an occasional bedwetter--what to do?

Ooops... I meant I do not PRESCRIBE either of these.

I figured BD would get me.... but no.... it has to be my better half who does the dirty work.

:p :p :p :p :p
We used the alarm on DS and it worked great. He was never dry. I bought the one that also had a vibration in it and I think that is what woke him up. After 2 weeks he started staying dry one or 2 nights in a row. After another week he was dry and has been dry ever since. He is very proud of himself.
Hey starwood.

We used the alarm on DS and it worked great. He was never dry.

Reminds me of a long-time family friend who was not "focused" in school. His parents one day complained openly to us about their son's rather poor grades. His remarkable reply?, "I've got the HIGHEST grades of all the failures!"...
I am a board-certified pediatrician and see lots of boys (and girls) who wet the bed. In MOST cases, the problem runs in families and is caused by a small bladder capacity in a child who is a deep sleeper. As they get older (sometimes as late as 14-15 years of age), their bladder gets bigger, they become lighter sleepers, and they wet the bed less often.
Thanks for the advice OhioMickey. I have a 10 year old girl who wets the bed. Neither her brother or sister had this problem. They were both toilet trained completely by age 3. We use the Goodnights, but after reading your comment feel I should make an appointment with our pediatrician.
Funny thing was--she is incontinent almost every night at home, but on the cruise she woke up dry ? Go figure......
Originally posted by Buckaroo's Dad
Hey starwood.

Reminds me of a long-time family friend who was not "focused" in school. His parents one day complained openly to us about their son's rather poor grades. His remarkable reply?, "I've got the HIGHEST grades of all the failures!"...

Why does that sound SOOOO familiar?
I'm no dr. but after having three sons and, as I said, one who wet for many years (up to 12 1/2) I have tried EVERYTHING listed above - of which NONE worked other than just one day he 'stopped'.
Although it is completely my opinion (& boy, I always seem to have one(?) of those) his advice about the pads is definitely what I think is the least humiliating & appropriate given your son's age, based on my experience & my communication with my son (now 19). He can joke about it now, but back then it was always a consideration when he would sleep elsewhere. To his credit, he never let it deter him. He just 'took care of business'. I never gave it a thought to put pads on him, but I don't think he would have gone for it anyway.
BTW - he also "pooped" the bed for at least 10 of those years & that was an 'experience' in itself! Why stop at 'bed' - the sandbox, hotel pools, the neighbor's hot tub..... Wow, I forgot how fun it was having him for a kid! Gotta go call my son now....:p
thanks OhioMickey and all you other great responders--

I will consider the thoughts on potential embarassment with use of pull-ups and probably give my son the choice between this and the use of chux pads with the mattress cover.

I was pleased to read OhioMickey's comments as they almost duplicate what my pediatrician stated (and I have always had the utmost trust in him). I was also a bedwetter (guess this is where DS gets it from). Plus, my son is a VERY heavy sleeper and has always seemed to have a small bladder as he had many daytime accidents growing up and usually had a terrible sense of urgency when he finally did stop playing to "go potty". LOL as I remember some of the creative "dancing" he used to perform on the way to the bathroom!

Haven't yet seen an answer for my question about whether twin beds on DCL are "typical" twin size (i.e. will mattress cover, sheets fit these same as our home twin beds?)
thanks again-----you've all set my mind to rest on this ;)
Originally posted by dclwdwlover
I'm no dr. but after having three sons and, as I said, one who wet for many years (up to 12 1/2) I have tried EVERYTHING listed above - of which NONE worked other than just one day he 'stopped'.......

thanks for the advice, your post is encouraging and makes me feel a little bad when I think of all the times I've gotten a bit upset with my son about this issue. I'll have to go give him an extra hug! Sounds like you really had a tough time of things. Glad you and he can look back now and laugh. :p
IDK about the size of the mattresses but perhaps you could bring some waterbed sheet holders with you just to make sure that you can tighten it up if it is smaller than standard size. They work a little like mitten clips with clamps on each end & elastic in the middle.
This post is a wonderful boost to an exhausted mom. My son's wet-alarm goes off each night (once) as we are trying this to be dry for our 7/13 cruise (we are only on the fifth night)! My son is a sweet nine year old who does wear the goodnights when not using the alarm.
Now, did I dream it or didn't I read from a long-ago post that the cabin attendants DO have some type of mattress cover you can request?
Originally posted by professorandmom
This post is a wonderful boost to an exhausted mom. My son's wet-alarm goes off each night (once) as we are trying this to be dry for our 7/13 cruise (we are only on the fifth night)! My son is a sweet nine year old who does wear the goodnights when not using the alarm.
Now, did I dream it or didn't I read from a long-ago post that the cabin attendants DO have some type of mattress cover you can request?

Here is a bit of encouragement. DS's alarm went off every night (sometimes 2 and 3 times a night) for the first 2 weeks. Then we would have 1 or 2 dry nights. Then he started waking up and going on his own. After about 3 weeks the alarm was no longer needed. I put his underwear on under the goodnights. That way the alarm would register the wetness but the bed would stay dry.

Have faith you will see a big difference in another week.
All of the advice is great, yet I haven't seen anyone address the issue of the actual mattress. We haven't been on DCL yet so I don't know how my 6 y.o. will react. Does anyone know what the mattress consists of?:D
bump - I am looking for those experts!!!!!!!!
What is the bunk bed mattress like?
Is there a cover you can request from you r room attendant?


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