Any Business Can Have a Bad Day - Tiffany Towncar


Earning My Ears
Jun 2, 2002
I have read some of the notes on bad service. It can happen with any business. Most recently, on our 3rd trip with Tiffany, we had a not-so-good driver. First, he had my husband's first name wrong and misspelled the last name on his card at the escalator. Then, we had to carry our own luggage from the baggage area to the curb because in his words "he was parked a mile away and wanted to go get the car". He left us to collect the luggage and then we had to wait 20 min. at the curb for him. I had requested the grocery stop & mentioned this to him. He said he would "have to see???". Finally, he took us to Publix, dropped us off - we were in the store for 20 min. total so I would not keep him waiting. Again, we stood waiting for him to appear 15 min. later. I don't know where he went in the meantime but he certainly was not watching for us. He could not find the hotel and had to radio someone to inquire as to where it was (we were staying off-site for the first time although last year, our TTC driver could not find the AKL and after driving around the WDW resort for 30 min., and drove us to Animal Kingdom itself to let us out. That was hilarious!! Here we were in a stretch limousine with all of our luggage and he thinks he is to drop us off there. He called the dispatcher & got directions eventually.) Anyway, my point is that this last trip was not the smoothest in terms of the ground transportation. I am hopeful that this does not mean that TTC is slipping in terms of service and knowledgeable drivers. Will we use them again? I think perhaps yes - this September. We'll see how it goes.
A note regarding a post I saw here re: sponsors. This poster was correct. Being a sponsor is merely advertisement for a company & I think you should use their sponsorship as a GUIDE only. Do your research. We had problems last year with Dreams (sorry, Pete) that took a few months to try & resolve. We still ended up without everything that was promised - DCL did not credit our credit card as promised by Dreams but I was worn out from the battle. Finally, don't let the little things ruin an entire vacation - life is short. Live it and find the good in it. (sorry the post is so long!)
Your points are all very valid and I'm in agreement with your attitude! Deep breathing and taking things in stride. That said, it's the very issues you point out about TTC that caused us to decide to give YourRide a shot.

We've had problems with TTC the last two trips--late pick-ups, indifferent driver, etc. I had to laugh about you waiting outside Publix--the same thing happened to us EXCEPT the guy had our two kids in the car (they were older kids not toddlers)! Still, here we are (DH and I) wandering around the Publix parking lot with beer in hand through puddles from a just finished cloudburst and no car anywhere!

When, after five minutes or so, we could see no sign of the car I did begin to become a bit disconcerted since our children were in the vehicle. Finally, after what seemed an eternity but was more like 10-15 minutes, the car comes back down the driveway. He had been driving around talking on the phone, according to our son. Unreal! I wasn't real happy that he was out lollygagging with my kids in the vehicle.

So, while I am not sour (or not too sour anyway), on TTC--giving a new service a try doesn't hurt either. If it doesn't work out, lesson learned. I do believe in loyalty, but I expect it to be appreciated and during my last two trips I didn't feel the love in return from TTC. I guess I will know firsthand in a couple of days! ;)


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