And now for a change of plans-A Dec '18 Solo TR - COMPLETED 9/19

I'm soooo happy you started this backup! Your day at AK turned out perfect! You got soooo much done!!!! :P
I know - I'm such a slacker sometimes! But I want to get ALL of my TRs done before Asia. So that gives me 143 days to complete this one, complete the EPIC one, and start and complete the February one...

I'm here and all caught up, sorry for the delay!!!!! :blush:

I LOVE solo reports and I'm really enjoying the DAK "theme" of these first few updates! You have the best shirts! Really looking forward to the rest of this report!
(Also, did you hear the recent news about the Christmas decorations this year at AK? I’m sooo excited!)
What is that?
I normally ask for the driver’s side of the car
Not Kelly's baobab tree side?
Can you find the Okapi butt?
I did! But took a bit.
Male hippos sunbathing and lounging
Typical male...
A keeper was checking something by the Alligators
The condition of the previous tour group... :scared:
One of the lionesses was walking around
Cool! Considering you almost never even see them and when you do... they're sleeping...
You can’t really tell but the monkey was cradling a teeny baby!
The hippo was having a snack (I couldn’t tell if it was one of the Wild Africa Trek groups or not), which was fun to watch.
The hippo was eating one of the Wild Africa Trek groups!?!?!?!?!?! :faint:
The dad looked a bit awkward though!
We do that.
Then one of the baby boys (gorilla A) just decided to be a cheeky guy and threw some hay in the face of his :sad1:brother (Gorilla B)!
:laughing: :eek:
His brother was having none of that, so literally punched the other guy in the face and he fell back! Gorilla A then ran across the glass and picked up one of the trash can lids and brought it back to his spot, collecting a bunch of hay and eating it off the lid as a plate! (The whole time, both moms and the sister were just ignoring them all.)
Wow! Sounds like you had a pretty good "show" there!
I had booked a Tusker House “shoulder” reservation. It was a 10:30am reservation; Tusker House serves breakfast until 11am, then switches over to lunch. So doing a 10:30 meant I could get the breakfast foods and then go back up for lunch foods (while only paying the breakfast price)!
Huh! Gotta remember that. I've never been to Tusker House. For some reason it's never on my radar.
Cool! I had no idea the "ceiling" was like that.
Still made it in despite basically getting in line a couple minutes before showtime!
::yes:: Big theatre.
Afterwards, it was Pandora time, and my favorite WDW ride: Flight of Passage!
I won't say it's my fave ride in WDW... or even AK... but it's up there.
I really don't know if I prefer it to EE. I like "real" rides more, but... dang that ride is incredible!
Nice angle on that shot!
Pandora Christmas tree?
:laughing: Sure!
I actually like this ride-it’s very beautiful and calm. Though I agree with others that I wouldn’t bother with a long line!
Found the machinery in the woods being taken over by moss
Never noticed that. I'll have to look for it.
oooohhh!!! Scary!
Cute shot!
I like it! Very pretty and delicate.
Gorgeous tree.
But of course, count on me to get distracted. The bus stops first at Kidani, so I decided to check out that building too…
I liked Kidani, but I didn’t LOVE it like I do with Jambo House. The Jambo lobby is just so open and light, but the Kidani is smaller and feels darker. I did like how all the directions were “home” themed, which fits with the DVC. But who knows, I could end up staying there someday…
Interesting observation... I'm trying to remember if I've ever been there and I don't think so.
I ended up walking back to Jambo House, partially to see how the walk is,
How long of a walk was it?
(I think I did make a stop at the Mara to get a coke refill)!
No zebra domes??????? :faint:
The second I came into my room I peeked out the window, and there was a giraffe walking around! Yay! That is the exact reason why I wanted a savannah view! I ended up pulling up the balcony chair and relaxed out there for a while. While I was there, the other 2 giraffes on that savannah came ambling up and I got to watch them all! It was just so awesome!
I had booked a Tusker House “shoulder” reservation. It was a 10:30am reservation; Tusker House serves breakfast until 11am, then switches over to lunch. So doing a 10:30 meant I could get the breakfast foods and then go back up for lunch foods (while only paying the breakfast price)!

I love that timeframe. Works for almost any buffet too!

My breakfast plates
I'm so hungry now!!
I then went and rode Navi River Journey. And something weird happened-I wasn’t totally squished in the boat! I got in the back row with 2 other ladies, but it was enough room that we weren’t pressed up against each other. And the front row just had a woman and her little kid (basically on her lap). Whatever, I’m not complaining!
LOL It's not like PoTC where they cram you in! Or maybe the boats are wider?

Love the ornament! I can see how it looks so delicate though! I'd be so scared to put it in my suitcase.
FINALLY, 1.5 hrs after I initially planned (and a lot of $$ spent) I got to the buses. There was a short wait for a bus before I was on my way towards Animal Kingdom Lodge.
That's always the case, right? LOL
I really liked the Africa decorations made out of “found objects”.
I really love all the Christmas decor at AK. It's just SO different, and at the same time so magically Christmasy!

Tusker House serves breakfast until 11am, then switches over to lunch. So doing a 10:30 meant I could get the breakfast foods and then go back up for lunch foods (while only paying the breakfast price)!
This is our favorite Tusker House strategy, too. Best of both worlds. Yummmmm!

I enjoyed your wandering as you made your way back for a break :) Disney's wallet probably enjoyed it, as well LOL
I'm here and all caught up, sorry for the delay!!!!! :blush:

I LOVE solo reports and I'm really enjoying the DAK "theme" of these first few updates! You have the best shirts! Really looking forward to the rest of this report!
I planned my park days based on where I was staying! So while I was at AKL, I did AK. Then when I switched to BWV, I did Epcot and DHS. Finally at CCV, I did mostly MK. Some exceptions, but for the most part, that worked out well! Does mean I didn't get to MK until my 7th or 8th day in Orlando, but for me that is fine since I have Disneyland so close!

I have so many shirts "hearted" on etsy! And then before the trip I just go thru and pick the ones I want! I think this trip though I realized it was going to be $$$, so I cut down on a couple (or maybe that was in February - yeah, actually I think in February I only got one new shirt, but it was appropriate!)
What is that?
Looks like even more decorations and a Christmas Tree of Life Awakenings! I can't wait for it!
Not Kelly's baobab tree side?
Haha, nope!
The hippo was eating one of the Wild Africa Trek groups!?!?!?!?!?! :faint:
Yeah - you pay extra for that!
Huh! Gotta remember that. I've never been to Tusker House. For some reason it's never on my radar.
I like it. The food is still normal enough to be ok for typical park goers, but has a bit of an African flair! I think Boma is better, personally, but its also pricier for dinner!
How long of a walk was it?
About 5-10 minutes. Not bad at all!
I love that timeframe. Works for almost any buffet too!
I know! I want to do it for Crystal Palace, maybe in December/January? Of course some of the places I would like to try it (mainly resort buffets) don't do lunch, so you can't get both for the price of one!
LOL It's not like PoTC where they cram you in! Or maybe the boats are wider?
I think NRJ is definitely skinnier boats. That was one of the things about not having an accessible option - the boats were so much smaller that it would end up being just the person in a wheelchair, no one else. I feel like Pirates is widest; or maybe Living with the Land? And Small World being similar. Frozen feels narrower than POTC, but still wider than NRJ.
I really love all the Christmas decor at AK. It's just SO different, and at the same time so magically Christmasy!
I know! I can't wait to see it in December/January! I'm hoping I'll get to have a re-do of some of the Christmas stuff I didn't get to fully enjoy this time around!
So, I'm going to finish up posting this day! And tomorrow, I will be checking into the Paradise Pier Hotel, and Friday morning, I'll be on Batuu! Soooo excited! (Sorry if you read my PTR or other TRs or just know me at all - I can't stop talking about it!)

Day 1 - AK at night and Disney Springs

On my way out of AKL I saw a bunch more animals hanging out closer to the outlook on the 2nd floor so I stopped and took a look at them a bit. Until I finally headed back to Animal Kingdom!


I really loved the background music loop at the AK entrance! It was traditional Christmas songs but with an African flair. There was a similar one in the Animal Kingdom Lodge lobby, but I don’t know if they are the exact same.


I headed right up to Africa for another safari ride. This ended up being sort of a night-time safari. I even thought it was a super cool sunset, but I later realized it was just screens behind the trees!


Overall, I am not that big a fan of the evening safaris. Not all the animals are out, so like we didn’t even go to the elephant area, and the giraffes were all ready to go back in. It’s also super hard to get photos!


I did get to see Augustus again, who was hanging out of the water! Again though – bad quality photos!





I did like all the lights in Africa at night! It was pretty gorgeous!


I was pretty hungry (again, the last time I ate anything was at Tusker House around 11:30 in the morning)! I considered stopping at Nomad Lounge, but instead I decided to just get a snack at Pizzafari. I had seen the garlic knots on the menu, and I’m a sucker for garlic knots! Overall they actually weren’t bad! I wouldn’t be opposed to getting them again! And I liked the theming inside pizzafari with the bats and colors and props.


Though I ordered them via mobile ordering and then saw this pop up on twitter – damn, I should have ordered earlier that day!


Love the Tree of Life at night!


I had another FP for Expedition Everest because I love doing it in the dark. Which is always super fun! Though I tried to time it so I could get into the queue before Rivers of Light ended, but unfortunately I got to Asia right then, so was stuck in the thick of the crowds! Oh well, as a single person I can usually thread my way through without too much bother!



On my way out I saw this Everest Ornament in the dump shop and I considered getting it. It's full of shreded pieces of hiker's oxygen tanks, which I think is pretty cool. (Though all that news coming from Everest lately is sooo upsetting! I hope the Nepal government agrees to limit permits more next season.) I ended up going back for it later in my trip and luckily got one of the last ones!


I did stop by the UP! area before heading out of the park because all the lanterns were gorgeous! Sorry-my photos don’t do it justice, but make sure to get there at night - the lights are soo lovely!

I was then ready to head out of the park for the night. My evening plans were at Disney Springs and I don’t trust Disney Transport heading there (especially from the parks), so instead I called an Uber. It arrived promptly and took me to DS, but unfortunately I didn’t speak up and he dropped me at the west loop when I wanted to be at the east loop (and thats the place I put as my destination). Argh!

I considered taking the ferry over, but just missed one leaving and another did not look like it was on the way, so I eventually decided to walk over.


I made some stops, first in the Star Wars Outpost, but nothing unique in there that they don’t have at Disneyland.

Then at the Ganachery. I hoped to get a s’mores, because I always seem to miss them. They told me it’s just a spring/summer thing, not a winter thing. So, I have been foiled again! I did like all the Christmas chocolates but not enough to buy any!


This sundae from Vivo Gelati looked yummy, but I didn’t feel like it then.


Next stop was the Pin Traders. I considered purchasing a Magic Band-this time themed for Kilimanjaro Safaris, but again, I stopped myself from getting it (I know if I start going down the rabbit hole of themed magicbands I may never stop)! I picked up a bunch of pins though (I sort of went overboard with pins this trip).


This was the only time I would be at Disney Springs at night, so I wanted to check out the Christmas Tree Trail. It was definitely super busy, so difficult to get a photo without someone jumping in the shot!

*I'm going to save all my photos for after I finish up my activities that night, because I have so many!

After getting lost in a forest of artificial trees, I headed over to Amorettes (I may have gone into World of Disney a bit, but I didn’t take any photos or buy anything because it was too busy). I ended up getting a bunch of treats: the Goofy gingerbread cookie, the snowman macaron, the dole whip éclair, and the chocolate mousse pastry! Yeah, I went a bit overboard!


(I ended up eating them over the next several days. My verdict:
  • Goofy Gingerbread cookie – Bleh! And it turned my whole mouth black!
  • Snowman macaron – Very yummy, even if it did get a bit squished before I ate it
  • Dole Whip éclair – a bit weird with the pineapple cream and a pastry. I think I would stick to vanilla or chocolate
  • Chocolate mousse pastry (Avant Garde) – very very rich. I could only eat a couple bites. I prefer the Mickey Mousse.
For dinner, I went to The Daily Poutine. I had tried it in March and it was good, but not my absolute favorite (the gravy wasn’t warm enough for me, but I thought that could have been a one-off due to me getting it right when they opened). This time, I similarly wasn’t too impressed. I mean, I don’t regret getting it, but the gravy still isn’t steaming hot like it should be (I went to undergrad in Montreal so have lots of experience with poutine – basically the gravy should be hot enough to make the cheese all melty). I also didn’t adore the taste of the gravy, so for me, I think I’m good skipping it on future trips. There are so many other places at Disney Springs I want to try anyways!


Finally I ended up heading up to The Edison, where I planned on meeting with @Raeven for dessert, drinks, and dancing. I like the theming inside, and the tree was super cute! If you checked Raeven’s TR and DTR, you would know she did get a bit delayed arriving, but it worked out just fine. We ended up getting a table looking over the dance floor, which was cool. Though I think a better table is still down on the same level of the dance floor!


For food, we ended up getting:

Lollipop Tree – Cheesecake pops, bubblegum whipped cream (designed for two)

Casey’s Peach Cobbler – Spiced and roasted peaches, ginger oat crumble, vanilla bean gelato

I liked the cobbler, but I think it needed more ice cream. The cheesecake pops were actually tiny for how much they cost! And the bubblegum whipped cream was just weird!

I also got The Canaveral – Reyka vodka, caravella orangecello, cranberry juice, honey, lemon juice, which was nice. I’m not a fan of anything too alcoholic, so it worked well for me.


Oh, but it did turn out The Edison now takes Tables in Wonderland! So we got a 20% discount on our food and drinks. There is no AP discount, and it doesn’t even show the restaurant on the TiW site (I noticed this with another Disney Springs location).

TiW savings $8.60
Total savings: $17.30

The entertainment was…interesting. There was a band with a lead singer dressed up in 20s attire.


And 3 dancers who changed outfits that got progressively more revealing. The second set they did, the girls were standing near my table and I turned my head and got a bit of a surprise at eye level!


Set 2:


There was also a tap dancer who was fun.


All 3 groups were perform in a particular set, then there would be a DJ and dancing, and then repeat.


That night there were 3 sets, but we only stayed for 2. Also it was weird, because it’s supposed to be 21+, but if there were kids in the place before 10, they could stay. Most families with younger kids left at least after the first set, but there were some teenagers I could see that stayed much later.

Overall, it was fine. Not a must-do and I don’t know if I’ll bother repeating. Enjoyable enough, but there are so many other fun things to do around WDW I still want to check out!

Some more photos of the inside


And Raeven took a selfie of the two of us, plus one of me with the clock


Before we left, Raeven made me dance with her, and, well…I don’t dance (well at least)! But it was interesting, we just weren’t drunk enough to have too much fun (and by not drunk enough, I wasn’t really even tipsy – it’s too expensive for that!)! (Though one lady did give each of us a hug and kiss on the cheek... so some people can definitely get drunk there)

We headed out and luckily each of us had a bus at the stop when we got to the bus loop. Mine went right back to AKL, but Raeven had some issues (in her TR).

I ended up getting back to AKL and tried to pack up a bit (I was switching resorts the next day), but ended up just crashing and decided to do most of that the next morning!

In the first post for this day I wrote up my original schedule. These were changes to the plan (the day with the least amount of changes):

Rearranged: Meet Mickey & Minnie
Added: Tree of Life trails
9:10 – Fastpass, Kilimanjaro Safari
-Gorilla Falls Trail
10:30 – ADR, Tusker House
11:30 – Fastpass, Festival of the Lion King (12 pm show)
12:30 – Fastpass, Flight of Passage
-Navi River Journey

-Meet Mickey & Minnie
Added: Flights of Wonder
Break at Resort
Skipped: 4:00 – Snack, Nomad Lounge
-Kilimanjaro Safari
Added: Snack, Pizzafari
-Expedition Everest x 2 (only did once)
Skipped: Head to Port Orleans French Quarter (beignets, decorations)
Boat to Disney Springs (shopping, Christmas Tree Trail)
9:15 – ADR, The Edison with Raeven
Christmas Tree Trail

I decided to include this photos at the end, since I seem to not be able to choose between them, so I'm posting a whole bunch!


I really liked the trail, especially all the details on every tree! I actually visited twice, once at night, and again a few days later during the day. Rather than post photos both days, I will just do one massive photo dump including all of them! I found that the night-time looked great with the lights, but the daytime really allowed you to focus on details. Also, it was much less crowded during the day.


4-parks tree was cool, though I think they missed a prime opportunity to turn a bunch of magic bands into a garland! I liked how they used the hotel ornaments on this one!


Mickey + Minnie – Maybe next year she will get her own tree!


Pluto – I like the dog toys, but I figure if we did that for our dog, she would pull down the whole tree!


Beauty and the beast – I noticed the stained glass ornaments were also at Be Our Guest


Princess and the Frog


The Little Mermaid – some trees included some very large accessories; but I loved the bubbles on this one


Sleeping Beauty





Snow White – if you can’t tell the tree topper was a group of pick-axes!


Alice in Wonderland, with my favorite little detail (when I went back I had a couple walking the trail with me search for the Cheshire Cat and it took them a while!)


Haunted Mansion – very cool and unexpected!




The Jungle Book


The Muppets


Mary Poppins – Love the spoonfuls of sugar




Toy Story (the final tree)


Posters on the side of the walls


A CM offered to take a photo of me when she saw me struggling to get a good selfie of the lights behind me!


This actually doesn’t sound good at all…

So, I'm going to finish up posting this day! And tomorrow, I will be checking into the Paradise Pier Hotel, and Friday morning, I'll be on Batuu! Soooo excited! (Sorry if you read my PTR or other TRs or just know me at all - I can't stop talking about it!)

For good reason! CAN NOT WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! !

I headed right up to Africa for another safari ride. This ended up being sort of a night-time safari. I even thought it was a super cool sunset, but I later realized it was just screens behind the trees!

Wait what? a screen? I have never don't a night time Safari, but it isn't a high priority for me, but if i did get one in that would be good too!

I was pretty hungry (again, the last time I ate anything was at Tusker House around 11:30 in the morning)! I considered stopping at Nomad Lounge, but instead I decided to just get a snack at Pizzafari. I had seen the garlic knots on the menu, and I’m a sucker for garlic knots! Overall they actually weren’t bad! I wouldn’t be opposed to getting them again! And I liked the theming inside pizzafari with the bats and colors and props.

I love garlic knots, my DH does not, so i feel like i never get them... i should really get them sometime soon, now all i want is garlic knots, is not even 10am... what time does the pizza place open?

Love the Tree of Life at night!



On my way out I saw this Everest Ornament in the dump shop and I considered getting it. It's full of shreded pieces of hiker's oxygen tanks, which I think is pretty cool. (Though all that news coming from Everest lately is sooo upsetting! I hope the Nepal government agrees to limit permits more next season.) I ended up going back for it later in my trip and luckily got one of the last ones!

UGH i know so upsetting, i agree i really hope they do something it is so sad! i feel horrible about this! But great ornament!

I did stop by the UP! area before heading out of the park because all the lanterns were gorgeous! Sorry-my photos don’t do it justice, but make sure to get there at night - the lights are soo lovely!

This is gorgeous, i have never done AK at night, but these photos are really making me want to make sure and fit it in!

his sundae from Vivo Gelati looked yummy, but I didn’t feel like it then.


this looks amazing!

Lollipop Tree – Cheesecake pops, bubblegum whipped cream (designed for two)

this looks good, but odd, like the cheesecake part sounds good, the bubble gum whip cream not so much!

I also got The Canaveral – Reyka vodka, caravella orangecello, cranberry juice, honey, lemon juice, which was nice. I’m not a fan of anything too alcoholic, so it worked well for me.


looks good to me!

And 3 dancers who changed outfits that got progressively more revealing. The second set they did, the girls were standing near my table and I turned my head and got a bit of a surprise at eye level!


OMG your Christmas tree trial photos are amazing! it 100% makes me want to go check them out!!!
Sounds like a great night at AK! Wow those lanterns by the Up theater really are gorgeous at night!

Those cheesecake pops looks interesting! I would have gotten them just to try the bubblegum whipped cream!

Sounds like a nice night at DS and a good time with Raeven!
Looks like even more decorations and a Christmas Tree of Life Awakenings! I can't wait for it!
Oh! Cool! Thanks. :)
Yeah - you pay extra for that!
I would.
I like it. The food is still normal enough to be ok for typical park goers, but has a bit of an African flair! I think Boma is better, personally, but its also pricier for dinner!
Thanks. :) Been to Boma and liked that, so...
About 5-10 minutes. Not bad at all!
Yeah, that's not bad!
And tomorrow, I will be checking into the Paradise Pier Hotel, and Friday morning, I'll be on Batuu! Soooo excited! (Sorry if you read my PTR or other TRs or just know me at all - I can't stop talking about it!)
:laughing: Good! And have a great time!
On my way out of AKL I saw a bunch more animals hanging out closer to the outlook on the 2nd floor
I didn't know they even allowed the animals on the second floor.

It was traditional Christmas songs but with an African flair.
Nice. :)
OMG! That tree's on fire!!!!
Shut down the animatronic lion for the night.
Wow. That didn't take long.
Love the Tree of Life at night!
I got to Asia right then, so was stuck in the thick of the crowds! Oh well, as a single person I can usually thread my way through without too much bother!
For a second, I read that as you could thread your way through a ride line. I was gonna scold you.
It's full of shreded pieces of hiker's oxygen tanks, which I think is pretty cool. (Though all that news coming from Everest lately is sooo upsetting!
Interesting/creative/unique, but... yeah... Not sure if I want that right now.
Then at the Ganachery. I hoped to get a s’mores, because I always seem to miss them. They told me it’s just a spring/summer thing, not a winter thing.
Odd... you'd think... hmmm... maybe not. I guess most campfires are in the summer camping months.
I picked up a bunch of pins though (I sort of went overboard with pins this trip).
:laughing: Pretty sure you're not the only one.
I ended up getting a bunch of treats: the Goofy gingerbread cookie, the snowman macaron, the dole whip éclair, and the chocolate mousse pastry! Yeah, I went a bit overboard!
:laughing: You're at Disney. Going overboard is expected!
For dinner, I went to The Daily Poutine. I had tried it in March and it was good, but not my absolute favorite (the gravy wasn’t warm enough for me, but I thought that could have been a one-off due to me getting it right when they opened). This time, I similarly wasn’t too impressed. I mean, I don’t regret getting it, but the gravy still isn’t steaming hot like it should be (I went to undergrad in Montreal so have lots of experience with poutine – basically the gravy should be hot enough to make the cheese all melty).
Since you've been to Montreal, you know what you're talking about. So many bad poutines out there.
Yeah, even looking at it you can see that it's wrong. Wrong colour, no melting.
Casey’s Peach Cobbler – Spiced and roasted peaches, ginger oat crumble, vanilla bean gelato
I need this in my life.
And 3 dancers who changed outfits that got progressively more revealing. The second set they did, the girls were standing near my table and I turned my head and got a bit of a surprise at eye level!
There was also a tap dancer who was fun.
Cool! Love a good tapper.
Also it was weird, because it’s supposed to be 21+, but if there were kids in the place before 10, they could stay. Most families with younger kids left at least after the first set, but there were some teenagers I could see that stayed much later.
Hmmm... Well.. I guess it is Disney.
This actually doesn’t sound good at all…
I dunno. I've been surprised before. I'd try it.
There is no better place than Disney at Christmas! I love all your photos of Kidani all decked out, the Christmas Trees from the trail are so pretty too. I had no idea what the Edison was! Thank you for posting the photos, the live music looks like it can be fun! I am with you though, it is way too expensive to get drunk at Disney. My DH and I just did drinking around the world, we shared, but if we didnt it would have been close to $300 for the two of us!
You are making me SO excited for Christmas again at Disney :) And I was finally able to book my flights today, so I feel WAY better!!!

Can't wait to hear from you after the weekend!!! Looking SO forward to hearing all about SWGE!

And PS...THIS is a screen image??? not a real sunset??
Overall, I am not that big a fan of the evening safaris. Not all the animals are out, so like we didn’t even go to the elephant area, and the giraffes were all ready to go back in. It’s also super hard to get photos!

Me neither. Only appealing thing is that you can see the lions awake but then it's too dark to take pictures anyways.

On my way out I saw this Everest Ornament in the dump shop and I considered getting it. It's full of shreded pieces of hiker's oxygen tanks, which I think is pretty cool. (Though all that news coming from Everest lately is sooo upsetting! I hope the Nepal government agrees to limit permits more next season.) I ended up going back for it later in my trip and luckily got one of the last ones!

The ornament is cool, the situation on Everest is not! I can't believe human nature sometimes but it's disheartening to see reports of it.

I did stop by the UP! area before heading out of the park because all the lanterns were gorgeous! Sorry-my photos don’t do it justice, but make sure to get there at night - the lights are soo lovely!

That's so cool! I have not seen that at night, but probably just haven't noticed.

I was then ready to head out of the park for the night. My evening plans were at Disney Springs and I don’t trust Disney Transport heading there (especially from the parks), so instead I called an Uber. It arrived promptly and took me to DS, but unfortunately I didn’t speak up and he dropped me at the west loop when I wanted to be at the east loop (and thats the place I put as my destination). Argh!

I considered taking the ferry over, but just missed one leaving and another did not look like it was on the way, so I eventually decided to walk over.

Sounds like my solo trip when I got lost on the west side.

For dinner, I went to The Daily Poutine. I had tried it in March and it was good, but not my absolute favorite (the gravy wasn’t warm enough for me, but I thought that could have been a one-off due to me getting it right when they opened). This time, I similarly wasn’t too impressed. I mean, I don’t regret getting it, but the gravy still isn’t steaming hot like it should be (I went to undergrad in Montreal so have lots of experience with poutine – basically the gravy should be hot enough to make the cheese all melty). I also didn’t adore the taste of the gravy, so for me, I think I’m good skipping it on future trips. There are so many other places at Disney Springs I want to try anyways!

I would not like poutine where the cheese wasn't melty good! And I'm not even a poutine connoisseur!

This actually doesn’t sound good at all…


That sounds gross!


I am not jealous one bit.

Not at all.

I have to emphasize that I'm not jealous.

🤣 🤣 🤣
Sounds like a good end of the day at AK. I wish there was one here in SoCal. It truly is my favorite park...

So excited to hear about your Batuu experience!!!! We will be there on 6/7 with our reservation and are so excited. The dedication ceremony last night was amazing and I am loving the things I am seeing!!!!


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