Angel Fans (Possible Spoilers)


<font color=green>President of the Clueless Club..
Jan 1, 2000
Did anyone get the finale??? I didn't get it. What happened? Is W&H still evil??? All I have to say is there better be another season on the way because if that's the end of Angel I'm going to be sooooo mad.
Nope, it's about Angel the tv show and apparently I guess no one here watched it. What' a Bernie's Angels?

As you probably know, the last episode ended with Connor killing Jasmine, Angel was very worried about Connor. Lyla (sp?)
came back from hell as an ambassador of Wolfram & Hart (her contract is eternal) to offer Angel and team the opportunity of a lifetime...full access to and control of all of W & H's resources - a special thank you for ending world peace. If they wanted a tour of the newly rebuilt and de-zombied W& H, they had to get into a limo in front of the hotel just before dawn - they all thought it was a bad idea but nonetheless showed up at the limo. Lyla split them all up and paired them off with matching counterparts to tour W&H. Fred is going to head the science department, Angel is going to be the boss, Wesley will have access to all of W&H prophecies and archives, Lorne will head the entertainment division and meet famous people, Gun went into the white room, saw a panther and they never really showed what happened to him...meanwhile....Connor lost his mind and stormed a sporting goods store taking hostages, Angel sees him on the news at W&H and takes Lyla up on her deal (whatever it may be). Of course Angel went to the sporting goods store, found Connor rigged to explosives along with Cordie (still in a coma) and all of the poor shoppers. Angel and Connor had the requisite fight only this time they hit each other with bowling balls, dumbells and bats... Naturally, Angel saved everybody, including Connor. Angel went back to W&H where everybody else had just finished their tours. He told them that he had accepted Lyla's offer (they all wanted to as well) and he demanded to see Connor. Lyla told him that wasn't part of the agreement but he insisted and Lyla said something like "there is a limo outside that will take you to see Connor" . Angel left and Fred said "Did she say Connor? Who's Connor?" Angel went to spy on Connor and he was in a house, with a family, smiling and happy at the dinner table, talking about where he would go to if he had lived with them always. Until next season.
I missed the last ten minutes. Thanks for the update. This was a strange ending for the season.
If there is a new season...the WB hasn't renewed their contract YET!

As for what happened with Connor, I think Angel had to kill him in order for him to start over with a new life. Or, for all we know, it wasn't even real. W&H might have just wanted Angel to kill Connor (so he wouldn't fullfil a great destiny maybe? and therefore making the proficey about the father killing the son come true) and the scene with Connor living a happy, normal life was just a glamour.

The scene where Wes burned Lila's contract was soooooo sweet. He must really love her. Plus she was so touched at the fact that he tried so I think she really loves him too. She did make it a point to tell him she didn't feel a thing when he cut off her head. I know he was feeling so guilted about that.

Then there's this theory...what if Lila was THE FIRST!!!!! Well, wait a minute, there was that scene where Angel grabbed her so she can't be The First. But that doesn't mean she still can't be working for The First. I know she gave Angel that thingy that is supposedly suppose to "protect" Buffy, but what if it was just a trap??? Kinda makes you think doesn't it?
I thought this was a great episode but the only thing i didn't get was what happened to Gunn. I think he got brainwashed or hypnotized by the Panther. I also thought that it was so...sad when Angel visited Connor and saw him so happy and carefree. And I'm happy Lilah is back, she's one of the BEST actresses on that show!
You know, Gun and Lorne were the only ones they didn't really show what had happened to. We saw as much as Gun going into the White Room and seeing the Panther (which I'm pretty sure brainwashed him) and Lorne we didn't see at all after he took off with his partner.

It was sad how Angel had to see Connor all happy with another family. Weird how no one remembers him anymore though. Kinda like a flashback to season one when Buffy came to LA and Angel became human and then he turned back time and he was the only one that remembered that day. I Lilah/Wes scene with him burning up her contract was also pretty sad.
OMG! I missed this whole show!

SO, Jasmine is dead.
Lyla is back.
Angel is heading W&H (what happened to the rest of W&H?).
What did Lyla give Angel to protect Buffy?

ARG! I hate it when I miss a season finale.

For a moment there, when I first started reading this thread, I thought the episode that I saw on Tuesday night here in Canada was the last show and I was scratching my head, "huh?" Now I see that you are an episode ahead of us, "whew!"

I've been keeping my fingers crossed that they renew this show, I love it! Every Tuesday night I am glued to the TV for two hours watching "Buffy" and "Angel" ~ I'll be lost if both shows end! :(
Originally posted by Breezy_Carol
I thought this was about Bernie's Angels.

Me too...and if it was I want to be the first angel spoiled!!!!
Perhaps we should all be writing emails to the WB? The DIS attacks!

I think Angel made a deal with W&H to undo Conner's whole life. That might explain why none of the others knew about him. Maybe also by doing this/ Jasmine would never have been born. The deal might have been to allow him to be born into a happy family and have a normal life. It doesn't explain why Cordie is still in a coma but she is still on maternity leave after having her son.

Hmmm, they made a show that could be a series end, tied up many loose ends in some ways and opened new doors without enticing us too much. I think it is still on the fence.

I am going to write that letter right now.


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