Any MISTAKES made on past trips?

minnie_ears said:
i will NOT allow anyone to insist that a group of 5 or more of us must stay together throughout the parks.
Same here!
minnie_ears said:
i will NOT allow anyone to insist that a group of 5 or more of us must stay together throughout the parks.
OMG minnie ears!!! My Bugsy looks just like your fir kid except black!!!
looks like the same size too! :dog:
My biggest mistake was also packing WAY too many snacks!! I think DH :smooth: and I were snacking for :blush: a good two months!!!
However, what I did pack right...single serving cereal bowls from Target
(97 cents each, bought milk at the Screen Door shop, we are not big
breakfast eaters, certainly not 3 squares a day folks!) And a bag of
ground coffee, melita filters (what size do we buy again???) sugar pkts,
Mini Moo creamers, Disney does not support my AM caffeine urges (only ONE
cup a morning!!! :coffee: I call that just a good start!!! :goodvibes
Ok, you want to know about mistakes? We went to Fla. on our honeymoon. Mistake #1 -- We went in June. HOT! Mistake #2 -- Only packed 1 pair of shorts, and 1 tee-shirt, because I moved all my stuff in the week of the wedding, didn't have time to unpack, and couldn't find anything else. Therefore in all the pictures, I'm wearing the same thing, and it looks like we did everything in one day. Mistake #3 -- husband not so into Disney, so I had to do alot of talking to convice him to go in the first place, and then I wanted to do everything, in two days. I should have just relaxed and just kind of toured. I've been there a dozen times, and he's only been once, so I should have kicked back a bit, and not tried to run so much. Anyway, hope that helps!
I just thought of something else. The family I used to babysit for used to save up all the change they found, either in their pockets, or pennies on the ground, etc. in a jar, and use it for spending money for the kids (they have 4). You wouldn't believe how much it adds up when you use a big jar. When it was full, they turned it into paper $$, and the kids could spend it in the parks. If you use it for buying snacks, it would cut down on what you need to lug through the parks. That was another mistake we made. Too much outside food.
I just love this thread!!

psiprez said:
OK - there must be SOMETHING you did, or packed, or bought, on your last trip that you would never do again.

Our mistake was trying for that oft-recommended afternoon nap break back at the resort, before heading back to the park. We left MK at 5pm, and planned to return later for fireworks and E-Ride Nite. The dip in the pool we took was refreshing, but the nap was impossible. The extreme hassle of going back to the resort, then rushing back to MK, zapped any benefit of the break!

We went in July and did this and it was a life saver for the three of us! Always went back to the resort around 2 p.m. and back on the bus at around 5 p.m. We only napped the first day because of jet lag but the daily afternoon break in a/c was a nice respite! If we had stayed at any park in the hot humid July weather we would probably have gone back to our resort at dinner time and missed the evening fireworks and shows.

Anyway...I wish that I brought at least one casual skirt and a pair of sandals for dinner at Cali Grill (I only brought shorts and athletic shoes). Although there were others dressed in shorts and athletic shoes I would have felt more "appropriate" dressed a bit nicer.

Also, I we never used our cool down neck thingy's because we felt it was too combersome and except for one day at AK, never really needed it.

Biggest mistake was taking a Bonine the first day just so I could ride Expedition Everest! It made me so drowsy and fussy that I didn't want to go on any rides at all! Kind of ruined my first AK experience!
biggest mistakes are packing loads of clothes and only wearing half of them!
also eating too often in the fast food outlets and not trying the table service restaurants :blush: [i do love my cheeseburgers and fries].
we are definitely gonna try the restaurants this time!
leave on sunday!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Don't go in June if you are not into heat waves. :furious:
chip n dale fans said:
biggest mistakes are packing loads of clothes and only wearing half of them!
! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Every time I read this, I think - maybe you should wear clothes more often!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Sorry, I know this isn't what you mean - I couldn't help myself. :rotfl: :rotfl:
chip n dale fans said:
biggest mistakes are packing loads of clothes and only wearing half of them!
also eating too often in the fast food outlets and not trying the table service restaurants :blush: [i do love my cheeseburgers and fries].
we are definitely gonna try the restaurants this time!
leave on sunday!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Do you wear them 1/2 the time... or 1/2 at a time... You know , shirt one day, shorts the next? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
One of my mistakes - buying the cinderella castle cross-stitch kit for $45 instead of the beautiful $150 tapestry with the same picture on it because I was "saving" money and it would be just as nice when it was done (although much smaller). Of course, I won't find the time to even start the cross-stitch until my kids are in college, lol! Only 17 more years to wait! :rotfl:

Another mistake - telling my 6 yr old and 1-1/2 yr old daughters that we would come back to visit the princesses later on when the line got shorter and then running out of time without getting back there! I still feel REALLY guilty about this one!! :guilty: :guilty:
Not joining the Disney vacation club 10 years ago.

Waiting until this last trip to turn in my MYW ticket for an annual pass.

Waiting so long to Take wonderful friends to WDW, our best trip ever. (We have fabulous friends, and we are all charming, what can I say?) It worked for us!
Let me see............going with my always complaining mother, wearing bad fitting shoes and ending up buying new shoes (which rubbed the blisters even worse, lol), staying offsite without a car at a hotel in the middle of nowhere, and spending only two park days, the list goes on...............

psiprez said:
OK - there must be SOMETHING you did, or packed, or bought, on your last trip that you would never do again.

Yes....I'll tell you all what I brought on my last trip that I shouldn't have...

my IN-LAW'S!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: That'll never happen again!!! :furious:

I must've been crazy :crazy:
I've read most of the thread and haven't seen this one yet....

My biggest mistake is not scheduling an extra day of vacation (from work) at the end of my trip to "recover" from my vacation. I always come home exhausted and then off to work I go. Ick! I guess I haven't learned my lesson because I'm doing it again this time, lol! Gotta stretch those vaca days!
I'm delving into some great old threads and bumping them forward. Enjoy!
:goodvibes lessee, going with my Nephew....didn't totally ruin the trip, but in every park we heard almost continuously..."can we go back to the hotel and swim????" Next trip will be just DH and me.
not going on the Safari tour thing at AK
Not taking more pictures
Taking the video camera. ( I never feel like I'm "THERE" when I'm taping, so busy worrying about framing, etc. )
wish we could take a longer trip, but that is EVERY vacation:goodvibes

oh, and learned YEARS ago...always ALWAYS have a 'day off' after the vacation before going back to work.


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