AmyM's Quest for a Better Bikini Body!


I've never met a piece of cheesecake I didn't like
Apr 26, 2005
OK, here goes my new journal! A quick introduction for any newbies that might be stopping by. I am a 34 year old married mom of 2 (DS10 and DD7). We have a beagle puppy. He is a total pain, but cute as can be! I have been journaling on WISH for a year now. Unfortunately I have gone the WRONG way with the scale, but that is about to change! I travel a lot and I tend to overindulge while traveling… My new journal starting weight is an appalling 146 lbs. YIKES! On my 5’4” (barely) frame, that is not a good thing. My goal is to get back down to 125, but I am not as concerned about the number on the scale as I am about looking good in my bikini. Believe me, I am NOT looking good in it right now! I expect those 6 lbs I gained on my vacation to go away relatively quickly, but after those are gone, I’m really going to have to work! I am following the Body for Life for Women eating plan, which emphasizes eating small meals 3-4 hours apart. I need to behave for 12 short weeks. Each meal contains a protein, veggie and a healthy carb. I also get 1 small treat per day (if I feel I need it, which I always do!). I will keep my scale in the closet and only weigh myself on Friday mornings (I’m a recovering scale addict!). Yesterday was awesome, I did great! I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea and a Diet Coke:

6:15am: ½c Egg Beater w/Red Pepper & Spinach; ½ Bran Muffin
9:00am: FF Cottage Cheese (½c); Strawberries (1c)
11:00am: Chicken Salad (3oz Chicken, 2c Romaine, 2tbsp LF Dressing, 2tbsp Red Pepper, 1tbsp Crumbled Bacon, 2tbsp FF Feta)
2:30pm: 3 Egg Whites; Blueberries (½ pint); 10 Baby Carrots
6:00pm: Turkey Burritos (2 Low Carb Wheat Tortillas (50cal ea), ½c Ground Turkey, 4tbsp Shredded Cheddar, 2tbsp FF Sour Cream); 1 Crème Saver
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Elliptical (35min)
RESISTED: I didn’t have the urge to eat anything unhealthy today!!!!!
Love the heading!! :teeth:
:welcome: to the WISH......again!!! :wave:

It is going to be really hard for me to get in my water now. My new desk is FREEZING! :cold: The last thing I want to do is drink cold water when my fingernails are already blue… Monday I didn’t have a clue it was going to be like this and froze all day, yesterday I brought in a sweater, so that helped a lot. I had another great day foodwise. :cheer2: But I am already falling into the trap of eating the same old things over and over. I need to branch out! I did buy some veggie burgers, I will have to try those for lunch sometime. I found a healthy snack that I would have never thought of before – pumpkin! It counts as a veggie according to BFLW. I measured out ½ c, mixed a little Splenda and cinnamon in and it was pretty good! And it was very filling (I definitely couldn’t eat more than ½ c in one sitting). And I can have a veggie snack whenever I feel the need, so that will be my “go to” snack when I get cravings! I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, a glass of Reisling and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal
9:00am: FF Cottage Cheese (½c); Strawberries (1c)
11:30am: Salad w/Diced Chicken & LF Dressing; 10 Baby Carrots
2:30pm: 4 Egg Whites; Blueberries (½ pint)
4:30pm: Pumpkin (½c); 1 Crème Saver
6:30pm: Garlic Tilapia; Cauliflower (1.5c); FF/SF Pudding
RESISTED: More Crème Savers
Marie and Jane, I'm glad you found my new journal! I'm serious this time and I am prepared to make some sacrifices (which I wasn't before). My goal is to get rid of the vacation gain before the kids get back on the 23rd. I CAN DO IT!!! I almost weighed myself today, but I am making myself wait until Friday (my new self-selected weigh-in day). :thumbsup2
Weigh to go on not weighing!!! (get it....weigh/way.....little play on words there, huh.....hahahahahahah :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: :lmao: )
i crack myself up sometimes!!

wow....pumpkin as a snack....was it pumpkin seeds? i don't get it. (i'm thinking like pumpkin pie filling....eewww...?? )
good job on starting to branch are braver than i am!!

Can I have your new office space? For the past year and a half I'm always too hot. I rarely find anything too cold anymore - taking sweaters to the movies is a thing of the past! I'll trade ya!

Can you drink hot tea, hot lemon water, or hot chicken broth to keep you warm? How about a heating pad? When I'm sick I add habanaro sauce to chicken broth. It definately warms me up. If you're not comfortable its definately hard to concentrate.

I keep forgetting to buy the veggie burgers!!! Wish I'd read your post before I went grocery shopping. My grocery store moved them to a different freezer and I always forget to get them now. I love the tomato basil burgers. That garlic tilapia looks good!
Hi Amy, LOVE your new journal, and all your good goals. :sunny: :thumbsup2

Your office must be like mine. I keep a sweater there, and always have to dress warm, which makes walking to the bus stop very hot when its 90 something outside, but freezing all day in the office! I think that's part of the reason I tend to drink an overabundance of coffee, trying to keep warm!

Congrats on sticking to your plan so far, you've got the exercise part down, and the healthy eating is something you KNOW how to do, just DO it. :cheer2:
Love your new heading! Don't worry about the vacation weight gain, its gonna come off! I bought the body for life for women (and the old one too before that). Maybe I'll dust off the cover and read it! I am also going to have to try that pumpkin, I love pumpkin. Although that could send me to Marie Callender's for pumpkin pie with whipped cream! Your food sounds great. Have you thought about bringing a thermos with some very weak herbal tea to drink for your water? Keep up the habit of not weighing, I thought about you today, I was about to step on my scale to see if I had gained so I could not go to Weight Watchers. I resisted, went anyway and yes I was up but better to go anyway. I wouldn't have gone if I had seen that on my own scale. Congratulations on your new plan and new journal, you can do it!
Love your new thread title! Your eating is great - you are definitely back on track. WTG!

:rotfl2: your freezing office. The thermostat for DH's office at his last job was in the office next door. A guy from AZ would use that office when in town and kept it at meat locker temps! DH was glad when he would leave so DH could thaw out. :rotfl2:

:worship: staying off the scale! As another scale addict, I am very impressed!
It’s only been 3 days and I am already missing the kids. :sad1: Today is going to be really tough because DH has his golf league after work. I think I am going to go to the gym even though it is supposed to be my day off. I will just do cardio or something. It’s better than sitting at home getting bored and tempted by food! ::yes:: I have had 3 great days in a row. :cheer2: This is usually when I start to fall apart, but not this time! I want to have a happy weigh-in tomorrow and I can’t do that if I am not watching what I eat. Speaking of eating, I had not been inputting my stuff on FitDay since starting BFLW again and yesterday I did, to make sure I was not going over 1300 calories. When I put all my planned stuff in I was only at 1038! :eek: So I ate some almonds to get up to 1250. I would have never guessed I wasn’t eating enough. I’ve been heavy on fruits/veggies and low on junk which is why the calories weren’t very high. Nice situation to be in for a change! :teeth: Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, a Minute Maid Light and a DC:

6:15am: ½ c Egg Beaters w/Spinach & Red Pepper, ½ Bran Muffin
8:45am: FF Cottage Cheese (½c); Apricot
11:30am: Salad w/Diced Chicken & LF Dressing; 10 Baby Carrots
2:30pm: 3 Egg Whites; Strawberries (1c)
5:00pm: Almonds (1.2oz); 2 Crème Savers
6:30pm: EFL Chicken Fajitas w/2 Low Carb Wheat Tortillas; FF/SF Pudding
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Treadmill (30min)
RESISTED: More Crème Savers (I've discovered the dessert flavored ones!)
Marie, I ate pureed pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling, which has sugar and stuff in it) from a can. I always go nuts about pumpkin everything in the fall, so I thought I'd give it a try. With the Splenda and cinnamon it is like a mild pumpkin pie. I am trying to eat some different things - I'm getting bored!

Jane, you can have my office anyday! The guy that sits behind me brought in a thermometer and it was 68 degrees! And the air conditioner guy came and measured the air coming out of the vent and it was 60 degrees. TOO COLD!!!! :cold: I drink 2 cups of hot tea every day and I always have a death grip on the cup to warm my hands. It just cools off so quickly because it's so cold. The thing that is the worst is my "mouse hand". I purposely got a sweater with really long sleeves so I can tuck my hands inside. Oh well, at least my new job is awesome!

Kate, the temp differential is insane. Yesterday it was 111 degrees outside. I actually sat in my car for a couple minutes with no air just to thaw out. :rolleyes: You are right - I know exactly what to do, I just need to do it! The big test will be this weekend since the kids are gone and I know DH will be tempted to go out. I'll have to behave!

Amy, I might have to try your thermos idea. I was very satisfied with the pumpkin and was not tempted to eat more. And of course I thought that some FF Cool Whip would have made it even better, but I can't do that since I am banned from having Cool Whip in the house... YAY for you going to WW instead of using your own scale! :cheer2: I am really having a hard time staying off it, but I get to weigh in tomorrow. I feel really bloated, I don't even know if I've lost anything yet. I know it will come off, I have to be patient...

Anna, I decided that the scale was making me really angry and life is just too short! I'd rather be ticked off 1 day out of the week instead of 14 times a week... Try it, I bet you'll be happier too!
Great thread title :)
Sounds likeyou are doing great, keep up the great work :)
Hi Amy~

Congratulations on having 3 great days in a row! :cheer2: You sound very positive, focused, and ready to go! You CAN do it, Amy! :cheer2:

Have a great Thursday! :sunny:
3 days and still going strong!!! I can't even make it through 1!!
great job!! and i'm still offering my kids if you get too lonely.... :rolleyes1
hang in there...they'll be home before you know it!!
WTG on 3 great days. Great going to the gym after work. Good idea to have WI on Friday. Pending WI generally helps me to behave. No, :sad2: this scale addict is not ready to take the next step and put the scale away. Right now I still use it as an incentive to behave: want a snack - step on the scale - still fat - skip the snack. Doesn't work everytime, but at least some of the time it does.

Sorry you are missing your kids. I have one friend that always tries to schedule her vacations after her ex's because she says it is too hard to go from having the kids 24/7 for a week to nothing for a week. Good Luck. This week is almost over. Just one more week to go.

Good Luck this weekend. If you go out, make good choices and stay away from the "grown up" drinks :rotfl2: - You CAN do it!
WTG on 3 great days!!! Can you find something to do that doesn't involve food this weekend?? Maybe go to a show or museum or something and eat a nice healthy dinner BEFORE you go or something. Good luck, and hope the time goes quick before the kids get back. :sunny:
Weigh-in this morning was 140! I couldn’t believe it, I had to get on the scale several times to prove the number was real. That means all my vacation gain is gone!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2: :thumbsup2 I am very happy about that, but I still have a long way to go (my jeans were snug this morning, but at least they fit!). I want to kiss the 140’s goodbye for good. ::yes:: I didn’t work out yesterday (I don't want to get burned out by going every day), I went to Trader Joe’s instead, hoping to stock up on fiber cakes. They only had 1 pack. I guess it’s better than none. I can’t remember which day it was when they had tons. That is probably the day they get their delivery. I’ll try again next week! Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, a glass of Passion Fruit wine (tart but good) and a DC:

6:00am: Chocolate Oatmeal
8:45am: FF Cottage Cheese (½ c); Blueberries (½ pint)
11:30am: Leftover EFL Fajitas w/2 Low Carb Wheat Tortillas (yum!); 10 Baby Carrots
2:30pm: 3 Egg Whites; Strawberries (1c)
4:30pm: Pumpkin (½ c) w/Pumpkin Pie Spice and Splenda; :cloud9: 2 Crème Savers
7:10pm: Chicken (3oz); Broccoli (1c); TJ’s Multigrain Savory Thins Crackers (8); Fudge Bar
RESISTED: More crackers, more Crème Savers
Tracey, thanks for stopping by!

Tracy, we'll see how long this positive attitude lasts. I always think that this is the time - no more screwing around, then I screw around... :rolleyes1

Marie, once you make it through one day, you realize you CAN do it and live to tell about it and it gets a lot easier. My goal is to make it 1 whole week and then take it from there. 4 good days and counting! :teeth:

Anna, I used to do that scale trick too, but then it got to the point if I was up, I'd eat junk because I was fat anyway... Not a good thing... Only 9 days left until the kids come back! We are going to be busy this weekend, so that will help. I will have to try going on an "adult" vacation while they are gone next summer, great idea!

Kate, it's not really the food that is the problem, it is the cocktails. Once I get a couple in me, apparently I think I weigh 115 and can eat whatever I want... :blush:
lovinaz said:
it's not really the food that is the problem, it is the cocktails. Once I get a couple in me, apparently I think I weigh 115 and can eat whatever I want... :blush:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You said it better than I ever could!!!

Congrats on the weightloss!
:banana: :cheer2: :thumbsup2
Woohoo on the losing the vacation weight!!

(I'll do that one of these days.... :sunny: )
Congrats on losing the vacation weight....i'm still trying to lose the baby weight.....and she'll be 7 in a few weeks!! :confused3

i still don't understand how you can drink so much have got to spend 1/2 the day in the bathroom!!
100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, a glass of Passion Fruit wine (tart but good) and a DC
heck, i have to pee just reading it! :rotfl:

i wish we had a trader joe's around here....i'd like to see what all they have.
take it easy this weekend, relax a little deserve it!!

Wow Amy, way to go losing that 6 pounds! You must be feeling great. Your food sounds great. What are fiber cakes? We don't have Trader Joes here but my WW leader is always talking about all the great stuff they have. I hope you are having a great weekend, when do your kids get back home? And how is Buckley? Congrats again, you can do this!


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