An amusing story

amid chaos

DIS Veteran
Oct 23, 2000
"A Slight Hiccup "
By Frank Rawlins.

I think that's why I like pub gardens so much - you can drink and browse without any worries about the effect of the alcohol. On the odd occasion, that is. On the another odd occasion, in a more compact but also attractive pub garden, Mrs R and I were admiring some rhododendrons when our two kids, then little more than toddlers, ran off towards a goldfish pond.

They couldn1t swim, son Chris wasn't old enough to read the sign that said " Please Do Not Drop Anything In The Pond", and both had a terrible fascination for water that I knew was going to land them in trouble one day. So I shot after them, stooped to grab Chris as he approached the water's edge, and tripped over the sign. Chris flew clear and I flew into the pond. I was sitting there, murky water up to my armpits, trying to scrape a lily-pad off my head, when a barmaid who had obviously seen it all before came out to tidy up. She ignored me and told the kids in a voice sweet with sarcasm, "If you can't control him, leave him at home next time."

It's amazing how quickly they shuffled innocently away.
I certainly hope that this is not an indication of what may be going on at the Rose and Crown during DisCon! LOL
Well, on second thought, maybe I hope it is....:jester:


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