Angelrose's Journey

I have said a prayer for you and your husband. :hug:Keep your faith, God has a plan for everyone. :flower3:
Oh my goodness! Six pages of prayers and well wishes. Thank you all so much. They are truly appreciated more than you can imagine.

There was a tiny bit of good news today. The nurse said that he opened one eye a tiny bit this morning. He couldn't do it for me later though. But he did squeeze my hand even before I asked him to. But then they had to do an MRI and gave him morphine this afternoon so he was out for the rest of my visit. They wanted to make sure his neck was OK and if it is they will take his neck brace off. They are also going to do a trachiostomy so they can take out the breathing tube down his throat. They are giving him antibiotics for a slight infection in his lungs and anti seizure meds just to be safe. I think they do that with all head injuries.

So I guess I am encouraged that he opened his eye a tiny bit. Maybe tomorrow he can open it all the way and for a longer period of time. I pray that is so.
Keep the faith:thumbsup2 Praying for a speedy recovery for your husband. Sounds promising that he opened his eye.
Every time I read something like this, it makes me feel so guilty for worrying about the silly everyday things in life.

I'm with you there. I spend too much time on the little problems....

My prayers for you and your hubby.:hug:
Glad to hear of the improvement. I'll keeping praying for continued progress!
Oh my goodness! Six pages of prayers and well wishes. Thank you all so much. They are truly appreciated more than you can imagine.

There was a tiny bit of good news today. The nurse said that he opened one eye a tiny bit this morning. He couldn't do it for me later though. But he did squeeze my hand even before I asked him to. But then they had to do an MRI and gave him morphine this afternoon so he was out for the rest of my visit. They wanted to make sure his neck was OK and if it is they will take his neck brace off. They are also going to do a trachiostomy so they can take out the breathing tube down his throat. They are giving him antibiotics for a slight infection in his lungs and anti seizure meds just to be safe. I think they do that with all head injuries.

So I guess I am encouraged that he opened his eye a tiny bit. Maybe tomorrow he can open it all the way and for a longer period of time. I pray that is so.

I just found this thread and quickly looked to see if there had been an update. I'm so glad there was one... and it sounds so positive!!

My Mom was in a coma in 1979... my parents were married about 46 years by then so I know your pain. My Dad was a shell of himself, he never cried but he was soooo quiet and down... :(

On New Years Day 1980 my Mom squeezed my hand after being in a coma sinc 12/18th... she opened one eye and said a line I'll NEVER forget, "you look just LIKE me"... :scared1:

My Dad and I were the only people in the ICU room with her and at that moment my Dad cried like a baby!! They were tears of JOY!!:dance3:

They managed to make it to 60 years of marriage before they passed away, 6 months apart. I know you'll make it, too!

I want to see YOUR tears of joy!! :hug:

Prayers and hugs!:cloud9:
Oh Robinrs that is such a great story. I praying that our story has a happy ending also.
((big hugs))
Do you have family and friends helping you out. I am so sorry you are going through this. My Dad got really sick on us a few years ago and it was the most horrible time in our familys life.
I hope you have a shoulder to lean on in the hospital. Don't forget to eat... remember you need to stay healthy at this time, don't let yourself get run down!!
Yes I do have my son and daughter in law who have been gems! My son has taken me every day to see him because I don't drive in Atlantic City. EEK It freaks me out with all those cars. He actually took a week off of work and stayed with me the first two nights. They have taken me out to dinner and over to their house for take out cheese steaks. My cousin took me today because my son and daughter in law had to go to the wedding of her cousin. I have another cousin who made me promise to call him to take me too. My son is going to take me next week on his lunch hour and bring me home when he gets off work.

I am blessed.
My DH, the light of my life is in a coma. He fell and hit his head on Monday. He said he really saw stars and was done working for the day. He went through the basement and took off his work clothes, went upstairs and got a shower. He even used his squeegee to clean the shower. He was trying to make it to bed when he fell. I was downstairs making his lunch and didn't hear him fall. I finally went upstairs about 10 minutes later to find him unconscious on the floor. We got him to the trauma unit and the dr told me they needed to get him into surgery immediately to get out the blood from the subdural hematoma. Everything went well.

He can follow commands, like squeeze my hand but he just hasn't opened his eyes yet.

Please pray that he does soon. He is in great shape for his age (73) So that is in his favor. We have been married 44 years this July. I NEED him to be OK.


Him responding is good!! When my fil had a stroke and everyone was off talking to the doctor I was in the room alone with him. I held his had and he started to respond. He squeezed my hand when asked. I talked my fool head off with him. Doctor later said that probably helped. He loved to fish and that is what I talked about. The first thing he said when he woke up was "when are going fishing?"

He made a full recovery.
Still thinking of you and your dh and family and sending good thoughts and prayers that everything will work out just fine... :hug:



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