anyone else feel angry about all this???


DIS Veteran
Sep 6, 2000
I feel so pissed off at the men behind all this trouble. I hate the way I feel. All this fear brought about by greedy men who want
to dominate the world. Now,I'm not saying that there aren't evil
females in the world,but when's the last time a woman started
a war?????

I feel really, really mad too. I hate feeling this way. :(
I agree, airhead....

That millions of people are being affected and may lose their lives due to the EGOS of a few arrogant fools has always ticked me off.
And I am willing to do what I can to help, short of joining the troops myself. I wonder if the threat to shopping malls, etc, is just a ploy to hurt us economically. Even if they don't attack, people will be too afraid to step inside and shop. There are a few sick men who need to be found and "taken care of". It is one thing to have your own beliefs, but to try to force them on others is a crime. I know we have things better here, and I am thankful for that every day. These people need to realize we are a force to be reckoned with. They will be dealt with. I hope sooner than later. :mad:
Personally I'm extremely pissed at our government right now for issuing this usless "alerts" that are so vague and do absolutely nothing but scare the hell out of everyone. . .

If they have evidence they need to get off television and go get the people rather then spreading this kind of paranoia and then telling people to go get duct tape. . :rolleyes:
Ladies, I really don't want to get into a debate concerning men vs. women. However, the President does have advisers, which include:

Condoleezza Rice
Originally posted by WillyJ
Personally I'm extremely pissed at our government right now for issuing this usless "alerts" that are so vague and do absolutely nothing but scare the hell out of everyone. . .

If they have evidence they need to get off television and go get the people rather then spreading this kind of paranoia and then telling people to go get duct tape. . :rolleyes:

You go, man, you go...
And as for the price of gasARGH!
Originally posted by WillyJ
Personally I'm extremely pissed at our government right now for issuing this usless "alerts" that are so vague and do absolutely nothing but scare the hell out of everyone. . .

If they have evidence they need to get off television and go get the people rather then spreading this kind of paranoia and then telling people to go get duct tape. . :rolleyes:

aMEN, Willy!

Advisors are just that, advisors. I'm sure Ms. Rice had nothing to do with the situation we're in today, no matter what how high up her job is. She's doing her job which is to do what has to be done due to this nonsence caused by the egos of people who are determined to have and hide the biggest gun. I swear, sometimes it sounds like the games my son and his friends play!
The fact is, the people that are causing the problems in our world right now are a few egotistical,power- hungry men who think every nation should believe in what they believe in. These men are willing to kill and destroy everything for their cause.

Every now and then Dan comes out with a zinger :eek: :eek:

Since there haven't really been too many females in positions of great power, I'm not sure it's a gender thing.

But I am pretty ticked about self-serving, egotists that use religion as a reason to destroy life.
I'm just angry that the way of life we have known has changed so drasticly. I worry about the kind of world my kids are going to grow up in. I'm sad, I'm angry, and I'm scared.
I like what Robin Williams said about if women ruled the world, "There would be no war, just tense negotiations once a month". :p
Remember after 9/11 the stink that the government had a warning that something was going to happen. I suspect it was the same general sort of warning and they chose not to alert people and cause needless panic. Now they are taking the other route. Announcing every time some middle-eastern terrorist org. sneezes. Why, what can we do. I agree with Willy. If somebody is threatening the safety of your citizens go get them. The waiting is making everybody sick.
I know I shouldn't be worried.

I know I shouldn't be afraid.

I have trusted in God through awful things in my life, but I'm feeling very vunerable this time. I don't know why. I shouldn't. Maybe it's because I feel we're not getting the truth. Maybe because I can't protect my children when they're not around me. I just keep praying for strength and mercy.
Well, I'm gonna say this anyway.............and get flamed.

If we lived our lives in accordance with the Lord (or whatever Higher Power) this would not happen.

We have fought to remove religion from our government, our schools, our very LIVES. We (the world) have brought this upon ourselves.

If you walk the path of the devil, you will see Hell.
I hate to be the one to point this out, Linda, but that sounds an awful lot like something I read by Osama! (not intended as a flame, and of course, you have every right to believe what you wish).
I hate to think of God as a vengeful God. Though to read the Old Testament, there was a lot of that. I don't know...but coming here and saying that is not going to win people over. Sorry, but it's not. Scarying people into salvation or whatever doesn't work.


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