Any January 10, 2004 Eastern Cruisers lurking yet?

Yes...I am still here! Glad the holidays are over, now I can just concentrate on getting ready for the cruise! Must admit, starting to panic a bit about the ressies, excursions filling up, packing the right things, etc... Have never done this for the WHOLE family, usually just me and DH. I think I am on information overload!!
And me too ... Nancy from Toronto ... along with my partner, his sister and her 7-yr old son. We'll try to make it for the get-together ... is it at 2:00 or 1:30??


Originally posted by abitjaded

Rcostello Rob!
Brack and Annette
Steve and Tonya

All? Any lurking?

We'll be there too! We are heading down from Alaska on Tuesday - first trip to Disney World and our first cruise! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!! I have a 4 year old DD and a 5 Year old DS.

I can't find the meet info. Can someone post it? :D
Originally posted by brack
I suggest that Sunday (our 1st full day at sea) around 1:30 to 2:00pm on Deck 10 aft near the Mickey pool and Palo's. I'm bringing my camera and tripod to take a picture which I'll be happy to share. Are there any other suggestions from the rest of the group going? :Pinkbounc :bounce: :hyper:

Brack asked rcostello to add the meet to his spread sheet at 2:00.

missattitude: We rented a car last time and drove all over the St Ms. We went to Dawn Beach, just O.K. snorkeling wise, even though it is supposedly the best the island has, but a nice beach, bit of a drop off and some coral, hard on feet, good services. Grand Case is beautiful, as is Orient (visited on a previous cruise). What are you looking for beach-wise? This time we plan to shop (shop here, much cheaper than St Thomas!!!) in Phillipsburg, then probably just hang at Great Bay Beach. It is hard for us to get too far with my Mom's mobility issues. Last Cruise the Beach looked rather empty and peaceful. We'll see this time, looks like a lot more ships may be in town and I have read it can be nuts, taxi to another beach maybe. We were planning on just getting the boat shuttle bands. Dave has a pretty good index to the beaches.

I pack today!

Thanks....beach wise we are looking for something clean and beautiful and NOT clothing optional.....the kids are so excited about being able to see their feet in the water......going to New Jersey beaches in the summer you only see your feet in about 6 inche of water!!!! Also don't want a clothing optional beach.
Hi All,
We too are looking for a great beach to take the kids to. Ours are DS12, DD 11. My husband has been told Orient is the place to go. I'm not so sure with it being clothing optional. What is the best way to get there? What are everyone's thoughts on renting a car? Maybe check out a few beaches. Thanks!


The wait is almost over:Pinkbounc :bounce:
I'm still around... Trying to soak up my final tidbits before we hit the road! Have to try that Chinese folding laundry video!

Still confused/worried about what type of clothing to bring. I guess a combo? Anyone have hints, suggestions?

Anyone doing the Buck Island Snorkel trip? How about the See & Sea on St. Maarten?

See you real soon!
OK for the first time EVER I am not packing too much. Or at least I think so :)

My non-negotiables are a suit (2-piece) for semi-formal and a jacket for whenever else I need a jacket. I have a tux for formal night. So I am packing a black pair of pants, a shirt for use with the suit and other nights, a 2nd pair of pants good for dinner or while in port

1 suit (jacket and pants)
1 jacket
2 pants
4 shirts (one is tropical, otherwise it would be 3)
2 swimming trunks (one won't do!)
2 shorts

I have to find the right pair of shoes. I had the PERFECT shoes but TSA lost one of those a year ago and I still haven't heard back about getting it replaced. Thanks TSA! They were quite expensive too.

I'm actually planning to wear sandals on most nights. I have nice brown and also black sandals so they are easy and light to pack.

I'm not packing any t-shirts. Just a tank to wear up to the pool. I figure I will buy any t-shirts on the ship or in port. Why pack what I will buy?!?

What are your thoughts? Once I get this packing done I can get back to the spreadsheet..
OK now I remembered...what does one wear to the clubs. There is smoking, right? I don't want to wear smoke-smelling clothes, and if I wear my clothes more than one night, yuck.

Any ideas? I think we usually wore whatever we wore to dinner to the late-night venues. I might pack one extra pair of pants for nighttime.

OK bedtime! I have to get up and fake and bake, then work tomorrow. Then I have to go back to my real job on Monday. No fun!!
Here is a good beach link from Dave's site.

We did not see any nudity at Dawn Beach, but were there pretty early in the day and left soon after lunch time. The beach was quiet and clothed while we were there, mostly snorkelers off the ships. Later, who knows? The French side has a bit more of a rep than the Dutch. Do not go to Orient if you do not want to see unexposed body appendages. One end is a nudist resort, and while it is hard to stumble accidentally into it, you will see "things" on the non-total-nudity-part, too. Long ago, another couple and we went there, because the guys were curious. Sure they saw some "nice" things, but mostly we were all appalled at seeing the people from our cruise ship that were the LAST people who should have been exposing all. It was hard to look at some of these people during the rest of the cruise. Trust me, no pun intended with the word hard.

Rob, you DO NOT want my packing list. Filled four large suitcases and a lime-green mesh dive pack yesterday. Does not include five carry-ons. But basically enough t's and shorts if worn twice, and dress clothes to wear once. Yes, clothes will be smokey from the bars, even the "family interludes between dinner times". Air 'em on your verandah?

For the cruise each of us has a formal outfit, semi-formal outfit (one black suit per guy, different vest and shirt) tropical outfit, and shirts (4) that can be worn to dinner, then next day with shorts (3) or khakis(2). Adults have a Palo outfit. Plus a couple grungy-type t's, a fleece, a windbreaker, sleep stuff, two swimsuits and a plasic baggie poncho, billed caps and visors. And twice as much underwear, when you change clothes a couple times a day...well, you won't have to recycle. What killed me is one large suitcase full of nothing but formal shoes, Teva's, six containers of sunblock, large medicine supply, hand purifier, long extension bar to use the computer on the verandah and all the cosmetic and shave kits. The airline loses that one and we are all in deep-doo-doo.

Buck Island is interesting, we did it last time via a charter. Supposed to see turtles, but we did not.

We are going on the Leylon Sneed to St John, just a teaser. I have always wanted to stay at least a week in one of the camps on St John.

OK that's a big bummer. Last time we docked. I don't wanna tender. WHINE!!!!!!!

Carla you sound like me on my last 7-night cruise. I don't have the energy to do all that packing! :) I've done so much traveling in the past few years I'm all about bringing as little as possible and buying what you forget you need!

I was doing my clothing "matrix" last night and I thought *gasp* what if someone saw me in the same clothes twice. Guess you will have to deal with it. :crazy:

I'm definitely going to pack something extra for the clubs. I hate smoke-smelling clothes, and lets see, oh they forgot to glue on the deck 2 verandahs during dry dock, so putting them out there is no help :p

OK off to purchase toiletries and shoe hangers. Each cabin will get an over-the-door shoe hanger as my personal cabin gift. Ooooh aaaahhh don't all be jealous at once! :teeth:

I see by your cruise counter it's only 5 days!!! til cruisetime. I can't wait. Only 4 more days of work!!!
Originally posted by rcostello1
and lets see, oh they forgot to glue on the deck 2 verandahs during dry dock, so putting them out there is no help :p

Outside or inside? Duct tape instead of glue? If outside, trail 'em out the porthole??? If inside hang 'em on the toilet vent and put it on high???? If neither, stick a hairdryer up 'em and blow??? Or bring along one of those dry-clean baggie and wipe things and toss 'em around in the dryer???? Man, I try all sorts of things to keep my luggage down, but every time I pack really light one of my kids ends up with stomach flu. Let me tell ya about the time we stayed at a Ft. Wilderness cabin and I had to do eight loads of laundry in one week. I'm not kidding, each time the DS, who was 2 at the time, lost it, he managed to get himself and at least one or two adults, too. Then there was the time just DH and I packed really light to train travel through small towns in Southern France and could not find a laundry anywhere. Well, we smelled more and more like natives as the trip wore on...

Note to self, avoid abitjaded's family at all costs...or coat yourself in Purell afterwards :)

just kidding!

OK I have a little purell for each person and the over-the-door shoe hanger thing. clothes ready for the cleaners tomorrow. Packing the toiletries tomorrow. Is it time to go yet?

You know I could always pack some bounce and throw whatever I need freshed up in the dryer. I do that at home sometimes.

Hope to post an updated spreadsheet tomorrow.
Originally posted by rcostello1
Note to self, avoid abitjaded's family at all costs...or coat yourself in Purell afterwards :)

OK I have a little purell for each person

Ah, c'mon. That does not count the many times we travel and I way over-pack and we don't use half of it.

Beat ya. I have a six pack of individul Purells. A medium container in my purse. And two large pump bottles for refill.

We are outta here today. Pop Century here we come. Florida is in the middle of a mild drought again. Watch it pour like the dickens this week. (Our trips to WDW have been very good for drought relief.)

See you all Saturday, er...Sunday!

Have fun at Pop Century! I will be at WDW on Friday.

Now I'm at work. I am doing my best to avoid it :)
Hi everyone! This is our 1st Disney Cruise! Can't wait....only sorry I didn't find this Cruise Meet page sooner! We are leaving New York on Friday......I've been totally packed for about a week! No joke. We have the late seating dinner and since my mom is a Disney castmember we have no idea what cabin we will have until we check in on Saturday.....hoping for the best.

I wish everyone a safe, healthy and MAGICAL vacation!
OK I posted an update to my spreadsheet. The link is the same:

Just keep in mind the spreadsheet is highlighting mostly adult things since we have no kids in my group. And since bingo and eating is the only real reason to cruise :crazy:, this helps coordinate all of that.

I remember last time being agitated because we had already booked brunch or tea and later found out some other activity was conflicting.

I used the August and November navigators to make the sheet and not much had changed as far as activities and/or their times. I added the drink of the day :) cause my people keep asking me about it. They are not referring to their cruise binder **grumble**

The dining rotation listed is LAPLAPL. If I don't get LAPLAPL I will die. I didn't really want that one, but since it seems that's what we get I've adjusted to it. So if I end up with PLAPLAP or APLAPLA I want to be prepared. Leave nothing to chance!

Except the excursions, still haven't booked those. Oh well, there is always next time. Might go again in May with some other folks.

Lastly, the "notes" at the top are mine...I forgot to hide them. I hid Friday so you don't have to look at my boring travel schedule.

Oh, and if something isn't right let me know, but I don't claim responsibility :) I can only go by the old navigators and what we all read here.



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