Any Magic Halloween Cruisers 2003 out there?

Ah! I get ya now! It doesn't really take much to confuse me though! So you mean a table for all of us here? Or am I confused again?!

If no1 else can, I could try the whole info gathering thing but this is the girl who nearly blew up the school when trying to use a sewing machine!
You got it!
I have to change from cash to points today so I'll have the new numbers later. You nearly blew up the school with the sewing machine. Okay, DAHLING, you are now officially out of the "Seamstress" career field! We will have to let Jan take over!!!
(Isn't it nice the way I volunteer her! Considering I was assuming she was coming with us on this cruise and she isn't?) I think I should kidnap her and bring her anyway!

Buzz&Woody's Mom - welcome to the club!!!!!! The tag fairy and monitor had to help me when I was trying to post Kayla's memorial - I tried and really messed stuff up!!! Hey, as "Desiderata" states, "even the dull & ignorant .....have their story". My middle name is "computer ignorant but chatty on line"!!

My husband says if I compile the info, he will help me post it. So I'm going to get this going - maybe tomorrow!

Do they do tables that big?

I don't think Ill even start on what happened when I used the drill in woodwork. Or what happened when I made cheese on toast. Oh and there was the time when we were making copper sulphate crystals in science...

We're apparently due some snow tomorrow morning. I hope it doesn't cause a problem with getting to London on Friday. I found my form, somehow I'd put it in my maths book and I thought it would be a good idea to leave it there for safe keeping. I then handed my maths book in!

Today's quote
"If you want him, come and claim him!"
Tables that big? Oh yeah!!!!
And I am definitely kidnapping Jan!

I bet we all have those "school stories" - I remember once when the science prof said, "Now don't look at the flame!" and I shouted out, "Wow! Look at that!" I guess I didn't hear him and everybody turned to look - ohhh, did he ever get upset with me!!

Anyone working on a costume yet? I want to be something big and fluffy - (comfortable). I'm going to have to check on some ideas and maybe talk my Mom into doing some sewing!!

I think I'm going with a renaissance gown. I found some beautiful ones on Ebay. It'll be so fun to have an excuse to dress up for Halloween.

Also, although I have no kids (unless you count husband, and he would definately count), I would be very interested in participating in a trick or treat.

Fluffy costumes? What about Pooh or Baloo?
We will also be there :-) Myself (28) Dh (30), DS 8, DD 7 and DS 4. I will be more than likely leaving newest DS at home, who will be 5 months by then :-) We are all very excited and I wanna go NOW! LOL
Ohhh, I love Sully! And he is so big and fuzzy!
My DS (Michael) can be Mike! What a great idea! You rock, girl!!

Carolyn1023 - Renaissance Gown! Ohhhh, that sounds lovely! Don't you just LOVE E-bay!
Heck yeah, trick or treat - we are all kids with Disney!

Welcome dzneprincess and family - we all echo that "we want to go now" feeling!!! Start thinking "costumes"!!!!!

Rose Greenthumb - DAHLING! Remember Frodo lives! But Emma rocks!

Well it is actually funny because I was sitting here at the PC reading your thread about a fluffly costume and at that exact moment my 20 month old DS was running a huge Tonka dump truck over my feet with you guessed it a stuffed Sulley in the dump part of the truck..........define inspiration from a 20 month old :)

Last year my boys were Buzz & Woddy, this year since we will be on the cruise I was thinking Captain Hook and Peter Pan??? MY 5 year old DS wants me to be Wendy and his Nana (my MIL) to be Tinker Bell............that would be kinda not good :)
Welcome Disneydeb!
I love these mother-daughter trips - but of course, in this case, I'm the daughter (48) and Mom's the Mom (74) and Michael is my DS (8).
Mom and I love the Rainforest and she plans on camping out there during this cruise. Except for hitting the dessert table but she's a wisp of a woman and it won't bother her at all.

Buzz&Woody'smom - I love your inspiration - hey, fluffy and comfortable - Sully works! I usually do a ugly witch. I tried Elvira but that really wasn't working for me!!!

My Michael wants to be a pirate. Maybe I could be Mr. Sneed? He was pretty comfortable looking!

I love the Peter Pan idea - everybody gets to be part of it. Hey, wasn't there a dog in it? Maybe I could do the dog! HAHAHA! I don't think I could get down on all fours like I could in the "old days" - I'm feeling older than Mom lately!

Dzneprincess - aren't some of them outrageous?! It's "food for thought".

We did Trick or Treating last year as I recall, that worked out really well.

I was thinking I could go as Rose Greenthumb for halloween. Those of you that don't know, my name is actually Emma, Rose Greenthumb is my hobbit name.

Today's quote is
"What grace is given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared."

Phew, for a moment there it looked like the washing machine had eaten one of my Hello Kitty socks! That really would have been a disaster.

We were singing Dream A Little Dream today in choir and I could just see a whole load of pigs ballet dancing to it. Mind you, I do think my RE teacher looks like an apple. It's no wonder people think Im phsyco really!

Well I really have to go and pack my stuff for London and do my maths homework which is in for first thing monday morning (Oh how I love my maths teacher!).
DAHLING! You definitely need this vacation - enjoy the theater!!

I think the story of the psycho substitute tops the choir director one!

You have to get packing and I've got to stop procrastinating on getting my taxes done! AGGHHH! Don't ever grow up, Emma - it's not as much fun!

buzz&woodysmom - You and your mom could always dress up as two of the lost boys, that would keep with the Peter Pan theme.

Emma- Don't read this post now - you should be packing and doing homework. However, I just wanted to tell you to have a wonderful trip. And - forgive my ignorance because I have yet to see either of TLOTR movies - is Rose_Greenthumb an actual hobbit or one that "matches" your name?

Rae - Loved the costume page. There are some really cute ideas. Last year I dressed my husband all in black and sewed Barbie dolls all over him. He was a chick magnet.
I think I'm going to break down and try some spa stuff this time. Sounds relaxing and so many people have good things to say about it.

disneydeb - Welcome to the post.

dzneprincess - I agree with you about wanting to go now! Several of the guys I work with every day think it's funny that I know how many days are left til we leave. Don't they know this is important business?
Carolyn1023 - My Mom grow up around Scranton, PA. It will be nice to hear about the changes in the area.
Ohh, I loved the "chick magnet" - what a hoot! Great idea!

I have purchased a lot of spa products and am very pleased with them STILL! And I am using them (unlike the Mary Kay makeup I tried). I have some favorites (Instant Refreshing Gel and Musclease) and I like their facial products (cleaning and moisturizing).

I am still trying to talk Mom into doing a costume but she's a rather shy person and I don't think she will. I do have some time to work on her - maybe I'll get Michael to ask - the magic of the Grandchild at work!

You're right! I really should not be here but I couldn't resist checking the board one more time! And anyway, Im nearly packed!

Rose Greenthumb is the hobbit name that matches with mine. The name generator is
if anyone wants to try it.

You heard about the psyco substitute teacher thing from Jan then? He just went off on one about Osama Bin Laden and showed us a photo of him with some1 he claimed was Bin Laden! Well he hasn't been seen at all this week so I don't know what happened to him...

My friends all think Im mad because I count down to things Im excited about. When we went to Venice with the choir last year I knew exactly how long it was till we were going. I think they're rather glad we don't have any dates for China as of yet!

Well Im going now, I just remembered whilst reading Rae's message that I haven't sorted my wash stuff out yet!
Glad the psycho sub is gone. You think maybe he went away with the men wearing white jackets?!

Enjoy your trip, Emma!!

I tried the Hobbit name site....thanks so much! It was great!!!!

By the way, I'm a cowardly Nazgul - name "Angelica Bushey from Willowbottom" and my Orkish name is "Grimzog the Sly".

I tried my son Michael:
He's a world famous Harfoot - name "Polo Fields from Oatbarten" and his Orkish name is "Burzgork the Tearer".

I think I like being Grimzog the Sly!!!!!
And Michael is definitely "Burzgork the TERROR"!



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