An open letter to all our friends

Pete, Thanks for taking the time to post! I am glad that we were able to bring you all some comfort in this horrible time. I feel like I am very far away from my friends and wish I was closer to somehow help. I know that I could not, but I guess that I just care about you all so much! Take care of each other!
God bless you guys.

I was just going to post exactly what Wishfordisney said--you (plural) have created this incredible community of supporters. It is supportive because you have cultivated an atmosphere of trust and love and support. It is a testament to Bob AND to the magic with which you have created and sprinkled on this community of what were previously strangers.

We are here, we support you in your loss and thank you for sharing yourselves and Bob with us.
There will Be Diser waiting when you come back. You are in my thougts & prayers.
Hi everyone,

I'm going to take a little liberty here and speak on behalf of the entire podcast team - I hope they won't mind as I'm sure they share my feelings.

I've had this site for 11 years now and I really thought it was impossible for me to be surprised by these boards. Honestly, I was pretty sure I'd seen it all - then this happened.

I don't know that I could put into words the incredible comfort you have all been to Diana, Brian and the podcast crew these past few days. The overwhelming outpouring of love and support for the loss of our friend is staggering and such a wonderful testament to the man he was.

As I'm sure you will all understand, we're going to need some time before we get back to the show. This was a great loss to each one of us, so I think it's important that it be a team decision as to when we return to the show.

I won't lie - this has been pretty devastating to all of us. But we take great solace in knowing how fortunate we were to have had the time with Bob that we did, and that we have two years worth of shows we can revisit whenever we want, whenever we feel like hearing a comforting and friendly voice.

It will not be the same without him - his character, his personality were so unique - he was a true original that can never be replaced. But soon enough our grief will give way to a more positive and creative energy. The kind Bob always seem to have in great abundance.

Thanks again for all your prayers, condolances and well wishes. You'll never know how much we all appreciate it.


Take all of the time you need Pete. Just remember that the DIS family needs you and the DIS Pod Cast team. I am sure that "Bawb" wants you guys to continue bringing Joy to the world through your informative show. "Bawb" is gone, sorely missed, and is truly irreplaceable but I believe that he would want you guys to keep the creativity going. I pray that God will bring peace and comfort to you, the Pod Cast team, and the Varley family.
God bless you all! Take your time and when your ready.....:thumbsup2

Bob will continue to bless the Podcast and be with all of us -always! :)

Give my thoughts and prayers to Diana and Brian along with the rest of the team.

Take all the time you need to get back to the show. Each week you have been there for us the listeners and we are there for you now and we will be there when you resume the podcast.

My heartfelt sympathy goes to Bob's wife Diana, his family, the podcast crew, and his many friends.

In Bob Varley we lost a great human being who will be missed but never forgotten!
Pete, I know that you know that you have all the support you need when you decide to go back to the podcast. I will also pray that you all have the strength and courage. Stay strong. We love you guys.
Sending warm, comforting thoughts your way, guys..... both to the podcast team, the Varley family, and the DisFamily......

We'll be here when you're ready. :goodvibes
Pete, please know that y'all mean so much to us. As others have said, we completely understand that it will take some time before y'all can do another show. I'm guessing the first Bawbless show is going to be extremely difficult for all of us...especially y'all. Whether that show is weeks, months, or even years away, please know that we will be here when you decide the time is right.

Pete is was lovely to hear from you :hug: Take your time in coming back into the studio - we will all still be here :hug:

That is the great thing about the DIS - doesn't matter what time it is where you are there is always someone to talk to :thumbsup2
We have decided to sell our home and purchase a new one so I haven't been on the board at all since last Friday. I just found out yesterday that Bob passed away. It is truly hard to explain to anyone that I am so touched and saddened by his pass because I never really new him but I felt like I did. I am thankful that my husband understood when I came to him with tears in my eyes yesterday morning.
When the podcast is back up and running I will be there. It will be so sad and pretty hard to listen to. I know it would be hard for the podcast crew but I hope the first show is a show in memory of him. Talking about their favorite moments on the show with him, going into the park with him and maybe replaying a few of their favorite show moments with him.
Best wishes to all of you. We will miss you until the show returns but everyone understands and we will be here waiting.
Whilst I am a regular podcast listener, I have never ventured to this part of the Boards before and checked in to find out why there has been no podcast this week. Of course, I am completely to shocked to hear the news of Bob.

I just wanted to add my condolences to Bob's family, friends and the rest of the Podcast crew. I love the Podcasts and in particular have always loved listening to the banter and dynamic of the group. Bob will be sorely missed, but I'm sure you can find the all find the strength and energy to continue with your amazing shows without Bob, yet in his memory.

Take all the time you need.
Pete - I just wanted to say the Podcast will wait and is definitely not what I'm thinking about right now. I'm wondering how I can listen to the Podcast without Bawb, and I can only imagine how you all feel thinking about doing the Podcast without Bawb. We only got to "know" a small part of Bawb from the Podcasts. Thank you for sharing that side of him with us. You all knew the whole person, whole friend, and the loss is deep. Do not give the Podcast a second thought right now. Take care of yourself, take care of each other. This weekend is going to be very difficult for you all, and I want to WISH you strength. Hang in there...
Dear Pete,

Thanks so much for sharing your feelings with us. As everyone else has said, the Podcast Crew should take as much time as they need.

I plan to listen to all the old podcasts, even though I know I'll cry, but the thought of listening to a podcast without Bawb Varley is daunting.

I sent in an email late last week, and promised to follow up with a voicemail review of one of the local non-Disney hotels. I just can't do it. It's not even that I know the podcast will be on hiatus for an indefinite period of time, so it can wait. It just feels wrong to me. And I only met Bob once, and spoke to him for a few minutes.

I can't begin to imagine how the Podcast Crew feels about continuing with the podcasts. Don't think about it now. When the time is right, you'll all know.

Just take care of Dianer, and Brian, and the rest of the Varley family. But also, take care of Bob's other family - You & Walter, John & Kevin, Corey & Julie, Regina, Will, and all the other members of his DIS family.

Thanks for checking in Pete - it is good to "hear your voice" on the boards. Take all the time in the world. We will be here waiting for you when you return.

Here's some hugs for you and everybody. . . :hug: :hug: :hug:
Pete, Corey, Julie, Kevin and John. You must take as long as you need too. I even think that you guys might want to do a show but once you sit down and try you will be moved and might not be able to complete the show or even start it for that fact. So please don't even announce when you guys are going to start to record the next show, just try and do it so that you guys have no pressure in putting one out because you have told us that you were going to record one. Just go ahead try to record and if you guys are able to then great. then let us know via the email listing that a new show will be up and we will definitly gather to hear your voices again.

Also I don't know if you would want to do this but maybe even as a tribute to Bob maybe change the day of the PODCAST to Monday since that is the day he passed away. A Great Man once said "they can't hit YA" so if you change the actual day of the Podcast we "....Can't Hit Ya."

I look forward to the podcast whenever you & the others are ready. Death is a part of life, but it's a real blow when it happens like this. My condolences to Bawb's family, the podcast team, & to all DISers who enjoyed his contributions to this great Disney community.

Thank you for the post Pete. I can understand how hard it must be for the Team. Just thinking of listening to a podcast without Bob is sad--never mind for those who actually work with Bob on the podcasts. I for one will miss the podcasts and look forward to their return. To all of those who knew Bob personally as a friend, my thoughts are with you. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures that were posted of "Bawb".


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