annual passholder question


Wilderness Lodge Veteran
Feb 16, 2002
I recently made reservations at a BIG discount using the annual passholder code. now that ive used it all I can get my hands on is the voucher for it, I have to wait till I get to Disney before I get the actual pass. Does anyone know if this voucher will be enough for check-in? Also how much of a process is it getting the actual pass? The savings in the hotel more than paid for it. Thanx
congrat's on the ap!, No the voucher is fine! Actually only once in the last 6 trips did they ask to even see it. Now the process for the voucher is tricky. I do not recommend the mk, ttc for redemtion unless you really are right there, its usually quiet a wait at those ticket booths, unless you are going really off season. I like to use the epcot backdoor, there is one booth, and no lines usually. or the ak/mgm they seem to have less people at the ticket lines. You just give them your voucher and they process your paperwork, ask questions, and give you all your info! no problem. :) MKY
In the past when I booked an AP rate, I wasn't asked to show my AP, but my membership number was in the system, meaning I didn't have a voucher.

You could go to the resort, and if they don't ask for it, okay, if they do, show them the voucher, and see if that is okay. Otherwise if you really want to be safe, just go the Guest Relations area at any of the parks, and turn in your voucher for the AP. You will have to have and image of your fingers taken for their scanner used for AP holders. It really shouldn't take more that 15 minutes. The Guest Relations area at the International Gateway entrance to Epcot is never really crowded, and a good place to get this done.:)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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