Anybody *not* planning a trip?

We went twice this last year, once in August and once in April. My family is all "Disney-ed" out. They would rather spend the week at a beach:scared1: than one at WDW (shudder). So, no trip :(

I am hoping to talk them into a trip that has both, since Florida has beaches!!!! I keep saying what the heck are we going to do on the beach for a whole week? Much more to do at WDW.

I still come here though because I can live vicariously through other people. :rotfl:
I have been to Disney over the years kind of hit & miss. DH and I have been the last two years though in Sept taking advantage of the disney dining. This year we won't be going as I am taking my first cruise with some friends. I will miss it and wish I could afford to do both!
I totally understand where the OP is coming from. We are going to Disney next month, but our last trip was in 2004. The trip before that was in 2002. I usually don't visit dis unless we have a trip in the works. It is depressing to read about everyone's trips when you don't have one in the works.
no trip planned for the near future. I went 3 times in less than 2 years, twice in the year 2010. I am hoping to convince DH to start long term planning a December 2011 trip, but we are TTC, so it is pretty hard to make long term plans right now.
We won't be able to go again until 2012 and if I hadn't promised my DD6 back when she was 4 that we would go when she's 8, I don't know when that next trip would have ever happened. Here it is almost 2 years out from when we're going and I'm constantly putting back $20, $50, anything so I'll be able to make good on my promise! I know I'll go back someday, just not exactly sure when that day will be. So, always plan! I know where I want us to eat, and where I don't want us to eat, I'm narrowing down our choice or resorts, I've already priced rental cars because I don't know if I want to fly next trip or just drive! I've decided to drive straight through on the way down but I'm looking for places to stay on the way back...All of this for a trip that's still 22 months from now!!! Plan now and you'll be ready when the time finally comes for that next trip! And it helps kill the time in-between.

If a trip is not financially in the cards for you in 2012 don't go just because you told a child you would. Children are very resillent and I am sure she would be happy doing something cheaper as long as she is with her family. My children are 5,6,8 and my husband was out of work this year. We haad a put off a lot things they really wanted to do. We found other less expensive options and they were just as happy - they just want to spend quality time with their parents.

Good Luck :)
We aren't going back until 2012. Though our first trip was fun and magical we want to wait until our kids are a little older (We took them at 2 and 4). The 2012 trip will also include my parents and my sister's family. So I'm doing a little planning at the moment since none of them have ever been.
Pineapple Whip.... you are my inspiration! :lmao:

Did you really just quit your job and move to Orlando??? And what has happened since? Do you get to go to Disney a lot now? No more depression over leaving?? Please share MORE!:thumbsup2
Nothing for a while here either. I have a six month old and one on the way. I'd have to say our next Disney trip will be when they are 3 & 4. I have a long ways to go!

pssst...under three is free....all the more reason to go sooner than later :banana:
For the last 6 years we have been 14 times!!! This is the first time we really have no trips in the works. I'd love to go but the kids are burned out and I just had eye surgery. It is killing me because we have the FD pin that we could use for our annual Thanksgiving trip. So instead I just read (or try to) the DIS.
For the last 6 years we have been 14 times!!! This is the first time we really have no trips in the works. I'd love to go but the kids are burned out and I just had eye surgery. It is killing me because we have the FD pin that we could use for our annual Thanksgiving trip. So instead I just read (or try to) the DIS.

I went to disneyworld quite a bit when I was a kid. Now that I am nearly 30 its not quite the same. I find that going less helps me renew my appreciation for the parks. In the meantime I find myself doing other travels. Oftentimes, my trips remind me of special memories from Epcot. For example, in San Antonio I found parts of the River Walk at night reminded me of the 3 Cabelleros ride in the Mexican Pavilion. When I went to Italy I saw the Trevi Fountain and that brought me right back to the Italy Pavilion.

These experiences will hold me over until the next time I visit Orlando. Actually, I am pretty curious to visit Disneyland and Tokyo Disney.
We have been the past 4 Junes. (saved and paid in advance for these trips) No trip is planned at this time. We really need to stay home. We need new living room furniture, I would like to redo the kitchen floor and we have a cc to pay off. So, unless I come into some money, we won't be going for awhile. :sad2: I want to go in Jan, for our anniversary. I figured it up, and I still would need about $1,500 for a 4 day trip. Just can't do it right now.
I also agree that if a trip is not financially in the cards for you, don't go. We had to explain to our children that we just could not afford to go because of financial circumstances.

We did do a special Florida vacation a year later than originally planned, but even then we had to make several modification due to finances (we did almost no Disney stuff, only Busch-owned parks, stayed off site, we went to museums that had reciprocation agreements, we made lunches, shopped at Aldi’s, drove our own car, etc…)

We talked a lot to the kids about what they wanted to do and what we could afford and worked it out. Surprisingly, we managed to get most of their wish lists accomplished without as much expense as you might think.

We may someday go back to Disney, but we have been able to do a lot with what we have in the present.

nick mom of 3 - thanks for the congrats! Teaching jobs in Connecticut are extremely hard to get, especially for new teachers. After a three-year combination of college, low-pay, “experience” jobs and various “get your foot in the door” jobs, it was a real thrill to sit in my own classroom for the first time this week.
My husband actually said to me the other day, "From now on I guess we can send you on your own!" I was pretty excited because I would get to go but I would like to go with my family. Would I go on my own? Yes. But I would be lonely. But I would get more done without them!:lmao:
My husband actually said to me the other day, "From now on I guess we can send you on your own!" I was pretty excited because I would get to go but I would like to go with my family. Would I go on my own? Yes. But I would be lonely. But I would get more done without them!:lmao:

I'll go with you. Lol. It kind of sounds like heaven to go without. Sssshhh. Don't tell them I said that.
This thread would be a better fit on the theme parks community board, so I'm going to move it there now.
We had gone the last three years (and each year we thought it would be it and there wouldn't be another!)...however for sure there isn't a trip this year cause we are saving to buy a house. However, we are also saving for a vacation next year! Sometimes it does make me miss Disney all the more when I visit the DIS boards regularly....but it also makes me all the more motivated to sticking to my budget, getting a house, and saving more for vacation!


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