites hahaha. I love the song on Thirteenth Moon's site.

What else has happened...? OH! Today I made my appointment to go to Alfred Angelo. January 25th! I have a few gowns written down, but my favorite is the new Disney dress #238. The lady asked me to try to only bring 3 people, but I don't know how to do that. There are about 8 people who really want to go! I could cut maybe 2-3, but I'd feel bad. The ones who definitely are coming are my old boss because she offered to buy the dress for me, my current boss (she says I'm like the daughter she'll never have), my sister, Joe's mom, and my best friend. None of them can be cut. The others who already said they are coming are 3 other good friends, my aunt, and my 2 younger sisters would like to go too!! Gosh, I'm so popular! Kidding.

Hmm... I think that is pretty much most of the update. I'll be back if I think of anything else. Hehe
Yay on selling the car!! What a relief that must have been!!!

I'm so happy you got your ring and you love it. I'd love to see a picture (hint hint).

Congratulations on confirming your photographer and videographer, those are two MAJOR steps!!

And booking your Alfred Angelo shopping excursion, very very exciting. I can't wait to hear how it goes!

Yay on selling the car!! What a relief that must have been!!!

I'm so happy you got your ring and you love it. I'd love to see a picture (hint hint).

Congratulations on confirming your photographer and videographer, those are two MAJOR steps!!

And booking your Alfred Angelo shopping excursion, very very exciting. I can't wait to hear how it goes!


Thank you!!! ugh. I keep forgetting to post the ring. I'll get around to it hahaha.
Current weight loss....... 40 pounds!!! So excited! 50 more to go! I've been working so hard since the holidays! I was positive I had gained some weight, but I didn't! I just got the zumba DVDs, so I've been using them almost everyday. I love zumba! And I've really been watching my calorie intake. Loading up on fruits and veggies. Very little carbs. And no sweets. Except the occasional candy cane.

We ordered our invitations! They are so cute! Got a great deal on Vistaprint. I was able to add the little Mickey head to them so they have the Disney touch. I will upload a pic. We are doing things a bit different than most people. We aren't sending save the dates. I figured if people receive the STDs and plan their trip around the wedding, they don't need the formal invite 2 months beforehand. If they booked a room, you know they are coming. So we are sending out the invites on Monday. RSVPs due in March. Wedding in December.

Most of our guests are first timers to Disney or haven't been there in years. So I am sending out a monthly newsletter with lots of info. Good places to eat, resort recommendations, info about the parks, etc. And we have been dealing with some crazy winter weather here so I have had some time off work. I have just about all of the newsletters done! I am never this organized. Pretty excited to just be able to print them at the beginning of the month and send them out. I think the newsletters are also a good way to keep the excitement up!

When we send out the invites, we'll also send out the first newsletter. I want to send everyone a Disney folder to keep all of their trip info and newsletters in. I cannot find them ANYWHERE!!! I checked Target, Wal-mart, Disney store... Tomorrow we are going to check Walgreens and K-mart and CVS. If we don't have any luck, I'll have to find some online. That will delay us sending out the invites, but thats okay I guess.

Oh goodness.... Last night I had my second wedding nightmare! I'm pretty sure I posted about my first one. My wedding band was hideous!!!!! But this one was crazier and way more detailed. Our wedding wasn't at Disney. It was in some weird park. We had NO food for our guests. So like an hour before the ceremony, I was driving around town trying to find some last minute catering ideas. And all I could find was meat! hahaha I was so stressed because I didn't want to pay for meat. (I am vegan) And then at the ceremony, Joe was doing some reading. He looked at the officiant and the guy nodded at Joe. All of a sudden he started telling off his aunt and made her leave!!! I was mortified and ran away. Then everyone disappeared. I was alone. Then there was some weird old man who asked me to help him find his lucky insert for his shoe. SO WEIRD!!!! I found it. Then he started kissing me. Like really kissing me! Thank God the alarm went off after that. Share your wedding nightmares with me!!! They make me laugh!
Hi. Target always has some Disney folders in summer with all the back to school stuff, they are around $1 each. This past summer, I didn't really like any of the designs though so, I just decorated red folders with Disney Washi tape on the outside and Disney scrapbook paper on the inside. We added labels to the front we got from Vistaprint.

Also, last year, Target had cute Disney stuff for valentines day which worked really well for our welcome bags :)
Hi. Target always has some Disney folders in summer with all the back to school stuff, they are around $1 each. This past summer, I didn't really like any of the designs though so, I just decorated red folders with Disney Washi tape on the outside and Disney scrapbook paper on the inside. We added labels to the front we got from Vistaprint.

Also, last year, Target had cute Disney stuff for valentines day which worked really well for our welcome bags :)

hey! we couldn't find anything so i gave up haha. Thank you!
We sent out our invites!!!! I dropped them off at the post office on Thursday. I was so anxious for people to get their mail on Friday haha. I texted a few people, "did you get your mail yet??" I'm such a crazy person. On Saturday, someone sent me a picture of their RSVP with the caption "I want to be the first to RSVP!!" That made me cry. Everything Disney or wedding related makes me cry.

I couldn't find the folders I was looking for... Bummer. But oh well, not the end of the world. However, I'm positive I'll find them now. Thats my luck.

Did I mention I am working out with a trainer? He's awesome!!! i saw him this past Friday. I updated him on my weight loss. Then I asked him if he thinks we can hit my goal by December. At first he made this weird face, and I got really discouraged. But then he said, "December?!?! I was thinking more like by the summer!" Whoa!!! I really hope we can do it! I feel like I am working so hard, but at the same time I feel like its not enough. I started keeping a food journal. Its really helpful! If you are trying to lose weight, I highly recommend it! But you have to be honest with yourself.

Funny story time... We saw Saving Mr. Banks. Did you see it?? We LOVED it! I cried... a lot! Unrelated to the story, but I had to share. Anyway, after we saw Mr. Banks, we saw Frozen!! Loved that too! Joe is kinda obsessed with it. It's scaring me a little. He tells me all the time how he listens to the music at work and even comes home singing it... So, while we were out on our folder hunt, we stopped in the Disney Store. They didn't have folders, but we looked around. In the back of the store, there is a giant tv screen where they play clips of movies. We were watching it and a commercial for a Disney vacation came on. Joe said "wow... 11 more months." I started crying. I had to go to a corner and compose myself. Joe was cracking up! I am so embarrassing!!! hahahaha! So then I was looking at the shirts. When I looked up to show him one, he was gone... I found him back over at the tv, watching a clip of Frozen! He is such a goof! I was so excited to get the "It's a small world" book! It comes with a CD of the song. Joe says I'm not allowed to listen to it though. ;-)

Holy moly Batman.... I am dress shopping THIS WEEKEND!!!!! Freaking out!!!! I just set up my photo bucket account, so I promise to upload pictures! And the ones of my wedding band. I hope this week flies by! Not only because I am excited, but because I am so tired and really miss Joe during the week. Our schedules are crazy and even though we live together, we never see each other. I work M-F 8-5 and twice a week I babysit 9pm-midnight. Joe works M-TH 12-9 and Saturday 8-5. So during the week, I get up and go to work. I get home around dinner time and hang out with our pup. By the time he gets home at 9:30, I am exhausted. And he immediately has to shower because he's filthy. Most of the time, I'm asleep by the time he is ready to relax and spend time together. Or if I'm working my second job, I have to leave the house again at 8:30 to get there by 9. So we just miss each other. I get home around half past midnight and we go straight to bed! Then I am up at 6:30 and getting ready for my first job again. Saturday, by the time he gets home and showered, its dinner time. Then we just relax, or I work. Sunday is our only day together!! We love it! Best day of the week!!! And I'm really considering adding a third job to have extra money for the wedding. I just have no idea how I would even fit that in!

Until next time...


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