Anyone concerned about the swine flu?

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Earning My Ears
Nov 18, 2007

Anyone concerned about catching the swine flu at disneyland since there is contact with a lot of people? Just wondering. I booked a disney vacation for May 3. I am considering on cancelling. I probably won't get my money back from disney travel since I didn't purchase the vacation protection plan.

Anyone concerned about catching the swine flu at disneyland since there is contact with a lot of people? Just wondering. I booked a disney vacation for May 3. I am considering on cancelling. I probably won't get my money back from disney travel since I didn't purchase the vacation protection plan.

In a word, yes.:scared: I get sick almost every time I go to DL just because I have asthma and allergies, and that coupled with the air pollution, millions of hands touching everything, and weather means I touch usually end up getting sick. So I'm worried about it. Add to that the Swine Flu is a respiratory type flu, so I'm really freaking. :scared1: Anyone who is immune compromised should be concerned. I already broached the idea of canceling with my DH and he said no way. He needs a vacay. So I'll be pounding the vitamins, and vigilantly washing my hands like a nutcase. I'll also lug along hand sanitizer (although that doesn't take the place of a good washing w/ soap and water).
The one thing we can't control is if people get it and are coughing all over the place. I wish the U.S. was more like Asia in that regard. Over there, if people are sick, they cover their mouth/nose by wearing a face mask out of courtesy for those who aren't sick. In the US, they just cough all over the place and very often forget to cover their mouths. It's just gross! I was coughed on at work yesterday by a guy standing a good 4 feet away from me and I could feel his spit land on my arm!:scared1: Imagine all the microscopic junk that became airborne that I and others around me ended up breathing in. :scared1: Disgusting! Anyway, I am now contemplating wearing a face mask to filter out the germs of the inconsiderate, ignorant people who cough all over the place and do not cover their mouths, as a preventative measure. I'll keep watching the news to see if there are any updates probably all the way up until I leave. So far, no one in the U.S. has required the use of anti-viral meds and no one has died in the U.S. So it's up to you if you want to cancel, but if I couldn't get my money back, I probably wouldn't unless I knew people were dying from it in this country. Then again, like they said on the news,it used to be that pandemics could be somewhat confined to certain areas or continents and tooks months or years to travel the globe, but not anymore with all the air travel, car travel, rail travel. People can be infected, not even know they are infected, and be passing it along as they go along in their merry way. By the time they wake up with symptoms they could be in another country where they've just infected everyone who came into their breathing space and shared the same air. :scared1:
On CNN they said the testing has shown that the virus in Mexico that killed 68 is the same virus in Cali. :scared:
On CNN just now a DR said that people should be very vigilant about washing their hands to avoid getting sick, and that if they have symptoms like coughing or sneezing, they should wear face masks so as not to contaminate the rest of the world. Would be nice if people would do that, but I've a feeling it's the immune compromised people and people who really are paranoid about getting sick who will be wearing the masks as a preventative measure. :sad2:
If I had a trip coming up to Disneyland, I wouldn't let this latest scare stop me! It seems that the death toll in Mexico is due to poor sanitary conditions and lack of medical services - the few cases in the US have been handled quite well. As with any of the "scares" that have popped up over the past few years - Bird Flu, West Nile, Flesh eating virus, Meningitis, and I can't even remember what else - I learn the symptoms, take heed of the precautions, and get on with my life. The chances of actually coming in contact with the virus are statistically almost nil. You are more likely to be run over by one of those crazy ART drivers on Harbor :scared1: than you are come in contact with the Swine Flu.
That said, if the CDC were actually to come out and say "Don't travel to the LA area" then of course I wouldn't take any unnecessary chances....not even for Mickey. But until that time comes, I wouldn't worry. :goodvibes
I'm not really worried about it at all...The population of the USA is 303,824,640 people and only 20 have been confirmed with having it. Chances of getting it just from going to DL...REALLY slim. Don't let it worry you.
We're going to DL on Tues - Thurs and no I don't plan on canceling. I usually pick up some virus or another everytime I fly, but that doesn't stop me from traveling. If it did, I never get to go anywhere. We do alot of hand washing, use Purell and I take Lysol wipes for our room and strollers.
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