Anyone concerned about getting the swine flu?


Earning My Ears
Nov 18, 2007

Is anyone concerned about possibly catching the swine flu at disneyland? Large crowds and people traveling from all other. Also, close to san diego county.
I have celiac and other health issues. I cannot take flu shots as they contain egg. I would be incapacitaded for a month if I got the flu.

I am not going to worry about swine flu. I am at more risk of getting some other flu from guests than that. I am not living my life in fear. Maybe I should never leave my house if I was afraid of the flu because then I could get paranoid about other stuff like AIDS. I could become a basket case unable to move from my house or I could be doing donuts in my ECV and enjoying life.:woohoo:
I am not particularly concerned. But considering you asked, I actually was thinking about it just today, and whether or not I might catch it when I'm down in LA.

Personally, I really don't think so. I remember the avian flu outbreak and SARs, and how big of a deal WHO made that out to be. I'm not saying it's not a big deal, but if we hope for the best, it will be contained and quickly.
I have celiac and other health issues. I cannot take flu shots as they contain egg. I would be incapacitaded for a month if I got the flu.

I am not going to worry about swine flu. I am at more risk of getting some other flu from guests than that. I am not living my life in fear. Maybe I should never leave my house if I was afraid of the flu because then I could get paranoid about other stuff like AIDS. I could become a basket case unable to move from my house or I could be doing donuts in my ECV and enjoying life.:woohoo:

Yes but the difference between AIDS and Swine Flu is that AIDS is not airborne. In other words, you have to have an exchange of body fluids to get AIDS. With Swine Flu, all you have to do is breathe in the air space of someone who is infected. Everyone gives off microscopic spit and germs attached to that spit every time they breathe in and out. The current flu shot doesn't protect against Swine Flu, so a flu shot would be pointless.
Personally, I really don't think so. I remember the avian flu outbreak and SARs, and how big of a deal WHO made that out to be. I'm not saying it's not a big deal, but if we hope for the best, it will be contained and quickly.
Umm, many people died of the avian flu outbreak and SARS. Maybe not in this country, but in other countries. The Bird Flu and SARS were considered pandemic. If the WHO is making a big deal out of it, it's because they don't want the disease to become pandemic. 68 people died of it in Mexico which is just across the border from Cali (and many other states). Imagine how many people are crossing everyday from Mexico to the U.S. carrying the virus. How man y are on planes, trains and in cars that are carrying/infecting others as I write this? 7 people now in Cali were infected with it. The testing shows that it's the exact same strain of flu as the one that killed all those people in Mexico. I'd say that is something that people need to be concerned about. They are recommending on CNN tha people wear face masks if they are coughing or sneezing to protect others around them from geting sick, and of course to wash hands vigilantly. Also, they are saying if you have a cough or are sneezing and have had any other symptoms like fever that you should go to the DR immediately.

Twenty-two students and three teachers in New Zealand, who returned from a three-week-long language trip to Mexico, may have been infected with the swine flu virus, officials said Sunday.

The suspected infections in New Zealand follow reports that a deadly new strain of the virus cropped up in more places in the United States and Mexico on Saturday.

The World Health Organization is calling the virus "a public health emergency of international concern."

Gregory Hartl, of the World Health Organization, said the strain of the virus seen in Mexico is worrisome because it has mutated from older strains.
"Any time that there is a virus which changes ... it means perhaps the immunities the human body has built up to dealing with influenza might not be adjusted well enough to dealing with this new virus," Hartl said. He said that, in Mexico, otherwise young, healthy people have been hit by the virus -- "one of the pieces of the puzzle that is worrying us," he said.

Mexico City has closed all of its schools and universities until further notice because of the virus.

More than 1,300 people with flu-like symptoms have been admitted to hospitals in Mexico, and officials are trying to determine how many of them have swine flu, said Jose Cordova Villalobos, the country's health minister.

The H1N1 strain of swine flu is usually associated with pigs. When the flu spreads person-to-person, instead of from animals to humans, it can continue to mutate, making it a tougher strain that is harder to treat or fight off.
The United States had not issued any travel warnings or quarantines.

But US Airways said Saturday night it would allow passengers to change plans if they wanted to because of the outbreak.

Airline spokeswoman Michelle Mohr said it was not asking people not to travel to Mexico, but wanted to "give them that flexibility" if "they don't feel comfortable."

The Canadian Public Health Agency had issued a travel health notice, saying, "The Public Health Agency of Canada is tracking clusters of severe respiratory illness with deaths in Mexico." Symptoms of swine flu include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, the CDC said.
We are in New Zealand and it is headline news over here. I am gutted as we are meant to be leaving for our Disneyland trip in 11 days time. I guess we will have to see what happens over the next week or so .
Yes but the difference between AIDS and Swine Flu is that AIDS is not airborne. In other words, you have to have an exchange of body fluids to get AIDS. With Swine Flu, all you have to do is breathe in the air space of someone who is infected. Everyone gives off microscopic spit and germs attached to that spit every time they breathe in and out. The current flu shot doesn't protect against Swine Flu, so a flu shot would be pointless.
Please read my post again.

I was saying that if we panic over one thing then it will be another and another and another until we are germaphobic and living locked in our house afraid that the postman will contaminate our mail, that the proselytizers who come to our house will engulf us in germs and that the groceries will have germs from strangers. We can fear one disease but if allowed to run amok then we can start fear to snowball into an overwhelming darkness that we cannot escape.

As for the flu shot my point is that I have reduced immune system and I cannot even take the flu shot. Every time I am out of the room I risk my health but I AM NOT LIVING IN FEAR.
Please read my post again.

I was saying that if we panic over one thing then it will be another and another and another until we are germaphobic and living locked in our house afraid that the postman will contaminate our mail, that the proselytizers who come to our house will engulf us in germs and that the groceries will have germs from strangers. We can fear one disease but if allowed to run amok then we can start fear to snowball into an overwhelming darkness that we cannot escape.

As for the flu shot my point is that I have reduced immune system and I cannot even take the flu shot. Every time I am out of the room I risk my health but I AM NOT LIVING IN FEAR.

No one's is saying that we should panic. Everyone, from the CDC to the WHO to Drs interviewed on the news, is saying that we should be vigilant about what we expose ourselves to, and vigilant about nipping it in the bud if one thinks one may be infected by immediately seeking help, because it is airborne and is a mutating virus. I am also immune compromised and I am not living in fear either. Instead, I believe that it is better to be educated about the dangers that are out there and educate myself on how to deal with those dangers rather than to bury my head in the sand and unintentinally make myself a target for the mutating viruses, when a little proactive, preventitive measures could be the difference betwen getting sick and possibly dying vs. living a nice, long, healthy, happy life - immune compromised and all. The death toll in Mexico is now up to 80 according to CNN.
By the way using all caps on the 'net is the equivalent of screaming. All caps, emboldened and size 7? That's a bit much, don't you think? No need to scream, my hearing and reading ability is just fine, thank you! :) Have a great day!
It may be worth noting that 88 people died of regular flu in the US 2007-2008 (see CDC website). So while swine flu might be a problem, it needs to be kept in proportion. Also, it appears able to be contained by regular flu antivirals. The five first cases in the US have all recovered, and only one required hospitalisation.

Best advice might be to follow usual hygiene precautions relating to flu, and keep an eye on the spread, using good quality sites, not just media. A case in point - school students have returned to Nz with 'suspected' swine flu - at this stage they have only tested positive for influenza strain A. It is possible they just have the flu - it is the start of our flu season here. Fingers crossed that is the case.

And just a note on bird flu - those that died from it died from bird to human contact - a pandemic was not possible because as yet the virus does not pass from human to human. Swine flu appears to be able to do so, yet it also appears to be controllable. So that's a good thing!

If you are travelling, enjoy your trip, and try not to worry. go see your doctor if you are really worried.
It may be worth noting that 88 people died of regular flu in the US 2007-2008 (see CDC website). So while swine flu might be a problem, it needs to be kept in proportion. Also, it appears able to be contained by regular flu antivirals. The five first cases in the US have all recovered, and only one required hospitalisation.

Best advice might be to follow usual hygiene precautions relating to flu, and keep an eye on the spread, using good quality sites, not just media. A case in point - school students have returned to Nz with 'suspected' swine flu - at this stage they have only tested positive for influenza strain A. It is possible they just have the flu - it is the start of our flu season here. Fingers crossed that is the case.
Those who did die of the regular flu were probably elderly and/or immune compromised. Hence the strong emphasis on vigilance and hygiene precautions. I agree with what you wrote except that you wrote 'the usual hygiene precautions.' There are a lot of people who wouldn't even know where to begin using basic hygiene. I see it all the time -- just one example is the people who use the restroom and leave without washing their hands. I've seen, men, women, and children do this. No kidding. I was in a public restroom the other day when a man walked in (I'm a woman in the woman's restroom, btw), handled his member, did his business and left -- without washing his hands. Then he proceeded to handle food serving items at a buffet where others after him had to handle the same items. Most of them ate using their now contaminated hands thanks to this disgusting man. People like that man obviously have no clue the number of disgusting organisms they are carrying around on their hands and transferring to other people/things that other people touch. Gross.
Where did you hear that the anti-virals worked to stop the progression of the swine flu? All I've heard is that no on in the U.S. needed anti-virals yet.

And just a note on bird flu - those that died from it died from bird to human contact - a pandemic was not possible because as yet the virus does not pass from human to human. Swine flu appears to be able to do so, yet it also appears to be controllable. So that's a good thing!

If you are travelling, enjoy your trip, and try not to worry. go see your doctor if you are really worried.
Interesting, I read the bird flu info on the CDC website. They were calling the avian flu pandemic on their website. That is the verbiage they used. CDC is not media and they should be credible as far as the info they dispense.

I have a trip coming up and I'm going. Because I am immune compromised, I may take extra precautions by using a face mask to filter out some of the junk that people may be passing around. We'll see...Other than that, I am big on hand washing for 30 seconds or longer under warm running water and soap, and I will carry hand sanitizer too just in case.
Hmmm going to American & Mexico so it is a bit of a worry but by September things should be under control. I will keep tabs on it but not worry too much at this stage.
Mexico is a country with many people living in very poor conditions without adequate sanitation or nutrition. That affects mortality rates.
The NZers who may have caught it are all recovering well with no major issues.
If the numbers of dead in a first world country reflect those numbers I'll start to worry. Right now as healthy people with good nutrition I wouldn't worry for our family. If any of us were immune compromised of course I might be slightly more careful about what we did and where we went.
my dads been sick for about a week now I have ordered my mom if he is still sick tomorrow take him to the doc.
Yes i am worried but that is because I am paranoid. Tho in the news they are saying it is now world out brake since New Zelend has positive cases now. then the 100 kids in new york school who were sick on Thursday.

I have been watching this carefuly be safe
Where did you hear that the anti-virals worked to stop the progression of the swine flu? All I've heard is that no on in the U.S. needed anti-virals yet.

Click on the "How is the virus treated" tab.

It is treated with Oseltamivir or Zanamivir. Works best if started within 2 days of onset of symptoms.

No need to panic. There are posts on the community board where people are considering taking their kids out of school. If that's necessary, the government will order them closed.
It sounds like the best thing to do at this point is see a doctor quickly if you experience flu like symptoms because it responds well to Tamiflu etc...I think someone mentioned the actual name of the drug.

I am glad to hear about the warnings because I am not someone who rushes to the doctor at the first sign of illness, I usually give it a day or two and see if we are getting better. (Except sore throats, because of strep. I usually take them in right away so they can get the throat swab and get started on antibiotics if they have it.)

We live in Texas but Texas is a huge state. The confirmed cases were in San Antonio, I think which is about 5 hours from here.

I am not going to pull my kids out of school but I will keep an eye out for the symptoms like I would any other illness. I think that is the best thing to do.

At our school , they do a great job of trying to keep things sanitized. There are Purell dispensers under the lightswitches by the door of very classroom and office. The kids come in and shake hands with the teacher and they are reminded to "get a squirt" as soon as they walk in. They also do this at other times throughout the day. The desks and other surfaces are sanitized during the teacher's conference period and after school. I know that nothing is perfect and illnesses can be found anywhere. I think that they do an amazing job of trying to keep things as clean as possible. They look at attendance for the classes and try to evaluate their cleaning procedures and make changes as needed.

So...I am concerned about swine flu and I am personally glad that the information is being presented so that we can be aware. I will continue to live life normally.

I just bought a new car yesterday and it is coming from San Antonio. Maybe I will give it a wipe-down just in case though!
The American news channels like to blow things waaaay out of proportion. I wouldn't worry too much, has there been any deaths in the US from the disease?

I heard that the only reported ones in the states have been successfully cured. Alot of what you see on the news down there is made to seem the end of the world, I'm not sure why it is, but that is the way it is done.
Yes, I am afraid because my middle son has a heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy with an additional history of pulmonary hypertension. We are lucky he is still with us at age 5 but he is immune-compromised and a serious case of the flu could mean death. The good news is that I think he is eligible to take Tamiflu now that he is over age 5 ... but that, in turn, makes me worried about his little brother.

Anyway, our planned road trip vacation is in jeopardy ... flying on a plane to San Diego and hitting many, many theme parks and museums all the way to San Francisco seems not very smart for my family. Full payment for our Disney package is due soon - we'll make our decision this week.

ETA: A friend of mine works in public health for one of the larger counties in CO and she was in all-day meetings re: swine flu on Friday. She says, if she were in my position, she wouldn't go.


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