Any Single Disney Women Out There?

Tell me about it - when I get email notices that there's been a post on a thread I'm watching - I get 2-3-4 notices for the same post. No big deal - makes it look like I'm more popular than I am - getting more emails every day!!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hey Susan,

I didn't plan on not being able to drive. I suffered a 20-hole retinal detachment in my right eye (and a two-hole tear in my left) when, on Tuesday, August 5, 1980, I broke the water in a swimming pool headfirst from a three-meter board. Spent nine days in Wills Eye Hospital in Philly; had ninety minutes of surgery on my right eye on August 8, 1980; spent my 17th birthday in hospital two days later; had a ten-minute operation on my left eye on August 13, 1980; and was forbidden by my surgeon to take driver's ed.

Fortunately I live near Philadelphia and my hometown has a PATCO High Speedline (commuter train between Jersey and Philly) station. I get around by walking, taking public transit, getting rides from friends, and/or (a last resort) taking cabs.

It makes dating very difficult because staying home is much easier than meeting someone.

Jim, who likes women more than they like him.
Disneyfan63 said:
staying home is much easier than meeting someone.

I know I feel this way too. By the time I come home from work, make dinner, and clean up it's almost 8:30. I'm so sick of going to bars etc. Match has worked well for me in the past, but it's been slow going this time around.

There has to be a better way! Maybe the disboards are it. Since we're swapping myspaces, mine is

Question: Has anyone met his/her spouse on the disboards?
Try I think there are several people reasonably active in chat from Jersey and at least you can be sure of a Disney interest.

So far I have actually met six people from DisMates.
So, I guess the short answer to the original question is, Yes! There's lots of single Disney-loving women hanging out around here. The bigger question is, where do you go from there? :wizard:
CoasterAddict said:
So, I guess the short answer to the original question is, Yes! There's lots of single Disney-loving women hanging out around here. The bigger question is, where do you go from there? :wizard:

I would agree with many of you, especially the dismates fans, that there appear to be more single Disney women than single Disney males. This appears to be the case here in Connecticut. Most of the Disney women I have met on-line have been married, or very much involved with someone...or not interested in a 46 y.o. male. Regardless, it is fun to read the posts from other Disney fans.

As far as going down to WDW as a solo, I have done it in the past, and will do it again this coming November. I remind people that there is always room for a single on the rides...LOL
hello everyone,
Happy 4th! I am a single Disgirl and con't wait to talk to other Disney addicts. Just got back from Animal Kingdom Lodge- 2 nights, and already I want to plan my next trip. I looked at Dismeets, too- will probably join there, too.
Anyway, looking forward to sharing stories and plans with you all-

If you're driving north, Dave, head on over to Ontario!

I'm a single, just turned 50 (and celebrated my birthday in WDW, naturally) and a big Disney fan. My next trip will probably be the end of November/early December as long as my finances work out (I am actually having the furnace in my house replaced TODAY - that's what all that banging noise is in the background! - so that's where my vacation money has gone, but I am hoping to be able to save up some more and still do that trip).

I'd love to find a single guy who loves Disney World as much as I do.

I'm a single Disney woman, 40 years young, headed back home in AUG to the world, can't wait, only going with one son this time. The other decided he wants to stay and work at his pizza job??? Priorities young man, priorities, I need to talk to him,lol...
But yes, there are plenty of single Disney women out there, we just seem to be scattered a bit far across the US for the guys maybe?
I want a Midwest or Northern meet, who's with me?
Im way up in MI but would travel down to Ohio or somewhere there abouts....anyone up for a meet sometime this year for us Northern/Midwest Dispeople? :goodvibes :grouphug: :wizard:
I'm from Ohio. Single mom (slightly over 50). If you get a meet together, I'll be there. Going back to Disney in September.
Ok, if anyone is interested in a meet in like OH, or even MI..let me know, send me a message and what month works for you....
Late August, early Sept?
Heard from one person so far...anyone else,just let me know!
Would be fun to meet at Cedar Point for a day, that place is so great for coasters..would be fun...
anyone else in?


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