Any other American Idol fans?

Well, I have to say that I actually thought Kelli was entertaining though I agree that she should have been the one to go last night. Of course, I also can't stand Paris and was doing the happy dance last week when Ace got voted off. I couldn't stand him. Paris is next on my most annoying list. I really like Taylor,I think he is a super entertainer and really loves what he is doing. I also think Katharine is an excellent singer but has a huge butt, or she just wears unflattering clothing! Chris really isn't that great to me. I think he's interesting but I don't love his singing, its all the same to me and obvious that he's played a lot of bars as that is what he reminds me of. Elliott is okay I do agree that he's a good singer with a totally different style, but I don't think he's gonna go the distance. I hope Paris is the next one off. Go Taylor!!
Kelli was entertaining, so now it's up to Taylor to entertain us! I am so glad Simon apologized to Katharine. I thought she was great. Paris should go next!
I'm calling SHANANAGINS on TPTB with what they are doing to Taylor. :sad2:

I know they can't change the way the votes come out but they certainly can manipulate the way the viewers see the contestants.

Nigel admitted last night that for the second time they changed their mind and told Taylor he was not allowed to do the song he had picked and practiced one day before the show was to go on. Frankly, I'm shocked he admitted it and said that Taylor did very well considering how he had 24 hours to start over.

They did it country night because his "Hank Williams Jr. didn't have the image that AI wanted to portray" so they made him change one day out. Like some of the contestants they have on there (I'm looking at you Scott Savol) weren't just as bad?

And then with the love songs, one day out "You can't do Try a Little Tenderness because we don't think Bocelli would sing a song like that". Oh please, like Bocelli would sing that cheesefest of a Bryan Adams song? (Disclaimer - Chris did well with that cheesefest of a song though. Just talking about how they were being so high and mighty on Taylors choice)

And lets see, Chris has had the pimp spot 3 times. Taylor hasn't had it since back around the top 24 - I think it was "Levon" week?

Plus they make him do that childish "pick a group" nonsense and tell him on the break that he HAS to do it they way they tell him. No standing in the middle like they let Bo do.

I know they want Chris to win, its certainly no secret. But for goodness sake, let Taylor last as long as he can without the childish crap of pulling his songs last minute. If the public likes him and votes for him, then so be it. The manipulation has gone a little too far though.

Okay.. off my soapbox now :teeth:
MeanLaureen said:
I'm calling SHANANAGINS on TPTB with what they are doing to Taylor. :sad2:

I know they can't change the way the votes come out but they certainly can manipulate the way the viewers see the contestants.

Nigel admitted last night that for the second time they changed their mind and told Taylor he was not allowed to do the song he had picked and practiced one day before the show was to go on. Frankly, I'm shocked he admitted it and said that Taylor did very well considering how he had 24 hours to start over.

They did it country night because his "Hank Williams Jr. didn't have the image that AI wanted to portray" so they made him change one day out. Like some of the contestants they have on there (I'm looking at you Scott Savol) weren't just as bad?

And then with the love songs, one day out "You can't do Try a Little Tenderness because we don't think Bocelli would sing a song like that". Oh please, like Bocelli would sing that cheesefest of a Bryan Adams song? (Disclaimer - Chris did well with that cheesefest of a song though. Just talking about how they were being so high and mighty on Taylors choice)

And lets see, Chris has had the pimp spot 3 times. Taylor hasn't had it since back around the top 24 - I think it was "Levon" week?

Plus they make him do that childish "pick a group" nonsense and tell him on the break that he HAS to do it they way they tell him. No standing in the middle like they let Bo do.

I know they want Chris to win, its certainly no secret. But for goodness sake, let Taylor last as long as he can without the childish crap of pulling his songs last minute. If the public likes him and votes for him, then so be it. The manipulation has gone a little too far though.

Okay.. off my soapbox now :teeth:

Please don't get off your soap box! Where did your info come from? Ya know, it just goes to show that the "reality" isn't really real. I have always wondered about the counts for the votes, since it seems there is no regulation agency to watch what they do...and the public is never told the actual numbers.

I can't believe they would let someone practice for a week, and then tell them no...doesn't someone have to approve things from the begining? Wonder how many others have had their songs changed the day before? That must really mess with your confidence.
That makes me mad. And when they pick their favorite and make sure that person wins (last year it was SO obvious with Carrie) it's not really fair to the others. Who knows if Bo really did get more votes than Carrie but she fit the AI image better so she "won". Does that make any sense?
I have to say I LOVED his first song...he had me laughing and smiling. And the second song I thought he did really well. If that was a last minute change of song for him again, he did great! I just think he has the best personality of them all! :teeth: I hope I get home in time tonight to see the show!

Chris wasn't that good for me last night. Katharine was OK, and she is a really pretty girl, but her first song was not well done at all. I thought Elliot did well, and there is a really niche for him, but not sure if he is really "Idol" material. Paris is just annoying to me, but she can sing well.

Go Taylor :cheer2:
It's getting hard but I thought Taylor was great and fun!

Kathryn's first song had me cringing in the beginning then the 2nd was really good. Chris was just the opposite - good first number, not-so-good 2nd.

Elliot, who I've liked, was boring and I don't really know what to think about Paris.

My prediction is that it'll be Paris and Elliot in the bottom 2 and Paris will go home
I think it'll be Paris and Katherine in the bottom 2 and Paris will go home.

And Chris wasn't that great for me last night either. Elliot and Katherine were ok, Paris's 2nd song was good but her first was aweful, and Taylor was awesome!
Taylor was awesome the other night! I'm listening to a bunch of MP3s of his performances that I have burnt to a CD with headphones and like him or not, the guy has an awesome voice. When I listened back to "Something" on the CD, there was a part of it that gave me chills!

Paris was definitely ready to go. She probably wouldn't have handled Elvis week coming up next too well.
Any predictions from last night's competition? Mine is Kathryn & Chris in the bottom 2 - Kathryn leaving.
Based on performance I would think Kathryn and Chris in the bottom two but I have a feeling voting wise that it will be Kathryn and Elliot in the bottom with Kathyrn going home. Then next week it will be Elliot going home and leaving Taylor and Chris in the final. I just don't think that Elliot has the fan base that the other two have.
:eek: is predicting Kathryn & Chris in bottom 2. With Chris :eek: :faint: :confused: :sad1: going home~~ I am shocked ! I had him pegged to be one of the last 2!! And he's so darn cute!! :blush:

:cheer2: :cool1: Go Taylor!! Go Taylor!! :cool1: :cheer2:
Next to go home...Elliot. I don't think I want an Idol who looks like :scared: and sounds awful...I swear, I don't know what the judges are hearing, but the vibrato has my teeth on edge.

Oh, I loved Chris, but he didn't top out Taylor. And Katharine? She can go home now, too.
lewdyan1 said:
I think the same two will be in the bottom, but that Chris is going home.

:thumbsup2 You got that one right...

I have to say I loved everyones face when it was Chris...too funny! I was really worried when they had Taylor do that extra song...I was thinking that was it for him. But maybe he is getting so many calls that they just HAD to show him again? I know it took FOREVER for me to get through ...flash...redial... busy... flash...redial...busy... flash...redial...busy... flash...redial...busy...

and on and on it went...

:cheer2: :cheer2: Go Taylor :cheer2: :cheer2:
I was at a point that I really liked all 4 of them for different reasons but Chris was my least favorite. Someone said here that all of his songs started to sound the same and I agree.

The clincher for me this am was watching his live interview on Fox where he sounded so arrogant. He didn't comment on the others or wish them well, something that Paris and Bucky did (those were the only other interviews I saw) and he acted like he was the only one that had any talent.

I'm betting on Taylor and Elliot for the final 2.


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